The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 526 Promoted to Immortal

The infinite universe is so vast, and only when one reaches the immortal level can one explore the infinite mysteries of the universe.


The sky, the sky, the clouds, and the ocean terror form a force that is thousands of miles long. It combines the heavenly thunder, the fire, and various forces. , constantly absorbing the power of Heavenly Tribulation, continuously extending and rotating.

Chu Chu Chu!

The heavenly tribulation tornado that gathers all the power, finally, like an ancient giant worm, burrows down towards Ye Yun, all the laws of space are broken, the heavenly tribulation law dominates the world, and the goal is to prevent Ye Yun from successfully crossing the calamity.

"This first catastrophe is so powerful, it is worthy of becoming an immortal catastrophe, haha, come on, with my current body, I will accept your attack head-on!"

Ye Yun didn't even use his supernatural powers to destroy the first catastrophe. Instead, his high arm shook, and the defenses of the Shenluo domain and the spirit gathering altar instantly dissipated. Ye Yun just faced the first catastrophe naked with his body.


Heavenly Tribulation attacked Ye Yun's body with the momentum of destruction, Ye Yun's body was about to explode, and the power of Heavenly Tribulation poured into the body, countless meridians, muscles and bones seemed to be destroyed, the whole person was wrapped in Heavenly Tribulation, and the power of Heavenly Tribulation They poured into Ye Yun's body again, attacking inside and outside, trying to destroy Ye Yun.


Ye Yun suddenly looked up to the sky, his pupils shot out rays of heavenly calamity. Although his body was in extreme pain at this moment, he felt a sense of release that he had never felt before. The rules are all broken, breaking out of the cocoon.

Swish Swish~~~!

The power of the Heavenly Tribulation was directly suppressed by Taiyi's chaotic true energy, and it seemed like thousands of swords shot out of Ye Yun's body. At this moment, all the laws of the mortal world in Ye Yun's body were completely destroyed by the first Heavenly Tribulation. Ye Yun's physical body is strong enough, but his whole body will be swallowed by the catastrophe and turned into dust.

Fortunately, Ye Yun's physical body has long surpassed mortals and reached the level of a true immortal. Therefore, he can let his physical body naked and face the attack of the power of the catastrophe without any damage to his body. Waking up.

Tianjie opened up all the countless unopened entrances and meridians in Ye Yun's body, and destroyed all the laws of the mortal world in the acupoints, blood essence, and bones. Now that he has a physical body, he has no mortal world. The breath is getting closer and closer to the fairy body.

"Haha, even one of my cells can be a sea of ​​air, my skin is almost liquid, and my blood is golden!"

At this moment, Ye Yun was surprised and delighted by the wonderful changes brought about by his body.

The skin of the whole body is crystal clear, containing the light of divinity. You can see any muscle under the skin. The muscles are breathing. Fang Buddha has independent breathing function, and the muscles become transparent. The dense meridians in the muscles are like one by one. The golden water pipe clearly sees the golden blood flowing.

Among the golden blood essence in the meridians, one can even see divine talismans, which are densely contained in the blood essence, flowing continuously with the blood essence, and the bones of the whole body are no longer the ordinary fleshy quality. , as carved from red jade, you can vaguely see in the bones, Taiyi's chaotic true energy is flowing, and the essence of life is beating.

Looking at the dantian again, it is overwhelmed at this time, absorbing the energy of the body and the energy of the fairy world. It looks like a world of true energy that cannot be touched, chaotic, and in the center of the chaotic dantian, you can see a round of gods. The day is where the essence of energy lies, the golden elixir.

The golden elixir rotates mightily, but it is still impossible to see through it. It is extremely mysterious, revealing the breath of the 33-day vine, as if one can see a towering divine tree growing vigorously.

The heart is the source of human life. At this moment, Ye Yun's heart is like an ancient seed growing in the depths of chaotic matter, beating non-stop. The whole red gold is like a flame burning, connecting countless meridians of the body, Deliver nutrients, and above the heart is the mysterious Kowloon ring.

"Come out!"

With a thought, the Nine Dragon Ring appeared in Ye Yun's palm at will. Finally, Ye Yun was able to summon the Nine Dragon Ring. After careful observation, it seems that it is not impossible to try to enter the miracle again in the future.


The world of Heavenly Tribulation was suddenly shaken by a storm. When he looked up at the sky, Ye Yun saw that Heavenly Tribulation was forming. At this time, huge fireballs began to fall from the billowing clouds. The target of the fireballs was Ye Yun. The Shinra field where it is located.

