"Phoenix-crowned divine bird!"

Ye Yun's mind immediately flashed an ancient divine bird with the sacred phoenix crown of a phoenix. He had seen this kind of spiritual beast in ancient books.

There are countless ancient beasts in the fairy world, including ferocious beasts, fairy beasts, even monsters, blood beasts, etc. Of course, the monster race is more powerful than the beast race. The phoenix crown bird is a kind of fairy beast. This kind of god bird is rumored to be the beast phoenix. The descendants who stayed in the fairyland.

"By the way, the ancestor of the beast is a family of fairy beasts, and for some reason they are hiding in the lower realm!"

Ye Yun shook his head, inadvertently thought of the beast race, and sighed in his heart, it seems that this phoenix-crowned bird is indeed rare and powerful, and it is rumored that almost all of the gods are immortal-level strengths, and there are even great emperor-level terrors.

"If you want to get the colorful phoenix crown, you must join forces to suppress the divine bird, and then harvest the phoenix crown. Little brother, if you are ambitious, go and try it. If you succeed, you will not only be rewarded handsomely, but also gain a relationship with the winner. Good for you It will be of great help to establish a foothold in the fairy world, well, the old man is full, and it is time to find a place to sleep!"

The little old man stood up unsteadily, and left the restaurant without saying goodbye to Ye Yun.

"The winner..."

After thinking for a while, Ye Yun felt that the little old man's suggestion was very good. The journey to find the colorful phoenix crown must be full of dangers. It is the best opportunity for him to practice and get paid. The main thing is to improve his cultivation. You can use your means to practice with confidence.

Taking out tens of thousands of fairy stones, Ye Yun gave them to Xiaoer for nothing, and settled the bill. He didn't expect to spend so much on a drink and a meal. No wonder there are so many immortals in Luoqi Immortal City who have nowhere to go.

After leaving the restaurant, Ye Yun set off to the winner.

Luoqi Immortal City is very large, and the immortals are all on foot. It is rare to see immortals flying in the sky. Life in the Immortal City is actually very leisurely, especially for immortals with certain influence. Xiancheng is like a place outside the fairy world.

"An ordinary fairy city in the double fairyland is so vast. I don't know what the fairyland looks like. Leiyin Mountain and Taishang Xianzong are in the fairyland. It seems that the fairyland is not bigger than the fairy city!"

After walking around for a long time, Ye Yun quickly found the winner. After a long time, he had a general understanding of Luoqi Immortal City. When he thought about the map of the fairy world, this Luoqi Immortal City was just a grain of constant sand, and there was an even wider fairyland. Yun wanted to see it very much, but it was a pity that the Immortal Realm was too far away from Luoqi Immortal City, and it would take decades to reach it if he flew non-stop.

The fairyland is in the high-level fairyland, which is the real fairy world. It's a pity that in the double-layer fairyland, there are too few fairylands, and even the triple-layer fairyland is pitifully few.

"Win the house!"

Almost entering the deep north of Luoqi Xiancheng, Ye Yun followed the directions of others, and saw a magnificent mansion like a palace, and was shocked by two living fire lions and beasts in front of him.

The main entrance of Ying Mansion is ten feet wide, and it is all made of crimson material. The gate of the mansion is wide open, and six guards in armor are guarding the gate. When seeing Ye Yun approaching, his breath became short of breath.

A great immortal guard, following the release of the fire lion's aura, immediately noticed Ye Yun, and before Ye Yun got within a meter, he sternly stopped: "This is Ying Mansion, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

Ye Yun was neither humble nor overbearing, he came to the gate with heavy steps, nodded his forehead slightly and said: "I heard that your family is recruiting talented people, I'm not talented, so I'm here to give it a try!"

"It seems that you were instructed by someone. Yes, the mansion is indeed secretly summoning capable men. There are not many people who know the news. You are lucky. There are more than a dozen able men gathered in the mansion, and there is still one place left. , come with me!"

Finally, the guard said suddenly, and waved decisively at Ye Yun.

"Thank you!" Ye Yun immediately walked over.

"The Ying Mansion is not any other place, but the most powerful force in Luoqi Immortal City. Killing is supreme!"

The guards brought Ye Yun into Ying's mansion, and they saw towers, pavilions, and jade dragon corridors everywhere. On the contrary, there are not many buildings like mortal palaces inside Ying's mansion, but an old and simple one, giving people the feeling of returning to nature Only a character with infinite secrets can build such a mansion.

