The Holy Master Xuanhan gave a strong introduction: "Ye Yun, my eldest sister is the fourth-layer fairy world, the master of the Sumeru Cave, Suwen Xianzu!"

Ye Yun naturally knew that Holy Master Xuanhan was trying to help him, so he hurriedly seized the opportunity and saluted respectfully: "Younger, I have seen the ancestor!"

"Elder Sister, what do you think?" The Master of the Glazed Light Territory hurriedly looked at the woman in blue 'Suwen Xianzu'.

Su Wen Xianzu glanced lightly, as if he was still looking at Ye Yun's physique, but he couldn't see through it: "Sanmei, you know that in our Xumi Cave, men are under the status of women, not ordinary people can bear this oppression, I think he is arrogant, not a character who is willing to be controlled by others!"

The Master of the Glazed Light Region was startled: "Ye Yun, Eldest Sister is willing to accept you as an apprentice!"

Ye Yun thought deeply, under the expectant eyes of the Xuanhan Holy Master and the Glazed Light Territory Master, Ye Yun greeted Suwen Xianzu and said: "Senior, every sect in the world has its own rules, and there is no rule without rules. I deeply understand this truth, if this junior is lucky enough to become a disciple of Sumeru Cave Heaven, then he must abide by the sect rules, but if he encounters excessive disrespect and humiliation, then this junior will never let it go!"

"You really don't know what's good and what's wrong, why don't you know how to be tactful!" Holy Master Xuanhan was so angry that his orifices were filled with smoke, wishing to give Ye Yun a slap in the face.

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, Immortal Ancestor Suwen suddenly gave out a praise, which surprised Ye Yun more than ever, and also shocked the Glazed Light Territory Master and Holy Master Xuanhan. Immortal Ancestor Suwen looked at Ye Yun, and finally showed a trace of agreement: " Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, or a sect, regardless of gender, you must maintain a calm and unyielding heart, so that you can grow in Xumi Cave. If your answer just now was submissive, then I will definitely not Will consider you!"

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Yun was shocked again, he didn't expect this Suwen Xianzu's character to be so unpredictable, like a piece of ice on the outside, but a hot flame inside.

The Holy Lord Xuanhan stroked his breath, looked at Suwen Xianzu: "I was shocked!"

The Lord of the Glazed Light Territory was also happy physically and mentally, and said affectionately: "Eldest sister, the third sister really has nothing to say this time, you know that the third sister never likes to ask for help, this time it is already enough for the two sisters to help her break through the fairy king." It’s breaking my wish, thank you big sister!”

Immortal Su Wen appeased the Master of the Glazed Light Territory for a while, and then looked at Ye Yun, very strict: "Silly third sister, the second younger sister and I value you, neither humble nor overbearing to anyone, not the kind of snob, okay , today I will break the rules and accept Ye Yun!"

Ye Yun saluted immediately: "Thank you, Master!"

Immortal Ancestor Su Wen exuded an air of emptiness that transcended the world, and said lightly: "We cultivators don't have so many red tapes, but we must respect the teacher. Now you have only passed the first level. To become Xumi Cave Heaven Disciple, you still need to pass a very strict test, this is unavoidable, you must be mentally prepared!"

"Originally, Ye Yun wanted to enter Sumeru Cave through formal channels. Master, please rest assured that Ye Yun will definitely seize the opportunity. No difficult test will stop me!" Ye Yun saluted very excitedly.

Holy Lord Xuanhan said: "In this way, Liu Guang and I will be considered your uncles, as elders, we will give you a meeting gift no matter what, tell me, what do you want, as long as I have it, I will definitely give it to you." you!"

"My second sister is right, Ye Yun, you have helped me a lot this time, if you hadn't given out such a precious energy seed, I wouldn't have been able to refine the artifact and break through the Immortal King. Light Immortal Domain, I am willing to give you anything!" the Glazed Light Domain Master also said sincerely.

Ye Yun was deeply moved. He could clearly sense the sincere intentions of the Glazed Light Territory Lord and the Xuanhan Holy Lord. This was to help him improve his strength and enter the Sumeru Cave with more confidence, so he said from the bottom of his heart: "Thank you The kindness of the two of you, Ye Yun doesn't lack anything, this kindness, Ye Yun will keep it in mind, if the two of you have anything to do in the future, as long as you let Ye Yun know, Ye Yun will never say a word, and will complete it with all his heart, in the future as long as you It is the enemy of the two, that is Ye Yun's enemy, no matter who it is, Ye Yun will be his enemy!"

"You learn to brag before you grow up. If you don't brag, you will die!"

Holy Master Xuanhan didn't take Ye Yun's words seriously at all, thinking that Ye Yun was just being polite. In her eyes, she didn't expect Ye Yun to be of any help to her with such a weak cultivation.

