The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 399 Reviving Uncle Han

After training, Ye Yun's meridians, bones, muscles, blood essence, dantian, and golden elixir are all filled with Taiyi's chaotic true energy, and every inch of his body releases the engulfing aura. hole.

Taiyi's chaotic true energy surpasses Taiyi's divine light and transcends divinity. The 33-day vine connects the chaotic world, combines the power of hell and the gods of the heavens into one, and then absorbs the original energy of Ye Yun to become Taiyi Chaos true energy, in essence, has surpassed the power of hell and the heavens.

It's just that Ye Yun's cultivation base is too low now, his strength is too weak, Taiyi's chaotic true energy has just formed, and it will change shape as Ye Yun continues to break through in the future. Qi will trample any force under its feet, and those who refuse to accept will be swallowed up.

This is the power of the king. The 33 Tianvine was born with the will of chaos, representing the way of heaven.

Taiyi Chaotic True Qi devours power, increasing the speed of cultivation to a terrifying level. It has only been less than three months since entering the cave to practice, and Taiyi Chaotic True Qi in the body has reached its peak state, and countless seas of Qi are also open to absorb, especially the dantian, the entire body. The dantian rotates slowly, and Taiyi's chaotic qi looks like a black hole, which can swallow any matter.

"Now is the time to find Chi Yun... Although the Daqian Shentu cannot pass through hell, it can be integrated into the hell world and avoid any strong people's pursuit!"

With a big hand, Ye Yun sucked the spirit-gathering array into his palm, and disappeared into his palm like a waterspout. After Ye Yun landed, he couldn't see any aura anymore. Is it a mortal or a fairy?No matter how you look at it, Ye Yun is just a mortal.

Walking out of the main hall, she appeared in the garden with natural scenery in a blink of an eye, and suddenly found that Qing Ming was walking on the grass, she was quiet, with a curious look on her face, and she couldn't help but think about every plant and thing. to touch.

Sleeping for several epochs, this kind of loneliness, only she knows what it feels like.

Qingming seems to have known that Ye Yun was watching her quietly from the side. The moment he turned around, Ye Yun felt that the two of them were separated by stars, infinitely far away. Qingming said coldly: "I have seen many geniuses, each You are like a monk, but I have never seen you like this, who can freely smelt the energy of hell and turn it into its own strength..."

"This hell world is in danger everywhere, and now the corpse poison has been cured, miss, I should also promise you, this is my divinity, Taiyi divine light!!!"

With a movement of the divine mind, the divine light of Taiyi in the body burst out, the holy light began to be released in the cave, and then the Nine Dragon ring above the heart was activated, a wonderful Nine Dragon Holy Light was released from the chest, and Ye Even the whole person looks like the supreme master, controlling the nine dragons, and roaming the stars.

"Sure enough, it's the Nine Dragons Seal..."

Taking a step forward, Qing Ming appeared in front of Ye Yun from ten feet away, stretched out her jade finger, and lightly touched the sacred light of the Nine Dragons Seal on Ye Yun's chest.


Ye Yun suddenly felt that the primordial spirit involuntarily followed an ancient force, and instantly entered the holy light of the Nine Dragons Seal. Just after entering, he found that the primordial spirit Qingming was quietly floating in the holy light.

Qing Ming was surrounded by the sacred light of the Nine Dragons Seal. She looked forward, the Nine Dragons ring that floated and released the ancient divinity, and exclaimed: "What an ancient artifact, a guardian artifact!!!"

Suddenly -.

The Nine Dragon Ring suddenly shook, its shape disappeared, forming an ancient channel, which naturally shot out a divine light, extending towards Ye Yun, and becoming one with Ye Yun.

"This is the first time I have faced the Nine Dragons Ring so closely. Before, I could only sense the Nine Dragons Ring. Now that Qing Ming is here, maybe she can help me solve some doubts!"

Feeling the familiar divinity released from the Jiulong ring, Ye Yun came to Qing Ming's side, and then led Qing Ming to the ancient passage.

