The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 525 Promoted to Immortal Part [-]

In the vast fairyland starry sky, the sky is full of stars, at this moment, a shocking ray shuttled from the distant void of the galaxy and entered a planet.

"Fly across countless galaxies to know this ancient planet..."

Ye Yun and Dao Nu entered the planet and stood above the vast land. Dao Nu was covered in blood, the blade was still dripping with blood, and those pupils were still full of murderous intent.

Sensing the arrival of a powerful person from the Temple of Heaven, Ye Yun tried his best to activate the Daqian Shentu, and flew towards the end of the fairy world for three days and three nights, leaping across countless star fields, crossing tens of thousands of planets, and letting Buddha reach an endless land. In the living planet.

If Ye Yun didn't urge to run away with all his strength, once he was found by the strong men of the Temple of Heaven, he would be unable to escape the pursuit of the masters. No matter where he went in the fairy world, he would be chased and killed by the strong men.

"Shinra Domain!"

Exercising the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification, Ye Yun has sensed that the energy of this planet is exhausted, and there is no aura of primordial spirit, which means that this planet is a place where immortals are extinct, so he rest assured to cast Shenluo Domain, which stretches for hundreds of miles.

"The sixth level of the Great Immortal... is too terrifying. If the sword slave hadn't blocked most of the power, I would definitely have died under that knife. Back then, when the great elder of the Xin family unleashed his aura, I was seriously injured and couldn't resist, let alone the sixth level of the Great Immortal... …

Sitting cross-legged in the domain, he let the sword slave stay on one side to practice alone to recover his vitality. Ye Yun grabbed the seeds of hell and threw them to the sword slave to practice. The sword slave was very excited when he saw the hell seeds. A place like the Immortal World simply cannot absorb a lot of energy.

I couldn't help feeling scared for a while, this journey of revenge was really thrilling.

The law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Palace are all above the fourth rank of the Great Immortal, and the prisoners in the Heavenly Prison are all vicious and extremely powerful. Ye Yun is like a child standing in front of a giant. Originally, Ye Yun He couldn't participate in the battle between giants at all, but it was a pity that he had a sword slave, but Ye Yun stood at the same height as the giants.

Facing the Great Immortal with a mortal body, he is still a well-known Law Enforcer of the Heavenly Palace in the Immortal World.

"Immortal Physique, come out!"

With a wave of his hand, there are more than [-] immortal corpses in his collection, all of which are floating in the void.

Ye Yun summoned all the celestial bodies to prepare for crossing the catastrophe, becoming a celestial being, and being promoted to a virtual celestial being.

This time he entered the Temple of Heavenly Palace, destroyed the prison, rescued countless prisoners, killed Jing Mie, and thousands of law enforcement officers in Tiangong. Ye Yun knew that from now on, there would be stories about him everywhere in the fairy world. If the wanted warrant is to go to the highest Jiuzhong Immortal Realm, Tiangong Temple will hunt him down and look for him.

With such a powerful enemy, Ye Yun must speed up his practice, step by step, and have the strength of a strong man to compete with the Tiangong Temple. The key point is that the law enforcement officers of the Tiangong only saw him wearing a silver helmet, not his real appearance. But it has all the records of the knife slave.

From now on, he will make good use of the sword slave, and he can't even use the sword slave, because as soon as the sword slave shows up, the world may know that he is the "nameless" that Tiangong Temple is looking for.

Of course, this also means that Ye Yun can no longer rely on the sword slave, but seals the sword slave. Without the sword slave, Ye Yun returns to the original place, a mortal who can't even compete with a true immortal.

Now there is only one way out, and that is to rely on self-cultivation and speak with strength. First of all, it is to break through the imaginary fairyland and achieve the body of a real fairy, so as to have the power to gain a foothold in the fairyland.

To change the way of thinking, even if the sword slave can use it, and the sword slave is not invincible, it is okay to deal with the immortal, but it is somewhat impossible to deal with the immortal king. The key is that the real giant in the immortal world is not the immortal king, but the great emperor, a great emperor , One finger can destroy ten thousand sword slaves.

Therefore, Ye Yun can only compete with the Temple of Heaven by practicing continuously on his own. Fortunately, the Temple of Heaven does not know Ye Yun's real identity, which allows Ye Yun to have time to practice, provide strength, strengthen himself, and grow into a giant.

"Taiyi Divine Furnace!"