"The Promise Sun Sword, cut!"

Turning his hands and grabbing it, he grabbed a Wuji Shensun Sword in his hand, which contained the breath of infinite sun and moon god thunder, and the breath of heavenly thunder was stronger than Tianjie.

call out!

Spotting the first fireball that fell, Ye Yun moved his mind and waved his big hand. A beam of lightning and sword energy immediately passed through the center of the fireball from the void.


Sure enough, the fireball couldn't resist the power of Ye Yun's sword, split into two parts, and exploded immediately, but what made Ye Yun unhappy was that the fireball didn't disappear. After the explosion, it formed countless flames and fell down. All destroyed, looking at falling above the defensive enchantment of Shenluo domain.

Chi Chi!

Pieces of fireballs transformed by the fire fell into the domain barrier, and the two forces collided violently, but the power of the fire was still stronger, covering the domain barrier with a thick layer and burning fiercely.


In Ye Yun's inadvertent, a trace of calamity fire appeared on the skin, and it was burned blood red by the skin, and a shock of black smoke rose. Ye Yun immediately activated the altar, and the defense of the Shenluo domain became watertight for a while, blocking the calamity fire. Outside.

"This calamity fire is really powerful. It's like this when you touch it. You must know that my physical body is comparable to a real fairy. If a mortal passes through the calamity, wouldn't it mean that if you touch the calamity fire, you will be seriously injured?"

All of a sudden, Ye Yun had a deeper understanding of the road of cultivation. There are so many people who practiced truth. There were so many disciples in Xuanwu Sect back then, but none of them became immortals. The Taiyi Star Territory is so vast, but there were no immortals in history. , and how many there are, the only one who can know is the master.

Even if they can reach the peak of the broken fairyland from the meat fairyland, how many people can survive the catastrophe, break the catastrophe, become a fairy in one step, and step into the fairyland.


The huge fireballs fell so fast that Ye Yun was distracted, and they almost hit the barrier of Shenluo Domain. A little calamity fire could make Ye Yun's skin burn. If such a huge fireball fell on the barrier , wouldn't it smash the barrier to pieces in one blow.

Immediately hold the Wuji God Sun Sword tightly, and with one strike, a fireball explodes, turning into a sea of ​​flames, followed by another sword, and the fireballs explode one by one, but they do not disappear, forming a sea of ​​flames, and directly melt outside the barrier In that layer of calamity fire, the number is increasing and the area is getting wider and wider.

"It's really surprising that the second heavenly tribulation is so powerful!"

Swinging the sword no less than a hundred times, Ye Yun finally dispelled a ball of fire. The Wuji Shenri Sword showed its supernatural power, not afraid of the calamity fire at all. Any ordinary fairy weapon would be attacked by the calamity fire, suppressing most of its power, but the Wuji Shenri Sword is Condensed from the Infinity, the Eight Desolation, the Sun and Moon Divine Thunder, possessing the power of the laws of hell, it is natural to suppress the laws of the fairy world.

When the law suppresses the law, it means that the power is also suppressed by the Jedi.

"These robbery fires are really powerful, they consume a lot of my energy, energy seeds!"

To defuse the fireball from the sky, Ye Yun felt that the energy in the domain that had been condensed for nearly ten years was being crazily consumed by the robbery fire above. , So with a thought, an energy seed flew out of the body.

This energy seed is the one that was made by beheading Mr. Fanqi and using the chakra of the chaotic and pure world. Ye Yun inhaled it in one gulp, and Mr. Fanqi's tenth-level energy of a true immortal burst out in his body immediately, which was equal to one In a short time, there will be an extra power in the body equivalent to a tenth-order powerhouse of a true immortal.


At this moment, the third catastrophe was formed again.

The ocean of terrifying robbery clouds was churning, and Ye Yun saw the terrifying black windstorm blowing out of the ocean, forming a storm of robbery wind, blowing towards him non-stop.


The sea of ​​fire was originally burning, but when it encountered a storm, it turned out to be like a fire demon, opening its teeth and claws to attack the Shenluo domain, and the power of the storm itself, like a fairy weapon, kept hitting the defensive barrier.

"The wind helps the fire, and the fire is blessed by the wind and storm, making it even more terrifying, and the wind and storm are also powerful. Back then, in the Wanfeng Cave, the storm in the fairy world could blow out countless holes in the huge mountain, and finally turned it into dust..."

