"It turned out to be a large formation!!!"

Many great immortals and real immortals around were shocked. In the fairy world, the status of real immortals is not high, but the great immortals are different. They have the highest cultivation base and extensive knowledge, but they can't see through this prison formation, and Ye Yun, a mere imaginary immortal, even took Being able to discern the secrets of heaven really makes these people admire from the bottom of their hearts.

"Senior Brother Xianyao, I didn't expect that such an outstanding junior brother would come in from Xumi Cave, and he would be so convinced by Mo Yunzhong, Zhang Wen, and even Shu Yuanhao!"

The 37 disciples of Sumeru Cave Heaven are standing in the camp of Immortal Kings at this moment. Headed by Gao Xianyao, they have personally experienced Ye Yun's single-handed power to frighten the heroes. Seeing the infinite pride rising in each of them, it seems that they are also Ye Yun. Even, become the leader among tens of thousands of immortals.

"Junior brother Ye saved everyone righteously. Once he returns to the sect, he will be a brother in return!" Gao Xianyao saw that Ye Yun was extraordinary and would be a big shot in the future, so he wanted to connect Ye Yun and him closely as a thread.

"We should obey Senior Brother Gao and Junior Brother Ye!"

Sumeru Cave Heaven disciples, no matter they are low-status male disciples or female disciples, regard Ye Yun as their backbone from the bottom of their hearts, and they will never leave.

"Since the energy body can't sustain it, in my opinion, we should act quickly. You juniors, under the urging of our immortal king masters, opened the prison formation, and you escaped desperately. How much you can escape is up to you! "

Among the tens of thousands of immortals, the undisputed Shu Yuanhao, who had the highest cultivation, stepped out, faced everyone, and said quietly and deeply.

"Since everyone is ready, let's follow my true energy and work together to escape together!"

After Ye Yun finished speaking, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he slowly ascended to the mid-air of the prison, and all the immortals stepped back three steps to make way for Ye Yun.

"Infinity and Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, break the desolate sky!"

Above the crowd, Ye Yun condensed the gazes of all the immortals like the proud son of heaven, and the gazes turned into thousands of stars and gathered towards Ye Yun. Ye Yun pushed with his big hand, and countless magic seals condensed out. All the energy gathered quietly towards him.

"It's such a brilliant and condensed technique. It's not too late. Brothers of the Immortal Kings, use your true energy to help Brother Ye!"

The immortal kings headed by Shu Yuanhao, Zhang Wen, and Mo Yunzhong saw Ye Yun displaying amazing supernatural powers, and each of them had a good understanding, and they sacrificed their own energy one after another, shooting towards Ye Yun like a comet breaking through the sky.


The energy of more than 300 immortal kings gathered in Ye Yun's body in an instant. Ye Yun was like an ancient bell. The deep vibrations continued continuously, and Ye Yun instantly became a luminous body.

"It's so pure energy, a small part of it can be integrated into the energy ball in the body, and most of the remaining power is comparable to the third or even fourth level of the Immortal King. Breaking the seal of the Panlong Patriarch is not a problem!"

Ye Yun was both surprised and delighted at this time. Originally, he wanted to break the seal of Panlong Patriarch. If Ye Yun was alone, it would not be a problem. Waiting for shocking methods, there are also various god-level techniques, once the energy ball in the eruption domain activates the god-level techniques, Ye Yun can leave without using any magic weapon.

However, it is impossible to save tens of thousands of immortals with Ye Yun's current means and cultivation. He is only the ninth rank of virtual immortals. How can he save tens of thousands of immortals and immortal kings by himself.

Therefore, it is necessary to win over all the immortal kings, unite people's hearts, condense beliefs, and use the power of more than 300 immortal kings to stimulate the infinite sun and moon god thunder to break the prison.

"I didn't expect Brother Ye Yun, with such a strong body, to be able to condense the energy of the Immortal King like me. Not to mention the Immortal Xu, even the Immortal King couldn't do it. He exploded and died a long time ago. It seems that we have hope to leave here!"

Shu Yuanhao, as the second-rank supreme giant of the Immortal King, secretly pays attention to any movement around him. When Ye Yun absorbs all the energy of the Immortal King and condenses the qigong that he can't see through, Shu Yuanhao agrees with Ye Yun from the bottom of his heart.

When he said this, everyone's blood surged with enthusiasm. Later, those great immortals and real immortals became even more passionate, and surrounded Gao Xianyao and his disciples of Xumi Cave Heaven, treating them like stars holding the moon.

"Energy ball, devour it, the more you devour, the stronger I will be!"

Under the eyes of all the immortals, Ye Yun continued to absorb and condense the energy of the Immortal King, which had condensed into an energy of the Immortal King that made him dread, and he was almost out of control, so he secretly transferred one-third of the energy of the Immortal King to the area within the domain. In a ball of energy.