After entering the supernatural powers, the two of them could not control themselves, and were immediately sucked into the depths by the ancient divinity of the passage, and the scene changed suddenly. An ancient and desolate altar appeared in front of the two of them. Once entered the cave door, there is a miracle inside.

Qing Ming's eyes fell on the altar, and he looked at Ye Yun in shock: "Is this...could it be a miracle!!!?"

"How do you know it's a miracle?"

Ye Yun was even more shocked than Qing Ming. The miracle was the only existence he knew of. The inheritance of the gods was just the inheritance of the gods. However, Ye Yun also felt that other inheritors would also have miracles. Although it was shocking, he also understood .

"In the ancient times, many gods fell. After the gods fell, the gods wandered among the countless chaotic world planes, looking for destined people!"

"Ordinary gods cannot possess miracles. Miracles are the supreme rulers and are used to protect the existence of chaos. Every miracle is a seat owned by the supreme god. Miracles are the pillars that support the world. The power of God, the master of the miracle, exists in the deepest part of the chaos, the master of the miracle, that is the Supreme God!"

"Gods also have high and low status. Heavenly gods, holy gods, god emperors, god kings, supreme gods, masters...the supreme gods are only under the great masters. The ancient divine books once recorded that the great masters created a hundred Zero and eight miracles, in the evolution of ancient chaos, one hundred and eight miracles guard the entire chaos, bless all creatures!"

"If it's really a miracle, it's really inconceivable... Why did the great Supreme God fall, and why did the miracle fall in the mortal world? Moreover, the miracle is above the heavens, guarding the entire chaotic world, With the advent of miracles, wouldn’t the chaos also be changed? Could it be that the catastrophe of chaos really exists, isn’t it a legend?”

Qingming looked excited, unable to extricate herself, and walked step by step towards the ancient, misty and incomparably sacred cave gate. Inside the cave gate, there was a miracle, but for Qing Ming, she couldn't see through the cave gate. What.

"Why do you know so much about the God Realm of the Heavens?"

Suddenly, Ye Yun frowned, feeling beyond shock, and asked: "God, isn't it a legendary existence? Could it be that in the supreme heaven, there really is a great living god?"

"Hell is an existence that coexists with the realms of the gods. Hell has eighteen floors, and eighteen floors of hell. We are now in the world of eighteen floors. In the hell below the tenth floor, there lives a powerful and supreme god of the underworld. The God of Hades is the same as the gods of heaven, they are all gods, the difference is that the gods of hell represent darkness, while the gods of heaven represent light and justice!"

Qing Ming was stunned for a while, and then there was a burst of divine light hidden in his pupils, and he continued: "In the family, there are many ancient books that are sealed. I have read them since I was a child, and I understand them naturally. Moreover, hell is different from your great world and fairy world. The face is different, hell is the closest place to the gods, even in my family, there is a great god of hell, and you, you have to start training from mortals, step by step through the kalpa and ascend to become immortals. After years of practice, you will eventually be promoted to the realm of the gods and become a god. Light and darkness are too far away, and you are too far away from hell. It is just an accident that you can come to hell. For many years, only immortals and demons dare to break into hell. Seal countless secrets..."

"Eighteen floors of hell!!!?"

Hearing these words, Ye Yun was even more shocked. Hell, he is above the [-]th floor of hell, and there are [-] floors of hell. Moreover, the world of hell is simply the realm of the gods. , It seems that hell is really big, too big, just like the Great Thousand World, each layer is higher and higher, and the creatures are more powerful than each layer.

This is hell, the [-]th floor of hell, comparable to the existence of the heavens and gods, completely trampling mortals and immortals under their feet, the creatures of hell are arrogant, because they stand on the same plane as the gods, and they are all supreme existences .

Moreover, Ye Yun also heard that there are countless families and forces in hell, such as Qing Ming, who seems to be behind an ancient hell family. It turns out that hell is just like the human world, but hell is always dark.

