The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 594 Discussing Countermeasures

Today I set off from the countryside back to Guangzhou, and there will be a delay of about 4 days on the way, and then I will resume the update when I return to Guangzhou. This year, not only consumes energy, but also consumes financial resources. I can’t afford it, and it’s finally over!

"Use the divine shell to restrain the emperor of the star capital, and use your sealing power to kill the emperor of the star capital? I think this is too dangerous. The emperor of the star capital is an immortal emperor-level king. With a single thought, he can destroy countless immortal kings, and even destroy four In any space in the Chongxian world, if your power cannot completely kill him, then you and I will have only a dead end, and one more point, isn’t the Emperor of the Star Capital unable to leave the Plain of Starfall?”

"He can't leave, but he can stimulate his potential, burn the power of life, completely compress his cultivation, and leave the Plain of Starfall at the cost of burning his life, but the time can't be too long, and once he leaves the Plain of Starfall, his strength will be reduced. Only at the high level of the Immortal King!"

"It turned out to be Burning Life, what a star capital emperor, he really is a master of the Immortal Emperor!"

Hearing this, Ye Yun became even more afraid of the Emperor of the Star Capital. Such a strong man is shocking and unimaginable: "If he really leaves the Starfall Field, if he only has the high-level strength of the Immortal King, then I can take care of him. We will use the god shell to deal with him." It is impossible to seal him and kill him, even if he only has the strength of an Immortal King, but his body is an Immortal Emperor, to kill an Immortal Emperor, that is a dream! Choose a risk, it is better to choose a relatively safe method!"

"However, it is not easy to break the seal of the god shell. The god shell is a thing of the gods. Without the profound power of the gods, and the understanding of the laws of the gods, and the understanding of the divine script, can the god shell be activated?"

It seems that Wanhai has never thought of this method, but she is too weak to understand the seal of the god shell, otherwise she would have been out of the control of the god shell long ago, becoming a supremely strong person, possessing the god shell, and coming from the god realm, Wanhai will definitely be a top figure in the fairy world in the future.

The God Realm, the most mysterious existence in the eyes of all immortals and mortal beings, coexists with hell, and hell is evil. No one yearns for hell, only the gods.

Whether you are cultivating truth or immortality, the ultimate goal is to become a god. The gods are the only immortals in the world. The stars and shattered, the stars and the moon will sink, and the sea will become mulberry fields. Only the gods will last forever in the universe.

The God Realm and the Immortal Realm are not just two worlds. The energies and laws of the two worlds are completely different. The energy of the God Realm is at least a trillion times the energy of the Immortal Realm. An Immortal Emperor, going to the God Realm, is probably not even as good as an ant In the God Realm, even a piece of divine grass has a longer lifespan than the Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Realm. This is the God Realm, and this is why the immortals crave it so much.

The gods, god shells, gods, seals, etc. from the god world, even the god cultivators can't decipher them. The god cultivators are still immortals, but they are only immortals who have obtained god-level qigong by accident and have practiced divine kung fu. They can't understand it at all. The divine script, deciphering the divine script from the God Realm.

Wan Hai is a meteor that descended from the sky, carrying a divine egg. Even though she came from the supreme God Realm, she was born in the Immortal Realm. things.

"The god shell is a thing of the God Realm. To activate it, you need endless and pure divine power, as well as unfathomable god-level techniques. All the god cultivators in the fairy world are just mortals, and they don't understand the God Realm. I also thought about using the divine shell to seal the Emperor of the Star Capital, but I can't control the divine shell..."

Speaking of this, a little helplessness appeared on Wanhai's face. It seemed that she had tried her best, but it was a pity that she was weak.

If the divine shell cannot be activated to seal the Emperor of the Star Capital, there is only one way for Wanhai, which is to use the divine shell and her own original power to fight and kill the Emperor of the Star Capital.

"Wanhai has no need to lie to me..."

While Wan Hai was sighing, Ye Yun was interrogating in his heart, trying to figure out that the earth-shattering secret that Wan Hai uttered was a shooting star from the God Realm, a divine egg in a meteor, and a divine egg brewing. Its existence is a legend that can move the Immortal Emperor. If it is spread, even a strong man like Xumi Dongtian Great will come from the lower realms to snatch Wanhai and the divine shell.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Yun concluded that all the secrets are true.

Wanhai's enemies, Ye Yun's enemies are all Star Capital Emperors.

The emperor of Xingdu surpasses the immortal king and is the strongest existence in the fairy world, the immortal emperor, and Wanhai is the second-level immortal king. Although he has the third-level power of the immortal king, if he wants to fight against the emperor of Xingdu, it is like hitting an egg with a stone. Hai, together, is no match for the Emperor of the Star Capital.

As for Ye Yun's strength, he is only at the ninth rank of Xuxian. Even if he has an energy ball comparable to the second rank of the Immortal King, it is impossible to fight against the emperor of the star capital. Opponents of the Emperor of the Star Capital, this is the terrifying aspect of the Immortal Emperor.

The immortal emperor is known as the invincible king of the immortal world, because he has mastered the laws of the immortal world, surpassed the laws, created the laws, and is the master of the immortal world.

Ye Yun was sure that Wanhai's secrets were all true, because there was no need for Wanhai to hide Ye Yun anymore. Wanhai had to pour out his secrets and cooperate with Ye Yun in order to have the possibility of fighting against the Star Capital Emperor. Conceal, once the flaws are revealed, the end is to be beheaded by the Emperor of the Star Capital.

Absolute beheading!

As for Wanhai, he had no choice but to cooperate sincerely with Ye Yun, which was the reason why Ye Yun believed in Wanhai's words.