Originally, the energy ball was comparable to the first-order energy of ordinary fairy kings. Now, with the energy input of more than 300 fairy kings, the energy ball index continues to rise, and soon reaches the middle of the first-order fairy king, followed by the middle stage of Dzogchen, and then hits the peak of the first-order in an instant, reaching The energy of a real Immortal King and a Tier [-] Immortal.

Once the energy ball is activated, Ye Yun will have the strength of the first-level immortal king, no longer the ninth-level virtual immortal, but a real first-level immortal king.

Just imagine, Ye Yun himself has the supernatural power to kill powerful enemies by leapfrogging. The ninth level of the virtual immortal can kill the tenth level of the real immortal, and even the first level of the great immortal. Rank strong.

Originally speaking, at the first level of the Immortal King, Ye Yun could kill the tenth level of the Immortal King, but the unbreakable shackles brought about by his own cultivation could only allow Ye Yun to burst out the fighting power of the fifth and sixth levels of the Immortal King. If Ye Yun himself broke through the first level of the Immortal King, then Ye Yun can kill any immortal king, even an immortal emperor.

Ye Yun was already satisfied with being able to kill the fifth and sixth ranks of Immortal Kings. Let me ask, in this boundless fairy world, who can kill the peerless giants of the fifth rank of Immortal Kings with the ninth rank of Xu Xian.

Ye Yun is the only one!

"Everyone, the energy has been condensed to the peak, and it is about to be stimulated to break the prison and build a passage away from the mist in the sky. It will no longer be controlled by the ancestor of Panlong. Seize the opportunity!!"

Ye Yun suddenly turned around and said to all the immortals, he is like a supreme holy lord right now, every word is like an irresistible holy voice, shocking all the great immortals and immortal kings physically and mentally.

All the fairy kings looked at each other, and they all had a feeling, it should be an illusion, because at this moment, they felt the aura of the supreme master from Ye Yun's aura, making them obey Ye Yun's orders.

"The Promise and Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, the Radar Universe!!!"

When all the immortals were absorbed and ready, Ye Yun immediately activated the Thunder of the Infinity and Eight Desolation Sun and Moon Gods.


At this moment, all the energy of the Immortal King is comparable to the third-order supreme giant of the Immortal King. When Ye Yun performed the god-level qigong Wuji Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder, a thunder that broke the wasteland, destroyed the Dao, and collected the soul came from Ye Yun. The palm exploded and turned into a thunder, extremely domineering and fierce. Under the excitement and trembling hearts of tens of thousands of immortals, it shot towards the prison formation.


"Boom boom boom!"

Surpassing the Immortal King's third-order momentum, the thunder light rushed towards the prison formation like a thunder waterfall, whistling a few times, like a giant, waving its giant arm, tearing the sky with its palm, tearing the prison formation open, and the thunder light directly shooting into the mist of the sky moat, Countless strange fog seas finally appeared in the eyes of tens of thousands of immortals in the dark prison.

Ye Yun didn't expect tens of thousands of immortals to be stunned by the thunder of the god of the infinite sun and moon, instantly condensed his true energy, and spewed out an ancient Hong sound: "Flee!!!"

"Take care of yourself!!!"


Headed by Shu Yuanhao, more than 300 immortal kings including Mo Yunzhong and Zhang Wen urged the remaining energy in their bodies to release the resentment that had been suppressed for countless years, and flew towards the lightning channel like a pointing star. In the strongest peak state, he frantically followed the fairy king and fled to the Lightning Passage.

At this moment, all the immortals looked back at Ye Yun for the last time. In their eyes, Ye Yun is now an ancient giant, breaking through chaos alone, supporting the world, and creating the future.

Tens of thousands of immortals, like an army of ants, flew into the Thunder Light Passage and fled to the Tianzhu Fog Stream. One after another, there was no end in sight. Most of the immortals had already flown into the Thunder Light Passage, while the Immortal King and some powerful immortals had already flown into the Tianzhu Fog. In the stream, the forbidden place of tranquility was broken immediately, and the ancient sleeping Pan Lao Yaoshu finally woke up, and countless giant tree demon faces appeared, and began to attack the immortals in the Thunder Light Passage.

"I can only establish a channel and let you go out. Your life or death is up to you!"

Seeing the gigantic faces of countless tree demons appearing, driving the foggy stream and sea of ​​fog to attack the Thunder Light Passage, Ye Yun knew that a life-and-death battle had begun, and how many immortals would die in this foggy stream, and become the energy food of Pan Lao Yaoshu. Yun couldn't distract himself from rescuing them, he was already at his wits end and couldn't take care of himself.

