The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 519 Fighting the Sword Demon

"Hey, Missy is still better at it. It seems that the eight-armed sword demon is helpless. Can you kill it?"

Seeing that the white handkerchief completely subdued the eight-armed sword demon, Ye Yun really looked at the fourth-grade fairy weapon differently, and Xin Wanling played it to its fullest.

"Kill it?"

When Xin Wanling heard this, he wished to punch Ye Yun, as if the eight-armed sword demon was easy to be killed: "To kill it, even a high-ranking immortal like my master can't kill it. Now I still have to find a way to get out of here , escape is the best policy!"

"Escape? How to escape? The law of space is only the law of gravity. You and I will be suppressed by the law of gravity. You can't even release your true energy freely, and you can't even fly. How can you get out?" Ye Yun opened his eyes and looked at Xin Wanling.

Xin Wanling bit her pink lips: "Why are you acting like a ruffian now? Anyway, you are also a teacher. You can find a way by yourself. I won't be able to delay it for long!"


While the two were arguing, the eight-armed sword demon, covered with countless immortal swords, suddenly exploded. This force directly sent Ye Yun and Xin Wanling flying, and the white handkerchief was also broken, turning into scattered pieces. land.


After Xin Wanling fell to the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and he was about to faint. A burst of true energy was injected by Ye Yun to stabilize his body. He looked at the eight-armed sword demon incomprehensibly, "Sure enough, it was as expected. The fourth-level strength of the Great Immortal, plus the original magic weapon, can't subdue the eight-armed sword demon for a long time, it seems that today you and I can't escape death!"

"It's really powerful, you and I are not opponents at all!" Ye Yun sighed secretly, witnessing with his own eyes how the eight-armed sword demon broke the defense of the fourth-level master of the great immortal.


The eight-armed sword demon lost its restraint at once, waved its eight arms, and killed the two of them with the immortal sword in hand. Dozens of immortal swords came circling around his body, and they were all fifth-grade immortal weapons. The Great Immortal is about to die, and the Eight-Armed Sword Demon is still an Immortal King, so imagine how powerful it is.


Immediately afterwards, the eight-armed sword demon glared at the two of them, strode forward, urged an immortal sword, and directly slashed towards Ling Tian.


The eight-armed sword demon is so fast and powerful, not to mention that the two of them can fly, they can't escape together, and now they are suppressed by the law of gravity, Xin Wanling sighed, could it be that he is really going to die here today.

Just when she was in despair, watching the fairy knife strike and the human head separated, Xin Wanling felt a wonderful power coming from Ye Yun. The blade passed by.


The fairy knife slashed fiercely on the ground, sparks ignited, and the whole space vibrated violently. Seeing how terrifying the knife was, Xin Wanling swallowed, and was about to say something when he suddenly realized that he had a snake waist and was caught She hugged her with both hands, before she had time to lose her temper, those hands exerted a little force, hugged her tightly and shuttled once more, avoiding the attack of the fairy sword.


In the blink of an eye, the two appeared two feet away. Before Ye Yun could breathe a sigh of relief, he slapped him face to face, and was scolded severely: "Let go of your hand!"

"Miss, I'm not a pervert. Here, the law of gravity suppresses the true energy. If I don't put my arms around you, how can I take you back and forth to avoid the attack!" Ye Yun didn't expect to be slapped, and felt that Xin Wanling was really To make trouble out of no reason, at this time, I am still dreaming.

"After going out, I will find you to settle accounts. Why can you travel through space?"

Xin Wanling was still angry, her face was flushed, she asked coldly.

Ye Yun looked at the eight-armed sword demon, and when he saw that guy coming fiercely again, his expression tightened: "This is my secret, I can't tell you, but is there any way to get out of here now, it's not a good idea to escape. Method!"

"The space is full of the law of gravity, and I can't get out at all. I feel that the space is closely related to the eight-armed sword demon. Maybe only by suppressing it can it be possible to break the space and leave here!"

Xin Wanling said disappointedly.

Ye Yun suddenly let go of Xin Wanling, which surprised her, and saw Ye Yun walking in front of her: "You help me with all your strength, I will find a way to subdue this eight-armed sword demon!"

"Only a dead horse is a living horse doctor, Peng!"

Xin Wanling has nothing to do. How can she deal with this kind of powerful enemy that surpasses her by several times? Even the tenth-order giant of the Great Immortal has no choice but to die in the face of the gravity space and the eight-armed sword demon, unless he reaches the same strength as the eight-armed sword demon. Only masters can crack the space and leave here.

