The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 580 Partisan Intention

The Bright Holy Spear is Ye Yun's most commonly used method. Its predecessor was the Blood Underworld Spear, which was later integrated into Taiyi Divine Light, and later integrated into Taiyi Chaos True Qi. It can be said to be comparable to a fifth-grade fairy weapon.

However, in front of Panlong Patriarch whose cultivation had reached the third level of Immortal King, he was knocked to pieces every inch of him. How terrifying is this Panlong Patriarch's strength.

Although Panlong Patriarch is limited by his body and his attack methods are not endless, his own true energy is very strong. It has already surpassed the third rank of ordinary immortal kings, and it may even reach the peak of third rank immortal kings. With this kind of strength, Ye Yun is too chaotic to use it. Any supernatural power condensed with true energy will be shattered.

Even if it is a golden-armored puppet, if it is hit by the green green vine, it may be broken, and the general fairy weapon is also invincible to the Panlong ancestor. ', and couldn't withstand such a powerful blow from Panlong Patriarch.

"The body can't be controlled, the true energy seems to be tearing the flesh..."

Ye Yun's face was bleak, the huge pain in his body made him calm as usual, he forcibly suppressed the pain, although he couldn't control his own true energy, but activated the golden core energy, he immediately controlled all the violent true energy, and the infinite pain also surged with powerful energy down, and disappeared in an instant.

This is the advantage of Ye Yun's strong physical body. If he were an ordinary person, he would not be able to recover at all. He would become a wooden man, without any power to fight back. He could only wait for the ancestor Panlong to come and cut off his head.

The physical body is strong, although it needs countless true qi surpassing mortals, it has a huge advantage in recovering from injuries and condensing true qi. Just like just now, if Ye Yun was an ordinary immortal, it would not be as simple as being injured, and he might be killed with one move , or the dantian and meridians are broken, not to mention instant recovery, even eternal life.

"Boy, stop moving!"

Patriarch Panlong knew his own strength too well, and knew that Ye Yun was a virtual immortal, so he couldn't bear his blow at all, and became complacent, condescendingly said: "I am a high-ranking immortal king, and I can possess the existence of high-level immortal king strength at any time , and I, the Panlong clan, come from the ancient and mysterious God Realm, you are a mortal, surrender to me!"

At this moment, Patriarch Panlong didn't give Ye Yun any chance at all, and directly issued a decree, asking Ye Yun to submit.

His words are very simple, Ye Yun is a mortal, but he is of noble birth, from the God Realm, even if Ye Yun is an immortal emperor, he must submit to him, not to mention the current situation.

"From the God Realm?"

Ye Yun chuckled, not only was there no trace of surprise, on the contrary, his expression was calm, and he said without any surprise: "Patriarch Panlong, the God Realm is so big, I heard that there is a boundless place separated from the God Realm above the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm, There have been many changes recently, a large number of relics of the gods, countless artifacts, god-level exercises, you are from the gods, it is ridiculous, you are just a weed in the gods, and the mortal world and the gods are all chaos. Why are you so noble, don't act like a god in front of me, you are not qualified yet!"

Patriarch Panlong still had a noble attitude: "Mortal, don't you know the power of the God Realm? The God Realm is just a speck of dust, which can kill you and steal your god-level qigong, and I can step into it." God Realm, no, it is to return to the God Realm and find the secret of becoming an immortal god! Come on, hand over your god-level qigong, I will not fight with you, I can let you live!"

"Haha, if you want to seize the immortal god-level qigong, don't waste your time talking, come on!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun didn't like Patriarch Panlong at all. Patriarch Panlong was too confident in his own strength. He thought that Ye Yun was seriously injured now and could be controlled at will, so he put on a saintly appearance and demanded that Ye Yun Submit obediently.

"Toast and not eat fine wine, I will give you a way to live, let you go, since you choose to die, the ancestor will send you to hell, haha, die!"

Patriarch Panlong got angry. On the crown of the tree, hundreds of green and green vines shot out like magic soldiers, enough to kill any fairy king!

"The golden armor returns to the body!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ye Yun immediately mobilized his true energy and recalled the eighteen golden-armored puppets. Ye Yun didn't want the golden-armored puppets that had been condensed with great difficulty to be destroyed so easily.

"With my cultivation base, I can't fight Patriarch Panlong at all. I can only use magic weapons. Energy balls are too precious to be wasted..."

Ye Yun has no way to back down now, more than 100 green and green vines are enough to kill a third-level master of an immortal king, even if he activates the Daqian Shentu now, it is too late to escape.

"Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell!"

The most useful magic weapon suddenly popped up in his mind, that is the Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell refined by the sword slave.

Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Shenzhong is the highest existence among the immortal artifacts. The tenth-grade immortal artifact is an ancient immortal power. , can not be used, Ye Yun just fused with 33 days of vines, can practice any hell energy.

"Haha, I will not destroy your physical body. The qigong I want is your physical body, but your primordial spirit will be destroyed by me!"

Patriarch Panlong saw that Ye Yun recalled the eighteen golden-armored puppets, and there was no further movement. He thought that Ye Yun really had no choice but to be slaughtered naked by him.


At the juncture of life and death, at the moment when hundreds of green and green vines attacked, an ancient and calm sound suddenly erupted from Ye Yun's body, and immediately an ancient big bell surrounded Ye Yun's surroundings.


Hundreds of green and green vines collided fiercely and abnormally on the big clock. It felt like a monk ringing the bell, and the impact made a loud clang. The ancient big bell was like an ancient sacred mountain. It didn't even move half a minute, and the Qingbi Divine Vine collided with the big clock, and it became a piece of waste.

"This is……"

In an instant, the arrogant Panlong Patriarch's smile stopped abruptly, and he was greeted with a shocked face, and his huge spirit tree also shook violently, causing the mist in the sky to tremble, and rolling stones kept rolling, drowning a large number of demon trees .

"'s really a tenth-rank fairy weapon! The tenth-rank fairy weapon turned out to be a tenth-rank fairy weapon. In the ninth heaven of the fairy world, the tenth-rank fairy weapon is the supreme existence. Only the super emperor is qualified to control it. The true power of a tenth-grade fairy weapon!!!"

Patriarch Panlong was shocked, and felt chills in his heart. He actually saw a virtual immortal who urged a tenth-grade immortal weapon, which was equivalent to a child lifting a giant elephant.

Although a tenth-grade fairy weapon is not a divine weapon, in the fairy world, it is an existence that surpasses a divine weapon. A weapon is a Tao. Even a first-grade fairy weapon needs to be fused by an immortal. Only after countless years of practice can it be truly controlled. It is enough to be able to use it, and most of it prevents the power of the fairy weapon from being exerted.

Abandoning immortal artifacts, blindly pursuing great artifacts, thinking that divine artifacts are truly suitable for immortals, naturally this is a big mistake and I have to think about it.

Almost all the super emperors in the fairy world use tenth-rank fairy weapons or semi-sacred weapons. If a tenth-rank fairy tool is completely and perfectly integrated, the power exerted in the fairy world far exceeds that of a divine weapon. Used as an object, it is impossible to fuse artifacts.

A truly talented person will not choose a divine weapon, but a fairy weapon that suits him. Only when his cultivation level is close to that of a god can he cultivate a divine weapon.

Now the Patriarch Panlong saw Ye Yun activating the tenth-grade celestial weapon, he couldn't believe it, he was shocked and speechless, if an immortal king could activate the tenth-grade celestial weapon, it wouldn't be surprising, but a virtual immortal, unexpectedly Merging the tenth-rank immortal weapon, and merging it so freely, is simply comparable to the amazing method of a super emperor.

"This insignificant human being... first secretly pretended to be captured, sneaked in, and was out of my control, and then used some shocking means to break my control... Not only does he practice god-level qigong, but he also has a tenth-rank immortal device!!!”

Patriarch Panlong was completely insane. His giant blue face actually fell off from the tree trunk, which really showed the way of an immortal king. His giant face was changing, and the energy of the entire sky moat was gathering towards him.

"It's not good... Patriarch Panlong wants to really fight. I can't be his opponent. If I fight him, I might end up dead... It's time to leave!"

Seeing that the Panlong Patriarch was changing his magical powers without releasing the terrifying green green vine, Ye Yun knew that now is the best time to escape from the misty ravine of Tianchao.

"Patriarch Panlong foolishly thought that he, the demon tree, or the dojo could control me and imprison me..." Ye Yun began to activate the Daqian Shentu, ready to break the imprisonment and escape.

Ancestor Panlong used Tianchao Wujian as a dojo, even the third-level immortal king would be imprisoned and suppressed, and a second-level immortal king like Shu Yuanhao could only be caught without a fight. Therefore, the ancestor Panlong thought that the dojo could also suppress Ye Yun. Ye Yun is just a virtual fairy, and Ye Yun has no chance of escaping from the sky.

"Boy, the ancestor has never used his real body. Your god-level qigong, tenth-grade fairy weapon, and physical body are all mine, haha!" dense.

"Patriarch Panlong, I won't play with you any longer, so farewell!"

At this time, Ye Yun turned into a bubble and flew towards a particularly dense sea of ​​fog.