Moreover, the power of the prison is gathering, the Patriarch Panlong has awakened, and Ye Yun is naturally unable to compete with the power of the Third Immortal King and the power of Tianzhu Wujian Dojo.

"Junior, you actually ruined the good things of the ancestors. Today, the ancestors want to take your body and sacrifice your body to practice!"

Just as Ye Yun independently supported the entire prison force and opened the escape route for the immortals, an ancient voice suddenly erupted between the prison and the mist in the sky.

"Not good, Patriarch Panlong seems to be unable to catch all the immortals, he wants to sacrifice me!!!"

Ye Yun's whole body trembled, being shaken by the majestic aura of the Panlong Patriarch, he couldn't control his true energy, his ears were ringing and his heart was closed, and the ocean of soul was about to collapse.

This is the strength of the third level of the Immortal King. Just a sound sea can kill the first level of the Immortal King and the strength of any great immortal. It is not Ye Yunneng's enemy at all.

"You immortals, it depends on your own good fortune..."

Ye Yun had no choice but to choose to escape from the prison, and then took advantage of the chaos to escape. The prison is the power of Panlong Patriarch's confinement, which is equal to the domain. Ye Yun no longer provided energy, blessed the Lightning Channel, and flew out of the prison from the Lightning Light with a swish.

"A lot of fairy corpses..."

Leaving the prison and appearing in the dense sea of ​​coiling dragon demon trees in the misty ravine of Tianzhu, Ye Yun saw countless immortal corpses being beheaded by the coiling dragon demon trees, directly sucking up energy and becoming mummies.

And the Coiling Dragon Monster Trees are all over the sky, densely packed, with countless giant faces roaring ferociously, spraying tree roots, and immortals are constantly being dragged out of the Lightning Passage, falling alive, the energy of the Lightning Passage is weakening, and there is a possibility of dissipating at any moment , and among them, the immortal ran for his life while fighting to kill the tree demon, and there were many dangers, which can be described as frightening every step of the way.

Even so, some fairy kings and great immortals managed to escape from the misty ravine of Tianchao by relying on powerful magic weapons, advanced cultivation bases, and magical means, and the remaining immortals were just dying.


Suddenly, a black root hair, like the power of thunder, shot towards Ye Yun across the sky.


Ye Yun reacted so quickly that he was already breathing, but his speed and strength were not superior to the opponent's. He was savagely sucked into his body's true energy by the tree roots, and was sent flying a hundred meters away.


One after another, before Ye Yun could recover, Ye Yun was surrounded by giant faces of monster trees. The roots of the giant faces turned out to be energy transmission tubes after work, together with the huge disk. The Dragon Patriarch himself.

Moreover, Ye Yun was shocked to see that Panlong Patriarch finally shook.


In an instant, the heaven and earth cracked in the fog stream of Tianzhu, and the giant demon tree of Panlong Patriarch rose up from the ground. Empty to kill.

"Humble human beings, insignificant virtual immortals, have ruined the good deeds of our ancestors...how could our ancestors let you escape today!"

The upper part of the huge tree trunk of Panlong Patriarch presents a very well-behaved giant blue face that looks like a human being about twelve or thirteen years old. Human beings have no left or right, and they may be promoted to the human body at any time.

When the giant blue face of Panlong Patriarch appeared, he glared at Ye Yun viciously, wishing to devour Ye Yun, digging out his heart and bones: "Human, I want to sacrifice your body forever!"

"A monster is a monster, how can you want to become a human being? It's ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Facing Panlong Patriarch, Ye Yun didn't feel weak at all, instead he was full of fighting spirit, and said forcefully: "Don't talk nonsense, I came to the Fourth Level Immortal Realm, and I haven't had a smooth battle yet. Originally, I planned to leave secretly. Since you Stop it, I will let go and try the trick!"

"Ignorant human beings, my ancestor is a third-level immortal king. If it wasn't for the Panlong clan's own energy shackles, my ancestor would have been promoted to a human body, became a high-level immortal king, stepped into the high-level fairy world, and cultivated the magical art of immortality and longevity!"

"Today you smashed my prison, released all the slaves, and let the ancestor plan for hundreds of millions of years fall short. For this account, I will use your powerful body as a reward. The ancestor could have taken away the body of the fairy king and turned into a human body, but there is no one. When you meet any powerful human body and offer to seize it, you never expected that after searching for the body for countless years, it seems that everything is God's will, boy, it is your honor to become the body of the ancestor!"

Patriarch Panlong said majestically.

"Want to take away my body? What ancestor, you are just a tree demon, a low-level existence!" Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed it, and a Wuji Shensun sword appeared in his right hand.

Patriarch Panlong didn't have the slightest intention to do it himself, he just waved his roots and ordered to the countless giant faces of the demon trees: "Little ones, capture this abominable human alive!"

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