The guards led Ye Yun through the corridors. If Ye Yun's soul was not strong, he would not be able to remember the route, but the guards reminded Ye Yun everywhere: "As for everything inside the Ying Mansion, you don't need to know. If you can pass the assessment, once you are done The task is valued by the winner's family, so there is hope to serve the winner, and no one will dare to provoke you in this Luoqi fairy city in the future, you are superior!"

"Brother, thank you for taking care of me, this is my next thought!"

When turning around the corner of the corridor, Ye Yun took out a third-grade fairy artifact and gave it to the guard.

"Haha, don't look at me as a winner's guard. If I meet a good master in the future, why don't I leave here? We will all be friends in the future. Take care of me. I think it's hard to catch the breath of a brother. I will definitely pass the assessment and become a member of the Winner's mansion." , I want my brother to take care of me everywhere, let's go!"

The guard accepted the fairy artifact, not to mention how happy he was, and led Ye Yun to continue winding the corridor.

"Stop, is this person here to participate in the assessment?"

Turning and turning, he finally came to a unique palace. More than a dozen four-level immortals were strictly guarding him. The leader was a super strong man who had reached the fifth-level great immortal. When he saw the guards walking over with Ye Yun, he waved his hand. drank.

"Master Chief Attendant, this person is here to participate in the assessment, and I will leave!" The guard turned around and left with his head bowed, fearful of the strong man.

"come in!"

The chief attendant didn't say much, he just waved his hands, and made way for Ye Yun to block the two masters at the gate of the palace. Following the chief attendant's lead, Ye Yun saw more than a dozen statues above an open-air lake in the garden. Cultivators dressed in different styles are standing in front of several masters dressed in luxurious service.

The chief attendant motioned for Ye Yun to stand with the dozen or so masters, and then came to the pavilion, and among several luxurious figures, an old man in his sixties respectfully saluted: "Master, this person is also here to participate in the assessment! "

The old man's aura was empty, as if he was hiding his cultivation, he said solemnly: "Pass the order down, don't let anyone in again!"

"Yes!" The chief waiter took the order and left.

The old man looked at the crowd and stood up like a thunderclap: "Well done, you can stand here, it shows that you are all capable people, I am the master of Yingfu, Ying Mutian, I think you have all heard the name of this mansion , the government will select ten capable men to participate in the mission, and ten of them have been selected before you, but unfortunately one of them backed down and had to find another one!"

"What this residence wants is capable people. Among you, those with the highest cultivation bases are the third-level great immortals, and there are also real immortals. I will give you a fair chance. As long as you can snatch this ring from the aura of this residence, whoever will be Pass the test!"

Ying Mutian's palm trembled, and in front of Ye Yun and the others, a green light field appeared, with a green ring floating in the center, which was worn by Ying Mutian.

"Master, I'll come first!"

A big fairy second-rank reckless man with a beard on his face and a menacing momentum that shocked people's courage. He came first, and without any politeness, he stretched out his five claws and grabbed at the aura green ring.


The reckless man's five fingers firmly grasped within two feet of the aura, and then he was imprisoned by the aura, making the reckless man unable to move forward even an inch, while the green ring seemed to be just a hand away, but out of reach.


After ten breaths of entanglement with the aura, the reckless man finally gave up, and was shaken away by the powerful force of the aura, which made him tremble slightly, especially his five fingers seemed to be bleeding. The reckless man shook his head, turned and left in disappointment.

"This aura is so domineering. The second-level powerhouse of the Great Immortal can only break through two feet. It seems that the master of the Ying Mansion, Ying Mutian, is at least a fifth-level powerhouse of the Great Immortal! Just a single aura can defeat the second-level strongman!" By!"

Seeing this scene in secret, Ye Yun was shocked physically and mentally. He did not expect that Ying Mutian, who seemed to be quite Confucian, turned out to be so powerful.

"Damn... Farewell!"

The rest of the immortals tried to grab the green ring one by one, but some of them didn't even break through their aura. There was a third-ranked great immortal who went three feet deep and was about to catch the green ring. Unfortunately, with all his strength, he couldn't He was no match for Ying Mutian's aura, so he failed and left.

"Father, there is only one person left in the end. It seems that there is nothing unusual about him. It seems that we still have to continue to call to get capable men!"

Seeing that more than a dozen immortals failed one after another, Ye Yun was the only one left, and beside Ying Mutian, there was a middle-aged man in golden jade clothes, and he said disappointedly.

Ying Mutian didn't sit down, but put his hands behind his back, and his eyes fell on Ye Yun who was about to attack the aura: "Don't worry, take a look first and then talk!"