"To you mortals, hell is as mysterious as the realm of the gods. Only immortals are qualified to steal the realm of the gods and peep into the boundless hell. You mortals just live in the gap between the heavens and hell... "

"But you are different. You have received the inheritance of the gods. Moreover, this is the legendary miracle, the real miracle. Since ancient times, the miracle will also fall. If you can get the miracle, it is the will of the Supreme God. No wonder ... No wonder I can't strip your divinity!"

At this moment, Qingming Fangfo saw through all the secrets of Ye Yun, she sighed softly, with a disappointed expression on her face: "It seems that I cannot share your miracle...there is only one owner of the miracle, and there are hundreds of people in the world." Of eight miracles, one has fallen, it seems that there is a catastrophe in the chaos..."

Ye Yun came to Qingming's side, stood in front of the foggy cave door, and asked: "Miss, can you show me the books about the realm of the gods?"

"No, the gods are supreme, because you are the inheritor of the gods, I will tell you so many secrets about hell and the gods of the heavens, even immortals, it is impossible to know so many ancient secrets like you, great The gods are legends, they are sleeping, and I don’t need to tell you, when you unlock the secrets of the miracles step by step, you will naturally know more, the miracles are created by the master, and the master is the master of chaos , if you can become the master of miracles, maybe you might be able to find out the secret of chaos!"

Faced with Ye Yun's questioning, Qing Ming shook his head face to face.

"I really didn't expect... there really was another miracle born..." Without Qing Ming's answer, Ye Yun looked at the cave door disappointedly, but at this moment, Qing Ming's heart was still deeply shocked.

Put Buddha, she knows everything, but can't say it, she seems to carry the cycle of all things.


Condensing a piece of Taiyi divine light and hitting it into the cave, Ye Yun wanted to try to see if he could enter the miraculous place again, but with one palm, the Taiyi divine light disappeared as if it had been thrown into the water. Looking at it, the entire Shenwu cave door is even deeper, as if there is a mystery of heaven and earth hidden in it.

Even the mysterious mist at the cave gate contains infinite mantras everywhere. If you can break any of the mantras, you may be blessed by God.

Qingming immediately stopped Ye Yun: "It's best not to open the passage forcefully. Since Miracle has recognized you, it will take the initiative to summon you. The next time you summon you, you will get a bigger treasure!"

"It's just a pity. If I hadn't come to hell this time, I would not have entered here again. After I got the miracle, this is the second time for me to come in. Now that I have come, I want to enter the miracle. See What kind of world is Miracle!"

Regarding Qing Ming, Ye Yun did not hide anything, the first time he entered the Miracle, Ye Yun was just the primordial spirit, and after entering the Miracle, he placed the Buddha in an illusionary space, not a physical space, if the Miracle is what Qing Ming said That way, then miracles are real, that is to say, Ye Yun has never experienced what a real miracle is.

It seems that the cultivation base is not enough, so we can only wait for the miracle to call actively.

"Huh? Why is there a residual soul here?"

On the altar in the silent passage of miracles, Qing Ming heard faint footsteps and breathing, she glanced at Ye Yun suspiciously, then turned around immediately.

"Uncle Han!!!"

Ye Yun was also shocked, how could there be other primordial spirits inside the tunnel of the Nine Dragons ring, turned around and looked, and was shocked, it was Uncle Han who had been disappearing all the time, Uncle Han was lying flat in the void, slowly floating, sleeping peacefully .

"I see……"

With a flash of his body, Ye Yun appeared next to Uncle Han, and suddenly found that there was a lot of Taiyi divine light around Uncle Han, imprisoning Uncle Han. At this moment, Ye Yun saw Uncle Han for the first time. In Ye Yun's eyes, Uncle Han is his relative, elder, and friend.

With today's achievements, he is inseparable from Uncle Han. Since the miracle first appeared, Uncle Han has disappeared. Ye Yun couldn't respond, and Uncle Han didn't take the initiative to show up. Unexpectedly, Uncle Han entered the inner passage of the Nine Dragons Ring space.

Ye Yun couldn't enter the Jiulong Ring, so naturally he couldn't find Uncle Han.