Another thought, this is not a fairy tale, it is impossible for a fairy king to enter the first layer of fairyland to look for treasures, and the fairy kings all go to the unbounded place above the fairyland, where they blend with the fairyland, to look for the treasures of the gods.

The fourth-level energy of the Great Immortal was stimulated by Xin Wanling and entered into Ye Yun's body. At this moment, Ye Yun was borrowing the fourth-level power of the Great Immortal to fight against the eight-armed sword demon.


The eight-armed sword demon came forward step by step, swinging the immortal swords, and the flying swords around his body were even more terrifying, less than five feet away from Ye Yun and the two of them.

"The Sun Sword of the Promise God!"

Ye Yun immediately activated the Promise Sun Moon God Thunder, with a thought, countless dharma seals were released, he waved his hand and grabbed it, and inhaled the fourth-level power of Xin Wanling Great Immortal, suddenly the sky thundered, and a ten-foot-long Wuji God Sun Sword appeared!


Before making a move, the Wuji God's Sun Sword released a sharp edge, which Ye Yun's own strength could not reach. With such an aura, it is completely the strength of Xin Wanling's Great Immortal, so now the Wuji God's Sun Sword is equivalent to the fourth-level power of the Great Immortal.

"What kind of qigong is this, it makes me feel that this sword is enough to kill a sixth-level master of the Great Immortal... Why does it have such an aura!" After using it, she was completely overwhelmed physically and mentally.


Ye Yun held the Wuji God Sun Sword, and slashed at the Eight-armed Sword Demon, who knew that the eight-armed Sword Demon Fang Buddha had infinite consciousness, and swung the knife to block the Wuji God Sun Sword, but his body was shaken violently, those who were entangled Its flying immortal knives were shaken so that they lost contact with it and fell to the ground.

"Haha, eight-armed sword demon, you have tasted how powerful I am. If I have a great immortal cultivation base, how can I allow you to be presumptuous? Next, let me see how powerful the supernatural powers displayed in the realm of the Great Immortal are. , take another sword from me!"



Ye Yun has never felt so powerful at this moment. Absorbing Xin Wanling's power is equivalent to possessing the fourth-level strength of a great immortal at this moment. He cut down with a sword and was caught by the eight-armed sword demon. Dozens of fairy knives fell from his body, but returned to his body soon.

"Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palm!"

At this moment, a shocking scene appeared for Xin Wanling. She saw Ye Yun with her own eyes, who was not controlled by the law of gravity in a flash, and struck the eight-armed sword demon's chest with a palm, and the entire eight-armed sword demon was blown away. Yun returned to her in a strange way.


The eight-armed sword demon was sent flying a hundred meters, you know, this is a gravity space, flying a hundred meters, even Xin Wanling couldn't fly a meter, which shows how terrifying Ye Yun's palm is.

"Sacred Spear of Light!!!"

How could Ye Yun allow the eight-armed sword demon to have a chance to breathe, he waved his hand and grabbed it, using the fourth-level power of the Great Immortal Xin Wanling to condense the Holy Spear of Light at the fourth-level level of the Great Immortal.

"This Holy Spear is very similar to the third brother's Brahma Holy Spear..."

As soon as Xin Wanling saw the Holy Spear of Light, she knew it was the qigong that Ye Yun had passed on to Xin Shaohua. She saw Ye Yun suddenly fly out, tumbling in the air, and then suddenly spread his body, stabbing fiercely in mid-air.


The Holy Spear of Light pierced through the eight-armed sword demon's chest at once, and then was sucked into Ye Yun's body in the void, and then flashed back to Xin Wanling, continuing to enjoy the power of Xin Wanling.

Ye Yun slowly adjusted his breathing, ready to launch a more powerful attack: "Miss, don't stop, let me feel the realm of the Great Immortal first, what a feeling it is!"

Unexpectedly, Xin Wanling complained: "You are really a monster, with a mortal body, even with the influx of my fourth-level power, you still can't fill your body, how powerful is your physical body!!!"

"Such a body has naturally been cultivated step by step. Shaohua can have today, and the pain he has endured is beyond your imagination. Once this qigong is cultivated, it is a choice between life and death. It requires not only courage, but also extraordinary strength. Be determined, otherwise you will end up with a dead end!"

"Hmph, what an eight-armed sword demon, if he were a normal immortal, he would have died in my Holy Spear of Light long ago, yet he didn't do anything at all. What a monster, but its power just happened to be restrained by me!"

Ye Yun accelerated the absorption of Xin Wanling's strength, and watched in horror as the eight-armed sword demon stood up, and the countless immortal swords were trembling, trembling crazily.

