"The way is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!" Ye Yun said without thinking.

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger... Wanhai tilted his head, as if he was saying, what kind of idea is this, it would be reliable if he could think of other good ways to deal with the Emperor of the Star Capital.

Seeing her surprised look, Ye Yun asked in a deep voice, "Why did the emperor of Xingdu launch the [-]-way hunting order to let the pirate alliance and sea monsters surround the sea heart fairy pond?"

Seeing Ye Yun's slightly helpless gaze, Wan Hai didn't understand even more, and replied casually: "Of course the emperor of Xingdu affirmed that you and I are hiding in Haixin Immortal Pond, only Haixin Immortal Pond can be a refuge in the vast sea of ​​tears!"

"That's right, you and I just hid here honestly, deliberately waiting for the Eighteenth Road to kill, and then you and I pretended to be defeated, escaped from the hunt with serious injuries, and ran for our lives in the Ocean of Tears, but we were still killed. After chasing and killing you, there is nothing you can do in the end, so just hide in the mysterious place where your true self is...then!"

"Then Emperor Xingdu found my dojo naturally, and then..."

"Then you and I jointly suppressed him and sealed him in the divine shell. When you and I have cultivated the cultivation base of the Great Emperor of the Immortal World, we will come back and kill him, refine him, and take away his cultivation base!"

At this moment, Wan Hai seems to have become Ye Yun's confidant, and it can be said that Wan Hai was bewitched by Ye Yun, and he and Ye Yun are treacherous villains, the same breed.

The two hit it off immediately, thinking of going into a nest!

In Wanhai's silver pupils, like a sea of ​​mercury, silver light burst out: "So this is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. The pig is really hard to pretend, and the tiger is not easy to eat!"

"Hungry to death, timid to death, courageous to death!"

With a flash of divine light, Ye Yun immediately changed into his original personality, with a sharp gaze that combined killing and wisdom: "You can't be tough when dealing with people like Xingdu Dijun, who are often peerless like Xingdu Emperor, He doesn't take the enemy seriously at all, and thinks that he is invincible. It just so happens that this is his fatal weakness. We can only deal with him by taking advantage of his weakness. Otherwise, no matter how powerful you and I are ten times stronger, it is impossible for us to belong to the Immortal Emperor. opponent!"

Unexpectedly, Wanhai laughed out of composure: "God cultivator... I think you are a rascal!"

"Gentleman, villain? Hehe, I, Ye Yun, am neither a gentleman nor a villain. Of course, I would rather look like a villain. Villains often have flexible minds. If they are all saints, thin-skinned and loyal, wouldn't they Being taken advantage of by servants, it is hard to guard against a villain, it is difficult to be a gentleman, I would rather be a villain!"

Ye Yun didn't care. He didn't cultivate for a long time in this life, but he had experienced countless life and death, and he had already seen through the truth. Human nature, humanity, and natural principles were all inferior to his strength.

The real strong must not only see through the principles of heaven, ethics, human heart, and human nature, but also step on the truth, act against the sky, and create truth, instead of a tyrant who will do whatever he wants.

Why the sea can contain everything, how the universe is full of stars, infinite starry sky, just one word, tolerance!

Tolerance is great, the word tolerance is not only tolerance and acceptance, tolerance, contains various truths, killing, extinction, life, virtue and so on.

A king is absolutely impossible to be a tyrant, or a treacherous villain, nor is he a bad person, who condones good people and condones criminals, but kills lawlessness, creates truth, and creates truth. Is the real immortal king.

"Don't look aggrieved. I agree with the method of sealing the Emperor of the Star Capital. If he endangers one side, you can be regarded as a rescue!" Wan Hai laughed, and the iceberg beauty seemed to melt.

In an instant, Wanhai showed her innocent side, and Ye Yun was also deeply attracted by her instantly. He really didn't understand that Wanhai had been living in a dangerous world where she was hunted down all the time. Touching sincerity.

"Not good, not good, I heard that the sea monsters and islands of the Eighteenth Road are fighting the strong men led by Haixin Xianzun in the waters outside Xianchi!"

Suddenly, an astonishing shout sounded like spring thunder in the disturbed street.

"Look, the masters of the Immortal Chi Guards are all here to help out!"

The street suddenly became flustered, and someone pointed to the void again, the tens of thousands of immortals said in fear, and countless people looked up at the sky in an instant.


Suddenly, the entire ground of Haixin Immortal Pond shook.

A thought suddenly spewed out between Ye Yun's eyebrows and penetrated into the ground: "As expected, the two sides fought, the Haixin Immortal Pond is going to be destroyed because of you and me... so many immortals, my kind, can't just watch them all die here , how about this, when the barrier of Haixin Immortal Pond is about to be broken, you deliberately release your breath and escape from Haixin Immortal Pond, and you happen to be discovered by pirates and sea monsters. We lure the enemy away, and these immortals will not I will lead you and me to the sea in vain!"

"You are very compassionate, well, I promise you, this is the next kind fruit, and you don't ask for anything in return!" Wan Hai agreed without thinking.

"Let's go to the enchantment and see how the battle is going!"

There is no business in the restaurant now, almost everyone is preparing to flee for their lives, Ye Yun and Wan Hai turned into Xuan Guang and left, no one noticed.

Haixin Immortal Pond is surrounded by layers of sealing barriers.

Tens of thousands of great immortals are accompanying dozens of first-rank immortal kings, urging the barrier with all their strength to protect the terrifying explosion emitted by a sea monster, which made the barrier of Haixin Immortal Pond vibrate continuously.

