
One hundred and eight golden immortals, running the sword array, are like ten thousand swords flying together, resonating with the heaven and the earth, rushing into the monster beast with lightning speed, and the sword energy burns the sky.

Flesh and blood flew across the void, and the blood mist was thick. The eleven immortals were blood-stained all over their bodies. The Golden Goose Sword Formation was like a meat grinder, invincible among monsters.


The sword array was rushing into the center like a flood, suddenly a ferocious beast, like a black bear covered in flesh, sprayed out a fairy fork and attacked the immortal array fiercely.

"Damn it, this monster accidentally fused a monster weapon!"

The progress was blocked in an instant, and the sound of the golden ge made the scalps of the immortals numb, and the blood was surging. The few immortals with weaker strength were almost unable to suppress them, and spurted blood.

Ying Qu broke out in a cold sweat. He never expected to meet such a powerful monster. Fused with a monster weapon. The monster weapon is a magic weapon used by monster monks. Neither monsters nor fierce beasts can practice. According to common sense, it is impossible to use a monster weapon in combination. , but this terrifying monster unexpectedly fused with a monster weapon.


A savage bull rushed towards the sword array suddenly. It had a huge hill and its eyes were frightening with demonic light. In particular, it had a single dragon horn on its head, which was extremely sharp, like an indestructible spear.

When Kuiliao saw the bull rushing towards him, especially the dragon horn, he immediately looked solemn: "No, this is a bull with dragon horn. The dragon horn is extremely sharp, comparable to a fifth-order fairy weapon!"

"Golden Goose Sword Shield!"

Ying Qu's hands changed infinitely, and saw ten golden swords flying out of the sword array, overlapping each other, forming a sword shield, and the sword gas turned into a golden wild goose, defending in front of the sword array.


Longjiao Manniu didn't care about the sword formation, his temper erupted, he was unstoppable, and he slammed into the sword shield with such a shocking momentum that the entire sword formation was blown ten meters away.

"Dragon Horned Buffalo!"

Ye Yun almost spat out a mouthful of hot blood. At this time, the true energy in his body was disordered, almost uncontrollable, and his whole body was numb.

"I haven't seen monster beasts in the fairy world. I didn't expect monster beasts to be so strong. If there is no sword array, I will definitely be smashed to death. Even a strong immortal like Kuiliao will be seriously injured!"

Refreshing luck, using the Dao of Taiyi Divine Light, suppressed the true energy in the body in an instant, but the body still couldn't perceive it, the dragon-horned bull was really terrifying, and if it attacked with pure power, if it ran to the first level of the fairyland, I'm afraid no one would Can make this giant beast.

"I will subdue this bull!"

Everyone managed to control the sword formation, and the monsters from all directions came around again, and the bull with dragon horns was about to attack again. Everyone was shocked by its terrifying power. Who is his opponent for such a wild and violent monster? At this time, Kuiliao stepped forward with strides, releasing a barbaric aura from his body.

"Let's support it for a while, if it really doesn't work, we will retreat!"

Ying Qu was so tired that his breathing speeded up. The sword array was attacked by monsters. The Golden Goose Sword Formation is indeed powerful, blocking heavy attacks from monsters, but if this continues, everyone's strength will be exhausted.

Not to mention capturing the Flame Spirit Lotus, it is impossible to survive.

But anyway, we still have to fight.

"Ah, down!"

Kuiliao sprayed out a barbaric air all over his body, and stretched out his big hands towards the dragon-horned bull that was running wildly, and the barbaric air transformed into two big hands, blocking the dragon-horned bull with a bang.

Thus, everyone witnessed Kuiliao's supernatural power as a barbarian monk.

The dragon-horned ox that was running wildly was actually intercepted by the barbaric big hands. The dragon-armored ox left a deep ravine in the ground. The barbaric big hands held him tightly, and Kuiliao's body collided with muscles, and slowly raised his arms. It even flipped the dragon-horned bull into the air, and threw it heavily a hundred miles away.


With the power of the barbarians to defeat the monster power of the Dragon Horn Bull, Kuiliao was exhausted. One must know that just one building of the Dragon Horn Bull almost broke the sword formation composed of 11 people, but he defeated the Dragon Horn Bull alone. , It can be seen how tired.

"Humans, dare to snatch spiritual objects with this king. When this king kills these minions, you will die too!"

At the crater, the fiery mane monster was killing more than a dozen monsters. Under his feet, there were already several monsters that he had killed alive, staring at the monster battlefield below, furious at the eleven immortals. .

