In the blood-red and dead space of the four-cornered volt fairy banner, from time to time there will be gusts of monster wind gusts coming from the outside, sucking away the inner life force alive, and those who are sucked into the space have no possibility of survival.

At this time, the evil wind became more violent, and it was not known whether it was the Magic Winged Bat King who was urging the four-cornered fairy banner outside, or the magic weapon of the four-cornered fairy banner itself was accelerating the absorption of internal energy. The horrible feeling of a mummified body.

"Magic Winged Bat King is really invincible. He can absorb such a vast palace into the magic weapon, which also shows that the four-cornered Fuxian Banner is extraordinary..."

Ye Yun stood in front of the majestic golden palace. The whole palace was carved out of a huge fairy gemstone, exuding a suffocating thick energy. For such a palace, Ye Yun couldn't even suck him into the realm. From this point, let Ye Yun realized more deeply how terrifying the tenth rank of the Great Immortal is.

"It seems that this palace is just one of the whole palace. Treasure house, don't let me down. The more energy I absorb, the more powerful I am and the higher-ranking immortal, I hope to break the four-cornered volt fairy banner and leave this ghost place!"

With infinite curiosity and anticipation, Ye Yun slowly entered the palace, and immediately found that everything in the palace, even potted plants, spirit trees, and some decorations, were all treasures from the fairy world. It can be said that this palace is a peerless treasure. There are still many fairy formations that have not disappeared.

This is inconceivable, entering the interior of the four-cornered Fuxian Banner, it will be destroyed by the power of the magic weapon, and this palace is already an ownerless thing. It is reasonable to say that any enchantment and formation will disappear and be cut off, but many formations in the palace The Dharma is still there, and there is even a certain danger, because the person who set up the formation is at least the supreme powerhouse of the ninth rank of the Great Immortal.

The layout of the palace is also generous and quiet, without the luxurious and vulgar feeling of the palace. Ye Yun went directly to the center of the palace, but found a closed treasure house, surrounded by a golden gate.

"It's a pity that the defense has weakened, and it is still weakening. It seems that there is a kind of energy that is absorbing the energy of the entire palace, and it is cheaper for me!"

Ye Yun immediately cast his primordial spirit, urging the dark sun and moon to guard against thunder.


All of a sudden, a series of sky thunders hit the golden gate, splitting layers of formations. Although the formations were formidable, the Thunder of Wuji Bahuang Sun and Moon God was even more domineering and sharp, cutting the formations very quickly. When a crack opened, Ye Yun seized the opportunity and entered the treasure house like a frightened bird.

Even if Ye Yun didn't use the Dark Sun Moon Yu Lei Jue to cut the formation, sooner or later the energy of this palace would be suppressed and devoured by the four-cornered Fuxian Banner. Ye Yun only needs to wait for a while, and the formation and barrier will disappear automatically. Access the vault without risking anything.

Ye Yun didn't want to stay in the Four-Cornered Immortal Banner for one more day, his fate was too bad, and no one knew what would happen next moment, so why not enter the treasure house, gain energy, gather energy and find a way to escape.

Waiting is not in Ye Yun's character, only by taking advantage of the opportunity can he win by surprise.

"As expected of the treasure house of the master of the Glazed Light Immortal Territory..."

If it is said that Ye Yun has seized many treasure houses, such as the Tai Dou's treasure house, but there are no treasures, there is this empty and boundless treasure house space in front of him, and there are so many treasures, the Tai Dou's treasure house is not as good as one thousandth of this.

Layers of suspended space, all kinds of treasures are floating like stars all over the sky. Needless to say, magic weapons, all kinds of treasures are dazzling, and even the lowest layer is as thick as the ocean. There are all low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade fairy stones, half of the precious middle-grade fairy stones, and only a part of high-grade fairy stones. This cannot be described in terms of quantity. I am afraid that there is a fairy pond as huge as this.

The Glazed Light Immortal Territory has existed for too long, and many cities and cities in the Immortal Domain pay tribute to the Lord of the Glazed Light Territory every year. Year after year, the treasures naturally condensed cannot be counted. There are hundreds of millions of them, including magic weapons of the magic way and magic weapons of the monster clan.

"What kind of magic weapon is that? Why does it have the breath of hell?"

When he was shocked by the treasure house, from among the countless magic treasures, a breath that made Ye Yun comfortable flickered slightly, Ye Yun flashed immediately, and appeared in front of an ancient bronze clock in the void.

