In the early morning, there was a rare heavy fog, which was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe.

The backyard of Ye Mansion.

Hoo hoo... puff!

The fist wind roared, and the strong wind blew up, turning clouds and rain in the sea of ​​fog, tearing open a hole, and a group of steady and burly figures appeared under the fog.

Ye Yun's back is like a bow, his fists are like flying arrows, and his legs are like shooting stars. There is an explosion between the opening and closing of the bow.

The second level of meat fairy, the moves, is to practice various martial arts, such as boxing, kicking, swordsmanship, etc., on the basis of the first level, cooperate with martial arts to continuously strengthen the physical body, so that the body has internal energy, condenses the internal energy and turns it into internal energy to occupy Dantian.

This is a slow process, the internal energy of the physical body is very mysterious, it exists in the tendons, bones, muscles and even blood, it must be condensed by practicing various martial arts.

Ye Yun suddenly took a long spear and began to practice marksmanship. Driven by his vigorous and light steps, the long spear stabbed out densely like lightning.

In a daze, the shadow of the gun surrounded Ye Yun like a spider web, and he was spinning like a spider.

The sun is shining brightly, the sea of ​​fog gradually dissipates, and the backyard gradually becomes clear.

Ye Yun stood on the open ground, holding a red round stone with his right hand, clasped his right wrist with his left hand, and held his breath. After absorbing it again and again, the weak internal energy shuttled between the meridians and the dantian, and began to condense in the dantian.

Beads of sweat were all over his forehead. Ye Yun frowned and started to get lucky. He felt that the inner energy in his dantian was like a struggling beast. It was not easy to control the beast, but Ye Yun still let the inner energy gather towards his right arm. The red round stone trembled slightly.


In the blink of an eye, a breath rushed out from Ye Yun's waist, and the spinning boulder in his hand also stopped, Ye Yun almost fell, and the rushing breath caused the surrounding fog to disperse.

Ye Yun threw the boulder high and grabbed it in the air: "It still doesn't work, even if the meridians can store some internal energy, but after all, the dantian is the source of power, and if you can't store energy, you can't have luck!"

The meridian is like a stream, and the dantian is the ocean, which contains true energy.

Tried to condense the dantian, but failed again.

"It's a pity that I can't call Uncle Han. If there is his kung fu... However, that kung fu is equivalent to losing one's lifespan. Even if you practice it, you may die to enjoy it." Ye Yun thought very disappointed, and slowly relieved With a sigh of relief, Ye Yun put on his blue robe, tidied up the backyard and left.

"Huh? Someone is arguing?"

Ye Yun was walking in the corridor leading to the study room, when he suddenly heard several noises on the right, this kind of thing rarely happened in Ye Mansion, Ye Yun walked curiously towards the corridor on the right.

In front of him was a high wall surrounded by big trees and rockeries. With a slight kick, Ye Yun clasped his hands on the wall and carefully stretched out his head. The courtyard in front of him was the main hall of Ye Mansion, where the senior members of the Ye family usually discuss important matters.

In the front yard of the hall, more than a dozen Ye family chiefs were discussing something intensely with Ye Yuan. Among them was an old man in his seventies who just reached out and grabbed Ye Yuan's collar, which was too much.

"That's Elder Ye Wentian, who usually has a good relationship with Dad, why?" Ye Yun didn't understand, he didn't dare to move when he saw the chaotic scene in front of him, and hid his head in the bushes.

Great Elder Ye Wentian yelled at Ye Yuan: "I don't care about the alliance with the Yang family and the Liu family for the time being. Now let's talk about the Yan family. Back then, the Yan family took the initiative to marry the Ye family. The Ye family has become the laughing stock of Chiyun City, who doesn't mention your useless son, now even a third-rate family like the Gongsun family dares to shout at my Ye family, Ye Yuan, I respect you as the head of the Ye family, now I will give you an explanation."

"The boss is right. Several of our supply sources have been cut off, and many regular customers are afraid to come."