The firemane monster willingly hid in the volcano for 3000 million years, and now it finally waited for the fruit to ripen, how could it kill the monster and human monk halfway, wouldn't he be angry.

"Swords controlling all directions!"

The 11 people trapped in the siege were miserable. Fortunately, there was a golden goose sword array protecting their bodies, otherwise the 11 people would have been buried in the belly of monsters.

Ying Qu saw that the situation was not good, and he really came up with a new formation of the Golden Goose Sword Formation. He saw that the number of golden swords suddenly doubled, and the sword formation suddenly became huge. Screaming.

"Soul Soul Lotus!!!"

The Golden Goose Sword Formation unleashed its power and opened a hole, but other monsters came to kill them again, as if they had a natural hatred for human beings, and a thousand meters away, there was the Flame Soul Lotus floating in the air, surrounded by a few very Powerful monsters are killing each other.


The monster like a black bear, after being lifted away by the sword energy, came roaring again, directly expelling the fairy fork from its mouth, like a fisherman catching fish, stabbing wildly.

Clank clang clang... Immortal fork and sword formation collided together immediately, the monster beast seemed to go crazy, it didn't even look at the flame spirit lotus, it chased after the sword formation and stabbed fiercely, the sword formation was fine, it frightened all the immortals trembling.

People are like ants, and monsters are like elephants. This kind of close-up vision is enough to shock everyone.

"Humans, I don't show you good looks, I think the orcs are easy to bully, flame whip!"

The Firemane Monster Beast seemed to see that the Flame Soul Spirit Lotus was in crisis, and it also started to use its housekeeping skills. It turned its hands and reached into the volcano, and the ground began to shake, and the Fire Mane Monster Beast let go of the Buddha to throw something underground. Solids were extracted.


The firemane monster actually pulled out a thousand-meter-long burning flame whip from the volcano. It was still dripping with magma, and when it fell to the ground, it burst into flames.


The long flame whip was driven down by the power of the firemane monster, like a viper, when it hit a monster with one blow, a strip of flesh and blood was left alive, and then it was whipped down again, and the monster was split into two pieces alive , Comparable to monsters of the fourth and fifth ranks of the Great Immortal, killed with two whips.

"I didn't expect the fire mane monster to sacrifice the original magic weapon. It seems that he is going to be promoted to the beast king. Hurry up!" Ying Qu watched the monster being whipped to death. Sword array.

"It won't work if we continue like this, even if we get the Flame Soul Lotus, we will still be physically exhausted, and we won't be able to escape from the whip of the fiery mane monster at all!"

Xiong Guangxian gasped and said in astonishment.

"Could it be that what we paid before was in vain?" Ying Qu simply wanted to see the treasure he got, so he just missed it for nothing. He originally made up his mind to take the Yan Soul Linglian as his sister's dowry, which can be regarded as dredging the relationship, so he decided to take the risk. Now Seeing that he is about to get it, how can he be willing.

The other immortals are also tangled, but now they can only retreat, they cannot advance, and there is still a way to survive. If they advance, they will not die in the belly of the beasts, and they will be killed by the fire mane monster.

"Brothers, you can give it a try!"

Just when everyone couldn't give up, Ye Yun turned around and said.

"Brother Ye, that's right, why did I forget you? You must be able to snatch the token from my father's hand, which must have greatly improved the space. What can you do?"

Ying Qu, Kuiliao and the others eagerly looked at Ye Yun as if grasping at straws.

"I once obtained an ancient method of controlling space. Back then, I was able to break the defense of the Palace Master. That's exactly what happened. However, my cultivation base is too weak. To be honest, my cultivation base is only in the fairyland, so I can't fully activate it. And it consumes too much energy along the way, and I need all the brothers to put all their energy into my body!"

After solemnly speaking every word, Ye Yun looked at everyone with confidence: "Then... I'm half sure to capture the Flame Spirit Lotus!"

Half sure?Don't you need everyone to take risks?

"it is good!"

Almost without thinking, everyone agreed decisively, and starting with Ying Qu and Kuiliao, they directly sacrificed the power of the great immortals in the flesh and penetrated into Ye Yun's body, and the others also started one after another.

"It's true to seek wealth and danger, and you can borrow the power of ten masters to directly open the entrance for me and advance to the realm..."

At this moment, Ye Yun laughed in his heart.

It turned out that he had planned for a long time. When everyone had no other way, he would use the old method to use the power of everyone to use space magic powers to seize spiritual objects. Sure enough, no one could deal with such a large number of monsters until now, even with the Golden Goose Sword Formation. This kind of unworldly attack method can't do it either.

