Standing in front of the Heavenly Palace, Ye Yun was more or less shocked by the divine pillars holding up the sky. The Heavenly Palace is a temple. It looks like a palace from the outside, and the whole building is a temple in ancient legends. From this, it can be seen that The law enforcers of Tiangong are indeed proud of the descendants of the gods.

The temple is full of ancient totems of the gods. There are gods who kill demons against the sky, gods subdue demons, create heaven and earth, and create countless scenes in the universe. There are also ancient sacrifices, sacrifices to heaven, and divine texts that Ye Yun is familiar with. Law enforcement supremacy.

At this moment, the Heavenly Palace was empty, and all the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Palace showed up to deal with the criminals, but in a certain space inside, there were a few auras that Ye Yun was very familiar with.


Stepping into the Heavenly Palace, Ye Yun found himself in a multi-layered space, before his eyes were mysterious and mysterious corridors, each corridor leading to a huge space, and in each space, there were various palaces, worlds of mountains and rivers.

This is the real fairyland scene, any space can create an independent world.

"The Divine Wheel of Confusion and Purification!"

Standing in front of the corridors, you have to stop. Once you enter one of them by mistake, you will fall into the maze. Only the law enforcers of the Tiangong know about these corridors, and they are also to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

Stimulating the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification, Ye Yun gradually felt the entire inner space of the Heavenly Palace, and suddenly found that the Heavenly Palace was wider and boundless than what he saw in front of him. What shocked him was that the entire Tiangong Temple was a mysterious magic weapon.

That is to say, Ye Yun has fallen into the magic weapon controlled by the invincible master of law enforcement in Tiangong. Once the master's mind is activated, Ye Yun will be suppressed forever.

"Fortunately, the strong man who controls the Tiangong Temple does not have strong thoughts. It seems that the deity is above the highest fairyland, and I killed Jing Mie silently, and he couldn't trap me immediately. For Shaohua, This risk must be taken, Jing Mie..."

Ye Yun put away the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification, and immediately flew towards a corridor. At this moment, there is no time to waste. If the strong man who controls this temple wants to control the magic weapon, then even if Ye Yun is capable, he will die here.

"My lord, we must not go out, the lord has not yet descended to the realm, and there are many prisoners!"

"Don't you just let me be a coward here? How dare this group of ants resist, die, all of them will die, not one will be left behind!"

At the end of the corridor, there is a floating cave. It has existed for an unknown period of time. Immortal energy is everywhere, and energy is billowing. The cave occupies an independent space. It can be seen that the owner of the cave has a high status in the Temple of Heaven.

In the cave mansion, among the pavilions and palaces, Jing Mie was angry at the Heavenly Palace Law Enforcer who had destroyed the Huaxian Pavilion and beheaded Xin Shaohua at the beginning. There were two Law Enforcers beside him, one was the middle-aged man person, and the other is an old man.

The middle-aged man and the old man are persuading Jing Mie not to leave the Tiangong Temple, but Jing Mie feels that he is the law enforcement officer of the Tiangong Temple, and he cannot bear this humiliation of hiding, and his body is full of anger.

The old man respectfully persuaded: "My lord, in the history of our Tiangong Temple, events like this blatant confrontation only happened in the ancient times. In this era of immortality, no one dared to be so blatantly provocative. Please believe me, my lord. At this moment, the fairyland has been turned upside down, and my Tiangong Temple will destroy the fairyland, and I will kill all the criminals and suppress all parties!"

"A bunch of ants, damn it... In the future, when dealing with these prisoners, you will have to cramp one by one!!!" Jing Mie was so angry that he slapped the golden armrest with his fist.


While the three strong men were talking, a phantom flashed in the air with lightning speed, and with its eight arms dancing, it chopped off the head of the old man and middle-aged man with two knives.

"Who... dares to break into the temple and kill my enforcer!!"

Jing Mie reacted quickly enough. Before the two heads fell, he flashed past the blade. He was shocked to see the bloody and greedy blade slave staring at him, which made his hair shudder.

"Undead cultivator from hell, you, don't come here. My Tiangong Temple has always had a good relationship with hell. You must not come here, otherwise you will be burned by the masters of the hell clan!"

Jing Mie actually recognized the identity of the sword slave at a glance, and Fang Buddha knew a thousand times more about hell than ordinary immortals.

Chu chu chu...Suddenly, seven blood-red characters were released from the void, appearing in front of Jing Mie, and a picture of him beheading Xin Shaohua also appeared.