A cold wind blew, and Qingming came riding the wind, and the cold light swept across the sleeping Uncle Han: "This primordial spirit seems to have resisted the majesty of the guardian artifact, and the guardian artifact has merged with you, and the primordial spirit is yours again!" My dear, that's why the guardian artifact didn't kill him, and sealed him here, didn't you get a total of three flowers of evil fruit, did you prepare it for this person?"

"That's right, this time it's really right!"

Ye Yun nodded, then held Uncle Han with one hand, and said to Qing Ming: "Since we can't enter the miracle, let's go out!"

The primordial spirit unleashed its powerful controlling power, and the entire artifact channel began to transform. An ancient force enveloped the two of them and slowly floated into the channel.


In the cave, Ye Yun and Qing Ming's physical bodies suddenly moved, and they opened their eyes at the same time, their souls returned to their positions, Ye Yun waved his hands impatiently, Uncle Han appeared, and then a dark light flashed from the Da Luo Ring: "The flower of evil fruit!! !"

Qingming knew what Ye Yun was going to do, so he reminded: "The flower of evil fruit is brewed by the power of hell water, which contains blood essence, primordial spirit, life genes, etc. You need a drop of blood as a primer, and you can instantly Reshape the flesh, and he can be reborn!"

"Well, hell's dark water has melted so many gods, immortals, and ancient powerful giant beast bones, and the life essence in it is naturally dense and knotted!!!"

With a light wave of his hand, the devil's flower began to release the light of management. The light of hell was also white, covering the sleeping Uncle Han instantly, and the petals of the devil's flower began to fall off one by one, actively blending into Uncle Han's primordial spirit, exuberant and powerful Life essence began to be released.


A drop of blood dripped from Ye Yun's finger, and landed on Uncle Han's body. He let Buddha fall on the calm water surface. In an instant, the blood essence merged with the devil's flower and Uncle Han's primordial spirit, and countless blood essences were released from the blood. The devil's flower began to extend, enveloping Uncle Han, forming a bloody human body, which looked very bloody. Then, skin began to appear, and the pores were even clearly visible.After training, Ye Yun's meridians, bones, muscles, blood essence, dantian, and golden elixir are all filled with Taiyi's chaotic true energy, and every inch of his body releases the devouring aura. hole.

Taiyi's chaotic true energy surpasses Taiyi's divine light and transcends divinity. The 33-day vine connects the chaotic world, combines the power of hell and the gods of the heavens into one, and then absorbs the original energy of Ye Yun to become Taiyi Chaos true energy, in essence, has surpassed the power of hell and the heavens.

It's just that Ye Yun's cultivation base is too low now, his strength is too weak, Taiyi's chaotic true energy has just formed, and it will change shape as Ye Yun continues to break through in the future. Qi will trample any force under its feet, and those who refuse to accept will be swallowed up.

This is the power of the king. The 33 Tianvine was born with the will of chaos, representing the way of heaven.

Taiyi Chaotic True Qi devours power, increasing the speed of cultivation to a terrifying level. It has only been less than three months since entering the cave to practice, and Taiyi Chaotic True Qi in the body has reached its peak state, and countless seas of Qi are also open to absorb, especially the dantian, the entire body. The dantian rotates slowly, and Taiyi's chaotic qi looks like a black hole, which can swallow any matter.

"Now is the time to find Chi Yun... Although the Daqian Shentu cannot pass through hell, it can be integrated into the hell world and avoid any strong people's pursuit!"

With a big hand, Ye Yun sucked the spirit-gathering array into his palm, and disappeared into his palm like a waterspout. After Ye Yun landed, he couldn't see any aura anymore. Is it a mortal or a fairy?No matter how you look at it, Ye Yun is just a mortal.

Walking out of the main hall, she appeared in the garden with natural scenery in a blink of an eye, and suddenly found that Qing Ming was walking on the grass, she was quiet, with a curious look on her face, and she couldn't help but think about every plant and thing. to touch.

Sleeping for several epochs, this kind of loneliness, only she knows what it feels like.

