The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 518 The Six-Armed Sword Demon

The light of Xuantu acts as a seal, suppressing the treasure box inside, as solid as Mount Tai.

"The power of this seal is mostly consumed by Li Yuan and Ao Yi. You and I can just pick the peaches directly. I mainly use the big central box. You can take one of the other boxes. Don't be greedy! "

In an instant, Xin Wanling unleashed the fourth-order stalwart power of the Great Immortal, like a vicissitudes of life hitting Xuantu's defense, and then Ye Yun also poured into Taiyi's chaotic true energy, wanting to tear apart the defense together.


The targets of the two are not all the treasure boxes, but the three treasure boxes at the top and center, so they hit with all their strength, attacking Xuantu a bit, like a ground drilling machine, quickly twisting Xuantu's defense into a vortex, and the largest treasure box suddenly appeared In front of Xin Wanling, she opened her mouth and spewed out a stream of true energy, grabbing the treasure box directly.


At the moment when the true energy entangled the treasure box, there was a deafening and strange sound, Ye Yun was almost fainted by the shock, but Xin Wanling remained motionless, his powerful strength was not afraid of defense at all, the divine light was suddenly restrained, and the true energy was swept away Treasure box pulled hard.


The treasure box was about to be obtained with lightning speed, but suddenly, a surge of energy surged out from around the treasure box, swallowing Xin Wanling's true energy in one go, and her whole body was instantly involved in the energy.


The sudden change was so inconceivable that Xin Wanling didn't even react, half of his body was sucked into the energy, and there was a silent space inside, devouring Xin Wanling, and at the moment Xin Wanling was involved, Ye Yun's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick. , reached out and grabbed Xin Wanling.

"Hold me quickly!!! Hard!"

At this moment, the fingers of the two were tightly connected, and Ye Yun tried his best to pull Xin Wanling out, but Xin Wanling wanted to come out too much, so he grabbed Ye Yun's hand tightly.


Suddenly, that ancient energy, Fangfo has consciousness, seems to be threatened, and the majesty is urged, and the energy group suddenly spreads out, swallowing Ye Yun and Xin Wanling into it without any effort.

With the fourth-level strength of Great Immortal Xin Wanling, he couldn't even hold on for a second, which shows how powerful this energy is, and the central treasure box resolutely floats in it, but the energy of the surrounding Xuantu seal is weakening, as if that energy was set by the previous master Trap, no trap, all treasure boxes are about to be revealed.

"Haha, I thought someone was laughing secretly, so it was nothing to worry about!"

A gust of bloody wind flashed by, and it turned out to be Li Yuan, holding a fairy sword. On that sword, it turned out to be the great immortal Fu Bo who was still moaning next to Mr. Fan Qi. Under Li Yuan's powerful strength, Fu Bo was like a weak chicken It seems that it is about to lose its vitality.

"Hmph, the Zhou family and the Fan family were almost succeeded by them, especially Zhou Wang, who was able to sneak in here with you and me. He deserved to die, and no one was left behind! Brother Li, the defense of the treasures is actually weakening. God help me!" Also!" Ao Yi walked out of the void with a murderous look.

Li Yuan smiled coldly, revealing greed: "It seems that the treasure has been through for too long, and the formation is dissipating by itself, and you can get all the treasure boxes immediately!"


At this time, the space formation is actually collapsing, ruins are falling from the space, and the entire treasure space is about to explode.

"No, someone touched the mechanism, unfortunately, let's go!"

Li Yuan immediately reacted, as expected of a fourth-rank master of the Great Immortal, first he grabbed the seal with his big hand, and grabbed two treasure boxes, then twisted Aoyi up, like an eagle picking up a hare and flew out from the crack in space, only Seeing this moment, the space treasure roared and exploded, and everything turned into dust.


"Where is this place? What was the noise just now?"

In a mysterious space without time, breath, and dim light, Ye Yun and Xin Wanling lay sideways on the ground, as if they had been asleep for a long time, and they were slowly awakened by an astonishing sound.

"Damn it, I didn't even take a treasure box!!!"

Xin Wanling's first reaction after waking up was to see that there was nothing in her hands, and then she remembered that she hadn't taken the treasure box away, and her intestines were full of regret. After calming down a little, she stood up with Ye Yun. In the space: "It seems that you and I touched the treasure mechanism and fell into the trap!"

