The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 555 Glazed Light Territory Lord

"Sword slave, enter the domain and slowly cultivate and integrate the divine clock of Tiantong Hongyin Township!"

Driven by thoughts, the Shenluo domain immediately wrapped the sword slave and Tiantong Hongyin's township god bell, and disappeared into the void of the treasure house. Ye Yun looked around and smiled greedily: "The Lord of the Glazed Light Domain must have many treasures, and among them must be treasures." There are peerless treasures!"

Ye Yun was not satisfied with getting the Tiantong Hongyin Town's Divine Bell. Immortal stones and magic weapons were not very important to him.

The Glazed Light Immortal Realm is a powerful force in the Triple Immortal Realm. The masters of the Glazed Light Realm in the past have collected countless peerless treasures. Ye Yun is sure that there must be powerful treasures in this treasury.


Ye Yun flew directly towards Guangyao, the most powerful seal in the center. In Guangyao, there was an enchantment atmosphere that even Ye Yun could not shake, and it was conceivable that the treasure must be suppressed.

Flying to Guangyao in an instant, the whole Guangyao is a large sealing formation, with layers of seals, it has not been affected by the four-cornered volt fairy banner, the energy is still strong, and there is an unshakable aura of the high-ranking immortal.

"The treasures inside the seal may be very powerful treasures one by one. Now the Glazed Treasure House is not in Glazed City, but is collected in the four-cornered volt fairy banner. Even if I activate the seal, I don't have to worry about being caught The masters of Guangcheng found out, are they still afraid that the masters of Glazed City will not be able to get into the Four Corners Fuxian Banner?"

Facing such a high-level sealing formation, Ye Yun had a look of disdain. It was indeed powerful, but in front of Ye Yun, it would eventually be resolved!

"Huh? Divinity~~!?"

Just as Ye Yun released his power to break a passage from the seal and enter it, who would have thought that just as he felt the aura of the seal formation, he sensed a very familiar aura from it, which is the immortal divinity.

As soon as his eyes moved, Ye Yun showed a surprised and happy smile: "Could it be that there is a divine treasure or artifact in this seal?"

If it is really a divine weapon, it would be terrible. The divine weapon surpasses the fairy weapon, surpasses any magic weapon, and any one of them can destroy a Glazed Light Immortal Realm. Ye Yun has heard Zhantian and Chiyun mention it many times. The super emperor in the world has a peerless artifact, which can break through the sky with a wave of the artifact.

Artifacts are in the fairy world, and they are all peerless treasures. The characters who own the artifacts are all super emperors, and the number is very small. It is close to a divine weapon, and it also has a touch of divinity, but it is not comparable to a real divine weapon.

Even Ye Yun thought that the Divine Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township contained divinity, and it was a real legendary half-divine weapon. Unfortunately, it was fused with hell energy for many years, and the divinity was about to disappear. Although there is no divinity, hell energy is also related to the god Sex is about the same.

"The divinity is not strong, is it a semi-divine artifact that surpasses the existence of the tenth-rank immortal artifact in the legend?"

Ye Yun's eyes became brighter and brighter. If it was really a powerful demi-magic weapon or a divine weapon, he would have full confidence in leaving the four corners of the immortal banner.

"Break it!"

The primordial spirit was activated, the luck refreshed, the whole body began to growl with zhenqi, a trace of zhenqi began to spurt out of the body, some of the zhenqi began to come into contact with the seal Guangyao!


Just touching the Guangyao Seal Formation, the entire Guangyao began to shake immediately, and then the Palace Defense Formation was also shaking. This really affected the whole body, and the entire defense of the Treasure House Palace was shaking.


Suddenly, a breath of nothingness flickered out from the big formation, fiercely killing Ye Yun!


Ye Yun's sense was so powerful, and he released his true energy into the space. He instantly sensed a terrifying aura behind him, although it was not clear, but it was enough to kill him.

"Thuk Thu ~!"


The phantom actually shattered the powerful true energy released by Ye Yun directly, shattered suddenly, and a sharp giant palm flashed out from the phantom, and Ye Yun had expected a long time ago that the punch followed by the true energy It was shot from the back, and it collided fiercely with the giant palm in the void.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Under the power of the menacing giant palm, Ye Yun felt that his right arm was about to be shattered. If part of the force hadn't been transferred by Daqian Shentu using space magic power, this palm was enough to smash Ye Yun into meatloaf, and he couldn't help but step back three times. As soon as he took a step, his arms started to go numb, and then it spread throughout his entire body, and then the whole body's true qi became chaotic, Ye Yun couldn't control it at all, his body was numb, and everything couldn't be controlled.

