The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 579 So What About the Immortal King


The giant face of the Panlong Dryad, like a sea wave hitting a table, is encircling and kills from all directions. The roots of the tree monsters are like big feet, and the countless leaves on the treetops turn into sharp weapons. The giant face sprays out roots and kills all over the sky. Xiang Yeyun.

The huge faces of these dryads have different expressions, and none of them can get rid of the demon's ferocious nature.

"Okay, okay, little ones, catch this kid, the ancestor will reward you a lot, haha!"

At this time, the ancestor of Panlong is more like a big umbrella, with a big umbrella of monster aura, covering the huge faces of countless monster trees. He stands in the mist of the sky, and he is the king of this world.

"Well done, since you have chosen the mission, you can't come here in vain. Coiling dragon saplings are supreme treasures, so I will grab a few and dedicate them to Sumeru Cave!"

In the depths of Tianzhu Mist Stream, Ye Yun stood alone in the world of Giant Dryad's Face, as small as a grain of sand, while Giant Dryad's Face was a torrential flood that would swallow Ye Yun at any time.

Faced with such momentum, Ye Yun did not break up in a hurry, grasped the Wuji God Sun Sword tightly, took a hard look at the Panlong Patriarch who was high above in the distance, and immediately kicked in the air, and swung the Wuji God Sun Sword.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

At this moment, a Coiling Dragon Monster Tree attacked Ye Yun all over the sky. Countless roots, leaves, and monster aura formed a storm and swept towards Ye Yun.

Swish Swish~!

The Wuji God Sun Sword is formed from the Wuji Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder. Ye Yun slashed out with one sword, merging countless sword techniques. The power of the Sun Moon God Thunder, so Ye Yun's simple sword, but it contains the ultimate sword.

Sure enough, a large number of roots of the tree demon, and the tree demon was cut off by Wuji Shensun Sword, and the sword swept across the wilderness. Any attack by the Panlong tree demon was useless.

How could a single sword defeat Panlong Tree Demon?

Because of Ye Yun's full resistance, it aroused the killing intent of the Panlong tree demon, and the giant face of the demon tree spewed out demonic lights, trying to tear Ye Yun to pieces.

"These ordinary Panlong Tree Demons all have the high-level cultivation of the Great Immortal. Unfortunately, the Panlong Tree is not gifted in combat, and its movements are slow, and the mist is useless to me. Your attacks are not enough to see, and they will all be destroyed!"


Ye Yun flipped his hand and pushed it, spraying waves of fire from his left palm, burning up with a roar, as long as it is the Panlong tree, any part that touches the waves of fire will be instantly reduced to ashes.

The Panlong tree demon was not afraid of death at all, hundreds of demon trees died in Ye Yun's hands, it didn't scare them away at all, instead more tree demons gathered from all directions.

It seems that these tree demon tactics, if you can't kill them, they will exhaust you to death!

Sure enough, the Coiling Dragon Demon Trees gathered from the depths and above the misty ravine of Tianchao, either walking on the rocky cliffs, or floating in the void, killing them in various ways, at a glance, densely packed with pans Dragon demon tree.

"This human... is not simple!"

At this moment, Patriarch Panlong, who controls the entire Tianchao Wujian, has a giant blue face devouring the corpses of immortals, and the lightning passageway above has disappeared, and there is no one who can escape, or die in Panlong Lao. ancestors.

Patriarch Panlong finished cleaning up all the immortals in the misty stream of Tianchao, and began to stare at Ye Yun's hands. At this moment, on his immature face, there was a bit of disbelief, and a touch of shock. Fangfo didn't expect it at all, the majestic fairy The king died at his hands, and a human in the imaginary fairyland actually killed countless members of his clan.

"Sure enough, this human body is very powerful. Either he cultivates Extraordinary Qigong, or he has a special physique. Recently, there have been many visions in the fairy world, and people with ancient qualities appear from time to time. I heard that there are many ancient ruins in Unbounded Land, and a large number of artifacts appear in the world. Could it be that this human being also has a special constitution?"

Panlong Patriarch stared at Ye Yun, not knowing what he was looking at, frowning all the time, as if he never understood it, and said after a long time: "Okay, let's devour his body, turn into a human body, and enter the high-level fairy world. If I can obtain some treasures from the Ancient God Realm, I will become a god, and my Panlong clan is originally an existence inherited from the Ancient God Realm, so returning to the God Realm is a matter of course!"

"Little ones, play with him well, play with him!!"

Patriarch Panlong smiled slyly.

"Playing with me? Hmph, Patriarch Panlong, if you have the ability, just try it out and see if you want to play with me, or I want to arrest your disciples and grandchildren!"