"Let's fly up to see if there is an exit!"

Knowing that he fell into a trap, Ye Yun didn't want to stay here all the time. He was lucky and wanted to fly into the sky, but he didn't know that flying and teleportation, which he usually didn't pay attention to, suddenly lost their effect at the moment Ye Yun flew up.


Just one foot away, Ye Yun's body instantly tilted, lost his balance, and fell heavily on the ground, and his whole body was numb with pain, as if a strong physical body was like a mortal here.


Seeing this, Xin Wanling immediately took a step, but she didn't have her usual amazing teleportation. As soon as she lifted her breath, her whole body was suppressed by a supernatural force in space, and she saw that she just took a small step forward , just like walking with ordinary people, just a normal step.

Seeing Ye Yun getting up, Xin Wanling looked around again: "It seems that this place is very strange, and the laws of space are completely different from the fairy world. It seems that there are no laws here, only the law of gravity!"

"The law of gravity?" Ye Yun was stunned.

Xin Wanling and Ye Yun walked towards the empty space, and Xin Wanling began to explain: "Law is the most mysterious power in the world. No matter mortals, immortals or gods, they are constantly practicing. It is to integrate the laws and break the shackles of the laws. Simply put, The law is the energy of nature. The sun, moon and stars, darkness and light, day and night, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, buoyancy, gravity, gravitation, repulsion, etc. are all part of the law. In this space, all the laws have been taken away, leaving only A law of gravity. It seems that the owner here has the supernatural power to control the laws. He must have been a great emperor in his lifetime. Of course, the great immortal only has the supernatural power to change the laws, but he cannot achieve the supernatural powers to create the laws. If he can create the laws, he can create the universe. He is the real god!"

Hearing the law information, Ye Yun roughly understood what the situation is now, and smiled helplessly: "It seems that you and I are unlucky, and entered the trap set by the emperor. If you want to fly, you can't fly, if you want to shuttle, you can't shuttle. Kong has supernatural powers, but is as useless as a mortal!"

"It's because I was too anxious and wanted to snatch the treasure from Li Yuan. I forgot that ancient ruins like this usually have traps left by ancient strong men. Among them, for example, my senior brother from Leiyin Mountain died in a ruins not long ago, he must have fallen into a trap, and he couldn’t even ask for help. This space isolates all laws, and you and I don’t even have the chance to ask for help from the outside world!”

I don't know how long they walked, it seems that they are about to reach the end of the space, in front of the two of them, there is something in the space that seems to be frozen.

"If you really can't get out, then you and I will die together!"

"Whoever wants to live and die with you, I have to step into the triple fairy world, the quadruple fairy world... directly to the ninth heaven of the fairy world, and become the super emperor of the fairy world, how can I die here!?"

Xin Wanling cast a sharp glance at Ye Yun, rather coquettish and angry, said coldly.

"Don't be so nervous, but I want to ease the atmosphere and let you relax. Look, the space in front of you seems to be weird. Do you see that there are traces of chains composed of eight spaces on the left and right sides!"

Joking all the way, the two finally came to the end of the space. The space in front of them was compressed by a terrifying energy, and there were eight iron cables around, as if there was something in it.

"Well, it turned out to be a rank five immortal sword!"

Xin Wanling's eyes suddenly fell on the center, where there was a fairy knife half inserted into the space, a fifth-rank fairy weapon, which is considered a good fairy tool for a great fairy like Xin Wanling, even the Xin family, there are not many fifth-rank fairy weapons , So he waved his hand and grabbed it, a wave of true energy wrapped around the handle of the knife, and pulled it out forcefully.


The moment the fairy knife was pulled out, it spurted out a streak of dark demonic blood. Xin Wanling was so frightened that he almost screamed, and there was blood spurting out in the space.

"not good……"

Ye Yun smelled the dark devil's blood, and the aura of the law of hell in his body fluctuated, and the Infinite Sun and Moon God Lei was inexplicably circulating, and it seemed that there was the same aura in it. Hell undead monk!"

"Undead monk from hell!!!"

When Xin Wanling heard it, her heart turned cold. She naturally knew what hell was. It was a place that coexisted with the heavens and gods. Leiyin Mountain also had many great powers. He had been to Hell for adventures. During his travels in the ancient books of Leiyin Mountain, he There are quite a few introductions about Undead Monks from Hell.