"It's such a strong force, it actually hurt my whole body with one palm..."

In an instant, not only was there numbness, but also a terrifying explosion came from the body. It turned out that the power of someone's palm technique was in the body, and it began to collide with the true energy of the body, while the energy in Ye Yun's body defended itself, and the two began to confront each other in the body. It's not the opponent's opponent, the physical body began to be severely injured in explosions and impacts one after another!

"The person who can catch my palm, in this Glazed Light Immortal Territory, is either the city lord or the patriarch..."

A cold woman's voice came out, Ye Yun frowned, such a strong and powerful person turned out to be a woman, and the other party's voice conveyed that it was either a peerless strong man or an invincible king.Moreover, he was still young when he heard the voice, and despite being astonished, Ye Yun secretly tried his best to control his physical body and his true qi, so as not to be beheaded like a log.


A woman in a blue robe flashed out of the formation. The blue robe was sewn like peacock feathers, which made the woman noble and refined, full of noble aura. As expected, the only woman was like a lotus emerging from water, cold and stunning, peerless and charming. Even Ye Yun was moved by it.

Among the women Ye Yun has seen, almost no one is more beautiful than the woman in front of him, except for Qing Ming!

"According to your methods, it should be someone from the Glazed Light Immortal Territory. Why haven't I seen you?" The blue-robed woman didn't even have the slightest hint of attacking Ye Yun since she arrived. asked.

Ye Yun was still struggling, unable to shake the energy left in his body by the other party, but his face was full of shock: "I am not from the Glazed Light Immortal Realm!"

"The people outside are all dead, and even the law enforcement officers who have reached the eighth level of the Great Immortal in Glazed Light City have fallen, and you are still alive, depending on your cultivation..."

Before the woman in blue robe finished speaking, she seemed to sense something strange in Ye Yun's body, and in a flash, she slapped Ye Yun with her palm.


Ye Yun saw that the peerless blue-robed woman was about to slap her body with a palm. He didn't want to wait for death, so he finally released the energy of the golden core, and kept the woman in his body to suppress the energy. When the blue-robed woman's palm was less than a foot away from Ye Yun In an instant, the Daqian Shentu disappeared in front of the palm of his hand.

"Senior, why did you kill me?"

Almost exerting all his strength, Ye Yun managed to recover a life. The opponent's cultivation base was too high. Although it was not at Zhantian's level, it was still an existence that Ye Yun could not resist. Before he was able to catch the opponent's palm, it was because the opponent did not use all his strength. In addition, use the Daqian Shentu to dissolve most of the power, otherwise Ye Yun would have been shot to death long ago.

Having escaped, Ye Yun immediately stopped the blue-robed woman.

"You managed to escape my palm... Your cultivation is actually at the sixth level of Xuxian!"

The moment the blue-robed woman turned around, she saw a burst of true energy in her palm, which was in the middle of Ye Yun's breath, and a frightened glance flashed across the woman's indifferent face.

Ye Yun explained: "I'm indeed Xu Xian, senior, you and I have no grievances, we are all collected by the magic winged bat king into the four-cornered fairy banner, why use killers, it is better to deal with the magic winged bat king!"

"No injustice?"

The blue-robed woman looked at the ball of light indifferently: "You moved my seal and wanted to seize the artifact inside, why, you still say that there is no injustice or enmity?"

"It turns out that the artifact belongs to the senior. The senior must be the senior of this glazed treasure house. He didn't know it before he came down. He thought that the junior was the only one among the four-cornered fairy banners, and this treasure house is also an ownerless thing, so the junior will definitely do it. , I never thought that there would be other people besides me, I hope the senior will forgive the junior's recklessness!"

Unexpectedly, the woman turned out to be the owner of the Glazed Treasure House, a strong person who should guard the treasure house.

"From your aura, I can feel that you are not nervous. Either what you said is true, or your concentration is superhuman. Well, as me, I shouldn't care about you, a junior like you. !"

The woman in the blue robe didn't seem to be angry, she put her hands lightly in front of her lower abdomen, and once again looked at Ye Yun suspiciously, which made Ye Yun feel that she was full of secrets, which could be seen clearly by her, almost as naked as without clothes.

"The sixth level of Xuxian... If I hadn't caught your aura and analyzed it, I really wouldn't be able to see through you. I, this Glazed Light Immortal Territory, when did you come to a genius junior like you? Which side of the Immortal Domain are you?"