"In the past, there was indeed a relationship like the Yan family, and the Ye family got some benefits. Hmph, who would have thought that the Yan family was ambitious, Ye Yuan, you don't know, the Yan family has already married the Qin family, that is, Yan Linlang is going to marry soon. The genius of the Qin family, Qin Ming, no one in the world is laughing at my Ye family behind my back."

"All of this is caused by you, and your useless son."

Driven by the great elder Ye Wentian, the senior members of the Ye family stopped being silent, leaned towards the great elder one after another, and scolded and refuted Ye Yuan, they did not regard Ye Yuan as the patriarch at all.

"Yan Linlang and Qin Ming..."

Ye Yun scratched out ten finger marks on the wall with ten fingers, and all kinds of things in the past came to mind, Ye Yun suddenly calmed down, extremely indifferent: "It seems that everyone in the world knows the news that my cultivation base has been abolished, maybe Qin Ming did it on purpose at the beginning. If I start, maybe the Qin family has planned to get rid of me long ago, then my father, and finally the entire Ye family, maybe even Yan Linlang and my marriage were arranged in advance, such a terrible Qin family, such a hateful Yan Home!"

At this moment, Ye Yun's heart was unprecedentedly calm, his mind was also extremely clear, and his thoughts were clear.

The coming-of-age ceremony may really turn a person into an adult at once.

"If you want to quarrel, you can quarrel. I won't argue with you. I will go to Yan's house to discuss it. Let me go!" Facing the accusations of the crowd, Ye Yuan strode away.


Unexpectedly, just as Ye Yuan took two steps, a figure stood in front of him. The person who made the move was Ye Wentian, the great elder. He smiled grimly: "If you don't make it clear today, and don't give an explanation, don't even think about leaving."

Ye Yuan's eyes sank, and he looked at everyone: "Uncle Tian, ​​you are Ye Yuan's elder, I will listen to what is right, but now I don't want to hear it, and even if Ye Yun can no longer practice, but he is the Ye family after all." The person who is here can give everything for the Ye family in the future, please don't make things difficult for him."

Ye Wentian raised his hand: "Okay, I don't care about that bastard, but you must give an explanation, otherwise!"

"Uncle Tian, ​​as I said, I don't want to explain anything, and I have nothing to explain. As the head of the Ye family, I am still the patriarch now." Ye Yuan cupped his hands towards Ye Wentian.

"Does it mean to do something? Well, everyone says that you have cultivated the Ninth Layer of the Meat Immortal, and you are the number one expert in my Ye family. I want to learn something today, so come on." Ye Wentian said relentlessly.

Ye Yuan was very helpless, and asked again: "Okay, if you take the shot, will you leave here?"

Ye Wentian took off his robe, threw it to the descendants, and nodded: "That's natural. The old man represents the other two elders, and they mean the same."

"Ye He, Ye Xinghe, Ye Wentian, the three elders of the Ye family, are they going to rebel?" In the bushes surrounding the wall, Ye Yun's eyes were wide open, wishing he could rush up to speak for his father.

In the middle of the courtyard, Ye Yuan stood opposite Ye Wentian, and others were watching from the sidelines. Ye Wentian opened his hands, and the palms and backs of his hands flickered with electric light. He suddenly rushed towards Ye Yuan, his legs stretched out, and Roaring: "Lei Xin Palm."

Seeing this, Ye Yun was startled: "Thunder Heart Palm! That is one of the Ye family's great martial arts, it is on par with father's 'Fire Palm', and the Great Elder broke through to the Ninth Level of Meat Immortal many years ago. Immortal Peak."

"The wind and cloud burn out!"

Ye Yuan suddenly flashed on the spot, and soon faced the rushing Ye Wentian, the two of them palmed at the same time, a fiery cloud of fire rushed out from Ye Yuan's palm, while Ye Wentian released a spider web-like electric power.


The electric fire flashed, and the two stepped back three steps each, looking at each other.