At this time, there was a shocking sound of breaking the wind. Everyone was amazed to see that Ye Yun grabbed it with his hands, but he didn't enter the aura at all. A force with Sanskrit sound instantly entered the aura, and unexpectedly cut the power of the aura. The crack, but Ye Yun's hands were quick and his eyes were quick, and with a thought, a void force grabbed the green ring in the palm of his hand.


All the winners clapped their hands, and Ying Mutian waved his hand, and the aura disappeared. He took the ring from Ye Yun, and after putting it on, he was quite happy: "You are really extraordinary, you have such pure power, and you have an extraordinary The means of Yukong, Luoqi Immortal City, who can snatch the ring from the power of the government, are all from one party, able man, what's your name?"

"Under Ye Yun!" Ye Yun immediately replied,

"Ye Nengshi, you have passed the examination, Qu'er, go and let the nine capable scholars come over, I have something to say for my father!" Ying Mutian admired Ye Yun quite a bit, and immediately sat down, looking at the middle-aged man beside him. He waved his hand happily.

"Yes, baby, let's go!"

Soon the middle-aged man entered the palace with nine different auras. Ye Yun glanced secretly and found that the nine figures were indeed very strange, and eight of them were great immortals, and one of them was a real person. Immortals of the eighth rank, among the Great Immortals there is also a fourth-rank powerhouse.

The fourth-level human immortal, a strong man on the same level as Xin Wanling, is an invincible master in the first-level fairy world, and is also a strong man in the second-level fairy world!

"The government has selected you to wait for ten people. This time the task is to find the Phoenix Crown Bird and capture the colorful Phoenix Crown. Now you start a team and work together. The Phoenix Crown Bird is comparable to the existence of the fairy king. It depends on any of you Even one person can't take it down, only ten people working together can have hope!"

"This trip is full of dangers, and our government will give you some help. I will lend you a set of sword formations to capture the colorful phoenix crowns. The sword formations will be placed in the hands of 'Kui Liao'. Go down and rest for three years. The eldest son of our government, Ying Qu, will lead you to set off. !"

The middle-aged man next to Ying Mu Tianchao nodded, confessed a few words in secret, and then left with the other masters.

The middle-aged man grabbed it, and an ancient one-meter-long sword spy appeared in his palm, and then handed it to a middle-aged fairy dressed as a barbarian among the ten warriors.

Then the middle-aged man introduced himself: "I am Ying Qu, I hope everyone will work together to capture the colorful phoenix crown and complete the task. I just explained it to my father. If I can successfully complete the task this time, everyone will be my winner. Protect!"

"Since the palace lord is so generous and gave us the sword array to help us complete the task, then I will definitely complete the task!" The middle-aged man who got the sword spy is also the strongest person in the crowd. His words were approved by everyone .

"Go home and rest!" Ying Qu stepped aside, waved Ye Yun and ten people to leave.


Ying Qu appeared in a deep courtyard, this is a forbidden area for winners, and even the family members of Ying Mansion are not allowed to enter and leave at will.

Ying Mutian walked out from a building that looked like a tea house in the deep courtyard: "Qu'er, is the matter settled?"

"Yes, father, I don't know how sure we are in capturing the seven-colored phoenix crown this time. In the last batch of ten people, none of them returned!" Ying Qu said worriedly.

"Even if I have a certain level of confidence, I have to pay any price. If I want to become a winner, I must gain a relationship with the upper realm and establish a network of relationships. In the future, I will replace the city lord and sit in Luoqi Immortal City, which can be regarded as finding a good place for your sister! "

Ying Mutian finished meaningfully, and looked at Ying Qu quite seriously: "By the way, you have to sum up your experience last time. Although the phoenix-crowned bird is powerful, it is a fairy beast after all. As long as you try your best to seize the opportunity, there is a chance." Take care of it!"

Ying Qu said: "I have also thought about it carefully. The last time I hunted the phoenix-crested divine bird, it was because the bird was so powerful that I blamed my son for being impatient. He didn't wait for the best time before returning home. Take advantage of the right time, place and people, and don't you have the 'Golden Goose Sword Spy' in your father's hands?"

"This Golden Goose Sword Spy is my winner's ancestral treasure. It is infinitely powerful. It's a pity that my winner has never produced a master immortal king, so I can't exert the power of this Golden Goose Sword Spy. In short, you must use it well. This Golden Goose Sword Spy was ordered by my father." Pass the restriction, don't worry about Kuiliao and the others snatching it away, let's go down!"

Ying Mutian flicked his sleeves and went back to the tea house.

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