In the vast void of the fairy world, the eleven immortals kept flying to the depths, gradually showing a gray mist on the ground, and everything looked black and gray.

"Wuguhuangyu, it must be very vast to become a domain, and it seems that it will gradually enter the fairyland of Wuguhuangyu!"

Seeing that the earth and the heavens and the earth were covered with black gray, everyone became more cautious and wary of all directions. Ye Yun released his mind to look over and found that the energy in the Wugu Desolate Territory was weirder than ordinary places. It seemed that it was not suitable for immortals to absorb, and the energy was chaotic. , like a thick layer of black smoke.

A place in the fairyland that can be named after a domain is a vast world, like Luoqi Xiancheng, which is only one percent or even one ten thousandth of the fairyland. Wuguhuangyu is actually a fairyland, vast and boundless, and among them There are a large number of monsters, monster clan immortals, and fairy beasts living in it, and there are often forces from all directions entering it to hunt for treasures. I don't know how many crises are contained in it.

Ying Mansion slowed down, gathered everyone together, and said: "Everyone, now we have officially entered the world of Wugu Wasteland. We have lost a lot of time along the way, so we will go directly to the 'Luoxia Mountain' in Wugu Wasteland now. According to the reliable information we have, the phoenix-crowned bird inhabits the 'Luoxia Mountain', we continue to set off, and we must meet various people on the way, so don't get confused!"

"Luoxia Mountain..." Everyone had never heard of this place, and it was not surprising that the Wugu Desolate Territory was so vast.

Ying Qu said again: "To be honest, everyone, our Ying Mansion once sent a group of masters, but unfortunately none of them came back alive. This Wugu wasteland is very dangerous and is in crisis everywhere, but don't worry, my lord father this time. If you use the Golden Goose Sword Spy, you will definitely be able to pass the test and win the colorful phoenix crown!"

In an instant, everyone looked at each other, and Kuiliao said: "We will work together, and we will definitely be able to break through the danger!"

"set off!"

Everyone immediately flew into the world of Wugu Wasteland.

Layers of gray matter, like volcanic ash floating in the void, the land is either a swamp or a hill or a plateau, or a piece of mountain pass, all kinds of monsters run and fight on the ground, this is the world of Wugu Desolation.

They saw many dangers along the way, and everyone avoided them one by one. They didn't dare to confront them head-on. They encountered some small troubles, but they were easily resolved.

There are monsters everywhere in Wugu Desolate Territory, and some are entrenched alone, some are in groups, and some are entrenched by the same beast clan. Once these giant beasts are awakened, there is no way to escape.


The people walked day and night, and had penetrated into the deep world of Wugu Desolation. At this time, they entered a strange world of ancient trees. In the meantime, I suddenly heard a sound of passing a talisman in front of me, and I didn't intend to enter a huge perception formation.

"Such a huge perception formation..."

Suddenly stopped, Ying Qu waved his hand, and the ancient tree world, which was originally empty, appeared a layer of faint fluorescence.

Xiong Guangxian frowned and looked at Ying Qu, sweating profusely: "This sensory array can't be arranged for less than a hundred years. It should be a disciple of a giant sect with such a scale. It was arranged here. If we broke in by accident, the other party must sense it. Young master, what should we do?"

"It's all about accidents. Even if it's a big sect, it shouldn't be difficult for us. Everyone wait here first, and someone will definitely show up!"

Ying Qu looked around, with a serious expression on his face. It was more dangerous to fall into the influence of the big sect than to be surrounded by monsters. Often the big sects were bandits who murdered and robbed.

Although Ying Qu is the eldest son of the winner, but here, facing such great forces as Lei Yinshan, Taishang Xianzong, and Luoxianmen, he is not a fart. Even the palace master Ying Mutian dare not offend the sect.

Everyone immediately sat cross-legged on the huge leaves, and no one dared to speak loudly. Now they could only wait. Once they moved, they would be surrounded and killed by the big forces as enemies.

"I didn't expect to come all the way, everyone was very cautious, but there was still an accident..."

Ye Yun displayed the Great Thousand Gods Map and was always prepared. Now, no one can know what will happen next moment, so they can only prepare in advance.

"You know the rules..."

