After a gust of wind and lightning, Ye Yun suddenly saw a fairyland floating on the Haotian land, which was about the same size as the Liuguang fairyland, but the bubble barrier was very powerful. There were immortals entering and leaving the fairyland in all directions. Domain regulation is not very strict.

"This is the Golden Feather Immortal Realm among the countless fairylands in the Fourfold Immortal Realm. It is considered a third-class fairyland. It is closer to my Sumeru Immortal Realm. Let's rest here for a while. After you can adapt to the energy of the Fourfold Immortal Realm, come back Zongmen, otherwise, with your present condition, no one would allow you to enter the trial!"

Immortal Ancestor Su Wen controlled the space, and flew into the Golden Feather Immortal Realm with Ye Yun in no time.

"Golden Feather Immortal Domain..."

This is still only the third-class fairyland of the fourth-tier fairyland, and the golden feather fairyland of the third-class fairyland is similar to the Liuguang fairyland, so how vast and majestic is the first-class fairyland?

Quadruple Immortal World is indeed another brand new Immortal World.


Seeing that Suwen Xianzu and Ye Yun were about to reach the Golden Feather Immortal Realm, Ye Yun thought that he would stop and be interrogated by the soldiers to enter the fairy realm, but Su Wen Xianzu suddenly flicked his fingers, and the bubble defense of the Golden Feather Immortal Realm instantly A gap appeared, before Ye Yun could react, he flew into it instantly.

"It's so easy to crack the enchantment of the fairyland..."

At this time, Ye Yun was shocked physically and mentally, and he was speechless. Suwen Xianzu is really powerful, ignoring the defense of the fairyland, and directly using magical powers to break the enchantment of the fairyland, he is worthy of being a third-tier giant of the fairy king.

According to the information controlled by Ye Yun, the third-level Immortal King is the supreme powerhouse that exists in the fifth-layer fairy world, but Suwen Xianzu is in the fourth-layer fairy world, and he is simply an invincible existence in the fourth-layer fairy world. Who is the opponent.

It is this Golden Feather Immortal Realm, Ye Yun can't help Su Wen's immortal ancestor's move, with her third-level immortal strength, one move can destroy the defense of the fairy realm, kill all the great immortals, and even the first-level immortal kings. Wen Xianzu is a supreme existence, coming and going is uncertain, even if she enters this Golden Feather Immortal Realm, no one will find that she has been here.

"This is the real strong man. He can roam freely in the fairy world and go anywhere..."

Ye Yun is extremely envious of Su Wen's powerful supernatural powers. Only by becoming such a strong person can he live happily without any constraints.

"The interior of the Golden Feather Immortal Domain is not much different from the Glazed Light Immortal Domain, except that there are more rare spirit trees and spirit beasts, and the layout of the Immortal Domain is more spectacular. Sure enough, the management is not very strict, and there are immortals everywhere!"

Arriving at the Golden Feather Immortal Territory, Ye Yun found himself in a city in the blink of an eye. Immortal Ancestor Su Wen showed his face masked, while Ye Yun looked around.

"Two upper rooms!"

In a restaurant with more than ten floors in the street, Suwen Xianzu took out a lot of middle-grade immortal stones and asked for two upper rooms, Xiaoer immediately led them to the highest floor.

The rooms here are all independent and protected by formations. After Xiaoer left, Suwen Xianzu flipped his hands, and a jade slip appeared in front of Ye Yun: "I'll give you ten years, and the jade slip is a must-see." Fill up all the materials in Dongtian, practice hard!"

After finishing speaking, Immortal Ancestor Suwen flashed into the room, and the formation immediately formed a complex defense, and he could no longer sense the aura of Immortal Suwen.

Ye Yun held the jade slip and entered the room, immediately activated the formation, and the room was completely sealed from the inside. Without Ye Yun's permission, ordinary people could not decipher the formation from the outside.

"The restaurant formation is not bad, it has the level of the eighth level of the Great Immortal..."

Immediately after, he waved his hand and played formations one after another, Ye Yun turned into a beam of mysterious light and entered the Nine Dragons Space.

"Ten years...then I can practice in the Kowloon space for 1 years..."

After sacrificing the Taiyi Divine Stove, and letting the Sword Slave come out to practice the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell by himself, Ye Yun himself began to absorb the power of the altar, and at this time he was full of breath and submerged.

"1 years, only a few years have passed. It seems that we will take the opportunity to break through the eighth level of Xuxian to reach the ninth level, and let the primordial spirit achieve transformation and greatly increase its strength!"

Ye Yun slowly planned his practice time. One third of the time was for cultivating the primordial spirit, and the remaining half was for cultivating various supernatural powers. Finally, it was used to break through to the ninth level of Xuxian. After 1 years of practice, even if Ye Yun was a demigod, It is also enough to store energy and reach the peak of the eighth level of Xuxian.

It's a pity that Ye Yun doesn't have any other energy. It would be relatively easy to break through the realm through continuous adventures, condensing energy, and breaking through the realm. Now, the energy is mainly used to refine the altar. The energy of the altar is divinity, immortal divinity, Even the Great Emperor of the Immortal Realm would take a long time to refine, let alone Ye Yun who only had the Imaginary Immortal Realm.

