The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 584 Seeing Glazed Light Domain Again

"Fairy Jinling... Xuedian is not a good thing. I just want to deal with Immortal King Yaoli and cut off this cancer, so I borrow the hands of Fairy Jinling to kill him silently. Immortal King Yaoli, you and I Dou, I want you to die without knowing how!"

After leaving the Houfu, Ye Yun immediately appeared in the grand meeting and continued to chat with Gao Xianyao and others, but he was secretly laughing, waiting to see how Immortal King Yaoli would be destroyed.

Although Immortal King Yaoli is a spiritual master, he lowered his status and openly dealt with Ye Yun, a disciple of Xuxian. This kind of behavior is contemptible. means.

"Everyone has their own needs and paths. If she chooses this way, it is tantamount to choosing a road of no return. Even if she doesn't die in my hands, she won't end well!"

Ye Yun was holding a jade cup, sitting on a jade table carved from fairy stone, tasting the wine from the fairy world, ignoring other disciples, and being alone in the grand meeting, he was not in the mood to think about other things now.

Fairy Ziyun's double cultivation event lasted for three days and three nights before it came to an end. Ye Yun also bid farewell to Gao Xianyao and other countless disciples, and returned to the cave alone.


In Dongtian Cave Mansion, Ye Yun has just returned, and before he can enter the Nine Dragons space to practice in the future, who would have thought that a strong will will penetrate directly through regardless of the Dong Mansion Formation.

Not allowing Ye Yun to react, his will turned into the projection of Suwen Xianzu, like a messenger of a heavenly monarch, commanding from a high position: "Come and see me quickly!"

"Could it be that Fairy Jinling got permission from Xuedian to contact Immortal Ancestor Suwen so quickly..."

Ye Yun immediately mobilized his true energy, and with a thought, the projection in front of him turned into a colorful butterfly, which began to dance and fly towards the outside of the cave, Ye Yun immediately followed and left the cave.

The colorful butterfly began to enter the mysterious light passage, followed by Ye Yun. After passing through several ordinary passages, the colorful butterfly released a series of mysterious light, and suddenly a series of hidden passages appeared.

There are countless teleportation channels in Sumeru Cave. These channels are used by senior disciples, masters, master saints, and master-level disciples. As for ordinary disciples and some handyman disciples, they are not eligible to enjoy the channels and can only rely on their own control. Flying in the air, or driving a magic weapon.

You must know that Xumi Immortal Territory is very large, if you fly by yourself and find a cave, you don't know how many days you will have to fly.

The secret passages are only qualified to be controlled by Lingxu Pavilion and master-level figures. These secret passages lead to the cave where the most powerful beings in the Tianzong of Xumi Cave are located. These powerhouses, like Qiu Xunyan, Immortal King Yaoli, Fairy Jinling, or the strongest being in Lingxu Pavilion.

Suwen Immortal Ancestor is the third-tier giant of the Supreme Immortal King. In the fourth-layer fairy world, he is an indisputable peerless master. In Xumi Cave, he is like a suzerain. And Suwen Immortal Ancestor Dongfu is naturally the most secretive. Yes, ordinary high-level disciples are Lingxu Pavilion spiritual masters, and they cannot reach Suwen Xianzu Dongfu.

Unless, like this time, he took the initiative to show the summoning talisman and obtained the permission of Suwen Xianzu, he would have the opportunity to enter Suwen Xianzu's cave, and the big man's cave was constantly changing, and there was no summoning talisman, so he couldn't find it at all.

"These hidden passages are just more perfect combination with the enchantment of Sumeru Immortal Domain. With the highest cultivation level, coupled with the understanding of the battle method, you can find the most fundamental existence of Xumi Cave!"

Flying with the colorful butterfly summoning talisman, Ye Yun felt a little dizzy through countless hidden passages. Although the colorful butterfly was just a summoning talisman, the energy contained in it was comparable to the first-order immortal king.

With Ye Yunxiu's level, he still can't compete with the colorful butterfly summoning talisman. This is the supreme will of the immortal king. In the four-layer fairy world, anyone who sees the summoning talisman must bow to greet him.

Swish Swish~!

There was a sudden gust of wind in the passage, and Ye Yun immediately circulated his true energy, and suddenly saw the seven-color summoning talisman suddenly turn into light curtains, sucking Ye Yun away from the passage.

In an instant the world was distorted, the universe was turned upside down, Ye Yun was completely controlled by the power of the summoning talisman, unable to tremble, if Su Wen Xianzu wanted to kill him now, he would not be able to escape, he would be attacked and killed by the third rank of the Immortal King!


The distorted world came to an abrupt end. Ye Yun landed on his heels and found himself on top of a green hill. There was a familiar aura in the air. Ye Yun raised his brows, turned around and saluted: "Ye Yun has met senior!"

