Ye Yun was quite surprised, he didn't expect such a seductive person like Fairy Ziyun to have such a quiet and unique backyard in the cave.


Suddenly, the seemingly natural air was filled with a chilly aura. Before Ye Yun could react, the entire backyard was completely frozen.


Ye Yun is in the frozen world, seeing any scene is frozen, he knows that it is a powerful fairy king secretly playing tricks, if he does not resist, he will be captured by the opponent.

Momentarily mobilizing the true energy, the Taiyi chaotic true energy in the body is like a dragon tossing the river, like a sword of light and shadow, spurting out of the body.


The ice-covered snow-white space, transparent and crystal-clear ice, was about to freeze Ye Yun, but under the urging of Ye Yun's release of true energy, the ice layer was directly torn by the true energy, and the ice shattered.

"Good means..."

Suddenly, a melodious and still voice came from the depths of the frozen world: "When I heard that you could resist the move of Immortal King Yaoli, I didn't believe it at first, but you are indeed an extraordinary disciple..."

"Sure enough, there was a giant fairy king who made a move in secret. He wanted to test my cultivation... Fortunately, he didn't go all out. He thought I was so easy to deal with!"

Ye Yun has a delicate mind and is always on guard. Naturally, he will not reveal his own strength before he is confused about his opponent. After hearing the voice of nothingness, Ye Yun can see that he is extraordinary and has a lot of thoughts: "At least Fairy Ziyun's master 'Jinling Fairy' is definitely not a friend who is on the same side as Immortal King Yaoli..."

As for Master Ziyun Fairy, before Ye Yun came to the backyard, he had already caught the identity of the mysterious master behind her from the discussions of many disciples.

Originally thought that the master behind Fairy Ziyun is Jinling Fairy, although she is not a spiritual person, she is also a giant fairy king. The Sumeru Cave is very big, but there are not many disciples of the fairy king. Every disciple of the fairy king walks around each other. Fairy summoned herself this time because of the favor of Immortal King Yaoli, but now it can be heard that Fairy Jinling has nothing to do with Immortal Yaoli.

At least now you can relax slightly!

"You have a firm mind..."

Immediately a blue light flashed in front of Ye Yun's eyes, a blue robed woman, inlaid with countless gemstones, blue feathers, and a glamorous woman with a face of no more than twenty, appeared in front of Ye Yun, absorbing the surrounding cold air in her palm, frozen The space suddenly disappeared, and the quiet backyard appeared again.

This noble and arrogant woman is the master of Fairy Ziyun, the giant of the Immortal King, and Fairy Jinling.

The quadruple fairy world was originally dominated by the tenth rank of great immortals, but such super martial arts sects as Xumi Dongtian have a large number of immortal king giants. Even the first rank of the immortal king is the supreme existence in the quadruple fairy world.

Immortal kings like Jinling Fairy, Yaoli Immortal King, and Qiu Xunyan are the supreme existences in Sumeru Cave, just like the emperor in the secular world, who rule the nine heavens.

Fairy Jinling appeared ethereally, carrying an aura that was difficult for a fairy king to resist. This was a power that Ye Yun could not resist. Fairy Jinling was now like a blue peacock, all the vitality of the fairy world turned into aura, condensed in Fairy Jinling in an instant In a human body, she is a fusion of thousands of lights.

Ye Yun clasped his fists and saluted at this time: "Senior disciples pay respects to Fairy!"

Fairy Jinling waved her hand slowly, shot out a burst of energy, and gently lifted Ye Yun up: "You are a high-ranking disciple, and I am a master, and my status is just higher than yours. Although you are a virtual fairy, you are also very powerful. Ye Yun, I'm here to say thank you for saving my disciple Zi Yun!"

"Ye Yun is also a disciple of Xumi Cave, and it is his duty to save the same sect. The fairy is a member of the Snow Palace. I don't know what to order when I summon Ye Yun this time!"

Ye Yun could naturally hear a set of polite words from Fairy Jinling. This kind of giant fairy king has a wide range of contacts in the world, and they are all veterans. If you believe her words, half a word, there will be no place for burial.

"Ha ha……"

Fairy Jinling glanced at him suddenly, her gaze was filled with amorous feelings, she paced back and forth around Ye Yun along the circle, her eyes never moved away from Ye Yun, making Ye Yun feel a little uncomfortable.

"Shi Chennian is a member of the dignified Shi family. That Yaoli Immortal King was blessed by Shi Chennian, so he has a high status among the sects of the fourfold fairy world, and Shi Chennian wants to get your asylum. , Suwen Immortal Ancestor, Yaoli Immortal King will naturally deal with Suwen Immortal Ancestor, and will not let you go! Of course, I don't understand the ins and outs of the matter, and I don't have that kind of thought!"