"Haixin Immortal Pond looks like this vast fairyland is not even comparable to the third-rate schools. The Holy Dragon Party has 55 Immortal Kings, and its overall strength is much stronger than that of Haixin Immortal Pond!"

At this time, two figures appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​fog. Seeing the countless masters in Haixin Immortal Pond presiding over the formation of enchantment, seeing such a scene, Ye Yun couldn't help but think of the Holy Dragon Party.

The Holy Dragon Party is very important to Ye Yun. He is determined to make the Holy Dragon Party the number one force in the fairy world. It will be broken when touched, unable to withstand the wind and waves, just like the Sea Heart Immortal Pond in front of you, when you meet a peerless powerhouse, you can only be destroyed.

"I want to build the Holy Dragon Party into an existence like the Taiyi plane of the lower realm, and become a giant in the fairy world. This requires a lot of confidants and infinite powerhouses... Now I have come to the quadruple fairy world, separated from the mortal world by three, two Heavy, first level Immortal Realm, and Unbounded Land, can't sense any thoughts of Immortal Realm at all!"

A big plan emerged in Ye Yun's mind again. He had been instructed by Xin Wanling to pay more attention to the people who ascended from the Taiyi plane in the Aotian Immortal Realm. Ye Yun came to the Immortal Realm for two or three hundred years. In a short period of time, people like Huangyan Dharma King, Tianzun Martial Saint, Jiyuan Daoist, Kunhuan Sanren, who were originally high-level Poxian people, must have broken through the Poxian Realm one by one and promoted to Xuxian with the huge wealth left by Ye Yun. Ascension to the fairyland.

Aotian Immortal Realm is the closest immortal realm to Taiyi Plane, and for no other reason, all ascended characters from Taiyi Plane will fly into Aotian Immortal Realm.

People like Ye Han, Ximen Potian, Yu Xuanji, Ye Yuan, Ye Man, Ye Yu, Jing Wuming, Huangfu Fei, Zhang Kun, and Princess Shengtian are all the energy obtained by Ye Yun's cronies, relatives, friends and brothers They have the most resources, and they may have ascended to the fairy world, especially the giants, the descendants of the giants, Fang Sheng, Fang Hong and others, once they become immortals, they will show the power of the descendants of gods.

Even the mystery of the giant race is stronger than Wanhai!

Moreover, for these people, Ye Yun can condense fairy bodies for them, plant seeds of divine power, teach god-level qigong, let them come to the fairy world, and their cultivation bases will rise suddenly, and then join the Holy Dragon Party and become the center of the Holy Dragon Party. With these confidants, the Holy Dragon Party can become the number one party in the fairy world.

It is possible that Ye Yun will go down to the lower realms, transforming the bodies of those who have not yet become immortals, becoming immortals, ascending to the immortal world, and then helping the Xin family, destroying the Fan family and the Ao family, making the Xin family the master of the Aotian fairy world , to bring the lower world resources into the quadruple fairy world.

With Ye Yun's current cultivation base, he still can't achieve the ability to transform the world, unless he is promoted to a true immortal, and Ye Yun doesn't have time to descend to the lower realms now. In a hundred years, it will be the nine-day competition to win the bid and kill the prison, which is very important to him.

He must try his best to win the top ten rankings in the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest. In this way, he can become the core disciple of Xumi Dongtian and reach the sky in one step. Even the Shi family and Xuedian cannot be easily dealt with. Only then can he spare time to descend to the mortal world, or go to the first level of immortal world.

"Everyone, how many years have our Haixin Immortal Pond stood in the ocean of tears, and how many storms and waves we have experienced. The emperor of the star capital wants to destroy me. How can he let him succeed? As long as we unite, we will definitely overcome this crisis!"

At this time, a white-feathered woman, like a supreme saint, descended over the enchantment of Haixin Immortal Pond.

When she said a word, the momentum of the entire Haixin Immortal Pond completely changed, and strands of firm belief burst out and condensed in the barrier.

Ye Yun glanced at the woman: "She is Haixin Immortal Venerable, Immortal King second-level cultivation, not bad, but similar to Yaoli Immortal King, in the sect, she is not considered a giant!"

Wan Hai looked outside the barrier, at the turbulent and exploding void, countless sea monsters were criss-crossing, and pirates were rushing forward: "Look at the sea monsters and pirates, there are many immortal king-level powerhouses, and they will also stimulate With the power of the Xingdu Chasing Order, the Haixin Immortal Pond won’t last long! Moreover, the pirates and sea monsters are very smart, they won’t waste their power in vain, and they will definitely mobilize the power of the Star Capital Emperor to deal with the Haixin Immortal Pond!”

"indeed so!"

In Ye Yun's eyes, countless sea monsters danced their huge bodies, attacking the barrier, while the pirates were firing artillery, which was comparable to the high-level artillery of a great immortal, and the shells exploded so that the barrier continued to vibrate.

This kind of artillery is generally used in fairyland empires and caravans, and it is not used by huge sects!

Although Haixin Immortal Pond has been established for a long time, in the vast fairy world, it is just a small force in a remote territory, and it will be submerged in the turmoil of the fairy world at any time.

"You human beings, I am the emperor of the star capital, if you don't hand over the person I want, then destroy it!"

Sure enough, after a while, when the two sides were at loggerheads, the Eighteenth Road Chasing and Killing Order, under the joint urging of the eighteen peerless powerhouses, showed a huge projection of will over the Haixin Immortal Pond, which turned out to be the star. Du Dijun.

"Emperor of the Star Capital!!!"

Haixin Xianzun and countless powerhouses all changed their expressions the moment they saw the Xingdu Emperor. They are all Immortal Kings, so they naturally saw how terrifying the Xingdu Emperor's strength is.

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