"Young master Ye, what a good way to suppress Tang Ying. He is a rare young master in our fairyland. He never submits to others. I didn't expect to be completely subdued by the young master today!"

Fairy Zuo led a group of fairies, and immediately came to the top of Liuguang City to meet Ye Yun. At this moment Fairy Zuo's attitude towards Ye Yun was obviously different, and she began to agree.

Ye Yun smiled faintly, mysteriously: "I was only able to win by surprise. These young masters don't know the heights of heaven and earth. If they were outside, they would have been beheaded by others. Today is also a lesson for him!"

"Young master, be careful, because the young master suddenly received a heavy reward from the domain master, and there are many people all over the young master, sharpening their knives to make you ugly! Let's enter the domain master's retreat space!"

After Fairy Zuo finished speaking, she waved her hand to let the others leave. She shot a mysterious magic seal into the void, and a passage of mysterious light appeared in the void. She entered first, followed by Ye Yun.

The scene keeps changing again and again in an instant. This passage is actually a formation. Every time the passage changes, it needs the special seal of Fairy Zuo, otherwise outsiders will not be able to find the entrance. About dozens of changes, the shuttle passage, seems to come to time and space In the depths, a spiritual mountain floating in the void appeared in front of Ye Yun.

"As expected of a master of the tenth rank of the Great Immortal, he can actually create such an independent space..."

Ye Yun flew into Lingshan with Fairy Zuo, and was shocked by this wonderful space, even if the Magic Winged Bat King entered here, he would only be imprisoned here without entering or exiting the seal.

The two fell into a secluded valley in Lingshan, with cranes flying around in all directions, it didn't look like an independent space at all, but a natural fairyland.

"Zuo Xin, you go back first, Ye Yun, come in!"

The clear and natural voice of the Master of the Glazed Light came from the deep valley.

Immediately, Fairy Zuo flew out of Lingshan Mountain and waited at a mountain peak, while Ye Yun entered the deep valley.

The inside of the valley is very simple, in fact, it has reached the point of returning to the basics. It seems very natural, but it was created by the Lord of the Glazed Light Domain with supernatural powers, and it contains countless spells and qigong.

"Two sisters, the younger sister can break through the fairy king this time, thanks to the help of the two older sisters, the eldest sister, the second sister, the younger sister respects you both!"

There is a small lake in the depths of the valley, and in the center of the lake is a green bamboo floating pavilion, where three extraordinary women surrounded by clouds of immortal energy are sitting on it, tasting a kind of immortal wine.

The speaker was the Lord of the Glazed Light Territory. After breaking through to the Immortal King, she was completely reborn, and she was also a few years younger. She looked like a 16-year-old girl, as charming as a lotus emerging from water. No one dared to raise an evil thought.

On the left and right opposite the Lord of the Glazed Light, there are two women. The woman on the left is dressed in a tight-fitting robe like silver snow, and the woman on the right is in a plain blue gown. Even so, it is difficult to hide the woman's shocking temperament.

The woman in the silver snow robe and the woman in blue are both around 20 years old. The woman in blue is more mature and graceful, and with her 20-year-old appearance, she should be the oldest of the three women.

Three fairies with beautiful looks, different temperaments, and very different expressions, sitting together give people a strong sense of sight shock, and these three people, let Ye Yun not dare to be presumptuous in the slightest, because they are all fairy kings!

Three Immortal Kings!

Ye Yun had never seen an immortal in the realm of an immortal king except Zhan Tian who possessed the strength of an immortal king. Seeing three of them in an instant was too shocking for Ye Yun.


Just as Ye Yun was standing outside the center of the lake, stunned, the Glazed Light Territory Lord waved Ye Yun gently into the floating pavilion in the middle of the lake, and Ye Yun immediately saluted the Glazed Light Territory Lord: "I have seen the Territory Master! !"

Qingfeng, the Master of the Glazed Light Region, glanced at him, and immediately praised: "I haven't seen you in just a few years, and your aura has become stronger again. Not bad, not bad, it shows that you are a hardworking person!"

Ye Yun was very bitter. He only broke through the seventh level of Xuxian, but the master of the Liuguang domain was promoted to the immortal king. This feeling is uncomfortable: "It's only been a few years, and the domain master has also stepped into the position of immortal king. Congratulations! host!"

"Third sister, is this the kid you're talking about?"

Suddenly the eyes of the woman in silver snow robe on the left fell on Ye Yun, like a star, making the Buddha want to drag Ye Yun into nothingness, but the air of nothingness quickly disappeared from her body, making her very puzzled: " It's strange, third sister, with my cultivation base, I still can't see through her cultivation base, it's really hard for my sister to say that he is the seventh rank of Xu Xian!"

