The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 522 Rage burns for 9 days


"Third Brother!!!"

Following the primordial spirit world, the imprint of the primordial spirit shattered and disappeared without a trace. Ye Yun and Xin Wanling's bodies shook violently at the same time. Shock.

"No! No! No, why did the third brother's Yuanshen shatter? No, he disappeared without a trace. No, the third brother can't have an accident, it's impossible!" Xin Wanling's body creaked, and the aura of the great immortal was like a thousand Jun Wanjian shoots.


The terrifying aura of the Great Immortal shattered the water in the sealed stone chamber in an instant, and the fragments were twisted into powder in the aura and fell into the dust. The two of them immediately floated in the void of Linglong Valley.


Xin Wanling's shock and anger didn't stop, and he went so far as to destroy Linglong Valley in an instant. Many treasure-hunting immortals thought that a fierce beast had awakened, and fled with their legs crossed.


Ye Yun let out a weak and decadent cry, the imprint of Xin Shaohua's primordial spirit disappeared without a trace, which meant that Xin Shaohua had completely fallen, disappeared with the fairy world, disappeared so cleanly that even the great emperor could no longer find Xin Shaohua's broken primordial spirit.

The eye sockets couldn't help being moist, the muscles were about to explode, the true energy in the body was burning, galloping, and roaring, Ye Yun's murderous aura was against the sky, urging the Daqian Shentu to drag Xin Wanling into the depths of the space in an instant.

Just like that, Xin Wanling watched numbly with Ye Yun as they kept shuttling through the starry sky of the fairy world. It took several months to reach it, but within ten breaths, they instantly shuttled from the distant starry sky to the planet controlled by the Xin family.


The two appeared in the sky above the ruined city, looking down, one third of the city was turned into ruins, corpses were piled everywhere, there was not a single living creature within a radius of a hundred miles, this kind of method is difficult for ordinary immortals to create.

It can be seen from the ruins and the large number of corpses that the disaster came really suddenly, just for a moment.

"Third brother...Third brother!"

Xin Wanling flashed into the void where Huaxian Pavilion used to exist in an instant. She waved her hand and touched the void sadly and weeping. She felt that Xin Shaohua's breath was everywhere, but she couldn't touch it, which made her heartbroken and heartbroken.

"Heavenly Palace Enforcer!"

"Jing Mie!"

Stepping out one step, Ye Yun stood in the sky in vain, in front of the seven big bloody characters that had not dissipated, the blood in the bloody characters made Ye Yun very clear, this is Xin Shaohua's last relic left in the world, From the last words, Ye Yun Fangfo saw Xin Shaohua Fangfo standing in front of him, holding Yan Ruyu's hand, and smiling happily at him together.

At this moment, Ye Yun felt his body was extremely cold, shivering and shivering, but the pictures of Xin Shaohua kept appearing in front of his eyes, including the scene of Xin Shaohua being bullied by others, and the scene of apprenticeship and so on.

"That's how people go... The dead are dead, you and I are both cultivators, you should see through this, maybe one day, you and I will do the same!"

Ye Yun closed his eyes for a while, feeling Xin Shaohua's remaining breath in the air, slowly opened his arms, and then slowly put them down, with endless anger burning in his eyes, he pushed with both hands: "The chakra of chaotic world purification! Go back to the past!! !"

Chu Chu Chu!

In an instant, the God Wheel of Chaos and Pure World appeared, entrenched above the seven blood characters, and countless divine lights fell into the blood characters, and then spread towards the air as the god wheel rotated.

Immediately, when Xin Shaohua was about to die, everything that happened at the moment when the Law Enforcer from the Heavenly Palace extinguished the condensed flame was presented in the chaotic and pure world chakra.


Ye Yun's body was trembling, looking at Xin Shaohua's bloody body, as if his whole body was cooked by the flames, he couldn't bear it, his mind was always filled with Xin Shaohua's resentful eyes, and his helpless resentment for Yan Ruyu's death.


Grasping with both hands, the chakra of Hunxu Jingshi disappeared. Ye Yun took a deep breath, turned around slowly, looked at Xin Wanling who was sobbing with tears all over his face, walked up and stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, there was no comfort, just Yun Dan asked calmly: "Tell me, who is the law enforcement officer of Tiangong?"

"Don't ask..."

Unexpectedly, Xin Wanling was struggling violently. It could be seen from her expression that she kept secrets about the enforcers of that day's palace, her eyes were only silently angry, but she dared not speak out, and there was even a trace of jealousy and complaint.

The Tiangong law enforcement officer is like a poisonous needle, ready to pierce her heart at any time.