With wandering thoughts and uncertainties, Fairy Jinling, with phoenix eyebrows and starry eyes, took small steps, looked at her for a while before saying softly.

"What the hell is this Jinling Fairy thinking!"

Hearing the other party's words, Ye Yun couldn't fathom Fairy Jinling's intentions. Shi Chennian's family status held the highest status in Xumi Cave, and the disciples in Xumi Cave were disrespectful. Fairy Jinling didn't seem to be afraid of the Shi family. , and is not afraid to ask the immortal ancestors.

Fairy Jinling is a shrewd person, her eyes flashed with sophistication, she seemed to see Ye Yun's doubts, and continued: "You are a smart person, could it be that you are so arrogant that you can compete against the Shi family by yourself? The Shi family is just a dude. There are countless masters in the Shi family. Don't expect Suwen Xianzu to protect you for the rest of your life. How can Nian let her go, you follow her, you can only become a concubine's entourage!"

"Her words are not bad. If I really rely on Suwen Xianzu, how can I become a great weapon, but unfortunately this Jinling fairy really thinks that I am relying on Suwen Xianzu..." Ye Yun was not shocked, he didn't know He continued to wait for Fairy Jinling to say anything else.

He wants to know what Fairy Jinling's intentions are, or choose to remain silent and not act rashly!

Fairy Jinling didn't know Ye Yun's background, and Ye Yun didn't know the other party's intentions. Xuedian, one of the largest factions in Sumeru Cave, naturally contended with the Shi family.

"No matter how arrogant and arrogant Su Wen Xianzu is, he can never imagine that he is an opponent of the Shi family. Sooner or later, he will be taken into the room by Shi Chennian. How many talented men are there in Xumi Cave? In the hands of Shi's family, you follow her, and you can imagine the end!"

"Fairy, you can speak directly if you have something to say, without going around!"

Fairy Jinling picked up the chatterbox: "Okay, then let me tell you clearly, I value your talent very much, I hope you will abandon Suwen Xianzu and join my Snow Palace, the Snow Palace is your way back!"

"Can Xuedian help me deal with Immortal King Yaoli and solve the trouble?" Ye Yun Fangfo was moved.

"Hmph, what is a Yaoli Immortal King? Countless people in my Xuedian are all the most important figures in the sect in the Jiuzhong Immortal Realm, especially the Lord of the Palace, who is the most beloved disciple of the Great Emperor Dongtian. The three great geniuses of the sect, moreover, the master of the palace is protected by countless elders of the sect, completely above the Shi family, let alone a Yaoli fairy king, even 1 Yaoli fairy kings are no match, you don't know yet , how many immortal kings there are in our sect, even the great emperors of the immortal world, the first rank of immortal kings are nothing but ants!"

When Fairy Jinling said this, her whole body became tense, releasing the Buddha represented the supreme imperial power, like an elder looking at Ye Yun: "There are countless disciples in Sumeru Cave, and there are also countless outstanding geniuses. Like you, in the virtual fairyland There have been disciples who fought against the Immortal King in history, and there were even disciples from the Void Immortal Realm who killed the Immortal King. These peerless disciples all had their eyes high above the top, walked independently, and eventually fell and disappeared into the history of the sect! "


Ye Yun was shocked at this moment. He originally thought that his peerless method was unique among the countless disciples of Sumeru Cave, but after hearing Jinling Fairy's words, Ye Yun realized that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. just one of them.

Void Immortal Realm kills the Immortal King, this kind of Void Immortal is definitely the pride of the peerless heaven!

The Nine Heavens of the Immortal World contains countless planes and spaces. It is a huge universe. How many geniuses have obtained the rare treasures like Ye Yun, and have the means against the sky. Ye Yun is just one of them, and there are even people who have obtained it better than Ye Yun. The adventure is even more shocking.

Then, why did these proud sons of heaven have such extraordinary talents, but in the end they didn't become the Great Emperor of the Immortal Realm, or the existence of the Super Great Emperor of the Immortal Realm?

This is why, logically speaking, it is a matter of course for a genius who is more powerful and outstanding than Ye Yun to become the emperor of the fairy world. It is a pity that these proud sons who have broken the ancient legends have not become immortal. It is because of these Genius is just a fleeting moment, without a broad horizon, let alone a peaceful heart.

More geniuses, because of their superiority, do not put anyone in their eyes, which leads to attracting all kinds of powerful people. Geniuses are like mortals with divine power in their prime, but no matter how powerful they are, they cannot be practitioners opponent.

How many geniuses have been lost in the long river of history like this.

