"Brother, are you alright?"

Ye Yun didn't expect Zhan Tian's reaction to be so strong, his neck was choking red, and he asked concerned.

Zhan Tian breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of the wine, spit it out after two gulps, and stared at Ye Yun with wide eyes: "Brother, you, you, you can't be that nameless, right?"

"Yes, brother is the Wuming who messed with the Tiangong Temple, and the puppet in my body is the sword demon who almost destroyed the Tiangong Temple in the First Layer of Immortal World!"

Ye Yun said frankly.

"Haha, brother, I thought I was the only one who had the guts to offend the law enforcers of the Tiangong, but I didn't expect you to be more courageous than me to kill the Tiangong Temple!"

"Brother, what is Tiangong Temple? You don't even know now. Although the Tiangong law enforcement officers of Tiangong Temple in the lower realm are all great immortals and fairy kings, no one has rushed to offend Tiangong Temple for many years. Shout out to the Tiangong law enforcers, that is a man, if you can kill one, you are a hero, if you dare to openly kill the Tiangong Temple, you are a peerless hero!"

Zhan Tian seemed to know the power of Tiangong Temple, but he didn't say it.

A faint helplessness appeared on Ye Yun's face: "It's not that the brother is brave, it's that there is no way, because the brother only entered the fairyland, and one of the apprentices he took in died tragically at the hands of a law enforcement officer in the Heavenly Palace!"

"Oh, it turned out that the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace killed your apprentice first. These bastards killed my brothers and disciples, and that is the disciple who killed me. When you meet the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace in the future, you must kill them!"

"But brother, big brother wants to remind you that the Tiangong Temple is very powerful, very powerful, and far more mysterious than you understand. My sword domain is the supreme existence of the Eightfold Immortal Realm. My parents were also friends of a powerful emperor in the Ninefold Immortal Realm. The Temple of Heaven is extremely fearful, and when you reach the level of a super emperor, you'd better not confront them head-on, no, you can only confront them head-on when you have the strength of a great emperor! That's all my brother said, so you're prepared."

"Haha, I can be regarded as a person who is self-sufficient. I didn't expect to meet my brother today. With a mortal realm, my brother can kill the Temple of Heaven and make my elder brother ashamed!"

Zhan Tian howled and laughed loudly, and praised Ye Yun greatly.

"Brother, look, this is the eight-armed sword demon..."

Ye Yun released the power of Daqian Shentu, coupled with Taiyi's chaotic true energy to stimulate the domain, a vortex appeared in front of Zhan Tian, ​​and in the sacred domain in the vortex, it was sitting cross-legged in the domain, practicing Jingshifan* *** The knife slave.

Zhantian's eyes were wide open, he stared at the sword slave in astonishment, shook his head and sighed: "Oh... brother, this is a fallen fairy king, and he was indeed a strong man of my sword sect when he was alive, this undead creature , should not exist in the fairy world, brother, how did you get it?"

"Back then, in the first level of the Immortal Realm, I had no intention of entering the ruins left by the ancient Linglong clan. This sword slave was tamed in it, and it was really powerful. Fortunately, I borrowed the power of a great immortal to suppress it. When I got it, I also got a Gravity Baojie is also very extraordinary, even a master of the fourth rank of the Great Immortal, under gravity, can only walk like an ordinary person, unable to control the sky!"

The mind drives the Daqian Shentu, and the vortex disappears.

"The Linglong clan is a sacred existence in the ancient fairyland. It's a pity that they have disappeared in the nine heavens of the fairyland for so many years, but many people believe that the Linglong clan is not extinct. The ancient Linglong clan is stronger than my sword sect. This is brother luck!"

"Brother, you made big brother admire you more and more. With a mortal body, you can tame such a powerful undead creature. Big brother has seen many amazing characters in the fairy world, but they are not worth mentioning compared to you. You Now that you are famous in the Immortal World, in time, when you step into the Great Emperor, you will be able to compete with the Temple of Heaven, and that will be the time for you to become famous all over the world!"

After talking, the two immediately drank again, and the canyon was filled with bursts of fragrance, Zhan Tian suddenly patted Ye Yun on the shoulder and asked: "Brother, why do you want to join Xumi Cave?"

Ye Yun asked urgently: "A friend who took an adventure with me in the Linglong Ancient Site told me that in the Nine Heavens of the Immortal World, it seems that only Xumi Cave Heaven is rumored to be a strength that the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Palace dare not deal with. It's great to meet Big Brother, Eldest brother is from the eighth heaven in the fairy world, and Jiu Chongtian has also been there before, do you know Xumi Cave? Now that I am wanted by the Tiangong temple, I must find a force that can fight against the Tiangong temple as a shelter!"