Qingming seems to have known that Ye Yun was watching her quietly from the side. The moment he turned around, Ye Yun felt that the two of them were separated by stars, infinitely far away. Qingming said coldly: "I have seen many geniuses, each You are like a monk, but I have never seen you like this, who can freely smelt the energy of hell and turn it into its own strength..."

"This hell world is in danger everywhere, and now the corpse poison has been cured, miss, I should also promise you, this is my divinity, Taiyi divine light!!!"

With a movement of the divine mind, the divine light of Taiyi in the body burst out, the holy light began to be released in the cave, and then the Nine Dragon ring above the heart was activated, a wonderful Nine Dragon Holy Light was released from the chest, and Ye Even the whole person looks like the supreme master, controlling the nine dragons, and roaming the stars.

"Sure enough, it's the Nine Dragons Seal..."

Taking a step forward, Qing Ming appeared in front of Ye Yun from ten feet away, stretched out her jade finger, and lightly touched the sacred light of the Nine Dragons Seal on Ye Yun's chest.


Ye Yun suddenly felt that the primordial spirit involuntarily followed an ancient force, and instantly entered the holy light of the Nine Dragons Seal. Just after entering, he found that the primordial spirit Qingming was quietly floating in the holy light.

Qing Ming was surrounded by the sacred light of the Nine Dragons Seal. She looked forward, the Nine Dragons ring that floated and released the ancient divinity, and exclaimed: "What an ancient artifact, a guardian artifact!!!"

Suddenly -.

The Nine Dragon Ring suddenly shook, its shape disappeared, forming an ancient channel, which naturally shot out a divine light, extending towards Ye Yun, and becoming one with Ye Yun.

"This is the first time I have faced the Nine Dragons Ring so closely. Before, I could only sense the Nine Dragons Ring. Now that Qing Ming is here, maybe she can help me solve some doubts!"

Feeling the familiar divinity released from the Jiulong ring, Ye Yun came to Qing Ming's side, and then led Qing Ming to the ancient passage.

After entering the supernatural powers, the two of them could not control themselves, and were immediately sucked into the depths by the ancient divinity of the passage, and the scene changed suddenly. An ancient and desolate altar appeared in front of the two of them. Once entered the cave door, there is a miracle inside.

Qing Ming's eyes fell on the altar, and he looked at Ye Yun in shock: "Is this...could it be a miracle!!!?"

"How do you know it's a miracle?"

Ye Yun was even more shocked than Qing Ming. The miracle was the only existence he knew of. The inheritance of the gods was just the inheritance of the gods. However, Ye Yun also felt that other inheritors would also have miracles. Although it was shocking, he also understood .

"In the ancient times, many gods fell. After the gods fell, the gods wandered among the countless chaotic world planes, looking for destined people!"

"Ordinary gods cannot possess miracles. Miracles are the supreme rulers and are used to protect the existence of chaos. Every miracle is a seat owned by the supreme god. Miracles are the pillars that support the world. The power of God, the master of the miracle, exists in the deepest part of the chaos, the master of the miracle, that is the Supreme God!"

"Gods also have high and low status. Heavenly gods, holy gods, god emperors, god kings, supreme gods, masters...the supreme gods are only under the great masters. The ancient divine books once recorded that the great masters created a hundred Zero and eight miracles, in the evolution of ancient chaos, one hundred and eight miracles guard the entire chaos, bless all creatures!"

"If it's really a miracle, it's really inconceivable... Why did the great Supreme God fall, and why did the miracle fall in the mortal world? Moreover, the miracle is above the heavens, guarding the entire chaotic world, With the advent of miracles, wouldn’t the chaos also be changed? Could it be that the catastrophe of chaos really exists, isn’t it a legend?”

Qingming looked excited, unable to extricate herself, and walked step by step towards the ancient, misty and incomparably sacred cave gate. Inside the cave gate, there was a miracle, but for Qing Ming, she couldn't see through the cave gate. What.

"Why do you know so much about the God Realm of the Heavens?"