Using the Shenluo domain to build a spirit-gathering altar, a year passed without knowing it. After the altar was built, Ye Yun sacrificed the Taiyi furnace, threw a lot of fairy stones, and began to activate the spirit-gathering altar to absorb the energy of the fairy world , and began to prepare for the promotion of Xu Xian.

Ye Yun's current cultivation base is only the ninth rank of Po Immortal, and he has not yet reached the tenth rank of Po Immortal, but Ye Yun's own energy is too vast, and there are more than [-] immortal energies. Adding these together, it is possible to break through the imaginary fairyland Moreover, Ye Yun also seized the energy ball formed by absorbing countless prisoners from the Tiangong Temple.

One person, one demon, one Taiyi god furnace, one spirit-gathering altar, plus a domain, form the only existence on this planet.

As time passed by, the planet was originally warm, but suddenly, it snowed heavily, and soon the world became a snow-covered world.

The Snow White World seems to have existed for a few years, and after a round of planetary movement, the Snow White World slowly melted away, and the spring was warm and flowers bloomed, full of vitality, lush greenery, and the earth was full of infinite vitality.

"Five years... It's almost time to break through to the tenth rank of Poxian!"

Ye Yun, who had been sitting cross-legged like a rock for several years in the air of the Juling altar, slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, all the chaotic qi floating around him was visible to the naked eye. It's about to come out, such a vigorous state is formed by the continuous condensation of these five years.


A fire of calamity began to wrap around Ye Yun, and the fire of calamity burned to form a furnace, which continuously absorbed the energy of destruction and became an indestructible furnace, covering Ye Yun in it.

And the twenty or so immortal bodies around the altar began to tremble slowly, as if the energy of the entire field was being compressed, condensed by a terrifying will.

"The tenth step of breaking the immortal, breaking!"

I don't know how long it took, Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes, his body didn't move, but when he opened his eyes, two rays of divine light burst out, and with a bang, the furnace was destroyed by just two rays of divine light.

Open your mouth and inhale, swallowing all the furnace fragments into your stomach, the surface of your body is shining with fluorescent light, and there are traces of the infinite sun and moon god thunder flickering, and the infinite expression is also released from the pores, creaking, with the breakthrough, the bones of the body It began to grow, the meridians continued to expand, and the body transformed again.

Breaking the tenth step of immortality, and finally reaching the peak state of mortals, it can be regarded as one step to become mortals, one step to become immortals, between mortals and immortals, and finally only half a step away from immortals.

In the secular world, how many mortals dream of the tenth rank of breaking immortals, and a tenth rank of breaking immortals is an invincible giant in the mortal world. An invincible existence in the world, one move can destroy a planet.

Once you reach the peak of Breaking Immortal Realm, you will be able to feel the existence of the fairy world, absorb advanced energy that is not available in the mortal world, and your body will form an energy breath that surpasses the mortal world, and this breath will touch the law of the fairy world. Once the law comes, it will be Once the catastrophe of breaking the immortal is over, you can ascend to the fairy world with the light of the catastrophe.


It was another meditation, and after two years, Ye Yun's aura unexpectedly collided with the aura of his body, and Ye Yun's body quickly inhaled this aura of destruction, but the void of the fairy world appeared again. The shocking aura of destruction became stronger and stronger, not only in the Shenluo domain, but also in the void of the planet and the earth. This aura of destruction gradually spread.

When Ye Yun sensed it carefully, he was surprised to find that almost one-third of the space energy of this planet is full of aura of destruction, especially between heaven and earth.

Ye Yun shook his head with a wry smile, he had thought countless times how incredible his catastrophe would be, and now seeing the heaven and earth is full of catastrophe, which is more than ten times more terrifying than Xin Congyang's original catastrophe, this catastrophe state, I am afraid that only when the immortal reaches the fairy king elder sister will it appear.

"Fortunately, we were prepared to seize the energy ball from the Tiangong Temple, otherwise, it would be really hard to predict the outcome of this catastrophe!"

There is a fear of being dissolved and swallowed by the heaven and earth calamity in front of it. Heaven and earth calamity is the power of the law of heaven and earth, which is what ordinary people say that God is angry. When God is angry, the consequences will be terrible.

Ye Yun, who was originally full of confidence, now faces such a vast catastrophe, but also has some powerlessness in his heart. Fortunately, he has the energy ball condensed by the Tiangong Temple, and there is not much danger in successfully breaking the catastrophe.

As the aura of catastrophe becomes stronger and stronger, Ye Yun is constantly condensing the energy of the fairyland, using the most powerful force to break the catastrophe cleanly, abandon the mortal world, and step into the fairyland.