After a while, the Lan Po girl finally asked.

"It seems that she knows the Glazed Light Immortal Territory very well. I can't fool her with the Xia Yuan Dynasty. Otherwise, once she finds out, I can still survive. Even if I have the Great Thousand God Map, I can't escape the Four-Cornered Immortal Banner. Here, As long as she unleashes all her strength and sweeps the entire space, I have nowhere to escape!"

Facing the aggressive question from the blue-robed woman, Ye Yun pondered for a while, and finally answered honestly: "The younger generation just has a slight relationship with the Xia Yuan Dynasty. The Xia Yuan Dynasty Lord Xia Yunting is about to marry Miss Yingfu from the lower realm. And this junior is just a guest of Ying Mansion, and after all, he is still a casual cultivator. This time, he escorted Miss Winner to the Triple Immortal Realm and into the Glazed Immortal Realm. The four-cornered Fuxian banner is involved here!"

The blue-robed woman said: "Xia Yunting, that junior, has good qualifications. He is a rare figure in my Glazed Light Immortal Territory. So far, I know that you are not lying. You are very smart and know the current affairs!"

"I don't know how the seniors are called, but why is it included in this magic weapon by the Magic Winged Bat King?" Ye Yun asked.

The blue-robed woman suddenly released an incomparable majesty: "I am the master of the Glazed Light Immortal Territory, the master of the Glazed Light Territory, you think you can suck me in with the Magic Winged Bat King, but this master has set a trap long ago, otherwise how can Can get close to the Magic Winged Bat King!"

"Senior is actually the Master of the Glazed Light Domain!"

Ye Yun was extremely shocked at this moment, because in his imagination, the Lord of the Glazed Light Domain must be a peerless figure, but he did not expect it to be a woman, and was controlled by the Magic Winged Bat King.

"Junior, this is just a clone of the master. Your realm is too weak to see through it. Don't you think that in your eyes, the master is just so unbearable?" The Glazed Light Domain Master asked coldly.

"No, no, senior misunderstood. Senior has a high level of cultivation. I heard that senior is the highest figure of the tenth rank of the Great Immortal. I think that senior was deliberately involved in this magic weapon in order to catch the Magic Winged Bat King. Junior can meet senior , that is the great fortune of the junior, the junior finally has the hope to leave this ghost place!"

Ye Yun's words were not deceitful, but from the bottom of his heart. He never expected to be in a desperate situation, but he met the Glazed Light Territory Master, who was still a majestic master, not the kind who would bully others or kill people the strong.

Now Ye Yun doesn't have to worry, with the Glazed Light Territory Lord here, it's only a matter of time before he leaves the four-cornered Fuxian Banner. The only regret is that Ye Yun may miss the time limit for accepting apprentices in Xumi Cave.

"You have a sweet mouth. A casual cultivator like you will stay by my master's side from now on!"

The Glazed Light Territory Master seemed to value Ye Yun very much, so he said this in person.

Ye Yun hastily saluted: "Yes, great luck, junior!"

"You have sharp eyes, and you can actually see that this master's sealed space has a divine weapon, but it's not a complete divine weapon, it's just a part of a broken divine weapon!"

The Lord of the Glazed Light Region looked at Guangyao, and suddenly a bright light shot out from his eyes, and then he frowned and looked at Ye Yun: "Did you take away the Divine Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town?"

Ye Yun immediately took a step forward, and respectfully said: "It was taken away by this junior. This junior once obtained an incomplete method of hell, which happened to be able to cultivate the energy of hell. When I saw the Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell, I felt familiar for a while. This junior Not good, this junior dedicates the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell to senior!"

"Forget it, since I have a destiny with you, let me treat it as a meeting gift from my master, and you will work hard by my master's side in the future!"

The Master of the Glazed Light Territory waved his hand to stop Ye Yun, and continued: "The God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township is an ancient fairy weapon. It was obtained from him by beheading an evil and powerful man. To me, Tiantong Although Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell is a tenth-grade immortal weapon, or even a half-divine weapon, it cannot be cultivated, and it is also a waste product, so it is better to make it a human beauty, and borrow flowers to present Buddha to you!"

"Thank you Domain Master!"

Ye Yun was feeling guilty. The Divine Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township had been refined by the sword slave. If he really took it out, he would be able to find out the doubts in it as a major in Liuguangyu. Fortunately, Ye Yun wanted to take a gamble. Fortunately, the Lord of the Glazed Light Region is a strong man who is easy to talk to, otherwise Ye Yun would be in real danger if he really took back the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell.

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