Ye Yun immediately hugged Xin Wanling even tighter. He deeply felt Xin Wanling's trembling, fear, helpless moaning, and exhaustion. He was bearing this pain alone. Ye Yun whispered behind her ear, : "Tell me, Tiangong Law Enforcer, if you don't tell me, I will get it from other channels, no matter what, no matter how Tiangong Law Enforcer exists, in this life, it is my enemy, destroy it, especially kill Shaohua Jing Mie, he is the Great Emperor, and I will kill him too!"

"Heavenly Palace Enforcer..."

Xin Wanling calmed down a little, until he calmed down, he came to Ye Yun's arms, wiped away his tears, and said with infinite anger and killing intent: "In the fairy world, there is a force, which is said to be the master of the ancient fairy world, the guardian of the fairy world inherited They are also law enforcers, this group of Heavenly Palace law enforcers... In the fairy world, even the immortal emperors dare not offend them, and all the immortals are silent on them, so they can't hide!"

"The law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace are the punishers of the Heavenly Palace. They regard themselves as the guardians of the fairyland. Since ancient times, they have crossed the nine heavens of the fairyland. They wantonly kill, act arbitrarily, and take control of sects, families and any forces. Paying tribute, but the immortals are required to submit to them absolutely, obey orders, the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace say one thing, no one dares to say the other, whoever they want to die, who must die, no one dares to cover up!"

"I used to be in the Wuzhong Immortal Realm. I heard that there was a super martial arts sect. I don't know how many times stronger than Leiyinshan and Taishang Xianzong. Just because they offended the Heavenly Palace, they sent Tiangong enforcers to uproot the entire sect overnight. No chicken or dog was spared, none of the disciples survived by chance, even the disciples who went out to practice, have since been wanted by the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace in the Immortal Ninth Heaven!"

"Not just this time, there are too many. It is rumored that the law enforcers of Tiangong not only killed the immortals who opposed them, but even imprisoned them in Tiangong, suppressing them forever, making them unable to live or die, and tortured every day. Law enforcers keep a secret, they claim to be the descendants of the masters of the fairy world, even the descendants of gods, and regard themselves as the law enforcers and judges of the fairy world!"

"The first rule of any sect, any family, or any powerful force in the fairy world is that it can never offend the law enforcers of the heavenly palace. The law enforcers of the heavenly palace are located in the nine heavens of the fairy world. Every heavenly world has a heavenly palace. Every heavenly palace is the highest existence in the fairy world. , in the deepest part of this immortal world, it is rumored that the Heavenly Palace is located!"

"You and I can't avenge the third brother's revenge now, unless we reach the immortal emperor, no, only by reaching the rumored god can we avenge this revenge. I must take this blood feud deeply in my heart, and I will never forget it forever. Will never forget!"

Xin Wanling said this angrily, wishing to crush the Tiangong law enforcement officers to ashes.

"Heavenly Palace, Heavenly Palace Law Enforcer...!"

In an instant, Ye Yun held his breath, and deeply remembered the name, which he would never forget, and began to ponder and analyze carefully in his mind, how to take revenge, blood for blood.

As a human teacher, this is what Ye Yun must do.

It's just that after hearing Xin Wanling's words, Ye Yun already has a rough idea of ​​what the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace are.

From Zun Jingmie's move, Ye Yun can tell that this person's strength has reached above the fifth rank of the Great Immortal, and in the first level of the Immortal Realm, he is equal to an invincible existence, plus I don't know how many masters there are in the Tiangong Palace, revenge, isn't it a joke, Revenge is tantamount to going to the door to ask for death.

Moreover, the Heavenly Palace Law Enforcers set up Heavenly Palaces in every level of the Immortal Realm. If Ye Yun took revenge, he would not be able to survive in the ninth level of the Immortal Realm. To be on guard against the Heavenly Palace Law Enforcers every day is equivalent to embarking on a road that will never return.

Not to mention Ye Yun, even Leiyin Mountain, Taishang Xianmen, and the Jiuchongtian of the Immortal Realm are all afraid of the rule of threes against the law enforcement officers of Tiangong. It is not easy to get revenge. Tiangong enforcers hunted down.

Xin Wanling looked at the void with pain in his heart: "Third brother, you will not die in vain. Eldest sister will avenge you one day, and will not let you die in vain!"

"I haven't looked at him yet, I'm holding the beauty back..."

"I haven't had time to make his life more colorful... When he has love, he still wants to get my blessing and witness as a master... Maybe his life is just to have a woman he wants to love!"

"He finally left with a smile. Maybe he could disappear with the woman he loves. In his eyes, it is a kind of happiness. He has no complaints in his life. The last words left, let me, the master , to complete and make a conclusion for him, unfortunately there is no heaven, I still hope that he can watch us with his beloved woman..."

"Sword slave..."

