"These idiots..." Ye Yun couldn't help cursing.

"The four of us must persevere, but the situation is not good for us, but if there is a glimmer of hope, we must persevere. If there is still a glimmer of hope in the end, we can only fight desperately!"

Ying Qu waved his hand and grabbed the sword array, and sealed it with sword energy. The four of them stood back to back and continued to release their strength to control the golden goose sword array and narrow the range of the sword array.


The two masters were about to escape into the exit, but two figures in bamboo hats flashed in the air, each of them punched, and with just one move, the two masters were torn apart.

These two masters were originally the third rank of the Great Immortal, but facing the fifth rank of the Great Immortal alone, they naturally wanted to die. No, even the fifth rank of the Great Immortal couldn't dodge a single move, and they were killed with one move, and were torn to pieces.

"You guys are fooled, haha, die!"

Another phantom of a bamboo hat flickered in the center. He straightened his hand a little, and pointed out a skeleton from the head of an immortal, and that immortal fell in vain.

"I'm really fooled, go, go back!"

The remaining three immortals saw that their three companions were beheaded by the Tianlu four monsters without any resistance, and their hearts were completely chilled. How could they have the courage to continue to escape, so they immediately transferred and fled.


Suddenly, two big hands pierced the chests of the two immortals, and the person who struck was the man in the bamboo hat who pretended to be injured, and he killed the two immortals without any effort.

"Come here!"

Of the six people who escaped, five of them died. Seeing such a scene, Ying Qu, Kuiliao, Zhou Qing, and Ye Yun sighed in their hearts, and immediately waved to the last immortal, and flew over with their swords.

The immortal was so frightened that he lost his soul, and flew towards the sword formation desperately. Suddenly, he found that he could not move, and a controlling force that he could not resist was completely suppressed. He immediately cried to his father and mother for help: "Eldest son, help me!!!"


The Tianlu Four Monsters flashed beside the immortal, and one of them punched the immortal's body with a loud bang, smashing the immortal into a ball of flesh and sticking tightly to the rock wall, like a piece of human skin.

"The four monsters at the foot of the sky, each one is worthy of being an old Jianghu, with a mechanical heart and a heart like a poisonous scorpion. Seeing everyone's thoughts, deliberately revealing flaws, disintegrating from the inside, and killing them one by one!"

Ye Yun secretly groaned in his heart, before they were able to persevere, but now, the four of them are facing the four monsters at the foot of the sky, and it is a miracle that they can persist for ten moves.

A great immortal was beaten into a ball of flesh with a single punch, and the way of death was embarrassing.

The boss of the four monsters at the foot of Tianlu flashed in front of the sword array with the three masters in an instant, condescending, and released a terrifying aura: "Haha, now you rats dare to be arrogant, kill them, and take this sword array by the way! "

"Now we're at a dead end..."

Ying Qu looked deeply at Kuiliao, Zhou Qing, and Ye Yun, with vague breaths: "We can only defend and persist, and fight with them, what else do you have!"


The Tianlu four monsters controlled the silver needle fairy weapon, and suddenly attacked fiercely from the left side of the sword formation, shaking the sword formation violently, and the four bodies were blasted by the power of the four immortals at the same time, almost kneeling down.

"My realm and strength are the weakest...!"

At this moment, Ye Yun knew that if he didn't use any means, once the sword array was broken, it would be almost impossible for the four of them to escape alive, so he turned around, and in front of the three of them, with a big hand, he sucked the body of the phoenix-crowned bird into the sword. In the formation.

Kuiliao couldn't understand, and asked, "Brother, what are you going to do?"

"Brother once practiced a special magic art, which can seize the energy of monsters and immortals. Master Win, you are ready!"

Ye Yun viciously stretched out his five fingers and grasped the head of the Phoenix-crested Divine Bird, urging his true energy, a shocking scene appeared, the Phoenix-Crowned Divine Bird's body of immortal energy was continuously washed out by Ye Yun, and directly entered into the sword array .

"That kid is a freak. He can absorb the energy of immortal beasts. This kind of supernatural power is impossible to reach the level of immortal king and immortal emperor. What's wrong, the Phoenix-crowned bird is my four brothers, and I can kill it with all my strength!"

At this moment, the Tianlu Four Monsters seemed to be overwhelmed by the scene in the sword formation. It was impossible for the Great Immortal to absorb the energy of a fairy beast, or a fifth-level or even sixth-level immortal beast, or a great immortal of the same realm.