The Lord of the Glazed Light Region spoke highly of Ye Yun: "Second Sister, it was because of him that I was able to successfully kill the Magic Winged Bat King this time. When the younger sister designed the avatar to deliberately fall into the Magic Winged Bat King's magic weapon, I discovered that the four corners The Fuxian Banner is no small matter, it is almost going to become the magic weapon of the Magic Winged Bat King, and the little girl can't get the idea out even if she tries her best!"

The silver-robed woman smiled, her eyes filled with amazement: "The four-cornered fairy banner, I have heard of it before I stepped into the fourth-layer fairy world. Easy to deal with!"

"Magic Winged Bat King's cultivation level is advanced. Although he has not reached the middle of the tenth stage of the Great Immortal, he is still extremely powerful, especially his body skills are extremely strange. In addition, he is transformed into a monster bat. He is far stronger than humans and difficult to deal with!"

"Didn't Sanmei refine the scraps of that artifact?"

"Second sister, it's actually a fluke to be able to refine the artifact. Back then, the three of you and I were unable to refine the debris of the artifact. But this time when we met Ye Yun, he had obtained a mysterious ancient energy seed, which actually contained In order to suppress the power of divinity, using this seed, the third sister can refine the divine weapon, break through dangers, and kill the Magic Winged Bat King!"

"It's this kid again?"

When the silver-robed woman heard the truth from the master of the Glazed Light Territory, she suddenly shot a surprised look at Ye Yun, as if she didn't expect that a little Xu Xianxian could have all kinds of unexpected existences .

"Third Sister, no wonder you asked him to come and see us. It turns out that he has a great connection with you for breaking through the Immortal King's Profound Pass this time. He is a predestined person for you to step into the Immortal King!"

The woman in plain blue who hadn't spoken all this time couldn't help but look at Ye Yun a little more in the end. Although her face was indifferent, she still showed admiration.

"Ye Yun is not talented, but he has a rare treasure in his body. I also understand the truth that ordinary people are innocent and pregnant with biscuits. Why don't you give it to the domain lord!"

At this time, Ye Yun, who had always been honest, seized the opportunity and said politely.

The Master of the Glazed Light Region said: "I asked you to come this time to meet my two older sisters. This is the second elder sister 'Xuanhan Holy Master', and she is a teacher from the 'Sanqing Immortal Gate' of the Fourfold Immortal Realm. !"

"Junior Ye Yun, I have met senior Xuanhan Holy Lord!"

Ye Yun didn't dare to make any mistakes immediately, and respectfully saluted the silver-robed woman 'Xuanhan Holy Master', but she didn't expect that the other party was from the powerful Sanqing Immortal Sect that surpassed the Taishang Immortal Sect, Leiyin Mountain, and Luoxian Sect, and Still a master of the quadruple fairy world.

The Sanqing Immortal Sect is famous all over the world in the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm, and it is a giant. Although it is not a super existence like Xumi Dongtian, it is also a first-class sect. Ye Yun is very familiar with this rumored sect. Knowing the existence of Xuanhan Holy Master, Ye Yun was really excited.

Moreover, the Holy Master Xuanhan is not an ordinary disciple of the Sanqing Immortal Sect, but a master, that is, a powerful existence with the right to accept disciples.

"You're welcome, although you are weak in realm...but you are brave and resourceful, and you are destined for my third sister to become an immortal king. Although our three sisters don't value men very much, we still have to treat you differently. Among the four-cornered Fuxian banners, many of the eighth-level great immortals of Glazed Light City have fallen, and you, a virtual immortal, can still survive, which is enough to prove that you are extraordinary!"

Although the Holy Master Xuanhan was very indifferent, but towards Ye Yun, he showed a rare and beautiful smile. This kind of smile made people feel like a spring breeze, and could not arouse any evil thoughts.

The Glazed Light Territory Lord suddenly showed sincerity, worry, and said earnestly: "Ye Yun, my second sister is the master of the Sanqing Immortal Sect. I have called you this time to introduce you to the Sanqing Immortal Sect. I know , a person like you must be a famous talent in the future. How can I bury you in the small well of the Glazed Light Immortal Territory, and I also want to go to the Fourfold Immortal Realm, resign as the domain master, and leave me alone. If you are here, you will definitely be squeezed out by others, and keeping you here is tantamount to harming you unintentionally!"

"Ye Yun is very grateful for the sincerity of the domain master!"

Ye Yun solemnly saluted the Glazed Light Territory Master deeply, but refused: "Thank you Territor Master for your kindness, Ye Yun doesn't want to join the Sanqing Immortal Sect, but just wants to join Xumi Cave!"


The Xuanhan Holy Master and the Glazed Light Territory Master were stunned almost at the same time, as if they didn't expect Ye Yun to reject their kindness, and there was a hint of puzzlement in the shock.