Thinking of being in Wanfeng Cave, Ye Yun felt numb all over. If the catastrophic windstorm blows like this, even he can't hold on for long, no matter how much energy he has, it will be exhausted, like water drops through a stone, no one can stand it consumption together.

"Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palm!"

Ye Yun didn't want to just wait like this, being wiped away by the wind and storm, with a slight push with his left hand, the Infinite Sun and Moon Divine Lightning condensed together with the dharma seal, turning into the Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palm, facing the front of the Jiefeng storm, and turned backwards. palm out.


Under the urging of Ye Yun's terrifying power, Bahuang Yinlei Palm directly resisted the storm from the front, like a giant extending its palm to intercept the storm.

Ye Yun didn't know how many palms he slapped in succession, one palm after another, Mr. Fan Qi's energy seed was consumed all at once, Ye Yun inhaled another seed, and there were still 26 seeds left in the outer layer.


As soon as a real fairy energy seed was inhaled, it was all used to condense the Eight Desolation Yinlei Palm. This palm, with a real fairy energy, slapped heavily towards the storm.

Whoops! ! !

The powerful force lifted the Jiefeng storm head-on and changed its direction. Ye Yun finally felt relieved. As long as the direction of the storm changed, he didn't have to worry about Jiefeng.

As the storm changed direction, it seemed that Ye Yun had resolved the third catastrophe. Before Ye Yun could breathe, the fourth catastrophe was forming in the ocean of catastrophe.


The immortal thunder of Jieyun Ocean flashes, and the aura of infinite Tianjie Xianlei is erupting, flickering, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, and the thunder resounds through the sky, and the Buddha will fall at any time.

"Haha, God is helping me. The thunder tribulation comes ahead of schedule, so I can use the Lightning of the Sun and Moon God to absorb the heavenly tribulation fairy thunder. There is no challenge in this catastrophe!"

Before the Celestial Tribulation and Immortal Thunder fell, Ye Yun's mind moved, and a series of Infinite Sun and Moon God Thunders were released, directly forming an enchantment to protect the upper part.

Chi Chi!

At this time, the fourth heavenly tribulation fell, and it was indeed four terrifying thunder dragons.

"The power of the immortal thunder in the Great Immortal Tribulation is different from that in the Great Immortal Tribulation. The Thunder in the Great Immortal Tribulation is only one-tenth of the Great Immortal Tribulation!"

When the four thunder dragons appeared, Ye Yun completely relaxed. The energy aura in it was far from the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder that absorbed Xin Congyang Great Immortal Heavenly Tribulation, less than one-tenth of it. Of course, this is also very normal Ye Yun crossing the catastrophe is a mortal catastrophe, if the mortal catastrophe is as terrifying as the great immortal catastrophe, then who else in the mortal world can break the catastrophe and become a fairy.


The four thunder dragons attacked the defensive barrier formed by the Wuji Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder with lightning speed, but it did not affect the entire barrier at all. To be honest, it is not like a ferocious sky thunder at all, but a tamed beast.

"Broken body!"

Ye Yun was even more courageous, he directly grabbed a thunderbolt and crushed the body, it was still extremely painful when the thunder touched the flesh, but Ye Yun didn't even blink his eyes, he controlled the thunderbolt and began to swim through countless meridians and acupoints all over his body , once again washes the marrow of the flesh and removes impurities from all realms.


With absolute strength, he controls the thunder of heaven and despises the power of heavenly tribulation. Regardless of any pain, Ye Yun just enjoys this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to wash his marrow. The energy of the physical body is constantly rising, and it is more free to practice.

The physical body is the most mysterious and unpredictable thing in the world. It contains infinite laws and mysteries, and its own secrets are the secrets of the way of heaven.


In the end, he couldn't survive the Infinity Sun Moon God Thunder, and the four thunder dragons all dispersed and merged into the aura of the Heavenly Tribulation, and the fourth Heavenly Tribulation passed so easily.


Just after the fourth Heavenly Tribulation, the fifth Heavenly Tribulation came one after another. Ye Yun raised his head and saw that a bright red river formed from the ocean of Heavenly Tribulation, filling the sky. rivers.

"This is the Heavenly Tribulation Water, but I met it. It is so magnificent. It seems that my Heavenly Tribulation is extraordinary!"

Ye Yun shook his head, staring at the river formed by the Tiangang Jieshui, which flowed endlessly in the sky, like ten thousand horses galloping, if it attacked him, it would be no small matter.

Water can penetrate corundum, move huge mountains, irrigate the entire continent, and swallow everything. The water from the heavenly gang can swallow such a small mortal like Ye Yun.

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