A cold voice came: "I haven't seen you for a short time, but you did a great job of completing the task that Lingxu Pavilion deliberately made it difficult for you. I learned at the time that I didn't stop it. You really did a good job!"

With a whoosh, as the sound disappeared, a wave of wind and air swept in, and I saw Immortal Ancestor Su Wen in a blue feather robe, walking out of the green mountains and flowing water.

"It turns out that the green mountains and green world are all illusions. Even I can't see through such a clever formation method. The third level of the Immortal King is really incredible!"

Seeing Xianzu Suwen appeared, Ye Yun suddenly saw the surrounding environment clearly. He didn't expect that it was completely controlled by Xianzu Suwen.

Suwen Xianzu is like an ice sculpture, with the momentum like a cloudy moon, covering the world, she swept away lightly, showing a look of astonishment: "Your cultivation base is quite profound, it seems that you practice hard, that's how you should be, otherwise you will be here In the big wave, disappear forever!"

Ye Yun said: "Efforts should be made, Lingxu Pavilion is making things difficult for me everywhere, if you don't work hard, you will naturally be trampled under your feet, especially Immortal King Yaoli, trying to find ways to deal with me, a fairy king is not easy to deal with! "

"Dealing with Immortal King Yaoli? It doesn't seem difficult to you!?"

Suwen Xianzu seemed to have something in his words, and said with a hint of anger: "I didn't expect that you are so thoughtful, and you actually use Xuedian to deal with Yaoli Immortal King!"

"This..." Sure enough, it was because of Fairy Jinling, Ye Yun was speechless for a moment, he didn't expect Immortal Ancestor Suwen to know this so soon.

"You are still embarrassed!"

Suwen Xianzu sternly reprimanded Ye Yun as if he was an elder, and his phoenix eyes contained a sharp look: "Xuedian is the largest party in Sumeru Cave, you are smart and cunning, use Xuedian, don't you want to use Xuedian? Dealing with Immortal King Yaoli, but why did Xuedian persuade me to cooperate with them? Didn’t they let me join Xuedian?”

Obviously, Suwen Xianzu found Ye Yun to question his crime.

The super Xumidongtian of the quadruple immortal world, the majestic third-rank master of the supreme immortal king, was put together by someone, even if the ancestor Suwen was furious, it would not be too much.

Ye Yun hurriedly took a step forward and explained: "Please don't be angry with the ancestors, this matter is all caused by Ye Yun, and this time the ancestors are involved, just want to use Xuedian's hand to deal with Shi Chennian , Let Master get rid of Shi Chennian's entanglement!"

"Borrowing the hand of Xuedian? Hmph, what do you think Xuedian is? Shi Chennian is a crippled wolf, tiger and leopard, and Xuedian is a cunning fox. They are not good things. Once I get rid of Shichennian, won't I be reduced to Xuedian in the future?" running dog?"

Suwen Immortal Ancestor is now full of anger, grasping the handle, and began to press step by step.

"It's hard for anyone to say what will happen in the future. Now Shi Chennian is forcing the immortal ancestors so hard that there is no way out. We only have to resolve the big difficulty in front of us and get through it. We don't need to pay attention to the snow palace. Back to the treacherous villain, that's what I mean!"

Suwen Xianzu's eyes froze: "You think it's easy to break your trust with Xuedian, but if you offend Xuedian, you and I may never have a foothold in Xumi Cave in the future. He is the most proud disciple of Emperor Dongtian, with a noble status, like an emperor, aloof, such a Ye Yun, at first I offended the Shi family, and now I offended Xuedian because of you, both ends are not human, do you want me to die without a burial? land?"

Ye Yun's momentum trembled, like an invincible strong man, not afraid of the fairy king: "Then I can't just watch, Xianzu, you can only stay in the fourth layer of fairyland, you can't practice with peace of mind, and you will be released by Shichennian like a wolf!" Staring like a tiger, you can't feel at ease all day long!"

Unexpectedly, Suwen Xianzu didn't appreciate it at all, and his expression froze: "That's my business. Besides, it's safer to hide than to offend two major forces at the same time. Now you are pushing me to the point where I can't turn around!"

"Don't worry, Immortal Ancestor, what I did was just to use Xuedian to deal with Shichennian. As for Xuedian, helping us deal with Shichennian, that is their willingness. After a while, Xuedian will be able to help us What about me, as long as I hold Xuedian temporarily, I will be able to do the opposite in the future, I started this matter, and naturally I will end it!"

"Master, I am not arrogant..."

"Then I want to see if you have the strength and qualifications..."

Just as Ye Yun was trying to explain it, Suwen Xianzu suddenly turned into a phantom. Without any explanation, he waved his hand and immediately grabbed Ye Yun with five fingers!


Ye Yun never expected that Suwen Xianzu was so capricious. As soon as he spoke, the Immortal King's aura burst out, and he lightly released the Immortal King's power to attack him. Even if Ye Yun stopped him, it was useless. Zu didn't intend to stop at all.