Ye Yun secretly rejoiced that Panlong Patriarch was so self-righteous that he didn't do it himself, and let these tree demons with great immortal strength do it, which instead gave Ye Yun the possibility to capture the Panlong tree.

"Patriarch Panlong must still be full of confidence in Tianzhu Wujian. He naively planned that Tianzhu Wujian could kill and control my energy. How could he know the power of Taiyi's chaos!"

Thinking of this, the smile suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of sternness, Ye Yun waved his hand, and his left hand struck out a palm of the Eight Desolation Yin and Thunder.

Chi Chi!

With one palm strike, a piece of the tree demon's roots turned into nothingness, layers of lightning were like tarsal maggots, killing and devouring the Coiling Dragon Demon tree, and each giant face began to shatter, representing the demise of the Coiling Dragon Demon tree.

"Eighteen golden-armored puppets, strangle the demon tree!"

Although Ye Yun is full of confidence in himself, he has two hands after all. As the old saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands. Ye Yun is not an immortal king, neither a great immortal nor a true immortal, so how can he fight against the army of demon trees? Shenri Sword, seeing the giant faces of demon trees approaching from the left, swiped his left hand, and immediately struck out the Bahuang Yinlei Palm, sneered a few times, and turned into ashes.

Motivated by his thoughts, streaks of golden light erupted from Ye Yun's body. They turned out to be golden armored puppets, which were formed by Ye Yun using a set of god-level qigong called 'Golden Armor Indestructible Puppet Technique'.

"What kind of qigong is this??? It actually has a trace of divinity!!!"

The eighteen golden-armored puppets had just appeared, and before they could make a move, they were seen by the ancestor Panlong from a high place. His giant blue face frowned and smiled ecstatically: "No wonder a human being who is just a mere imaginary will have confrontation." The method of the Great Immortal turned out to be a practice of a god-level qigong!"

"God helps me, God really helps me. Although my Panlong clan comes from the ancient God Realm, I have never had a god-level qigong inheritance. Any fairy-level qigong is not suitable, only god-level qigong!"

Panlong Patriarch's eyes shot out layers of greedy pupils, and he sighed with boundless desire to kill: "Now you don't need to take the risk of promoting your body, go to a high-level fairy world to practice to capture artifacts or god-level qigong, and now someone sent a set of god-level qigong to your door." Qigong, as long as I practice tens of billions of years, I will be able to cultivate into a supreme god and have an indestructible godhead!"

"Little ones, give me all of them!"

The entire huge tree crown of Panlong Patriarch began to dance, creaking and creaking non-stop. Immediately, Panlong Patriarch's huge tree roots grew tender leaves, which grew into Panlong Dryad in a short while, but there was no giant face. It's just a tree shape.

Now there are tens of millions of dryads, and the roots of the dryads are all connected together, and finally connected to the roots of the ancestor Panlong. The ancestor Panlong is the energy source and transmitter of countless dryads.


The dryad shot out the branches directly at Ye Yun, and the branches and leaves became magical weapons, and they all cooperated with each other in the void to attack, and their power soared countless times.


At this time, Ye Yun also flipped his hands and made seals one after another, and golden light shot out from the palm of his hand, and the golden light shot into the eighteen golden armored puppets. Suddenly, the golden armored puppets seemed to come alive, baring their teeth and claws, directly facing the tree demon camp, rampaging , and looked up to the sky and let out the sound of a terrifying baby crying.


The golden-armored puppets, with Ye Yun as the center, formed a huge protective circle. Eighteen golden-armored puppets entered the camp of the tree demon, tearing them apart with a wave of their hands.

Ye Yun saw that the Panlong Dryad was as fragile as a weed. Under the powerful god-level aura of the golden-armored puppet, once it was grasped and then pulled, it became a section, which was the trunk of the Panlong tree. The golden-armored puppet only used three In one fell swoop, the trunk of the Panlong tree was grabbed directly, and the roots were pulled out and smashed.

The already menacing Panlong demon tree is no match for the golden armored puppets at all. Most of these tree demons are from the low-level to high-level immortals, and the strength of the golden armored puppets is also in the great immortals. , itself is condensed from the golden armor indestructible puppet technique.

The god-level qigong is so powerful, and Ye Yunxiu is already an immortal, so he can exert some god-level power, so the golden armored puppet itself is powerful, especially its hardness is comparable to any high-level immortal weapon.

Although there are many Panlong Demon Trees, this time they have met their opponents. The golden armored puppet is too hard and powerful, it is simply not something that Panlong Demon Tree can compete with.