The divinity of the altar is too vast, Ye Yun is like an ant, and the divinity is like a mountain, how can an ant shake the mountain, so even if Ye Yun has the treasure house of the altar, it is not easy to fully develop it , even for 1 years, he can't refine and absorb much divinity, but it is not a problem to break through the ninth level of Xuxian.

There is also a huge energy ball on Ye Yun's body, which is comparable to a first-order fairy king. This is Ye Yun's greatest protection. It cannot be used to break through the realm, but can only be used to deal with powerful enemies beyond Ye Yun. It can also be regarded as a talisman.

1 years may seem like a long time, but to immortals, it is nothing.

Even in the mortal world, some monks who break the fairyland need tens of thousands of years to practice, and at most hundreds of millions of years. For the general virtual immortals in the fairy world, they can only break through one realm in 1 years, and it takes almost 1 years to reach a real fairy. It is impossible to break through, but to reach Daxian, it is difficult to break through a step in 1 years. From Daxian to Immortal King, this process is based on hundreds of millions of years, and a step takes almost [-] million years to be promoted, especially for high-levels. Great Immortal, let alone Immortal King and Immortal Emperor.

Glazed Light Territory Lord, Xuanhan Holy Master, Suwen Xianzu, these immortal kings, which of them have not been the existence of countless millions of years of cultivation, and they retreat for thousands of years or tens of thousands of years at a time.

Of course, Ye Yun has an advantage over them, because with the Nine Dragon Ring, 1 years is only equal to ten years. If you calculate this way, Ye Yun's cultivation speed will be faster than anyone in the fairy world, because the Nine Dragon Ring has changed the law of time, Ye Yun 1 Ten thousand years is equal to ten years to be promoted to a higher level.

In the 100 years in the outside world, Ye Yun can almost break through ten steps and step into the real fairyland from the imaginary fairyland, but Ye Yun doesn't have the opportunity to practice for 100 years. To cultivate, it is better to kill immortals, directly devour the energy of immortals, the energy of immortal stones and treasures, or the energy of immortal beasts to practice, which is much better than practicing in the altar.

For example, the energy ball that Ye Yun condensed in the four-cornered volt fairy banner is comparable to the first rank of the Immortal King. Nian absorbed divinity in the Jiulong space, almost only a little bit.

Therefore, Ye Yun still has to rely on adventures and experiences to gain energy and improve his cultivation base. Cultivating in the Nine Dragons Space is equivalent to building a car behind closed doors. Unless Ye Yun reaches the realm of a god and can devour divinity at will, then practicing in the Nine Dragons Ring for 1 years is enough Move up several ladders.


Thousands of years have passed like this, Ye Yun finally opened his eyes like a sculpture, the divine power around his body stopped one after another, and Ye Yun's body was filled with the vicissitudes of life: "4000 years have passed unknowingly, Taiyi is chaotic. The true qi has managed to swallow up a large amount of divinity and fuse it, and the whole body can almost reach the peak, as long as you inhale the energy in the Taiyi God Furnace, you can almost break through the eighth step of the virtual immortal, and be promoted to the ninth step!"

Stop absorbing divinity, Ye Yun continued to sit cross-legged, released his body and mind, entered the world of primordial spirit, and saw the majestic and illusory statue of Shenluo, who seemed to be alive, floating in the void and staring at the sky, as if Shenluo was gazing at some infinite mystery.

Ye Yun also followed Shenluo to look at the void sky, but unfortunately Ye Yun could only see the void sky, and he couldn't see through any secrets. He just looked at it, and even after several years, he was completely absorbed in it.

The aura of drifting with the tide, accompanying Ye Yun again, seems to be floating in the ocean of primordial spirit, without boundaries, without goals, looking for the ethereal shore.

At this moment, Ye Yun only sees the misty god statue and the infinite sky. In the passing of nothingness, Ye Yun occasionally finds that some stars are closer. A divine pattern flashed like catkins.

So Ye Yun saw a glimmer of opportunity, as if he had been hit by the spirit. After careful observation, he found that the statue had become nothingness. It was really weird. There was always a little improvement, but he couldn't see the name.

The key point is that Ye Yun can't use his strength to peel off the coat of the god statue, or break the layer of emptiness to see the god statue clearly. He can only look at it slowly and focus on the god statue with his heart.

Watching god statues and practicing the method of refining gods is actually tantamount to deep sleep. It is tantamount to being in a deep sleep, entering a dreamland, and searching for the truth in the dream.


On the side of the altar, the sword slave was cultivating the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell, when suddenly the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell released a terrifying momentum, and the sword slave immediately stood in front of Ye Yun, otherwise this wave from the tenth grade fairy The momentum was enough to seriously injure Ye Yun.


Ye Yun woke up from the Yuanshen world in an instant, looked at the sword slave dripping with black blood, and then looked at the Tiantong Hongyin town's divine clock, and found that the Tiantong Hongyin town's divine clock contained the sword slave's thoughts.