Suddenly, heavy snow fell on the planet again, and the world became white again, but the sky was not white, but dark, with dark clouds churning, and more and more fierce.


Around the Altar of Gathering Spirits, twenty-seven celestial bodies were suddenly absorbed by a holy chakra, and all the energy essence was transformed into an energy seed. A total of 27 energy seeds were suspended in the air, like dazzling stars from outside the sky. Gemstones contain infinite energy.

These energy seeds are condensed by the God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi, which is more perfect than Ye Yun's absorption, and Ye Yun absorbs a seed, and it can be refined instantly. A burst of exercises can't be refined, and it can't absorb all the energy of the immortal.

Under the chakra of chaotic world purification, the energy of any immortal body will be refined into energy seeds, which contains golden elixir, blood essence, life force, and all energies. Such an energy seed is Compared with the elixir of the fairy world, it is ten thousand times more advanced. This is the essence energy of a fairy.

"Even the legendary Linglong Clan's Linglong Holy Immortal Pill is probably not as good as the energy seeds. When I kill the Great Immortal, the power of the energy seeds will be unprecedented!"

Ye Yun stood up slowly, the ice layer with a radius of thousands of miles shattered instantly, the quiet world of ice and snow shook violently, and the black sea of ​​clouds billowing in the sky became even more ferocious, and then the emptiness also accelerated suddenly, rushing towards the sky , For a moment, there was a feeling of being melted.


After the billowing dark clouds absorbed the calamity energy, they turned into heaven and earth calamity clouds, covering almost the entire sky, making Ye Yun unable to breathe under the pressure, and almost all the energy of the fairy world was cut off at this moment.

Ye Yun's Heavenly Tribulation was so ferocious, even if the Great Immortal was present, he would still be shocked.

Chi Chi!

In the calamity cloud, there gradually appeared more and more heavenly tribulation fairy thunders, which were continuously released as the calamity cloud churned, densely covering the sky, and suddenly heard the sound of whirring jets, and the sky calamity cloud spurted out calamity fire again, the sky They were all illuminated with blood red, not only that, but there was a biting cold in them.

"It turns out that the snow on this planet is caused by the catastrophe on my body, which triggered the laws of heaven and earth!"

Looking at the shocking sky, Ye Yun suddenly understood, and gradually felt a sense of catastrophe, like maggots on the tarsus bone, making the hairs of his whole body tremble, as if the power of catastrophe was about to enter the body and destroy the flesh.

Ye Yun has experienced catastrophe time and time again, this is the first time he felt the will of catastrophe, and he took the initiative to destroy his body. If it wasn't for Ye Yun's physical strength, he might have to be distracted to deal with it.

"Taiyi Divine Furnace, devouring the energy of Heavenly Tribulation!"

Suddenly, a burst of infinite domineering energy shot out from Ye Yun's pupils, and immediately activated the spirit-gathering altar to absorb the calamity energy of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth calamity can be absorbed, although the speed is very slow and uncontrollable, but it can absorb the power of heaven and earth.

"Taiyi's chaotic true energy is really extraordinary. Now my cultivation base is too weak. Once I become an immortal, I will be able to absorb the power of Heavenly Tribulation in the future and turn around my own power. In this way, my body will have the breath of Heavenly Tribulation!"

Ye Yun had a random thought, and it actually succeeded. Taiyi Chaos True Qi can absorb any energy, and Taiyi Divine Furnace is formed by condensing Taiyi Chaos True Qi. Refining Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi is also domineering, but the speed is too slow. This is the reason why Ye Yun's realm is too low. When he reaches the level of True Immortal or Great Immortal, he can directly refine the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

Heavenly Tribulation is the law enforcer of the Immortal Realm, the great power that created the Immortal Realm, and the power left behind.

"It seems that the catastrophe is about to take place, the imaginary fairyland... Immortal!"

After experiencing countless hardships and dangers in his practice, Ye Yun can finally become a fairy and be promoted to a fairy. From then on, he will leave the mortal world and reach the realm of eternal life and immortality.


Seeing that the catastrophe is about to be completed, Ye Yun is about to start preparing to cross the catastrophe. With a move of will, the Shenluo domain stretching for hundreds of miles immediately compresses the energy. Under the shroud of catastrophe, the world is black, so the Shenluo domain is bright.

And Ye Yun is the ruler of the light.

At this moment, Ye Yun's blood is surging, facing the rolling catastrophe, he finally wants to break the shackles of a mortal body and become a fairy who can move freely in the universe.

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