Suddenly, Ye Yun frowned, feeling beyond shock, and asked: "God, isn't it a legendary existence? Could it be that in the supreme heaven, there really is a great living god?"

"Hell is an existence that coexists with the realms of the gods. Hell has eighteen floors, and eighteen floors of hell. We are now in the world of eighteen floors. In the hell below the tenth floor, there lives a powerful and supreme god of the underworld. The God of Hades is the same as the gods of heaven, they are all gods, the difference is that the gods of hell represent darkness, while the gods of heaven represent light and justice!"

Qing Ming was stunned for a while, and then there was a burst of divine light hidden in his pupils, and he continued: "In the family, there are many ancient books that are sealed. I have read them since I was a child, and I understand them naturally. Moreover, hell is different from your great world and fairy world. The face is different, hell is the closest place to the gods, even in my family, there is a great god of hell, and you, you have to start training from mortals, step by step through the kalpa and ascend to become immortals. After years of practice, you will eventually be promoted to the realm of the gods and become a god. Light and darkness are too far away, and you are too far away from hell. It is just an accident that you can come to hell. For many years, only immortals and demons dare to break into hell. Seal countless secrets..."

"Eighteen floors of hell!!!?"

Hearing these words, Ye Yun was even more shocked. Hell, he is above the [-]th floor of hell, and there are [-] floors of hell. Moreover, the world of hell is simply the realm of the gods. , It seems that hell is really big, too big, just like the Great Thousand World, each layer is higher and higher, and the creatures are more powerful than each layer.

This is hell, the [-]th floor of hell, comparable to the existence of the heavens and gods, completely trampling mortals and immortals under their feet, the creatures of hell are arrogant, because they stand on the same plane as the gods, and they are all supreme existences .

Moreover, Ye Yun also heard that there are countless families and forces in hell, such as Qing Ming, who seems to be behind an ancient hell family. It turns out that hell is just like the human world, but hell is always dark.

"To you mortals, hell is as mysterious as the realm of the gods. Only immortals are qualified to steal the realm of the gods and peep into the boundless hell. You mortals just live in the gap between the heavens and hell... "

"But you are different. You have received the inheritance of the gods. Moreover, this is the legendary miracle, the real miracle. Since ancient times, the miracle will also fall. If you can get the miracle, it is the will of the Supreme God. No wonder ... No wonder I can't strip your divinity!"

At this moment, Qingming Fangfo saw through all the secrets of Ye Yun, she sighed softly, with a disappointed expression on her face: "It seems that I cannot share your miracle...there is only one owner of the miracle, and there are hundreds of people in the world." Of eight miracles, one has fallen, it seems that there is a catastrophe in the chaos..."

Ye Yun came to Qingming's side, stood in front of the foggy cave door, and asked: "Miss, can you show me the books about the realm of the gods?"

"No, the gods are supreme, because you are the inheritor of the gods, I will tell you so many secrets about hell and the gods of the heavens, even immortals, it is impossible to know so many ancient secrets like you, great The gods are legends, they are sleeping, and I don’t need to tell you, when you unlock the secrets of the miracles step by step, you will naturally know more, the miracles are created by the master, and the master is the master of chaos , if you can become the master of miracles, maybe you might be able to find out the secret of chaos!"

Faced with Ye Yun's questioning, Qing Ming shook his head face to face.

"I really didn't expect... there really was another miracle born..." Without Qing Ming's answer, Ye Yun looked at the cave door disappointedly, but at this moment, Qing Ming's heart was still deeply shocked.

Put Buddha, she knows everything, but can't say it, she seems to carry the cycle of all things.


Condensing a piece of Taiyi divine light and hitting it into the cave, Ye Yun wanted to try to see if he could enter the miraculous place again, but with one palm, the Taiyi divine light disappeared as if it had been thrown into the water. Looking at it, the entire Shenwu cave door is even deeper, as if there is a mystery of heaven and earth hidden in it.

Even the mysterious mist at the cave gate contains infinite mantras everywhere. If you can break any of the mantras, you may be blessed by God.