Even Suwen Immortal Ancestor and Glazed Light Territory Lord have the right to treat Ye Yun's words as a joke, and let Ye Yun's words go to waste.

No one can predict what will happen in the future, God knows.

Immediately, Ye Yun left Yougu, Suwen Xianzu and Xuanhan Holy Master have still stayed in Glazed Immortal Realm for decades, this is also an excellent opportunity for Ye Yun to practice in seclusion.

And you can still practice quietly without worrying about any problems.

Back in the palace, many curious people surrounded him. Ye Yun left to defend and seal the hall deeply. He would know any troubles.

Not only is there a seal, but there is also the void power of the Great Thousand Gods Map. The entire interior of the hall is a bottomless world. Even if the Immortal King comes in, it is not easy to find Ye Yun's existence.

Once you have made all the preparations, you can enter the Nine Dragons Ring practice with confidence.

In the Kowloon space, there is a huge Taiyi furnace floating above the altar, which is currently absorbing the continuous divinity of the altar, while Ye Yun himself is at the side, calling out the sword slaves, and is still helping the sword slaves to practice unification. Hongyin Township Divine Bell.

"Before I met the Magic Winged Bat King, there was a time of emptiness in the chakra of chaotic world purification. Although there was no danger, I never expected that this time I would encounter a great adventure, get the God Bell of Tong Hongyin Township, and Gather an energy ball comparable to an immortal king, and finally meet Suwen Xianzu!"

Thrilling and adventurous encounters again and again, thinking about it now, Ye Yun still finds it unbelievable, lamenting that the way of heaven is unpredictable and fate is unpredictable, but in the end he meets Immortal Ancestor Suwen, and thus has the opportunity to step into Xumi Cave.

"Magic Winged Bat King is really powerful..."

Inadvertently, Ye Yun would still think of being trapped in the four-cornered volt fairy banner, the feeling of living like a year, without strong strength, I am afraid that he will be locked in it forever.

The invincible existence of the third-level immortal world is invincible even in the fourth-level immortal world. Although there are immortal kings in the fourth-level immortal world, the tenth-level great immortal is still a giant.

"Not to mention the tenth level, even the eighth level of the Great Immortal is also extraordinary. Not long ago, the son of the city lord, Tang Ying, if I hadn't broken through the seventh level of the Void Immortal and suddenly cast the Daqian Shentu, he would not be his opponent at all. Fortunately, he was caught by surprise. Get him!"

When Ye Yun was helping the sword slaves to cultivate the divine bell of Tong Hongyin Township, his mind was looking back on the past, which contained many unfathomable secrets. Ye Yun just wanted to see through the secrets and find his destiny. The God Wheel of the Void and Pure World has been cultivated to the extreme.

Time is lost in this way. It is estimated that in the past hundreds of years, Dao Nu suddenly sucked the Tonghongyin Town God Bell into his palm, and then pushed it out. Driven by strength, he can fight against any fairy king.

"The Divine Clock of Tong Hongyin Township can be regarded as my most powerful method now. I secretly borrowed the power of the sword slave to activate the Divine Bell of Tong Hongyin Township, which is enough to instantly kill any great immortal, even the fairy king. However, we must be extremely careful. Once There are the most powerful people in the Tiangong Temple, and they will definitely find out the slightest clue!"

Ye Yun withdrew his true energy and asked the sword slave to fuse the remaining seals by himself. He took a deep breath. As expected of a tenth-rank immortal artifact, it took hundreds of years to refine it. It must take such a long time to refine the magic weapon.

"Chi Yun doesn't have such a wonderful magic weapon as the Nine Dragon Ring. Even if he destroys the Yan Sect and kills Qiu Qianshang, it will probably take hundreds of years to refine the Jade Immortal Armor. To get the last one, it will take at least a thousand years. It seems Chi Yun and I will never meet again in a thousand years!"

Feeling that time is meaningless, Ye Yun was worried about Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, not about his safety, but whether he could get the last Jade Immortal Armor smoothly, and I don't know how long it will take for the two to see each other again.

"Dark Sun Moon Thunder Control Art!"

Ye Yun then distracted himself, paid attention to the sword slave, absorbed the power of the altar wholeheartedly, and then began to practice the Dark Sun Moon Yu Lei Jue, the energy of the altar is really majestic, after absorbing it, it will take a long time to perfectly integrate.

The energy of the altar is the supreme divinity. Even if you have Taiyi chaotic true energy, you can’t quickly absorb and refine it, unless you have 33 heavenly vines, which can instantly absorb the divinity. Ye Yun then directly absorbs Taiyi from the 33-day vine Chaos true energy, but unfortunately the 33-day vine remained in the clone.

"Not long ago, I was connected with the avatar, and now the 33-day vine has grown into a small tree, and it is still growing, and there are hundreds of millions of hell seeds that have condensed. It seems that I have to find a time to use the formation method to disperse hundreds of millions of hell seeds. Absorb it, so that the sword slave may even step into the high rank of Immortal King, and it is possible to become Immortal Emperor!"