"It seems that the sword slave has completely refined the divine clock of Tiantong Hongyin Township. It's great. It's about to enter the big stage of Sumeru Cave. If there is no means, it will not be able to get the key training, and it will not even pass the assessment. Disciple of Sumeru Cave!"

Ye Yun was in a good mood watching the sword slave refine the divine clock of Tiantong Hongyin Township and release a force to cover the wound. This means that if the sword slave is not allowed to appear in the world, he can use the power of the sword slave to stimulate the Tiantong Hongyin Township The Divine Bell, with Ye Yun's current demigod body, plus the eighth-level strength of Xu Xian, is enough to compete with the Great Immortal, and it is also possible to kill the Great Immortal.

However, with Ye Yun's own strength of the eighth-level imaginary immortal, it is impossible to kill the first-level immortal, and he cannot fight against the great immortal. Ye Yun can easily deal with any real immortal, even the tenth-level true immortal, Ye Yun is also confident Strength, kill the opponent.

The gap between true immortals and immortal kings is too great, they are not in the same world at all, and Ye Yun is still in the realm of imaginary immortals, how could he surpass the real immortals and kill the great immortals, unless he is promoted to a real immortal, then it will not be difficult for Ye Yun to kill the great immortals.

"True Immortals are in Xumi Cave, they are all like ants, and there are no disciples of Void Immortals, and Great Immortals are nothing in Xumi Cave, Immortal Kings are the core disciples!"

I don't know when, the jade slip handed to Ye Yun by the ancestor Su Wen was releasing mysterious light, and Ye Yun grasped everything about Xumi Dongtian in an instant: "It turns out that Xumi Dongtian is located in the three to nine levels of immortality, and the disciples are ordinary disciples, Senior disciples are distinguished, and if they reach the highest level of cultivation, they can become masters, masters, and masters!"

"Ordinary disciples stand at the bottom, senior disciples are the main body, and those with the highest cultivation level can become masters, masters, and masters to accept apprentices. In every fairy world, there are masters, masters, and masters. Once the cultivation base reaches the standard of the fairy world where you are, you can be promoted to the high-level fairy world, and start to practice from ordinary disciples, become a high-level disciple, cultivate to the highest level, and become the master, master, and master of the high-level fairy world to open the door to accept disciples!"

"Holy Lord Xuanhan is a master. She is the second-level fairy king. She became an immortal king in the fourth level of the fairy world. The Holy Lord Xuanhan is the supreme existence, and then he can step into the five-layer fairy world and become an ordinary disciple, and continue to practice and become the master, master, and master of the five-layer fairy world and the three pure immortal sects!"

"Isn't Su Wen the immortal ancestor in the Sumeru Cave of the Fourth Level Immortal Realm, and even more of a giant existence? With her third-level cultivation of Immortal King, she is enough to become a master and a figure in the Fifth Level Immortal Realm, but why did she stay in the Fourth Level?" Immortal Realm, instead of going to Five Layer Immortal Realm?"

Ye Yun raised the doubts in his heart through the internal information of the jade slips. Most of them were clear, but there were some doubts, especially for Suwen Xianzu. She is a third-level powerhouse of the Immortal King. Ordinary and high-level disciples become master-level existences!

Generally speaking, Sumeru Cave Heaven is below the Eighth Level Immortal World, and each level of Immortal World has several realms as a criterion, and a certain level must be reached in order to be promoted to a high level Immortal Realm.

For example, Xumi Cave is in the third level of immortality, and most of the disciples are between the true immortal and the sixth level of the great immortal; the fourth level of the immortal is from the sixth level of the great immortal to the ninth level of the great immortal; Between the second level of the Immortal King and the fifth level of the Immortal King; and the seventh level of the Immortal King, from the fifth level of the Immortal King to the eighth level of the Immortal King;

This level is for step by step from the third level of immortality to the eighth level of immortality, and the situation of each level of immortality is different. For example, the standard of the fifth level of immortality in Xumidongtian is from the ninth level of the great immortal to the second level of the immortal king. If you surpass the second level of the immortal king, you must be promoted In the sixth level of immortality, and in the fifth level of immortality, Sumeru Cave will also recruit disciples at intervals. Some geniuses, who are still the first level of great immortals, will also stay in the fifth level of immortality to practice. From the fifth level of immortality, directly lay down the practice of the third level of immortality.

Pixel Question Immortal Ancestor possesses the highest cultivation level of Immortal King Tier [-]. According to the rules of Sumeru Cave, he should practice in the sixth level of immortality, but he is in the fourth level of immortality. Naturally, Ye Yun is very puzzled. It seems that only by entering Sumeru Cave can he truly understand .

"Void Immortal Eighth Rank, broken!"

All of a sudden, the true qi in Ye Yun's body spurted out, possessing infinite divinity, the divinity seemed to be burning, and the catastrophe flames spewed out, slowly forming a catastrophe furnace.

Once he breaks through the furnace, Ye Yun will step into the ninth level of virtual immortality, one step away from reaching the tenth level of virtual immortality, and the real fairyland is just around the corner.

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