Ying Qu immediately took control of the Golden Goose Sword Formation, and the sword formation really shot out fierce sword energy again, and the cave flashed for a while: "The four monsters at the foot of the sky, you didn't expect that among us, there is such an amazing warrior, the Phoenix-crowned bird I'm afraid you won't be weak if you have a whole body of energy, so let's stick to each other!"


How many years have the Tianlu four monsters roamed the double fairy world, how many strong people have they killed? Along the way, they have overcome all kinds of characters and dangers one by one. With a wave of his hand, he injected four powerful qi into the void, grasping like silver needles and attacking the sword array again and again.

"Brother Ye, Zhou Qing is not talented, here to help you!"

Just as Ying Qu was controlling the Golden Goose Sword Formation to fight against the four Tianlu monsters, Zhou Qing suddenly came to Ye Yun's side, nodded to Ye Yun, and immediately cast a big magic seal, an ancient energy breath, slowly injected into the sword formation Among them, it can be integrated into the sword energy and melt into the air.

Zhou Qing's actions were naturally noticed by the four monsters at the foot of the sky, one of them frowned, and shouted rather apprehensively: "What is that kid going to do?"



The cave was shaken violently, and then countless roots turned into sharp swords, which released the sword energy of the Golden Goose Sword Formation, and turned into swords of roots, densely packed like a big net towards the four monsters at the foot of the sky.

"Good method, I will inject part of the power of the divine bird into your body!"

Seeing the cave full of rhizomes appearing and turning into swords of root hairs, Ye Yun was shocked. This kind of supernatural power is definitely not displayed by ordinary qigong. Zhou Qing really has such a gifted supernatural power because he has received an ancient inheritance.

Seeing Zhou Qing's breathing getting heavier and heavier, Ye Yun knew that this supernatural power required infinite energy, and Zhou Qing alone would definitely not be able to hold on for long, so he used his left hand a little, and part of the energy of the Phoenix-crowned bird continuously flowed towards Zhou Qing's body Influx.

"Damn...these mice are still so difficult!!!"

Now in the inner space of the cave, the Golden Goose Sword Formation is no longer the only protagonist. The square space is densely packed with rhizomes, turning into swords of thousands of root hairs, like ten thousand swords flying together, attacking the four monsters at the foot of the sky.

Zhou Qing's supernatural power is wood-type qigong. Wood represents life, and the vitality is endless and continuous. Therefore, Zhou Qing's supernatural power is almost invincible. As long as there are ten thousand trees, it is his domain. Stimulate Wanmu and transform it into an attack.

"I didn't expect the two little brothers to support the scene in the end..." Kui Liao and Ying Qu controlled the sword formation. He had used the sealing power before, but now his energy is exhausted. He is grateful to Ye Yun and Zhou Qing .

"Don't worry everyone, as long as we can persevere, we will have hope. I still have my father in my hand, a sealed energy. Although it cannot sweep away the four monsters at the foot of the sky, when their strength is exhausted, once they explode, we can not only escape If you go out, you can even kill the four Tianlu monsters!"

As the eldest son with the highest cultivation level among the four, and from an aristocratic family, Ying Qu smiled confidently at the three of them, and it seemed that he still had the means to win by surprise.

If he didn't have powerful and absolute means, Ying Mutian wouldn't be so relieved to send his eldest son to such a dangerous place to snatch spiritual objects.

"Damn, a bunch of mice..."

The four monsters at the foot of the sky were so angry that they were about to go crazy. The original plan was to kill the six immortals, thinking that the remaining four would become weak chickens, who could be ravaged and killed by them at will, but the result was as expected. Too big, Ye Yun and the others seemed to be on the brink, but they released even stronger power with their destructive power.

"I can only use the ultimate means to kill them...!"

The four monsters surrounded the sword array again, while dodging the attack of the root and hair sword, and then stretched out their right hands, palms down, the whole body's strength poured into the palms, and gradually a shattered breath of nothingness flickered among them.

"No, the four monsters at the foot of the sky are going to use their trump card, and it's very terrifying. The power of the golden core..."

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Ying Qu no longer placed his hopes on Ye Yun, Zhou Qing, and Kuiliao. He knew that the three of them had put in all their strength, so he grabbed a golden core force, followed by another shock wave with both hands. World Sword Art: "Waterfall Sword Art!!!"

"God Monument Broken Palm!!!"

The four monsters at the foot of the sky seemed to have acquired a powerful ancient magical power, and suddenly turned their hands fiercely, and the power of the palms of the four turned into an ancient inscription, merged into the giant palm and slashed towards the sword formation.