"Xumi Dongtian! Brother, this Xumi Dongtian is indeed deeply rooted. Its 'Xumi Dongtian Emperor' is a super emperor who exists in the nine heavens of the fairy world. He has existed in the fairy world for an unknown number of years, much longer than my parents. , is a veritable king. The Nine Heavens of the Immortal World was originally a world controlled by super emperors. This 'Xu Mi Dong Tian Da Di' is one of the powerful figures who are famous in the Immortal World. With his strength, he will naturally not be afraid of the Temple of Heaven, like this Super Emperor, they have traveled to the fairy world and know many powerful people, the 'Sumi Cave Emperor' has a high reputation in the fairy world, so the Tiangong Temple dare not offend him proudly!"

"What your friend said is very reasonable. Given your current situation, you really need to find an invincible and powerful figure as a backer, and when you are full-fledged, you will break away from its control and deal with the Temple of Heaven. My parents once heard As mentioned, Emperor Xumi Dongtian has always protected his weaknesses, brothers can just use this to deal with Tiangong Temple!"

Zhan Tian spoke in a eloquent manner, explaining every place carefully, whenever Ye Yun had doubts, he would answer them in detail, and he didn't feel at ease until Ye Yun had a clear understanding of Sumeru Cave.

"Brother, have you heard that there is a kind of demonic emperor in the fairy world, Chiyun Mozun?" Chiyun suddenly popped up in Ye Yun's mind, and he asked by the way, as the former emperor of Zhantian, he must have heard of it.

"Ah, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable? Haha!"

Unexpectedly, when Zhan Tian heard Chi Yun, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "No one in the fairy world knows that this Chi Yun Demon Lord is a young master who was famous in the eighth and ninth heavens in the fairy world. He is a different kind, it is rumored that no one can kill him, but later I heard that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was beheaded by the equally amazing genius "Desolate Immortal Taishi". Sure enough, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable disappeared on the stage of history Now, the 'Desolate Immortal Taishi' is now a terrifying existence comparable to a super emperor!"

Ye Yun secretly said: "Chi Yun is really famous in the fairy world!"

"If you go to the Supreme Immortal Realm in the future, you must be careful about this person. He became famous at a young age, and there are powerful people behind him as backers. He is a terrifying person who is both good and evil, but he is worthless compared to the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable. Just to mention, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable became famous after him, and after a very short time of practice, he became the leader of the younger generation in the fairy world. Brother, brother, that era has passed, and you will be the leader of the younger generation in the future. Brother is optimistic about you, because Brother can see that there is a trace of immortal divinity contained in the exercises you practiced. Originally, elder brother couldn't see it. It was only when the slave of the knife appeared that elder brother saw a trace of divinity. You are a cultivator Those!" Zhan Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, releasing the divine light that penetrated the sky.

Ye Yun didn't deny it, and directly admitted: "It's a god cultivator, brother, are there many god cultivators in the fairy world?"

"Many, especially in the Immortal Nine Heavens, many super emperors and young masters are god cultivators. Many super emperors went to the unbounded land to find the ancient relics where the gods descended, and discovered god-level qigong from them. At that time, the god-level exercises were almost extinct in the fairy world, but later, for unknown reasons, a large number of relics fell from the god-level land to the unbounded land, and a large number of god-level qigong was obtained by the immortal emperor!"

"There are more and more god-level qigong, and there are constant relics. I have fallen from the God Realm. I have never overheard my parents talking about it. There have been huge changes in the God Realm in the Buddha Paradise, which has often caused difficulties in the defense between the two realms." From my point of view, the movement of speculation has now become the era of cultivating gods. With the increasing number of god-level qigong, many super emperors and peerless powerhouses have begun to abandon immortal qigong and specialize in god-level qigong, which is below the eighth heaven of the fairy world. There are still very few god cultivators, and Jiuchongtian is the closest to the Unbounded Land, so the relics that fall from the God Realm will naturally be obtained by those super emperors and passed on!"

"The Era of God Cultivation!"