Undead monks are all strong men who have fallen into hell. After their consciousness is suppressed by hell, they are seized by countless evil spirits of hell, and then continue to practice with their bodies. There is no flesh and blood like human beings, only the body. The consciousness is like a demon. killing machine.

"Impossible, how can someone bring undead monks from hell into the fairy world? I, the strong man of Leiyin Mountain, have only brought in countless ancient magic weapons from hell. I have never brought such evil undead. Could it be that only the emperor has the strength to enter the world?" Hell can subdue undead monks?"

At this moment, under Ye Yun's protection, Xin Wanling didn't look like a great fairy, but a woman who was terrified. Seeing the wriggling in the space, she couldn't help trembling with fright.

"Be careful, it seems that this undead cultivator is not simple. Being sealed here by the emperor, it is not something ordinary people can compete with. It will be sealed!"

Ye Yun watched as the space squirmed and began to shatter, eight dark chains appeared, Fang Buddha locked a demon head, and was about to break through the space.


The space was smashed through, and eight hundred-foot-long dark iron cables danced in mid-air. There were eight crisp and shattering sounds, and the eight iron cables broke suddenly. Then, from the depths of the inside, the eight arms were filled with countless fairy knives, and then Two big feet came out with a bang, and an eight-armed sword demon full of immortal swords broke free from the seal and appeared in front of them, panting heavily, making people tremble.


The eight-armed sword demon was staring at Ye Yun and Xin Wanling viciously, with no less than 1000 immortal knives stuck into his body, and they were all fifth-rank immortal weapons to sixth-rank immortal weapons, and his whole body was filled with the breath of hell.


Xin Wanling didn't even think about it, he pulled Ye Yun and ran away, running like a mortal on the ground.


The eight-armed sword demon started chasing the two of them, and suddenly a hellish force surged out. The eight-handed immortal swords on his body were whipped out of his body with blood. The arm knife demon is also running and chasing at the same time, and it can't fly in the air.

"I can't escape like this... This undead sword demon actually has the aura of an immortal king in his body. He is an immortal king who once fell in hell. Damn it!"

Xin Wanling was running, looking back at the eight-armed sword demon from time to time. The eight-armed sword demon was chasing after him, and the distance was getting closer and closer. How could a person run past such an evil monster.

"Immortal King?!"

When Ye Yun heard it, he seemed to be stupefied by being hit with a stick. An undead monk at the level of an immortal king is comparable to an immortal king. How could they resist.


Xin Wanling turned around suddenly, and a great immortal aura shot out of her body, but she was suppressed back again. She waved her hand, and a white handkerchief shot out, stretching thousands of miles towards the eight-armed sword demon.

Fortunately, the magic weapon can still be used here, and both of them felt lucky at the same time.

Dangdang block!

When the eight-armed sword demon saw the white handkerchief, it waved its eight thick arms, and slashed wildly at the white handkerchief. The fairy knife collided with the handkerchief, emitting dazzling flames.

Xin Wanling was so nervous that he raised his throat: "My magic weapon was refined by the master himself. It is a fourth-grade fairy weapon that perfectly blends with me. I wonder if I can temporarily subdue the eight-armed sword demon!"

"Clang clang clang!"

The white handkerchief was like an endless stream of water, wrapped around the eight-armed sword demon, and kept attacking the eight-armed sword demon, but Xin Wanling and Ye Yun were dumbfounded. With a little damage, the body of the eight-armed sword demon will not be broken at all.

"Fairy King!!!"

The two gasped. The legendary fairy king is still the fallen fairy king. His physical body is so strong that even a fourth-rank fairy weapon can't cause any damage. device.


An unprecedented fear appeared on Xin Wanling's face, and countless true qi began to be released, even though suppressed by the space, they still penetrated into the white handkerchief.

Chu Chu Chu!

The white handkerchief received the majestic power of Immortal Xin Wanling, and immediately accelerated, like a flash of lightning, the eight-armed sword demon was entangled in the blink of an eye, tightly trapped.


The eight arms of the eight-armed sword demon were all tied up, and they couldn't swing their swords for a while, but they roared like crazy, but they couldn't struggle, as if they were powerless to resist.

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