In the Golden Goose Sword Formation, countless golden swords were erected one after another, pointing at the four people, they flew up against the sky in an instant, and all the swords flew together, like a waterfall of sword energy soaring against the sky.

"Clang clang block~"

The palm force that condensed the mysterious inscription collided with the Golden Sword Storm head-on. The Golden Sword Storm was obviously at a disadvantage and was shaken everywhere, but it was not at all unbearable, but it was crushed suddenly by the terrifying force of the four monsters at the foot of the sky .

"The strength of the four monsters at the foot of Tianlu is really terrifying. It seems that they will fight after waiting!" Seeing this scene, Ye Yun knew that the four monsters at the foot of Tianlu had already severely injured Ying Qu. .

"Four monsters at the foot of the sky, dare to peep at my Luoxianmen treasures, and dare to kill my Luoxianmen disciples, do you still have a way to escape today?"

Winning Qu Budi, seeing that the sword array was about to shatter, and the four monsters at the foot of the sky were about to enter it, and then from the nothingness, a mysterious sound wave came from nothingness.

The four monsters at the foot of Tianlu stopped their hands suddenly, with an infinitely nervous expression: "It's a master of Luoxianmen!!!"

"It's really unpredictable. I didn't expect that at the last moment, the masters of Luoxianmen would show up!" Ying Qu, Kuiliao, Ye Yun, and Zhou Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The Tianlu Four Monsters were indeed robbers, seeing that they couldn't kill Ye Yun and the others for a while, and couldn't go down to take the treasure, they immediately turned around and flew towards the entrance.


Ying Qu waved his hand, put the Golden Goose Sword Spy in his palm, and looked at the three of them: "Three brothers, we are also running away. Although we are not here to win the treasure, facing the masters of Luoxianmen, we have [-] mouths. The explanation is not clear, these sects are not easy to provoke, and the Luoxianmen are already very powerful!"

"My lord is right, the big sect is also a person who kills people like hemp and despises living beings, run away!" Ye Yun agreed with Ying Qu's words, and the four of them immediately flew towards the entrance.


Outside the Luoxia Mountain Waterfall, more than 100 Luoxianmen disciples floated neatly and quietly in mid-air. In the front stood a young man in green clothes. He was riding on the back of a yellow ox, like a shepherd boy, without the slightest breath.

As soon as the Tianlu four monsters flew out of the waterfall, they didn't dare to take another step forward. Seeing so many Luoxian sect disciples, they are all strong from the first to fifth ranks of the great immortals, and the sect has too many methods. The strange thing is that there is no one in the fifth school, and they dare not confront Luoxianmen head-on.

The eldest of the four monsters looked at the young man in Tsing Yi on the bull's back in awe: "Are you the Patriarch Qing Tong?"

"It's me!"

The young man responded lightly, waved his hand and twisted it lightly, and it was bloody: "This is the blood of my Luoxianmen disciple, you kill him, the four monsters at the foot of the sky, no one can kill my disciple, this treasure under the waterfall , is an ancient magic weapon that I obtained many years ago, but unfortunately its power is too terrifying, I sealed it here and slowly suppressed it, you are so courageous to look at my Qingtong ancestor's magic weapon!"

"Ancestor Qingtong, what do you want? We didn't take any treasures, but we just wanted to tame the Phoenix-crowned bird!" Another eccentric said unfairly.

With a smile on his face, the patriarch Qingtong stroked the bull's head like a breeze, showing an ancient smile: "You wake up my divine bull!"

"Brothers, it is rumored that Qingtong Patriarch was cruel and never let anyone go. Now that we have killed the disciples of Luoxianmen, Luoxianmen will never let us go. Run away!"

"Yes, the only option is to escape, the patriarch Qingtong is powerful, rumored to be a giant of the seventh rank of the Great Immortal..."

The four monsters at the foot of Tianlu secretly discussed a few words, and suddenly they frowned, and the four monsters at the foot of Tianlu used all their power of the fifth level of the great immortal to escape in four directions.

"Haha, the four monsters at the foot of the sky, are you waiting for this speed and cultivation level to try to escape from me?"

Qingtong Patriarch smiled faintly, and slowly waved his hand to touch the void.


The space in front of him froze in an instant, and the four monsters at the foot of the sky also stopped in an instant, unable to move their bodies, only their eyes trembled slightly, and their pupils were all shocked.

Chi Chi!

Imprisoning the space, a crack suddenly appeared beside the four monsters at the foot of the sky, and several more cracks, the space was broken like a mirror, and the four monsters at the foot of the sky became pieces of meat, falling from the void.

The four great immortals and fifth-level masters fell so easily!

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