Ye Yun thought carefully: "When I get a foothold in Xumi Cave, I will go to the lower realm, and go to Leiyin Mountain to find Xin Wanling, and ask her if someone has ascended from the Taiyi plane. People can be promoted to immortals, and they can be brought into the Glazed Light Immortal Realm together with the Xin family, or directly into the Quadruple Immortal Realm!"

"If time is free, I still have to go to hell. I want to place my avatar in the lower world of hell. The energy in the lower world of hell is more vigorous, which is conducive to the avatar's cultivation of the 33-day vine!"

He is about to become a disciple of Xumi Cave. Once he succeeds, Ye Yun can start many plans that he dared not implement before, such as promoting all his friends and relatives in the Taiyi plane of the lower realm to be immortals, bringing them into the fairy world, or directly bringing them into the immortal world. Immortal world, and then ascended to become a fairy in the immortal world.

The premise that he has this strength now is to become a disciple of Xumi Dongtian. With such a big backer, although Xumi Dongtian must be a paradise for the strong, Ye Yun is confident that he will be able to make a living and show off the sky. Points, become key disciples, so that they have an unshakable position in the fairy world.

With the highest status, you can protect your relatives and friends in the fairy world. The Taiyi plane was established by Ye Yun with great difficulty. We must make the Taiyi plane the most powerful existence in the mortal world and bring all relatives and friends into the world. Immortal world, in the future one can become an immortal king, an immortal emperor, and even promote the Taiyi plane to an immortal world.

Chi Chi!

After a long time, Ye Yun couldn't figure it out clearly. In the space of the altar, countless infinite sun and moon god thunders were criss-crossing the void. With Ye Yun's primordial spirit urging them to break through the sky, they turned into sharp swords. Turning into thunder, turning into swords and guns, or thunderstorms, in short, various forms are constantly changing.

The Dark Sun Moon Thunder Control Art is one of the supreme secret arts of the dark thunder gods in hell. Once such power is used well, it will become a large-scale attack method. With a single thought, the divine thunder will fall from the sky, and even the fairyland will be destroyed.

"It's time to practice the method of refining gods!"

After hundreds of years of cultivating the Dark Sun, Moon and Thunder Control Art, Ye Yun stopped practicing, sitting cross-legged in the void, and his consciousness began to focus on the Shenluo statue in the primordial spirit ocean.

The statue of Shenluo is still floating in the ocean of Yuanshen, emptiness and mystery, stalwart and sacred.

"After thousands of years of practice in the Nine Dragons Ring, I still can't see through the secrets of the gods. Does it take tens of thousands of years of practice, 10 years to penetrate the secrets?"

Ye Yun shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Ye Yun knew that the statue of Shenluo must be extraordinary, but unfortunately he couldn't see through the secret. You must know that when the miracle appeared from the altar and the miracle was closed, Ye Yun had practiced in the Nine Dragon Ring for thousands of years. The outside world pointed out that the past few years, thousands of years, this is true In real time, the Kowloon ring can only change the law of time, but cannot create time.

So Ye Yun practiced in Jiulong Ring for thousands of years, which is also equivalent to the outside world.

After thousands of years of practice, Ye Yun has not seen through the secrets of the statues. It is unbelievable. He knows that a high-ranking immortal can retreat for thousands of years. Supernatural powers, thousands of years have not been able to see through the secrets of the gods, it can only show that the gods are extraordinary.

There is no way, as if there was a coat on the statue before, Ye Yun can only continue to watch, practicing the method of refining the gods, this kind of primordial spirit cultivation, time becomes meaningless, it feels like waking up , A hundred years, a thousand years have passed by.

Ye Yun just sat cross-legged like this, watching the statue carefully, everything became nothingness and meaningless, until Ye Yun felt a little dizzy, he had to stop looking at the statue.

"It took more than 1000 years..."

Counting with his fingers, Ye Yun was shocked. It took more than 1000 years to watch the statue this time, and the primordial spirit has not changed significantly. If he didn't have the Nine Dragon Ring, it would be incredible.

"It's time to break through the seventh level of Xuxian and advance to the eighth level!"

After thousands of years of practice, Ye Yun's own energy is almost full. Once he inhales the vast energy in the Taiyi God Furnace, Ye Yun will have no problem breaking through to the eighth level of Xuxian.


Release the true qi in the body, and the flames of breaking the catastrophe are sprayed out immediately, burning, surging, boiling, and soon forming a huge cauldron of breaking the catastrophe.

The furnace is getting stronger and stronger, the divine character and divinity are entangled with each other, it seems that there are vicissitudes of time, and the furnace is constantly absorbing the energy of breaking the catastrophe, it seems to reach the point where Ye Yun can't break it.

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