"This is a tenth-rank magic weapon, and it has been corroded by the energy of hell for a long time, so the fairy energy and many formations have disappeared. It doesn't look powerful, but the tenth-rank fairy weapon must be an extraordinary magic weapon in ancient times. , fell into hell, was fused with the energy of hell, and immortals couldn't use it!"

Staring at the big bronze bell, Ye Yun could feel the endless energy of hell in it, it was very majestic, he didn't know how long he had sunk in hell before he was brought back to the fairy world by the immortals, it might be a powerful emperor of the fairy world who fell in hell, The magic weapon also naturally fell into the infinite hell.

"This magic weapon seems to be the highest-level magic weapon among countless magic weapons, but now it has become a hell magic weapon, and immortals can't use it. It is considered a waste product. Glazed Light Immortal Realm has a strong influence in the triple fairy world, so it can be collected. Haha, With this magic weapon, give it to the sword slave to refine it, and if you want to break open the four-cornered Fuxian banner, there will be hope, and then give the sword slave the seeds of hell to absorb and refine it..."

At this moment, Ye Yun's smile is blooming, it's just that the car must find a way to the front of the mountain, and the willows and flowers brighten another village. The ancient bronze clock in front of him is the best magic weapon to break open the four corners of the fairy banner.

"Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell!!!"

Suddenly, inside the ancient clock, Ye Yun saw a line of eight ancient immortal inscriptions that had long been black. The Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell, although it is an immortal inscription, Ye Yun felt that it contained a faint divinity.

"Could it be that this tenth-rank fairy weapon already surpasses the tenth-rank existence, possesses a trace of divinity, and could it be that the quality surpasses the Daqian Shentu and the Jade Immortal Battle Armor?"

Ye Yun was secretly surprised, but immediately vetoed this idea. Both the Daqian God Map and the Zhuxian Battle Armor are the most famous immortal artifacts in the fairy world. The Divine Map and the Jade Immortal Battle Armor Immortal Artifact may also have divinity in themselves.

"Tiantong Hongyin Township God Bell, this should also be a peerless fairy weapon, but it's a pity that the immortal emperor who can use such a peerless magic weapon fell into hell..."

"Slave of the sword, the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township is extraordinary, you practice hard, and if you succeed, the master will definitely reward you!"

As soon as the big hand grasped it, it released the infinite Taiyi Chaos True Qi, suppressed the external energy of the Tiantong Hongyin Town God Clock, sealed most of the power, and then sucked it into the domain.

In an instant, he saw that the sword slave had stood up, and Fangfo had already felt the powerful aura of the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell, and he directly grabbed the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell with both hands, covered himself in it, and released the Immortal King With strong power, he began to refine the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell, but the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell is a tenth-grade immortal weapon, and the sword slave is no more than an immortal king. It takes a certain amount of time to refine the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell. time.

The God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town has existed for a longer time than Dao Nu. Both Dao Nu and the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town are existences in hell. When they come to the fairy world, no matter how valuable they are, the immortals cannot use them. Even if it is a hell artifact, the immortal can only be regarded as a collectible, and cannot be refined.

"Sword slave, let me help you!"

Ye Yun originally wanted to grab the treasure as soon as possible, but when he thought about it, he was the only one inside the four-cornered Fuxian Banner, and the treasure house was always his, otherwise he would be the Magic Winged Bat King, unable to escape, the most important thing is to find a way to help the sword slave refine the heaven The Divine Bell of Hongyin Town has long been preparing for escaping from the Divine Bell of Hongyin Town.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, with a movement of his mind, the Shenluo domain was released. Ye Yun came to sit cross-legged in front of the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township. Among them, it is necessary to refine the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town, but it is a pity that the energy of the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town is higher than that of the sword slave, so it is not easy for the sword slave to suppress the god bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town.

"The Divine Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township is higher than the Sky Burial Bow. It is really not easy to refine it. A tenth-grade immortal artifact is still a complete immortal artifact..."

With a wave of his hand, he pressed on the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township, and the majestic Taiyi chaotic true energy penetrated into it. Ye Yun felt that he was facing a mountain. The first-grade immortal artifact Burial Heaven Bow, and the tenth-grade immortal artifact Turing of the Great Thousand God Map, and now there is another complete tenth-grade immortal artifact Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell, which is probably below the eighth layer of immortality, Ye Yun can be regarded as a fusion The character with the most high-level immortal artifacts.


Not long after, the divine clock from Tiantong Hongyin Township was reborn like a Buddha, and layers of rust began to peel off, all of which were absorbed by Ye Yun's body. These rusts are the energy of hell that has been deposited for many years, and the energy is very powerful. Tonghongyin town world divine clock began to show a bronze mysterious light, just like Hao ancient divine clock, guarding the fairy world.