After a while, an ethereal voice slowly came from the void.

"I don't know which sect it is from. I'm just a casual cultivator, gathered together to hunt for treasures, and strayed into the territory of your sect, please forgive me!" Ying Fu immediately clasped his fists and saluted to the void where the voice came from.

"Hee hee... Interesting, your cultivation level is not bad, the fourth rank of the Great Immortal!"

Suddenly, an extremely seductive sweet laughter sounded from the void, and everyone immediately stood up and looked over, and saw that the void broke through an air realm, and two girls with peerless looks came out from inside, dressed in silver, with some mysterious stars on it is blinking.

"It turned out to be the fairy of Yinyin Valley!"

In an instant, everyone recognized the background of the two women from their clothes, and saluted politely.

"Silver Hidden Valley...By the way, this is a force similar to Leiyin Mountain. I heard that they are all women, and it is true!" Ye Yun glanced secretly, and all the information about Yinyin Valley appeared in his mind.

The woman on the left is less than twenty and seems very naughty, while the woman next to her is slightly older, but very indifferent, she is condescending, like a master issuing an order: "Our Yinyin Valley is holding a sect training here. , you are lucky, dare to break in."

Ying Qu hurriedly bowed: "Fairy, we didn't do it on purpose. The Guigu formation is really brilliant. I'm so blind that I can't see the real body at all. Please don't care about the reckless people like us!"

The indifferent woman sternly shouted: "Hmph, don't think that you can escape the eyes of my seat just like this, anyway, just treat it as if you broke into the big formation unintentionally, get out of this enchantment quickly, and if you dare to break in again, you will be determined!" No mercy!"

"Yes, let's go!"

Ying Qu concealed his anger, but he didn't dare to offend Yinyingu. With the power of his Yingfu, he was nothing in Yinyingu, and this Yinyingu was basically a forbidden area for men. He turned around and hurried into a flashing exit with everyone.

"Senior sister, you have always hated smelly men, why didn't you kill them?" The naughty fairy looked at the indifferent woman.

"Now is the time for the teachers and sisters to practice. If there is any disturbance, you and I will be punished. In addition, these people are desperadoes, so you and I can't catch these people, but I won't let them go." , the exit just now was that dangerous canyon!"

A flash of resentment flashed in the indifferent woman's eyes, and she used the power of the formation to block the exit: "Men should be damned, let them go without return!"

The naughty woman suddenly shivered: "Could it be Zhan Tiangu!?"

"Of course it's Zhan Tiangu, hmph, that hateful 'Zhantian Valley Master', when the elders of the sect came here to set up the formation a hundred years ago, he accidentally offended him and even killed one of our elders. With the hand of Heaven Slashing Valley Master, I killed this group of stinky men!"

"I don't know where the owner of Zhantian Valley came from. I have never heard of him as a master in Wugu Desolate Territory!"

"The Wugu wasteland is too big, and no one has been there so far. Junior sister, let's go back!" The indifferent woman dragged the naughty woman into nothingness.


"It's finally out!"

"The rumors of Yinyin Valley have always hated men. Fortunately, these female Rakshasa didn't attack us!"

The 11 people walked out of the enchanted air current, behind them was a huge sealed world, which was naturally the territory of Yinyin Valley, and in front of them was an abyss canyon where the sky could not be seen.

"Let's go out first, everyone will feel uncomfortable staying here!" Ying Qu raised his head and looked at the exit with only a gap left, and immediately released a powerful momentum, a mysterious light illuminated the canyon.


Suddenly, animal cries appeared in all directions of the canyon, one after another, as if they soon surrounded everyone, but they couldn't see what kind of monster it was.

Ying Qu frowned, and immediately said: "There is deceit here, everyone go!"


All of a sudden, black bugs jumped out from the darkness one after another, rushing directly towards the crowd.


The 11 people immediately gathered together and released their power at the same time to form a barrier defense. Those black bugs crashed into the barrier defense, and they all shattered, but some disgusting liquid flowed out, which even corroded the ground into a skeleton.

Kuiliao scolded fiercely: "This insect is extremely poisonous. It seems that the vicious woman in Yinyin Valley brought us here on purpose, thinking that we would all die in this poisonous insect!"