With a wave of Ye Yun's hand, he grasped the seven big characters in blood in the air like the palm of his hand, and with a thought, the sword slave flew out from the Shenluo domain, and followed Ye Yun up to the sky step by step, gradually drifting away.

"Third brother..."

Staring at Ye Yun's leaving back, Xin Wanling's body went limp, and she sat slumped in the void. She had so much hope at this moment, hoping that Ye Yun could avenge Xin Shaohua, but she could do it!


In the vast expanse of celestial world galaxy, a celestial voyage star sail is traveling through the star field.

"Chaos Void Purification God Wheel!!!"

Inside the star sail, Ye Yun sat cross-legged in the void, urging the magic seal with a blank face. In front of him appeared the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification, spinning continuously. It took about a few days for Ye Yun to see a white snow-covered chakra appeared in the God Wheel. There is nothing in the fairy world, but there is a snow mountain in the white snow fairy world, and a majestic and magnificent palace stands on it.

"Tiangong... Shaohua sprinkled his last thoughts into the breath of tranquility. No matter how mysterious you are in Tiangong, you can't escape my capture!"

Immediately dissipating the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification, Ye Yun urged the Taiyi God Furnace, and let the sword slaves enter it, ferociously absorbing the chaotic true energy of Taiyi to self-cultivate, Ye Yun's murderous aura was soaring, heart-piercing, painful and angry , He wants to let the sword slave absorb power, and use the most powerful state of the sword slave to enter the palace of heaven.

All law enforcers must die, and the heavenly palace in the First Layer Immortal Realm must be destroyed. In Ye Yun's heart, there is only one belief in destroying the heavenly palace, so that Xin Shaohua's last words will be melted into the sky.

"I want to know more about Tiangong..."

Driving the celestial voyage and sailing towards the infinite fairy world, Ye Yun began to browse through the countless ancient books of the fairy world from the Da Luojie. Finally, he found an ancient book, and his thoughts penetrated into it. understand.

Before the ancient fairy world, there was no record at all. In the era of the ancient immortals, the fairy world was originally a chaotic world. After countless ancient powerhouses, transformations from generation to generation, coupled with chaotic movements and changes in the universe, the fairy world formed a nine-fold world. Welcome to a new civilization.

It is rumored that the Heavenly Palace is the guardians, law enforcers, and adjudicators left over from the ancient powers who created the Jiuzhongtian of the fairyland. They have all the law enforcement powers in the fairyland. The unbounded land is also restricted by the heavenly palace.

Of course, the Heavenly Palace does have an immortal past. Although there is no certainty, no one doubts it. If it is not for the power inherited by the ancient power, how can the Heavenly Palace have the power to suppress the fairy world. The monopoly oppresses people, and even the evil fairy world, which makes the immortals hate it deeply, so it also causes constant forces to challenge the supreme authority of the Heavenly Palace.

The former Emperor Zhuxian once rebelled against the Heavenly Palace, and even beat the Heavenly Palace to the point of surrender. After the continuous precipitation of history, the Heavenly Palace has become more and more mysterious, and less and less people dare to resist. Except for those super emperors in the past, for many years, there has been no There have been existences who dared to challenge the kingship of the Heavenly Palace.

There is also a legend about the reason why Tiangong can become the most powerful and mysterious existence in the fairy world.

It is rumored that the Heavenly Palace is the descendant of the gods. The Heavenly Palace keeps the secrets leading to the world of the heavens and the gods. It can also receive the blessings of the gods, blessings and other rumors. Fear and fear, so in this era of the fairy world, the Heavenly Palace has become an existence that no one dares to provoke.

"Descendants of the gods?"

"Hmph, a group of liars, the giants are the descendants of the gods, Tiangong, I will show you the power of the giants in the future, the real descendants of the gods, you can blaspheme!"

Seeing this, Ye Yun felt even more afraid of Tiangong, but he was not afraid at all. He was a little happy because finally there was a statue that made him have to improve his cultivation and take risks with powerful enemies. Tiangong was so huge. , Let Ye Yun arouse infinite desire to challenge.

In the lower realms before, Ye Yun had powerful opponents, Di Tian, ​​Xuan Tian Zu, Tai Dayan, and Qiu Qianshang. After Ye Yun practiced, took risks, pretended to be snakes, and designed everything, these powerful enemies finally They died one by one in the hands of Ye Yun. Since the death of these people, Ye Yun has never had a strong enemy that he wants to challenge except for the green flames of hell.

For Ye Yun, there is no challenge, but loneliness.

The appearance of the Heavenly Palace undoubtedly aroused Ye Yun's desire to fight again. He had to practice, take risks, and kill in order to finally reach the level of cultivation that could overthrow the Heavenly Palace.

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