The mysterious light is full of hell energy, which seems to be filled with the breath of death. It is very shocking to immortals, monsters, beasts, and demons. Unless it is a hell clan, no one can control the energy of hell.

"The god bell of Tiantong Hongyin town seems to have sunk in hell for too long. Such a fairy artifact should be left by an ancient super emperor. Unfortunately, there is no will in it. The will is completely obliterated by the energy of hell. It is Tiantong Hong. The owner of Yinzhen Jie Shenzhong, I am afraid that he will also become a pitiful hell undead, just like a sword slave!"

Sensing the vast energy of hell inside the divine bell of Hongyin Township, Ye Yun began to use Taiyi Chaos True Qi to fuse all the energy, turning the remaining fairy energy and most of the hell energy into Taiyi Chaos Infuriating energy, as long as the sword slave has Taiyi chaotic true energy in his body, it can be easily refined by the sword slave.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun's mind urges a stream of Taiyi chaotic true energy, which is blessed in the sword slave's body. Originally, the sword slave was tamed by Ye Yun, and has a certain amount of Taiyi chaotic true energy in his body. Now it is blessed by Ye Yun's power, and the sword slave Almost all the energy in the body is fused by Taiyi Chaos Qi, and Dao Nu is also very excited to have Taiyi Chaos Qi. It seems that he has also discovered the peculiarity of Taiyi Chaos Qi.

Dao Nu suddenly flew out of the Tiantong Hongyin Town God's Bell, and began to absorb the energy of the Tiantong Hongyin Town's World God Bell, and many mysterious spells flew out of the Tiantong Hongyin Town's World God Bell, all of which were to control Tiantong Hongyin's world. As long as the knife slave fuses these ancient seals with the seals of the world god bell of Yinzhen, he can control the god bell of Hongyin town.

Once the sword slave can control the god bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township, then the sword slave can fight against any fairy king. Moreover, there are many hell seeds in Ye Yun's body. The imperial capital can fight, and when they are about to face the Temple of Heaven in the future, Ye Yun is not afraid of the law enforcers of the Temple of Heaven. Once the sword slave activates the god bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township, the destructive power will definitely destroy the world.

It can be said to meet demons and kill demons, meet immortals and kill immortals!

"Tiantong Hongyin's world god bell is really wonderful, and there are many magic seals in it. It's really hard for the sword slaves not to reach the realm of the fairy king by themselves!"

Ye Yun was still releasing the chaotic true energy of Taiyi to activate the god bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township, and watched the sword slave absorb the magic seals in it, and made more complicated magic seals one after another, and immediately he could slightly control the Tiantong Hongyin Township The energy in the divine clock, Ye Yun also felt that the energy in the divine clock of Tiantong Hongyin Township was boiling with the seal of the sword slave.


Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell suddenly made a deafening sound, and it gradually changed from a size of one foot to a hundred feet, standing in the void of the treasure house, like the head of all immortal weapons, the king of a hundred soldiers.

"That's right, that's right. The Sword Slave finally refined the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell, but I still can't control the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell smoothly. Once I can control it as I like, I will be sure to break a hole in the four-cornered Fuxian Banner , leave here, and the Tiangong Temple can't capture the breath of the sword slave, killing two birds with one stone!"

Seeing this, Ye Yun gradually felt relieved. At first, he was not sure. Who knew that there was a tenth-grade immortal artifact in the glazed treasure house. , but for Ye Yun, that is a peerless magic weapon.

Coupled with the cultivation base of Immortal King Dao Nu, and now it is integrated with the divine clock of Tiantong Hongyin Township, Dao Nu can fight any master of Immortal King, even the Immortal Emperor, the key Dao Nu has died, and now there is only one will left, He didn't have any pain at all, only fighting, he obeyed Ye Yun's orders.

"Owning the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town, there is no way to do it. In the future, you can secretly activate the sword slaves, use the sword slaves to activate the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town, and kill the strong. I did not activate Tiantong The cultivation level of Hongyin Township Divine Bell, but the sword slaves have it, and the sword slaves are sealed in the domain, even if the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell is activated, the Tiangong Temple will not be able to find the clue!"

"Magic Winged Bat King. When I go out, if I meet you, I must let you die under the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town, and take your first one to pay homage to the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town!"

Ye Yun smiled coldly, he is not the one who suffers, if he suffers, he will definitely repay him double.

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