"You don't have to worry, I have everything now, and I have a certain degree of confidence in my heart. The Emperor of the Star City wants to get the god shell, get you, and cultivate the second soul, so he can only use his cultivation and strength to suppress you and the god shell!"

After a while, under Wan Hai's eager anticipation, Ye Yun finally opened his mouth slowly. Wan Hai seemed to place all his hopes on Ye Yun, not sure if it was because Ye Yun was also a cultivator.

Wan Hai nodded: "He is a fairy emperor, but he is still a fairy. He is not a god. It is impossible to refine the shell of the god. He can only seal me with his strength, refine me, and use my strength to fuse the shell of the god. Yuanshen, but he will never be able to refine the divine shell, refining me is not a problem!"

"A thing from the God Realm?"

Ye Yun suddenly showed an inexplicable smile, which made Wan Hai on the side feel a little creepy, Ye Yun looked at her: "The three of us are all cultivators, and I can cultivate god-level qigong in the imaginary fairyland, surpassing the immortal Emperor, there must be means beyond ordinary cultivators, I believe you are also aware of this, so you choose to come to Haixin Immortal Pond with me, and you are willing to tell your secret!"

"You are very smart!"

Wan Hai smiled knowingly: "You are very mysterious, just because Xu Xian can fight against the Immortal King, and can practice god-level qigong spells, I trust you very much, not to mention, I can't sense the divinity in your body, if it wasn't for you to cast God-level qigong, no one can see that you are also a god-cultivator!"

"It's not a legend. God cultivators will devour each other and get each other's magic power and primordial spirit. Don't you worry, I will also have the ambition to devour you?" Ye Yun asked curiously.

"Worry, how can I not worry, but you have to think about it, I was born from the origin of the gods, and my body surpasses that of a fairy. If you want to devour me, you better not have such thoughts!"

"It's just a joke. If I wanted to devour you, I wouldn't have shot at the Emperor Xingdu's will projection, but at you. After all, you were no match for the Emperor Xingdu at that time. You were weak at that time. I want to devour you now." This avatar of yours is easy!"

Ye Yun said very sincerely, back then when the people in Moyi urged the star capital to chase and kill the order and sacrificed the will of the star capital emperor to project, Wanhai would have been suppressed originally, if Ye Yun hadn't acted to trap the star capital emperor, Wanhai might have was suppressed.

Ye Yun said again: "Wan Hai, is your true self in the depths of the Ocean of Tears, that is, in the shell of God?"

For Wanhai, this issue is related to her safety, but she admitted it decisively: "Exactly, my true self is still too weak to be out of the control of the god shell, and I am still one body with the god shell, the emperor of the star capital Just to see this secret, to find my weakness, to refine the second soul!"

"In this way, the Emperor of the Sealed Star Capital has a greater chance of success. You are in the divine shell, and you should cooperate with me from the inside out to stimulate the power of the divine shell. The Emperor of the Sealed Star Capital has a greater chance of success than you beheading him. Emperor, but if you leave the Star Falling Realm, you need to burn your vitality, which means lowering your cultivation and reaching the realm of the Immortal King, and I am [-]% sure to seal him!"

"Nine percent?"

When Wan Hai heard it, his expression was in disbelief on the spot, and he even couldn't believe it. He asked firmly, "Nine-level assurance, where did you get the nine-level assurance?"

Of course, it is normal for Wanhai to be suspicious. She is an existence originating from the God Realm, and she is born to surpass immortals and god cultivators. , although he is a cultivator, it is impossible to do what a super emperor can do.

Even the super emperor, it is impossible to activate the divine shell from the divine realm. The divine shell is not an ancient relic that fell from the divine realm in Unbounded Land, but a strange existence that really came from the divine realm.

Many fetishes that fell from the God Realm to the Unbounded Land were almost worn down by the power of the two worlds, and they were all incomplete. They were also fused and suppressed by the energy of the Immortal Realm. The divine grass, obtained by the immortal, cannot be refined by the immortal, and if swallowed into the body, it will be blasted to death by the power of the divine grass.

The gods contain the laws of the gods, and the immortals have not even integrated the laws of the fairy world, so naturally they cannot refine the gods.

Ye Yun shot his gaze with certainty, which made Wanhai smile happily: "Of course it is [-]%, the premise is that the emperor of Xingdu doesn't have the power of an immortal emperor. If he has the power of an immortal emperor, I don't even have a single layer of confidence. King-level powerhouse!"

The Immortal Emperor is still a big mountain, Ye Yun cannot have the ability to move mountains!

"Ninety percent is enough. Even if you have fifty percent, we also have the advantage. I can be sure that once the Emperor of the Star Capital leaves the Plain of Starfall, his cultivation will only be at the level of an immortal king. Once you seal him, you can Take his storage ring, you can have as much magnetic silver star sand as you want, even if he is sealed, you can't enter the plain of starfall, there are still his disciples and grandchildren, all of them are high-level powerhouses of the fairy king, the only way to capture him storage ring!"

Wanhai thought very carefully, even thinking of the magnetic silver star sand and the storage ring.

Ye Yun thought about it carefully for a while, and a lot of schemes came up in his mind. If he could really get the storage ring from the Emperor of the Star Capital, then he could be regarded as a small rich man in the fairy world: "But to confuse the Emperor of the Star Capital, let him be willing to urge the deity to leave. Star Falling Plain, I’m afraid you and I have to play a bitter show, and we can’t directly enter the place where your real deity is, otherwise the Emperor of the Star Capital will suspect that there is a fraud in it!”

"What can you do?"

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