"In that case..."

Even now, Ye Yun could no longer retain his strength. Immortal Ancestor Suwen was really angry. If he didn't resist, he might be seriously injured. Ye Yun understood more clearly that Ancestor Suwen was testing his strength. To confront Xuedian and Shijia, they must show their true strength.


All of a sudden, Taiyi's chaotic true qi erupted from Ye Yun's body like a domineering battle qi, and Ye Yun was like a cheetah, suddenly facing the attacking Immortal Ancestor Su Wen, he punched Domineering five fingers head-on.


A third-tier supreme master of the Immortal King collided head-on with a Void Immortal weakling in the void for an instant, bursting out a dazzling and dazzling fist containing the power of the mysterious Taiyi Chaos True Qi, and collided with the five fingers of Su Wen Xianzu. There is no vibration for half a point, but it is comparable!

"Ye Yun, you actually hide such strength, no wonder you can fight against Immortal King Yaoli. At first I thought it was your luck, but no one knows that you have the high-level strength of a great immortal, and you can catch a tenth of my strength!!! "

Immortal Ancestor Su Wen looked at Ye Yun in surprise, and he was able to match her. What does this mean?

Ye Yun's face was covered with sweat, his skin was bright red, his face was pale, and his breath was messy: "The power of the Immortal King is really extraordinary... Master, please don't force me anymore!"

"You really didn't use all your means. No wonder you dare not hesitate to deal with Xuedian. You still have some means hidden. Today I will force you to use your last means. You, a fairy in the virtual fairyland, what secret do you have!"

At this moment, Immortal Su Wen is like a red-eyed rabbit, who may bite people if she is in a hurry. As the third-rank supreme giant of the Immortal King, she has already seen that Ye Yun definitely has more powerful methods that have not yet been used, so she is about to beat Ye Yun up. She had to show her original shape, and in an instant, her true strength was about to explode.

Once it erupts, Ye Yun can't resist with his own strength. He can only use the Great Thousand God Map to deal with Suwen Xianzu, and maybe he will use energy balls and sword slaves in the end.

As long as the energy ball and the sword slave are used, the situation will be out of control. It is impossible to maintain the delicate relationship between Ye Yun and Suwen Xianzu. They will not become enemies, but at least they will no longer be friends. Ye Yun I don't want to see this ending.


Just when Suwen Xianzu condensed his true strength and unleashed the power of the giant of the Immortal King, a silver figure suddenly flashed past and pressed his palm on the center of the two, shaking their true energy away: "Sister, what are you fighting with him? gas!"

Suwen Xianzu looked at the silver-white figure, and said earnestly: "Sister, get out of the way, this kid has been pretending to be a pig and eating tigers all the time since he came to your Glazed Light Immortal Realm and followed me to Xumi Cave. It's very deep, we must figure out his origin!"

"Lord of the Glazed Light Territory!?"

Under Suwen Xianzu's powerful aura, Ye Yun had no time to spare and couldn't find out who the silver figure was. At this moment, he suddenly heard the conversation between the two, and realized that it turned out to be the master of the Glazed Immortal Territory, the Glazed Light Territory Master.

"The picture of the great thousand gods!"

To Ye Yun, the Lord of the Glazed Light Territory has the kindness of knowing you. Strictly speaking, he has a deeper affection for the Glazed Light Territory than he has for the Immortal Suwen. Like sisters, Ye Yun didn't want to destroy the relationship between the two, secretly mobilizing the Daqian Shentu.


Under the powerful aura of the two great immortal kings, Ye Yun was suppressed by the power of the two masters alive, and turned into a dazzling light flashing out of thin air, thus escaped from the powerful power of Su Wen Xian Zu.


Immortal Ancestor Suwen and the Lord of the Glazed Light Territory were stunned for a moment, and at the same time they let out a sound of astonishment. The scene of letting Fo Yeyun escape was simply an illusion and unrealistic.

Su Wen Xianzu came back to his senses, his eyes suddenly sharp: "Sister, look, this kid has always been uneasy and kind, with such a method, he can escape from the control of you and me, even ordinary fairy kings, it is impossible!"

"Sister, don't worry. Although Ye Yun has been with you and me for a short time, it is not short. If you have bad intentions, wouldn't you and I have discovered it long ago?"

The Lord of the Glazed Light Region stood directly on Ye Yun's side, helping Ye Yun persuade Suwen Xianzu: "Everyone has their own secrets. When I first saw him, I thought he must be not an ordinary person. Back then, my avatar Trapped with him in the four-cornered fairy banner of the Devil Winged Bat King, he is completely out of control of the four-cornered fairy banner, even I can't do it, and even helped me refine the broken artifact. These methods are ordinary people's methods, If he had ulterior motives, wouldn't he have already planned to seize the artifact!"

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