"Yes, it is highly poisonous. These are the poisonous insects I raised. They like to eat living people. You actually broke into my dojo and you all died here!"

A void voice came from the depths of the canyon.

Then everyone saw more poisonous insects rushing over densely. The venom they spit out can actually corrode the defense, and sooner or later they will all die under the venom.

"Sword array!!!"

Ying Qu grabbed it with his big hand, and the golden goose sword appeared, and a golden light flashed out. Suddenly, the golden swords swung away, forming a sword array, which was activated instantly, and killed the poisonous insects one by one ten feet away. However, the venom of the poisonous insects is really powerful, even if it is sprayed on the golden sword, it is still a bit of corrosion, but it does not rot the golden sword.

Everyone controlled the sword array and rose towards the exit: "Flee!"

The voice sounded immediately: "It's interesting, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful fairy weapon in your hands, no wonder, no wonder, you just take my knife, if you can't break through your sword formation, then let you go, you guys Get ready for the strongest blow!"

This voice is like a torrent, and there is infinite heroism in the domineering.

"It seems that this person is a high-level powerhouse of a great immortal, or even a powerhouse of the level of a firemane monster. We must block this knife with the strongest strength!"

The sword formation stopped rising, Ying Qu looked at everyone, and everyone also looked at him. At this time, there was no way to retreat. When encountering such a strong man, there was no room for maneuver at all, only fighting.


No one retreated, did not hesitate, poured the strongest force into the sword array one after another, Ying Qu waved his hands, and shouted coldly: "Hundred swords all scream!!"


In an instant, a blade glow cut from Ling Tian above the canyon.

"Be sure to defend yourself!"

Everyone knew very well at this moment that only by fighting, only by fighting with all their strength, would there be hope for survival. When encountering such a peerless powerhouse, the other party would never joke.


The golden sword array was vibrating crazily, and the sword glow, like a ray of light, landed on the sword array, and with a bang, the sword array was blown away by the blade glow in less than a second.

"we lose!!!"

Unexpectedly, condensing everyone's strength and urging the sword formation, it would be like a crock pot, and it would shatter in one fell swoop. It was not against the opponent at all, and the opponent just stabbed at will.

The sword light suddenly stopped above the crowd, and the voice sighed infinitely: "I thought you would get the inheritance of Jianzong, but I didn't expect it to be so unbearable. It really tarnished this good sword spy. Get out!"


How dare everyone hesitate, seize the opportunity and leave.

"You stay with me, boy!"

Suddenly, a restraining force stretched out from the void, wrapping around Ye Yun.

"No, it's Brother Ye!" Ying Qu, Kuiliao, and Zhou Qing waited and stopped.

"Let's go, everyone is no match for him, it's useless for you to stay, go!" Ye Yun couldn't struggle at all, he couldn't even move, he waved his hand firmly to let everyone leave.


Although he didn't want to abandon Ye Yun, but the matter was right in front of him, even if they stayed, it wouldn't change at all, instead, they would lose their lives in vain. Ye Yun knew this very well, so he let them leave, and Ying Qu and the others were even more It was clear, so he flew out of the canyon decisively.


Suddenly, a bright red giant knife lay across the void of the canyon. It was a full hundred meters long. The giant knife did not have any strange aura, but revealed an indestructible blade light.

The sword light that broke the crowd's sword array just now was obviously issued by this giant sword.

Ye Yun felt that his skin was cold under the menace of the sword light, and he looked into the depths of the canyon lightly: "Brother, why did you leave me alone?"

The man's voice came out: "Good boy, in the face of such a situation, you are still so calm. Just now when my sword light broke through the sword formation, you released an evil sword intent from your body, didn't you?"

"Since you have already sensed it, why do you ask so much!"

Although the tone was very calm, Ye Yun's heart was full of waves. Originally, he thought that everyone would die under the sword of this strong man, so he secretly urged the sword slave to block the light of the sword at the moment of life and death. There was no killing intent, but Ye Yun secretly urged the sword slave, and ordinary people couldn't sense it at all, and Ying Qu and ten others didn't notice it.

And this mysterious figure in the canyon was able to capture it.

It can only prove that this person's cultivation base is very terrifying, and he is still practicing the highest sword technique!

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