Qingming immediately stopped Ye Yun: "It's best not to open the passage forcefully. Since Miracle has recognized you, it will take the initiative to summon you. The next time you summon you, you will get a bigger treasure!"

"It's just a pity. If I hadn't come to hell this time, I would not have entered here again. After I got the miracle, this is the second time for me to come in. Now that I have come, I want to enter the miracle. See What kind of world is Miracle!"

Regarding Qing Ming, Ye Yun did not hide anything, the first time he entered the Miracle, Ye Yun was just the primordial spirit, and after entering the Miracle, he placed the Buddha in an illusionary space, not a physical space, if the Miracle is what Qing Ming said That way, then miracles are real, that is to say, Ye Yun has never experienced what a real miracle is.

It seems that the cultivation base is not enough, so we can only wait for the miracle to call actively.

"Huh? Why is there a residual soul here?"

On the altar in the silent passage of miracles, Qing Ming heard faint footsteps and breathing, she glanced at Ye Yun suspiciously, then turned around immediately.

"Uncle Han!!!"

Ye Yun was also shocked, how could there be other primordial spirits inside the tunnel of the Nine Dragons ring, turned around and looked, and was shocked, it was Uncle Han who had been disappearing all the time, Uncle Han was lying flat in the void, slowly floating, sleeping peacefully .

"I see……"

With a flash of his body, Ye Yun appeared next to Uncle Han, and suddenly found that there was a lot of Taiyi divine light around Uncle Han, imprisoning Uncle Han. At this moment, Ye Yun saw Uncle Han for the first time. In Ye Yun's eyes, Uncle Han is his relative, elder, and friend.

With today's achievements, he is inseparable from Uncle Han. Since the miracle first appeared, Uncle Han has disappeared. Ye Yun couldn't respond, and Uncle Han didn't take the initiative to show up. Unexpectedly, Uncle Han entered the inner passage of the Nine Dragons Ring space.

Ye Yun couldn't enter the Jiulong Ring, so naturally he couldn't find Uncle Han.

A cold wind blew, and Qingming came riding the wind, and the cold light swept across the sleeping Uncle Han: "This primordial spirit seems to have resisted the majesty of the guardian artifact, and the guardian artifact has merged with you, and the primordial spirit is yours again!" My dear, that's why the guardian artifact didn't kill him, and sealed him here, didn't you get a total of three flowers of evil fruit, did you prepare it for this person?"

"That's right, this time it's really right!"

Ye Yun nodded, then held Uncle Han with one hand, and said to Qing Ming: "Since we can't enter the miracle, let's go out!"

The primordial spirit unleashed its powerful controlling power, and the entire artifact channel began to transform. An ancient force enveloped the two of them and slowly floated into the channel.


In the cave, Ye Yun and Qing Ming's physical bodies suddenly moved, and they opened their eyes at the same time, their souls returned to their positions, Ye Yun waved his hands impatiently, Uncle Han appeared, and then a dark light flashed from the Da Luo Ring: "The flower of evil fruit!! !"

Qingming knew what Ye Yun was going to do, so he reminded: "The flower of evil fruit is brewed by the power of hell water, which contains blood essence, primordial spirit, life genes, etc. You need a drop of blood as a primer, and you can instantly Reshape the flesh, and he can be reborn!"

"Well, hell's dark water has melted so many gods, immortals, and ancient powerful giant beast bones, and the life essence in it is naturally dense and knotted!!!"

With a light wave of his hand, the devil's flower began to release the light of management. The light of hell was also white, covering the sleeping Uncle Han instantly, and the petals of the devil's flower began to fall off one by one, actively blending into Uncle Han's primordial spirit, exuberant and powerful Life essence began to be released.


A drop of blood dripped from Ye Yun's finger, and landed on Uncle Han's body. He let Buddha fall on the calm water surface. In an instant, the blood essence merged with the devil's flower and Uncle Han's primordial spirit, and countless blood essences were released from the blood. The devil's flower began to extend, enveloping Uncle Han, forming a bloody human body, which looked very bloody. Then, skin began to appear, and the pores were even clearly visible.

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