
Ye Yun was lying on the bed, his red robe was dyed bright red, especially the clear bloodstains were still visible on his chest, he felt as if his tongue and throat were on fire, his whole body was exhausted and his head seemed to be in a lump. Paste couldn't think of anything.

He... just wants to drink water.

The body lacks water, and it is a lot of water. There is only one reason for this—the body has lost a lot of blood, which eventually leads to severe dehydration.

In a daze, Ye Yun felt that someone was feeding him water, and then he passed out again.


I don't know how long it took, Ye Yun suddenly groaned, and before he opened his eyes, a familiar voice came from his ear: "Master, the young master seems to be awake!"

"You go down first!" Another familiar voice came, this voice was no longer indifferent, full of magnetism and hoarseness, and infinite affinity.

Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head to look, and indeed saw a tall and familiar figure, and shouted with great effort: "Father..."

Ye Yuan immediately got up and strode to the bedside, and pressed Ye Yun's shoulder: "Yun'er, don't move around, Daddy will give you a Huaxue Pill, it will take a few days before you can get out of bed and walk around."

"Father, how long have I been in a coma? By the way, it seems that the Yan family sent someone to say something about retiring the engagement. Yes, I remember it clearly." Ye Yun was very tired, shaking his head and unable to regain energy, asked a few times, and suddenly opened his eyes wide Looking at Ye Yuan, there was a look of expectation in that look.

With just one look, Ye Yuan seemed to know what Ye Yun was thinking. He sat by the bed, picked up a glass of water and gave Ye Yun a few sips. After Ye Yun calmed down a little, Ye Yuan said, "Yun'er, Daddy made a move that day. It is also a last resort. You know the situation of our family. Although we have a place in Scarlet Cloud City, the Yan family, the Qin family and many more families are eyeing my Ye family. If you hurt the Yan family boy that day, then the Yan family I will definitely trouble the Ye family, but to take a step back, if the Yan family dared to send a young man, it means there must be a conspiracy, at that time, father carefully studied the young man, but he couldn't see his cultivation level."

Ye Yun opened his mouth wide with astonishment on his face: "What? Dad, you are a nine-layer flesh immortal strongman, even you can't tell, could it be...?"

"That's right, it's exactly what you think. Not only is that boy not a boy, he might be a monk of the Yan family. As for why the Yan family sent him here, I still can't figure it out." Ye Yuan nodded.

"The Yan family is a giant in Scarlet Cloud City, why did the Yan family take the initiative to marry?"

"On the surface, Chiyun City is respected by the Yan family. In fact, the Qin family and many other families have long wanted to replace the Yan family, and the Yan family has been recruiting helpers. You broke through the second and third levels of meat immortals repeatedly at the age of ten. It has already been spread that the Yan family saw the potential in you, so they sent someone to marry me. In order to compete with other families, my father had to agree, and Yan Linlang, the third daughter of Yan Zhan, was also a piece of rough jade. I heard that she was smart since she was a child. , Dad thought about it carefully, and he was indeed a good match for you, so he agreed."

"So it turns out... my marriage was a deal."

Ye Yun sighed endlessly, the shadow and pain left by Ye Yuan's palm disappeared instantly.

The room was silent for a while, and after a long time, Ye Yuan came to remind him to care: "Yun'er, take a rest for a few days, don't get angry, as for your marriage with the Yan family, father will definitely go to the Yan family to discuss and settle it." clear."

Ye Yun watched Ye Yuan leave. At that moment, Ye Yun blamed himself and felt heartbroken. Thinking of his father carrying too many burdens on his shoulders, he felt guilty and painful.

Too much happened to Ye Yun in the past six months, which seemed to be more than everything in his 15 years. First, everyone in the family and even the whole city flattered the genius, and then he was abolished and reduced to a mortal, and then at the big wedding banquet of the adult ceremony Encountering great shame and humiliation, retiring the engagement, everything happened too quickly.

It's only been a few months, but to Ye Yun, it seems to be a lifetime, longer than a lifetime, maybe this is his human gift.

Ye Yun felt very tired, and he really wanted to fall asleep all the time. He practiced Iron Fighting Kungfu for several years from the age of six, regardless of winter or summer. How difficult it was.

Working hard, in exchange for an empty dream, Ye Yun feels like his body is like the meat of thousands of ants, and he is in pain.

"Junior, are you going to retreat when you encounter this setback? Are you still a descendant of the Ye family?"

Suddenly, when Ye Yun was in a low mood, his eyebrows suddenly turned cold and hot, and a familiar voice floated into his ears.

"Who? Who is talking?" Ye Yun endured the pain and sat upright, looking around vigilantly, feeling that his body was about to break, and his body was in pain like being cut by thousands of knives.

But there was no one in the room, Ye Yun was very puzzled, but the voice sounded again: "I am between your eyebrows, think about it quietly, it is that tear, which seals part of my consciousness."


Ye Yun couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air, and immediately stroked the center of his eyebrows. The scene in the ancestral hall that day clearly came to mind, and he immediately asked with great respect: "Senior, is the ancestor of my Ye family?"

"You're smart." The voice praised.

Ye Yun scratched his head: "Senior... ancestor, what should I call you?"

"It doesn't matter how you call it. You and I are both practitioners. Name, time, status, and honor are all unimportant. Just call me 'Uncle Han'."

"Uncle Han!" Ye Yun shouted respectfully, knowing the other person's name instantly in his heart. Uncle Han, the ancestor of the Ye family, should have the word Ye Han in his name. Can you?"

Uncle Han's voice immediately rang in Ye Yun's ears and mind: "That's right, I carved it myself before my fall."