Jing Mie Dangdang took three steps back, the shock in his heart was indescribable, he didn't understand that it was an ant that died in his hand that attracted this terrifying demon, he immediately explained: "This... this is a misunderstanding! !!"

"You only realize now that it was a misunderstanding. It's too late, Jing Mie. You killed my apprentice. I'm just such an apprentice. You must die today!"

Ye Yun's cold voice came from the void.

In an instant, Jing Mie's whole body was cold, and he didn't expect that there was a strong man hidden around him: "The person was indeed killed by me, senior, please be sorry for the death, I can make any compensation, I have any treasures in the Temple of Heaven, as long as you Open your mouth, anything is fine!"


Suddenly, the sword slave moved, with unrivaled strength like a fairy king, and the anger from hell, at the moment when Jing Mie was doing everything possible to persuade Ye Yun, he stabbed Jing Mie's heart with a knife.


Jing Mie never expected that the opponent really wanted to do something, and wanted to struggle under the power of the sword slave, but the power of the sword slave was something he, a great immortal with a fifth-level cultivation base, could resist. Jing Mie moaned into the space with blood-red pupils: "Father, you must avenge your child!"


Ye Yun walked out of nothingness one step at a time, grasping Jing Mie's head with five fingers: "You thought you could be resurrected and reborn, wishful thinking, die!"


Jing Mie stared at Ye Yun fiercely, unable to speak, but Ye Yun moved secretly, with a murderous aura against the sky, and smashed Jing Mie's head. You must know that Jing Mie is a fifth-level powerhouse of the Great Immortal, and his head is worse than an immortal weapon. Be tough, which shows how angry Ye Yun is at this time, and how much he wants to kill Jing Mie.


Before Jing Mie's body landed on the ground, Ye Yun disappeared with the sword slave in the blink of an eye.

"Whoever dares to break into the Temple of Heaven will be banned!!!"

Almost half a step away from the Tiangong Temple, Ye Yun felt a chill behind him, as if there was a supreme powerhouse staring at him from the depths of time and space.

Chu Chu Chu!

From the depths of the Tiangong Temple, there came the hoarse voice of the void powerhouse, and immediately, a series of divine prohibitions descended, and the Tiangong Temple was instantly shrouded in ancient divine prohibitions. Even an immortal emperor may not be able to break the divine prohibitions .

Turning around and looking up at the magnificent Tiangong Temple, I was afraid for a while: "It's really timely, fortunately, I didn't covet the power to calm down that fairy body, otherwise I would be suppressed by this divine ban, and beheaded by that invincible Tiangong enforcer! "


At this moment, Ye Yun was shocked by a sky-shattering storm. He turned around and frowned. Above the prison, a powerful teleportation array appeared. He could see the brilliance of teleportation from all directions, gathering towards the teleportation array from the vast depths of the Immortal Realm. Then, from the teleportation array, the densely packed Heavenly Palace enforcers walked out.

These heavenly palace enforcers who came here were all hiding in the depths of the First Layer Immortal Realm, or were performing secret missions, and they all rushed back after being summoned.


When the army of prisoners saw the tens of thousands of Tiangong law enforcers who came out, they were all terrified and ran away one after another. How could the Tiangong law enforcers let them go and started chasing and killing them, and the prisoners died tragically under their swords.


Seeing this scene, Ye Yun grasped it with his right hand, and several fairy stones were melted by a burst of flames, forming a silver-white helmet with a layer of silver sand on his face. Ye Yun immediately put on the helmet, and his face could not be seen under the silver sand. She could only feel Ye Yun's fierce and mysterious divine light.


Above the void swept by the ice and snow storm, the army of prisoners was killed and retreated steadily by the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace. Just when they were about to be completely destroyed, the sword slave unexpectedly descended from the sky, and the thousands of immortal swords on his body were suddenly released, flashing in a flash , Immediately, hundreds of Heavenly Palace Law Enforcers fell.


Countless prisoners who had been decimated, and saw the sword slave who rescued them in the sky prison, were all excited, but they were not afraid at all, and they no longer ran away.

"Whoever blocks me, kill!"

Behind the sword slaves, under the watchful eyes of the law enforcers and prisoners from the Heavenly Palace, Ye Yun, wearing a silver helmet, came out from the void and shocked the sky. He looked at the prisoners and said, "You guys run away!"

"Benefactor, benefactor!!!" The prisoners looked at Ye Yun respectfully, and they all recognized that this voice was exactly the voice that had appeared in the sky prison back then.