The Lord of the Glazed Light Region suddenly said to the woman in plain blue: "Ye Yun, have you met my eldest sister before?"

"No, Ye Yun is a little person who has just stepped into the third level of immortality from the first level of immortality. Even the great immortals rarely know each other. How can he know such a high-ranking figure as senior!?"

Ye Yun felt very strange, he couldn't figure out why the Master of the Glazed Light Territory would ask this question.

At this time, the Holy Master Xuanhan spoke, with a helpless and angry tone: "You kid really has no vision. I will give you a chance to become the Sanqing Immortal Sect. If you refuse, do you know how many people in the world dream of entering my Immortal Sect? ? Tell me, why did you join Sumeru Cave?"

"This one……"

Ye Yun felt caught in the cracks, it was difficult to be a human being, let alone deceive the three immortal kings, otherwise who knows what the consequences would be, so he said helplessly: "Senior, I am not disrespectful to the Sanqing Immortal Sect, but If there is something unspeakable, senior should treat it like a blind man, don't get angry!"

"Hey... big sister!" Holy Master Xuanhan suddenly sighed deeply at the woman in blue, and Fangfo had something to say in it.

The Master of the Glazed Light Region asked again: "Ye Yun, don't you be ignorant of good and evil, Sanqing Immortal Sect is a first-class sect, and it was not easy for me to join it before!"

"Lord, I really have something to hide. Originally, I left the Xia Yuan Dynasty to attend the Sumeru Cave recruiting event that just passed. Unfortunately, who would have thought that I would encounter the Magic Winged Bat King on the way and cast the four-cornered volt fairy banner, and I would also be involved. Among them, this great opportunity will be missed!"

"I don't know how many dangers I have encountered all the way from the first level of the immortal world. I ventured to the third level of the immortal world just to become a disciple of Xumi Cave. This is my goal. Please forgive me from the domain master and senior!"

Ye Yun hastily explained.

"It can't be seen that he is still a little cunning!" The Xuanhan Holy Master sneered.

"Okay, Ye Yun, you really didn't know my eldest sister before?" The Master of the Glazed Light Region looked at Ye Yun again and asked with serious eyes.

Ye Yun was very puzzled, why the Lord of the Glazed Light Region asked him this question repeatedly, and the Holy Master Xuanhan did the same, "I really don't know, I just came to the third level of immortal world, how can I know the existence of senior!"

"Okay, third sister, what he said is not a lie!"

Finally, the woman in blue with infinite majesty finally spoke.

The Lord of the Glazed Light Territory was a little embarrassed, looked at the woman and said, "Elder Sister, you have heard what he said, today is the Third Sister who wants to ask him for a favor, so we can't just disconnect like this, so please show mercy, okay?" good?"

The woman in blue was not moved, but looked at Ye Yun with a sense of scrutiny: "It's really different. His true energy is very strange. There is always a wonderful energy in his body that cannot be seen through. It seems that he is not talented. It's outstanding, but it has unworldly talents..."

"Second Sister, look at when Third Sister begged you and me. Back then, she refused to let him join the Sanqing Immortal Sect, and she refused to join your Sect. Now because of this kid, I can hardly sit still. You Don't make things difficult for Third Sister, I know, Eldest Sister, you did it on purpose!" Holy Master Xuanhan said to the woman in blue with a hint of laughter.

"Second brother, you are a master of the first generation, and you are about to step into the five-fold fairy world. You are so naughty, how can you be a teacher!"

The woman in blue reprimanded Dao severely, but her pupils were still reluctant.

The Holy Master Xuanhan hastily admitted his mistake: "I was wrong, it's okay if I was wrong, I'm not the eldest sister, the eldest sister, you are the third-level cultivation base of the fairy king, and you are the master of Xumi Cave, and you are teaching me a lesson!"

"Sumi Cave!!!"

Ye Yun hadn't realized it by accident, but when he really heard the words Xumi Dongtian, he suddenly realized, no wonder the Lord of the Glazed Light Territory asked abnormal questions many times, it turned out that the majestic woman in front of him was actually the Supreme Sumeru Dongtian Master.

All of a sudden, Ye Yun felt that he had seized an opportunity from his disappointment, begging for Xumi Dongtian, but here he met the strong man of Xumi Dongtian.

Isn't this just unintentionally inserting willows and willows into shades!

After leaving the tiger's mouth from the four-cornered Fuxian Banner, Ye Yun felt very disappointed. He planned to be disrupted by the Magic Winged Bat King. Although he got a lot of treasures and adventures, he still couldn't let it go. He couldn't be happy to become the city lord,

But now there is really no way out, there is no way out, and there is another village!

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