"Well, gods are the highest dreams of immortals. They all want to become gods and stand above the heavens. In ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times... Before this era, god-level qigong was hard to see, but entering this era , A large number of relics of the gods fell into the lower realm and entered the unbounded land. Countless great emperors, such as the desolate fairy Taishi, and countless super emperors continued to enter it, snatching god-level qigong and artifacts. When I was in the Heavenly Prison of the Sword Field, I sensed that there is also a lot of divinity entangled in the Eightfold Immortal Realm, and there will be more and more god cultivators in the future, and when you step into the Eightfold Immortal Realm, you will slowly accept the cultivators!"

"Brother, I still want to remind you, don't go against the Tiangong Temple until you reach the realm of the super emperor. When you reach that realm, you will naturally understand. Come on, let's not talk, our brother is really drunk!" When Tian waved his hand to grab it, the gourd flew into his palm.

The two toasted immediately, and after drinking, Ye Yun wiped his mouth and said, "Brother, I'm afraid I'm going to leave. The people who were with me just now are still waiting for news outside. Big brother is waiting here for brother. When brother completes the task, he will leave." Stay here with Big Brother for a while!"

"Okay, now you want to focus on providing your cultivation base, and strive to enter Sumeru Cave as soon as possible. Come on, big brother will give you a gift. This is a tenth-level energy seed of a great immortal. Big brother specially condensed it for you. Really Someday you will meet the law enforcers of the Heavenly Palace, and you will be able to escape the catastrophe if you use your brother's methods and push them with all your strength!"

Zhan Tianfan grasped it, and took out a ray of emptiness from the void, inside which was an energy seed that released an astonishing aura, and immediately shot it at Ye Yun.

"Great Immortal Tenth Rank!!!"

The moment Ye Yun grasped the energy seed, he felt a destructive aura released from it. If the seal was released now, Ye Yun would explode and die on the spot. The tenth-level energy of the Great Immortal has exceeded the range Ye Yun can bear. Ye Yun immediately collected the energy seeds into the field: "Brother, brother has nothing to say, you and I are already brothers, once there is something, tell brother immediately, brother will blink his brows for anything!"

"Brother and people like you, if my apprentice is killed by the law enforcement officers of the Tiangong, I will not care about him 21, and go directly to the temple of the Tiangong Temple. You and I will not be polite. The elder brother will need your help in the future. Now the elder brother I can still help you, when you step into the Immortal King and the Great Emperor, it is you who will help the eldest brother, good brother!"


The two clenched their fists tightly, the passionate blood between the men was surging and boiling, and Ye Yun was sucked in by the space just as soon as he came back to his senses, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in the bright and vast void of the fairy world, as if passing through Traveling through countless time and space, it feels like a dream.

"Brother, big brother has to take a step first. The group of rebellious villains in Daoyu are about to enter the double fairyland, haha, big brother will wander around the world from now on, and then he will find a desperation left by my parents and fall asleep. Until the emperor's cultivation is restored, I hope to see my brother well, take care!"

The voice of Zhan Tianxuan rang slowly in Ye Yun's ears, as if it was at the end of the fairy world.

"Big brother..."

Ye Yun couldn't catch Zhantian's aura at all, the opponent was the Immortal King, he could cross the Wugu Desolate Territory before taking a single breath, now after a few breaths, Zhantian has long since disappeared.

Ye Yun deeply felt the feeling of being hunted down and fleeing for his life. He didn't know how many dangers Zhantian would have to go through, but Ye Yun believed that Zhantian would find the place he wanted to reach safely, fall asleep and recover his cultivation. One day, we will meet in Gaozhong Immortal Realm.

"Brother really treats me kindly. He needs powerful energy now, but he condenses a tenth-level energy seed of the Great Immortal for me...a hot-blooded hero!"

Ye Yun was deeply touched, his life and death are unpredictable now, and at this moment, Zhan Tian Wuwu brazenly rescued him when he needed help the most. This kind of love is the love of brothers, the righteousness of brothers.

"Young Master Win!"

Ye Yun displayed his magical powers, and in a flash, he appeared on another mountain and sent out a thought.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

There were only ten figures, flying from the clouds in the distance, they were Ying Qu, Kuiliao and others.

"Haha, Brother Ye, it really is Brother Ye!"

Seeing that Ye Yun was safe and sound and standing in front of everyone, everyone rushed forward and laughed heartily.

"Brother Ye, if you survive this catastrophe, you will have a future blessing!"

"Yes Yes……"

After getting together to celebrate, everyone followed Ying Qu and continued towards Luoxia Mountain. Ye Yun didn't tell them anything about Zhan Tian. As for why he escaped, he just found a reason and prevaricated. In Ye Yun's heart, he was always worried about Zhan Tian.

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