The law enforcers of Tiangong didn't dare to move for a moment, because the knife slave killed hundreds of people with one move, which completely frightened him: "Where did the unknown thing come from, dare to stop Tiangong from enforcing the law!"

Ye Yun turned to face the army of Tiangong law enforcers, and slowly said: "I am Wuming, on behalf of all the immortals bullied by the Tiangong Temple, I want to destroy the Tiangong Temple and rescue all the prisoners who have been wronged and imprisoned by you!"

"Pretend to be a ghost, die!!!"

Suddenly, a great immortal sixth-level law enforcer of the heavenly palace, using space magic powers, stabbed Ye Yun through the air with lightning speed.


A great immortal sixth-level powerhouse strikes with all his strength, and it feels like the fairy world is angry, the world is destroyed, and the mountains and rivers are destroyed with a single knife. A knife blocked the opponent's knife.


The two invincible masters clashed forcefully, their blades intersected, their swords clashed, and the collision produced a destructive momentum, which suddenly shattered the void of the entire snow mountain with an unstoppable force.

Countless prisoners and Heavenly Palace enforcers were stunned by the aura of the saber, and some real immortals were even seriously injured and fainted. Ye Yun, who was above the sky, trembled and spurted out a stream of blood.

"Damn... the sixth rank of the Great Immortal!!!"

Even if he used the Daqian Shentu to defend against this aura, the space was shattered, and Ye Yun couldn't get out of the way. When it was affected, the aura of the Great Immortal immediately swept through his body, and the true energy in his body crashed violently. He lost all feeling and was completely numb!


Because the true energy was dissipated and the body was numb and uncontrollable, the original breath of Ye Yun's body, the breath from mortals and the mortal world, suddenly appeared, and was suppressed by the power of the fairy world.

"Mortal breath!!!"

All the immortals were staring at the mysterious masked Ye Yun, but when they saw Ye Yun's original aura was uncontrollably shaken by the aura of the great immortal, and everything was released, they saw Ye Yun's naked mortal identity.

Ye Yun's eyebrows tightened, he really couldn't let his identity leak out again, and immediately urged his thoughts: "Sword slave!!!"


Sensing Ye Yun's mind, the sword slave swung his eight arms, and with two knives, he cut the great immortal sixth-level Heavenly Palace Law Enforcer who was pressing on the top into two ends, and then desperately killed the Heavenly Palace Law Enforcer. land.

The Tiangong Law Enforcer is no match for the sword slave, even the sixth-level powerhouse of the Great Immortal will be killed by it, not to mention the law enforcement officers of the fourth and fifth levels of the Great Immortal.

"If you run away, the mighty Dharma Lord of Tiangong Temple is about to come, if you don't leave, it will be too late!" Ye Yun finally regained his senses, and turned to look at the prisoners from all sides.

"Thank you, let's go!!!"

Although these prisoners all want to destroy the Tiangong Temple, but the Tiangong Temple is powerful, they know best in their hearts, once the real master arrives, none of them will try to escape. He flew towards the vast sky.

Seeing the prisoners fleeing, Ye Yun immediately sent out the voice of his thoughts, which spread: "Sword slaves, don't leave any one behind!"

"Run away, avoid the sharp edge temporarily, this is a very powerful undead monk, not something we can handle with the power of the first level of the fairy world, reduce casualties, go!"

Following Ye Yun's order again, the knife slave went crazy, killing anyone he saw, dancing with eight arms, blood flowed into rivers and corpses were everywhere in an instant.

These Tiangong law enforcement officers were originally pampered and arrogant. When they saw powerful people, they were not short of breath.

"not good!"

After some killings, Ye Yun secretly moved the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification of the World, and sensed that above the sky, there was a majestic aura about to come between the Buddha and the Temple of Heaven. He frowned and looked at the rest of the Temple of Heaven to enforce the law. The victim fled towards the Temple of Heaven, immediately recalled the sword slaves, and disappeared in an instant when he cast the Daqian Shentu.

And in the snow-white world behind, only some true immortal prisoners are still at large, and those prisoners who have cultivated as great immortals have left this planet long ago.


A ray of light appeared in the sky above the Tiangong Temple, and a stalwart projected it, and said to the bottom: "Immediately issue a wanted order and a reward order to hunt down and kill all fugitives, especially the principal culprit, nameless!"

The projection Buddha already knew what was going on, and made a decisive decree.

However, the most sacred Temple of Heaven in the Immortal World has become a place of ruins and bones. The law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Palace are shocked to see, and they are all asking what happened.

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