These ten people are almost all strong. Among them, Kuiliao and Xiong Guangxian are almost one point stronger than Xin Wanling, and Ying Qu even surpasses them, reaching the peak of the fourth rank of the Great Immortal, and he is the number one master.

The gap between the immortal realms is very large. In the mortal realm, although the gap between realms is not small, it is a thousand miles away compared to the immortal realm. It takes tens of millions of years for a great immortal to break through a ladder, and a high-level immortal It is even more frightening. For example, it takes hundreds of millions of years to break through from the sixth level to the seventh level. The natural strength difference in the same level is greater.

There is no doubt that Ying Qu is the peak powerhouse of the fourth rank of the Great Immortal.

Although all of them have astonishing cultivation and are masters among the immortals, no one dares to take half a step out of the sword formation. Once they step out, they will die without a place to bury them. Only by joining hands can they have the ability to deal with monsters. strength.


The strength of the ten masters, nine are great immortals. Although Zhou Qing is not a great immortal, his strength has reached the level of a great immortal, so the power of ten great immortals poured into Ye Yun's body. What kind of concept is this? Ye Yun was originally a stream in the wilderness, but suddenly Terrifying floods came like rivers.

"Brother Ye, Ye, I didn't expect your physical body to be so powerful. It seems that this spatial supernatural power will definitely be able to capture the Flame Spirit Lotus!"

The ten masters all had a feeling at this time that with their whole body strength, they could almost fight against such terrifying existences as the fire mane monster, but now they entered Ye Yun's body, and there was no sound for a long time.

Even a great immortal cannot hold so much energy!

"Don't worry, you'll finish condensing your supernatural powers soon..."

Ye Yun naturally knew what everyone was thinking, and continued to crazily absorb the energy of the ten masters. At this moment, in the depths of his dantian, there were actually ten energy seeds that released an astonishing aura.

Yes, it is the energy seeds condensed by absorbing ten masters.

"The time is almost here. If they continue to absorb it like this, they will definitely become suspicious. Now absorbing everyone's energy and breaking through the bottlenecks of the second, third, and fourth levels of Xuxian, it means that they can break through the death level of Xuxian at any time!"

Absorbing the energy of ten masters and forcibly breaking through the entrance of the imaginary fairyland, Ye Yun is really daring. If he didn't have a body comparable to a real immortal or even an immortal emperor, he would have exploded and died long ago.

"Eldest son, everyone, prepare to urge the sword array to escape!"

Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden Sanskrit aura, under the shocked expressions of the ten immortals, shot directly at the Flaming Soul Spirit Lotus several hundred meters away.


A streak of golden Sanskrit void power, which seemed to be able to control the space of the fairy world, suddenly entangled the flame soul lotus floating above several terrifying monsters.


The crowd was shocked, and urged the sword formation with all their strength, Ying Qu changed the sword formula again, the power of the golden goose sword formation increased sharply, wrapping everyone to kill outside the battlefield.


The moment the sword array was in motion, everyone was shocked to see a ray of fragrance floating towards them, as if flying directly through the space, flying over from the face of ferocious monsters.

"Soul Soul Lotus!!!"

At this moment, everyone was so excited that they burst into tears.

Ye Yun grasped Guangyao in pain, it was a flaming lotus that bloomed infinitely gorgeously and released a fragrance, the lotus bloomed so huge, Ye Yun immediately handed it to Ying Qu: "My lord! "

"This is the Flame Soul Lotus, I have only seen it in ancient books before!"

Everyone was attracted by the aura of Yan Soul Linglian.


The sword array suddenly shook violently, and a long flame whip flashed across the void.

Ying Qu put away the Flame Soul Lotus immediately, and looked towards the crater with the others. Seeing that the Firemane monster lost the Flame Soul Lotus, it howled and charged directly to kill it.


Ying Qu changed his sword tactics again, countless golden swords gathered together, twirling non-stop, and rolled towards a monster. This time, he hit all-out attack, and the power of the sword array became unstoppable.


Unexpectedly, just as the sword array was about to enter the battlefield, a long flame whip came from one side and slashed heavily on the sword array. As soon as the sword array sank, Ying Qu, headed by Ying Qu, spurted out a stream of blood, and the others were almost in danger. stunned.

"Fortunately, there is a great immortal energy in my body as a defense, otherwise I will be in trouble!"

Ye Yun was not injured, it turned out that it was the energy of the immortal in his body, which had long been condensed into a defense, penetrated the body surface, and formed an armor, which really resolved the crisis.

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