"Its power comes from two aspects, the body and the countless immortal knives on it. No matter how powerful your attacking methods are, you can't reach a state of balance with it. Otherwise, you won't be able to kill it. You can only use up part of its power!"

Xin Wanling regained his composure and began to remind Ye Yun.

"Haha, it's better this way, let me practice my hand, and then find a way to suppress it, Good Fortune Fist!"

In an instant, Ye Yun absorbed Xin Wanling's countless energies, and in another flash, just as the eight-armed sword demon stood up and was about to take a step to kill it, Ye Yun appeared in front of it.

Thus, Ye Yun's most powerful move, the Good Fortune Fist, appeared.

"The first form, birth!"

Ye Yun suddenly held his breath, and countless divinity was released from his body. This divinity, even the law of gravity, could not be suppressed. In a second, Ye Yun had condensed countless magic seals. With a stretch of his body, he punched eight arms The body of the sword demon.


The Eight-Armed Sword Demon was hit by Ye Yun's punch, and without retreating half a point, its body moved suddenly, and streams of immortal holy fist light exploded in its body, and the dazzling holy light rushed out of its body, illuminating the entire space.

"What a strong divinity, my God, how can he have such a strong divinity in a mortal, it is rumored that only the great emperor has a body that can accommodate divinity!"

Seeing this scene, Xin Wanling didn't treat Ye Yun as a mortal at all at this moment. Ye Yun was originally a mortal, no matter how powerful his supernatural power was, it was nothing in front of Xin Wanling, but now Ye Yun borrowed her power to show The strength that comes out can almost compete with the high-ranking Daxian.

This also means that once Ye Yun breaks through to the fourth rank of the Great Immortal in the future, he will be able to kill the high rank of the Great Immortal, which is tens or hundreds of times stronger than her.

She can not be shocked.

The most unbelievable thing for her was that Ye Yun's supernatural power was naturally immortal, and she felt that if this punch landed on her, she would be beheaded immediately.

At this time, the scene of Ye Yun fighting the eight-armed sword demon of the fairy king level with his mortal body alone was deeply burned into her mind, except for the eight-armed sword demon, it was Ye Yun's stalwart body.


The eight-armed sword demon rushed out of the holy light, and its aura was being swallowed by the holy light. Its aura was weakening, and it couldn't shake.

"Although the eight-armed sword demon has the strength of an immortal king, the Taiyi Divine Light Dao I practiced happens to be the nemesis of dark and evil forces. Combined with the Wuji Eight Desolation Sun and Moon God Thunder, the eight-armed sword demon meets me. Meet the nemesis!"

Seeing the eight-armed sword demon start to struggle, still releasing terrifying power, especially the immortal sword all over his body was trembling, as if he was about to fly out, and Yu Kong beheaded himself, Ye Yun's aura also became dignified.

Ye Yun knows best how powerful Good Fortune Fist is, and the punch just now was not born with his own mortal strength, but borrowed the fourth-level power of Xin Wanling Great Immortal. Ye Yun couldn't predict how powerful the fist was.

And the eight-armed sword demon was not destroyed. It is worthy of being an undead monster from hell, and it is worthy of being the body of an immortal king.

"Ye Yun...he is ten thousand times more amazing than the countless geniuses in Leiyin Mountain, and all the proud sons of the Second Level Immortal Realm. I am afraid that even the entire Immortal Realm of the Ninth Level Heaven will not be able to find such a strange man like him..."

Xin Wanling suddenly blushed, showing a charming smile, very graceful, but immediately woke up again, shaking his head to hide his gaze: "No, how could I be tempted by a mortal!"

Yes, Ye Yun is a mortal, she almost forgot about it.

Xin Wanling lamented Ye Yun's genius and potential, but he is still a mortal. With his strength, he is extremely sharp. Once he encounters a great power in the fairy world, he will be beheaded and taken away. There are countless such fallen geniuses. , Some are powerful, unable to break through the entrance, so they specially seize some geniuses and rebuild them.

"I hope you can go further, let the high-level fairy world see you and know you..."

Xin Wanling was refreshed by luck and calmed down. Seeing that the eight-armed sword demon was still struggling, and seemed about to rush out, and wanted to show her invincible strength, she looked in all directions: "Could it be that the only way to get out is to suppress the eight-armed sword demon? Ye Yun is indeed beyond my imagination, but my realm is still too weak, unless it is the eighth level of the Great Immortal, then Ye Yun can display strength beyond the eighth level, and only then can he have the strength to kill the eight-armed sword demon, but I am only the fourth level of the Immortal step!"

After finally seeing a glimmer of hope, Xin Wanling felt that it was becoming more and more unreachable and drifting away.

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