"Falling? Could it be Uncle Han?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

The voice of the ages came out: "I have been dead for thousands of years. Before I died, I sealed the last power in the stone statue and set a chance. If the descendants of the Ye family worship the stone statue devoutly, the seal will be released automatically. I will get part of my strength, as well as my residual consciousness. I am very relieved and discouraged. After thousands of years, only you have enthusiasm and sincerity. The most important thing is that you have something that many people do not have. It is always caused by fate. When you and I meet, it is both fate and destiny."

Ye Yun was shocked physically and mentally, after listening, he was overwhelmed by Uncle Han's extraordinary aura, respected Uncle Han from the bottom of his heart, and suddenly thought of something: "Uncle Han, I always feel that your stone statue seems to have some secret, there is an indescribable feeling. "

"So you are very smart and extraordinary, and you can sense powers that even monks can't sense. Yes, that stone statue of Uncle Han does have a big secret, because that secret once caused the Ye family to bleed like a river. It can also be said that , The current decline of the Ye family is all caused by that secret, otherwise, the Ye family is at least a super family comparable to the Bai family."

"What's the secret?" Ye Yun was in a rush. The Bai family is the largest family in the world and controls the huge Baiyu Dynasty. Ye Yun couldn't help asking.

"Based on your current cultivation, it's better not to know. Meat Immortal is the most important stage of cultivating the Immortal Foundation. Knowing too much will only bring you a burden. Only when you become a Celestial Immortal one day will you be qualified to know."

"Heavenly Immortal!" Ye Yun was extremely shocked, he had never heard this word before, but he also understood that Heaven and Earth should be higher than Meat Immortals, maybe even more powerful than Earth Immortals, otherwise they wouldn't be called Heavenly Immortals.

Uncle Han said coldly and arrogantly: "Ye Yun, the world you see is too small. Meat immortals and earth immortals are nothing more than ants, and heavenly immortals are real monks. The real strong are human immortals. There are even half immortals above human immortals. A half-immortal can destroy Xuanwumen with just one move."

The hairs on Ye Yun's whole body stood on end: "Half Immortal, destroy the Xuanwu Gate with one move??"

"There are four realms in cultivating immortals: meat immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, and human immortals. Meat immortals are mortals who refine their bodies, and earth immortals are considered beginners in cultivation. Heavenly immortals condense the sky to form golden pills, and their life spans are thousands of years. Human immortals are even more terrible. A lifespan of ten thousand years is still short, and if a human immortal becomes a half-immortal, he can ascend to another world." Uncle Han continued.

"Another world?" Ye Yun was incredulous.

"I don't know what that world is, it's just a rumor."

"Could it be that Uncle Han is a half-immortal?" Thinking of Uncle Han's ability to still be alive after death, he asked curiously.

Uncle Han snorted softly: "It's not so easy to become a half-immortal. If 10 people practice at the same time, maybe none of them will become half-immortal in the end. Uncle Han is just a monk, with a little more knowledge than monks. Moreover, Uncle Han used to be a half-immortal." He is also a disciple of the Xuanwu Sect, compared to those ten thousand-year giants of human immortals, Uncle Han is only a giant of the ages."

Ye Yun's eyes were like torches: "Eternal giant? Uncle Han, then you are at least a celestial being!"

"It's really smart, you can get it right, okay, Uncle Han should rest for a while, you can get out of bed and walk around tomorrow, Uncle Han can still do this." Uncle Han praised.

Ye Yun suddenly lay down, and said weakly: "Unfortunately..."

Uncle Han asked: "Why are you sighing at such a young age? It sounds like you've lived longer than Uncle Han."

"If I could have met Uncle Han earlier, then I might have become as strong as Uncle Han. What a pity my dantian... What a pity!" After Ye Yun finished speaking, he subconsciously placed his hand on his lower abdomen.

Uncle Han immediately shouted: "I thought it was a big deal, you just have such a little ambition? I think that Uncle Han had practiced iron and iron for ten years without great success, and there were loopholes in his dantian. Didn't he achieve a high level of cultivation through hard work?" , you just opened a few holes in your dantian."

"Cultivate even if the dantian leaks air?" In an instant, Ye Yun admired and respected Uncle Han even more.

Uncle Han's tone was very ordinary: "Usually speaking, it is not possible, but Uncle Han accidentally obtained an ancient body training method, which can repair many defects of the physical body."

Hearing this, Ye Yun's body trembled, his blood boiled with excitement, and he was extremely excited: "Can you repair the defects of the physical body? Then the younger generation's dantian can also...!"


"Finally there is hope!"


"Uncle Han, what's the matter?" Hearing that Uncle Han's tone paused, Fangfo couldn't open his mouth, Ye Yun was very anxious, wishing to ask the question right away.

After a long time, Uncle Han said: "That technique is against the sky. Practicing one day will reduce one day's lifespan, and practicing it for ten years will reduce ten years' lifespan. Practicing it is equivalent to slow suicide. The same effect is also very strange. It can increase the practitioner's physical strength several times. , if it is the second level of the physical body, once it is cultivated, the strength can be increased several times, even ten times, and one person is equivalent to the strength of ten people of the same realm."

Slow suicide!

Increase the strength several times!

The stabbing and passionate words made Ye Yun dumbfounded, what kind of kung fu is that.

Suddenly, Ye Yun couldn't hear Uncle Han's voice anymore. He waited quietly for a while, and couldn't help calling Uncle Han a few times, but he didn't get a response. It seemed that he really went to rest.

Ye Yun was lying on the bed, looking at Fang Liang with a face full of lust, as if he had made some decision.

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