This is what Fairy Jinling meant by what she said to Ye Yun at this time.

Any strong person who has no one to rely on in the sect will eventually fall, and if Ye Yun wants to become a peerless figure, he must rely on Xuedian, Xuedian can help him fulfill any wish, the price back then was being a dog in Xuedian, Becoming the male favorite of a female disciple like Jinling Fairy will never make it to the top.

Even if Ye Yun follows Xuedian and one day becomes the super emperor of the fairy world, he will always be a dog under a woman, and he will be led by the nose all his life without freedom!

If you want to obtain immortality, you will naturally have to pay a certain price!

"Your talent, if you don't join the Snow Palace, it will be ruined in vain. Then Shi Xingzun was also a genius like you back then. In the end, he didn't rely on others to get his current status. He became a male favorite beside Dongtian Great Emperor. Among them, he has the status of being under one person and above ten thousand!"

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. In my Sumeru Cave, joining the Snow Palace is the highest honor for every disciple. Once you join the Snow Palace, you will have countless beauties waiting for you day and night, and you can even raise countless concubines, surpassing all men. Come on, and can deal with the Shi family, even Suwen Xianzu, I can also find a way to make her your concubine, your female slave!"

In order to win Ye Yun over, Fairy Jinling did not hesitate to say something that shocked Ye Yun.

Su asked who the Immortal Ancestor was, the third-level Immortal King, a peerless powerhouse who could go to the fifth and sixth levels of immortality, but in front of Xuedian, he was nothing and was played in the palm of his hand.

"The Shi family is also the enemy of our Snow Palace. Shi Xingzun and the palace master are called the three peerless geniuses. They treat all women in the world as slaves. The enemies that the Shi family wants to deal with are the friends of our Snow Palace!" Jin Ling The fairy suddenly shot a serious gaze, looking at Ye Yun.

"The master of the Snow Palace turned out to be the same existence as Shi Xingzun... the three peerless disciples, the palace master is still a female disciple, Xumi Dongtian was originally respected by female disciples, and what Fairy Jinling said is true, Xuedian In Sumeru Cave, it must be a super existence!"

Ye Yun still looked shocked, and his mind was firm. Even the emperor of the fairy world could not seduce him, let alone a party Xuedian.

He knows Xuedian very well now, Xumi Dongtian is indeed a giant sect, and there are giant crocodiles like Shijia and Xuedian in the sect.

"You should be clear now, the reason why I came to you, right? Being able to join the Snow Palace is a supreme honor. Once you join the Snow Palace, the glory and wealth are naturally out of the question. You can enjoy all the beauty in the world and have supreme power. Yao Li Immortal King and Shi Chennian, we can help you solve it!"

Fairy Jinling's voice suddenly became mellow, and it actually contained a magical power to bewitch souls. She was trying to make Ye Yun compromise and join the Snow Palace.

Ye Yun sneered secretly, as if he had some plan to deal with Fairy Jinling, he immediately saluted Fairy Jinling and said: "Fairy, I am a little Xuxian, how can I get Xuedian's attention, I have always acted boldly Xiao, Immortal King Yaoli is my biggest threat. If the fairy can use Xuedian to kill Immortal Yaoli and allow me and Immortal Suwen to escape from the entanglement of Shi Chennian, I will agree to join Xuedian. Isn't that true? The condition is that I want to see the strength of Xuedian, and if you are a fairy, you will definitely do the same, if you don't know yourself and the enemy, how can you easily hand over the future to outsiders?"

"Your request is unreasonable. Well, I will promise you. By the way, I will let you see the methods of Xuedian. What is a Yaoli Immortal King? Suwen Xianzu will soon be free from the entanglement of Shi Chennian, you go back Wait for the news!" Fairy Jinling admired Ye Yun very much, without losing the prestige of a fairy king, she waved Ye Yun down.

"Jinling, this Ye Yun is indeed a genius. He was able to fight against you and break your ice-sealing technique, and he has not yet used the real method. If we want to become the largest party in our sect, we need to cultivate this kind of peerless disciple!"

At this time, a mysterious phantom in white clothes appeared from the void in front of Jinling Fairy. It was unknown where it came from, where it existed, and it was hard to find.

Fairy Jinling was very respectful, and said to Xuying: "Don't worry, Senior Sister, this Ye Yun will definitely be used by our Snow Palace, and Junior Sister will find more geniuses, and they will all be under control. They can avoid beauty, but they can't." To escape the temptation of power, a man is so despicable!"

"Senior sister believes in you..." The white phantom quickly disappeared.

"Immortal King Yaoli, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

Fairy Jinling had a sinister smile on her face.

This kind of open and covert struggle between famous schools and imperial courts has never stopped.

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