"These Coiling Dragon Demon Trees should all be distributed from the energy of the Panlong Patriarch!"

Ye Yun was protected by the eighteen golden-armored puppets, so he didn't have to worry about the dryad at all. He secretly watched behind the battlefield and saw how the dryad appeared. When he saw the huge rhizome growing from the ancestor of Panlong, he suddenly had a general idea in his mind. In fact, there is actually only one Panlong tree in this Tianmo Wujian.

The other Panlong tree demons are all brewed by the supernatural powers in the body of the ancestor Panlong.

"It's impossible to catch the Panlong sapling...Since the Panlong Patriarch is the third-level cultivation of the Immortal King, why not take back some Panlong Tree Demon's roots, maybe some powerful people can be cultivated!"

Thinking of this, Ye Yun smiled triumphantly.

This time, when he came to Pang Jixiongyuan to perform a mission, he knew in advance that someone must have deliberately made things difficult for him to be easily promoted to a senior disciple, but he had to receive a difficult task immediately. Before coming, Ye Yun thought that Pangjixiongyuan must be very dangerous, but Unexpectedly, the opponent turned out to be a third-rank Panlong Patriarch of the Immortal King.

Now that the situation is turning around, although Patriarch Panlong is a third-level powerhouse of the Immortal King, his own attack power is ridiculously weak, comparable to the first-level Immortal King. It's nothing more than supernatural powers, but it just so happens that Ye Yun has immortal power in his body, which is not under the control of Panlong Patriarch.

Ye Yun just took the advantage for nothing and took advantage of it.

On the contrary, Ye Yun's biggest advantage is true energy and combat power, which happened to restrain the ancestor of Panlong. After beheading the tree demon of Panlong, Ye Yun has started from the heart, not afraid of the ancestor of Panlong.

"Little ones, get out of the way, this ancestor will do it himself to capture these golden armored puppets!"

Suddenly, countless Panlong trees were about to stop attacking, forming a dense defense, blocking Ye Yun's way, and the aloof Panlong ancestor finally spoke, looking at Ye Yun with his eyes like poisonous snakes: "Boy, you are practicing god-level qigong, right?" , God is helping me, please be obedient!"

"Could it be that you want to say something else, let me hand over the god-level qigong, let me go?"

Ye Yun disdainfully smiled, but unexpectedly, Patriarch Panlong was able to see the root of condensed qigong from the golden-armored puppet, which made Ye Yun feel astonished. The existence of god-level qigong is something that ordinary immortal emperors cannot see through, while Panlong The tree is just a dryad, and it can actually see the god-level qigong from the golden-armored puppet.

Panlong Patriarch smiled and said: "No, no, human beings, you are too small, Patriarch doesn't need to pretend to be a snake with you at all, and keep secret, it's too easy for Patriarch to suppress you!"


Ye Yun raised his ears, and sneered in his heart, but on the surface he was very calm: "Well, I am Xuxian, and you are the Immortal King... But, so what about the Immortal King!"

"So what a good fairy king, I'll let you see how powerful the fairy king is, Suotian Shenvine!"

The canopy of Panlong Patriarch suddenly vibrated, and long hair grew on the Buddha's head. Branches of green and blue vines, like magic weapons, shot out from the canopy. There were about 100 branches, releasing transcendence The terrifying aura of the fourth-grade fairy artifact itself contains a breath of heaven and nature.

"What method is this?"

Although he has unlimited confidence in his own strength, Ye Yun still dare not be careless. After all, the opponent is a third-rank Immortal King. Although his body and movement are restricted by his own tree body, he is still a terrifying opponent for an Immortal King.

"Sacred Spear of Light!!!"


With a flip of the hand, the Wuji God Sun Sword disappeared, instead it was Ye Yun's best holy spear of light. Ye Yun flew into the air, surrounded by eighteen golden armored puppets, and Ye Yun aimed at a green spear shot from among them. Bishen vine stabbed at it with a single shot.


The qingbi divine vine and the holy spear of light collided in the void. At this moment, Ye Yun held the holy spear of light, like a needle pointing at a wheat awn, and resisted the blow of the ancestor Panlong with his own immortal cultivation.

But then, another shot from the divine green vine, Ye Yun's face was crimson, blood gushing up, Ye Yun stabbed out with a spear, but this time, he was sent flying by the divine green vine.

"Sure enough, he is a master of the Immortal King, so thick and powerful, it actually made my whole body numb, and it hurt like being torn apart..."

Ye Yun stopped in the void, his face was pale, without any expression, his long hair was windless, and the Holy Spear of Light in his hand broke inch by inch at this moment.

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