Ye Wentian's hands were a bit stinky, but Ye Yuan didn't look strange, Ye Wentian was about to speak, but Ye Yuan took the first step and said: "Uncle Tian's Thunder Heart Palm has been completed, Ye Yuan knows it."

"Worthy of being the number one master of the Ye family, Ye Yuan, I didn't expect... well, the old man keeps his word, but you have to remember that now the Ye family has reached the point of exterminating the family at any time. In the future, what direction should the Ye family go? The important point." Ye Wentian put on his clothes, said a few words to Ye Yuan, turned and left, but seeing that other people didn't want to move, he roared angrily: "What are you looking at, if you have the ability, go and learn by yourself."

With this roar, everyone was so frightened that they immediately followed and left.

"As expected of being the top of the Ye family, Uncle Tian!" Ye Yuan suddenly showed a gratified smile, tidied up, and led a pair of servants out of the compound.

"The Great Elder and Father are both strong nine-level supernatural powers. The only two strong nine-level flesh immortals in our Ye family did not use their trump cards and supernatural powers in the fight just now. I have always heard that the Great Elder is strong. I respect him very much, it seems that he doesn't want to be a father, but someone secretly instigated him." Seeing that Ye Yuan was not injured, Ye Yun's hanging heart immediately sank: "Chiyun City was originally divided into three parts of the world, and now the Yan family and the Qin family Together, we will definitely deal with the Ye family, and there are more families watching secretly..."

Ye Yun went back to the study with a heavy heart, took out the ledger and looked through it. No matter how he looked at it, he was not happy, but he still insisted on reviewing the ledger.

It was late at night when Ye Yun sorted out a few sets of books. After checking the sky, Ye Yun left the study and went to practice martial arts alone.

At night, Scarlet Cloud City was still bustling, but suddenly dark clouds appeared and the sky changed. There was a moment of lightning and thunder, and the street was completely empty for a while, and it was very quiet.

A sedan chair gradually appeared on the corner of the night street, accompanied by guards on the left and right.


When the guards were passing the two tall buildings, suddenly countless men in black came out of the roof, drew bows and built them, and black arrows rushed towards the guards like shooting stars.

"Protect the master."

All the guards pulled out their swords, started to block the black arrows, surrounded the sedan chair and began to fight with the men in black from the sky. At this time, Ye Yuan walked out of the sedan chair with a look of sternness on his face, looking at the vicious man in black, Ye Yuan was ready to strike .

"There is no hope for life, no way to die, no shadow to come, no trace to go."

Suddenly, a distant and cold sound sounded in the night sky.

Ye Yuan, who was originally very calm, suddenly changed his face. When he waved his hands, his hands were burning with raging flames. Offended you?"

"You didn't offend the Gate of Life and Death, but you offended others. The Chisha hand Ye Yuan really deserved his reputation. Among mortals, there are very few strong people who can cultivate the meat immortal to the tenth level, even the Yan family. Ye Yuan, you are only one step away from successfully building the foundation and becoming a monk, but without the method of building the foundation, you will never become a monk. No matter how powerful you are, you will be a mortal body after all, and you can fall under the hands of my life and death sect. It's an honor for you."


The voice hadn't disappeared yet, and a huge tiger-shaped palm pressed down on Ye Yuan and the guards like a net.

A flame rose into the sky, and the short but dazzling meteor that sent the Buddha statue across the sky.

Ye Fu.

"Why are you so restless? Go out and walk to the left, and see if Dad is back, and I don't know if the Yan family is in trouble for Dad!" The room suddenly became bright, Ye Yun turned up, got dressed and opened the door anxiously, The moment the door was opened, a blood man stood at the door.

The blood man was on the verge of falling, and suddenly said, "Yun'er..."

"Father!" Ye Yun hurriedly rushed towards Ye Yuan who was covered in blood, and as soon as he touched his body, Ye Yuan fainted in his arms.

In the quiet Ye Mansion, Ye Yun's heart-piercing exclamation suddenly sounded.

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