"Want to leave? In the ancestor's dojo, let alone you, a little imaginary immortal, even a fifth-level immortal king, don't even think about running away, destroy!"

Panlong Patriarch didn't expect Ye Yun to struggle out in an instant, but he was not in a hurry, he opened his huge blue face, sprayed out a blue flame, and swept away towards the sea of ​​mist that Ye Yun flew into!


The blue flame swept across the sea of ​​fog with the momentum of a spring breeze, and the fog was swallowed by the blue flame and turned into green smoke, revealing an empty void, where is there any trace of Ye Yun?

"Damn... Damn!"

Domineering rays of light shot out from the eyes of Panlong Patriarch, which made Ye Yun disappear into space, brushed fiercely, and all energy was destroyed, leaving nothing left, but there was still no shadow of Ye Yun.

This is great, the ancestor Panlong was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, his giant face suddenly fell off, and turned into an energy body with half a human being, and a void appeared in an instant, releasing a thick monster aura, and the face of the ancestor Panlong turned green instantly: "No Possibly, impossible, how can a virtual immortal escape my dojo quietly!!!"

With infinite doubts, Patriarch Panlong began to insist on each layer of space, not letting go of a deliberate corner.

On the outside of Tianzhu Fog Stream, there is already a vast and wild Pangji Xiongyuan.


A strange air mark flashed out from the mist stream of Tianchao like a meteor.

"Well... I still escaped. I left Tianzhu Wujian, lost the dojo, and the real ancestor of Panlong couldn't come out. Even if I did, what can I do!"

The aura appeared empty, it was Ye Yun, a smug smile flashed on his face, although his face was a little pale, but it was not bad to be able to escape from Panlong Ancestor Dojo.

"The mission has been completed. Once we return, Lingxu Pavilion will have nothing to say, but that Yaoli Immortal King will still find ways to make it difficult for me. I have nothing to do with Suwen Xianzu. Shi Chennian is jealous and wants to If you want me to die, I am still very weak now, waiting for a hundred years, I will no longer be afraid of the Immortal King!"

Genuine Qi was activated, and the injuries all over his body recovered one step at a time. Ye Yun immediately flew to the Celestial Realm of Sumeru Cave, absorbing the energy of hundreds of immortal kings, and Ye Yun's strength improved again.

"Huh? This is..."

About to fly out of Pangji Xiongyuan, Ye Yun suddenly sensed the aura of the Immortal King, which echoed in Pangjixiongyuan's aura, and contained a series of restrictions. These auras made Ye Yun very familiar, so he waved his hand and grabbed it. , the restriction is released.

"Shua Shua ~ ~"

Within three breaths, more than 50 immortal kings flew over from Pang Jixiong's side. The leader was Shu Yuanhao, followed by Mo Yunzhong and Zhang Wen. There were 55 immortal kings in total.

This aura is too powerful. If it weren't for the fog in Tianzhu, the 55 immortal kings united would definitely be able to kill the ancestor of Panlong. It's a pity that more than 300 of them fell into the fog of Tianzhu and were killed by Panlong. Patriarch suppressed.

"Brother Ye! You really came out safely!!!"

Mo Yunzhong was the first to bear the brunt, and flew in front of Ye Yun, looking up and down excitedly, not to mention how excited he was when he saw Ye Yun was safe and sound.

Ye Yun was also very excited. He greeted everyone and nodded to each other: "Senior brother Mo, everyone, Ye Yun is not talented, and escaped from death after a narrow escape. It's a pity that many immortal friends did not escape from the devil's lair in the end!"

"Everyone has his own life..."

Shu Yuanhao is still the undisputed leader of the immortals. He shook his head: "Compared to the dead immortal friends, those who escaped all dispersed..."

Zhang Wen stood up and said: "They all have their own camps and factions. After experiencing life and death this time, we trust each other. Originally, everyone could build a party that is not weak...Brother Ye, this time you went deep into the tiger's den and saved each other with death. It’s righteousness, everyone wishes from the bottom of their hearts to form a party, a group, unite and take care of each other!”

"Yes, create a party!"

"Everyone is trapped in the hands of Panlong Patriarch. We are living and dying together. Originally, we had no hope of life. We thought we would die in the hands of Panlong Patriarch. Unexpectedly, Brother Ye will give us a way out. We are all independent factions without party affiliation, although we all have sects. , alone and helpless among the sects, only if we establish a party outside and unite with each other, can we gain a firm foothold in the fairy world!"

All the fairy kings expressed their intentions.

"Create a party?"

Ye Yun was not very surprised. When I came to the fairy world, I heard that the sect has independent parties. Some parties are powerful and comparable to first-class sects. No wonder all the immortal kings are waiting for him. They wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. Create a party.

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