The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 611 Explosive Energy Ball

The emperor of the star capital became happy, and stood with his hands behind his back in the silver sand field, constantly confronting the forces of the meteor world: "Now you know what you are afraid of, boy, it is too late, no matter what background you have, what is your origin, this No seat will let you go!"

For an immortal emperor to be so desecrated by a tiny imaginary immortal, one can imagine how the emperor of Xingdu is feeling at this moment!

"Don't think that you can beat me up, Emperor Xingdu, the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm is so vast, you are just a strong man shrunk in a well like the Little Four Heavenly Realm, naturally you can't see the vastness of the world if you look at the moon in the well , do you think the world is as big as the mouth of a well?"

Ye Yun's fists were clenched suddenly, his eyes moved away from the emperor of Xingdu, and he looked at the heavenly catastrophe cloud, the second catastrophe was about to come, and Ye Yun's eyes seemed to have a trace of divinity wandering, getting more and more His ethereal, firm and resolute, put Buddha's sky, there is something attracting him.

The emperor of Xingdu changed his vicious face again: "Whatever methods you have, use them all, you are a dog in the water, this seat will trample you without dignity, lose your heart, and you will never be able to be promoted to the emperor!"

Ruthless, this is the method of the devil, the king of evil!

The so-called killing is just a moment to end the pain, but the emperor of Xingdu does not kill people, but uses powerful strength to attack the enemy and lose his Dao heart, and he will never be able to sing forward on the road of cultivation. Dao heart contains courage, Perseverance, wisdom, bravery, meaninglessness, righteousness and so on.

These are the foundations of Dao Xin, and they are also the so-called personality. If you lose your personality and Dao Xin, then a person can still be a human being, perhaps not as good as a pig or a dog.

Why is the demon, in fact, losing the so-called personality.

"is it?"

Ye Yun's expression became blatant, and he waved his hands as expected, a stream of will from the primordial spirit filled with mantras, ringing non-stop, and devouring the powerful force transmitted by Ye Yun, forming an invisible but infinite force. The long rainbow of language gradually expands and rises.

"What do you want??"

The arrogant and domineering Emperor of the Star Capital, the overlord's face suddenly sank, and he took a step forward, as if he wanted to rush out to stop Ye Yun, but was shocked back by the force of the meteor light curtain.

Ye Yun caught a glimpse of the emperor of Xingdu finally flustered, showing a frightened look, and sneered even more: "Didn't you say that Heavenly Tribulation can't deal with you? Well, I'll get on fire, which is equivalent to ****, I want to blaspheme the law and provoke the four levels The law of the fairy world, let the power of the law descend!"

"No, this is against the sky! Boy, do you know what is against the sky? Once you desecrate the law and the will of the ancient immortals, even if you are a god handed down, you will be killed in the next catastrophe." Attacked by the will of the immortals who surpass the law of the catastrophe, this is not something you can bear!"

Knowing that Ye Yun wants to defy the sky and attract the law of catastrophe, it is equivalent to using the power of the fairy world to deal with him. The emperor of Xingdu must be panicked. In the fairy world, only the rumored gods can do it.

Even if Emperor Xingdu is an immortal emperor, he is only an immortal.

"What about the will of the immortals? What about the power of the immortal world? Emperor Xingdu, in fact, you don't know my methods..."

Suddenly, Ye Yun's eyes showed a sinister and deep expression, and the corners of his mouth curved up: "Did you forget that I was on the ocean before and killed your will projection?"

The emperor of Xingdu became sober, his eyebrows frowned, and his tone slowed down: "Hmph, how could I forget that the majestic Immortal Emperor was actually desecrated by you, obliterating his will, what a disgrace, boy, don't mess around!"

"The law of blasphemy, I am not messing around, Emperor of the Star Capital, I, Ye Yun, have come all the way, dare to use the virtual fairyland to fight against you, so naturally I have the trump cards against the sky, these cards are beyond your imagination, for a low-level cultivator like you How can you compare with me?"

"Now I want to go against the sky and blaspheme the law, not with my will, my power, but with the power projected by your will, which means you are blaspheming the law and fighting against the will of heaven! Come out!"


Following Ye Yun's frightening words, he waved his hand and grabbed it, and a figure in black robe shot out from his palm. It turned out to be the projection of the will of the Emperor of the Star City who was imprisoned by Ye Yun at the beginning. However, the power of the token has long been devoured by Ye Yun. After studying the power projected by the will of the Star Capital Emperor, Ye Yun has not obliterated his will.

Unexpectedly, a slight distraction at the beginning, leaving behind the will of the emperor of the star capital, can be of great use now.

"Impossible, the will of this seat cannot be controlled by others. This seat is the will of the immortal emperor. Boy, you and I have no life and death enmity, why don't you back down a step, the young man is very angry, and you will naturally understand afterwards! "

After Ye Yun showed some supernatural powers and controlled the will of the emperor of Xingdu, the emperor of Xingdu changed his face again, he was afraid and panicked, he was not afraid of Ye Yun, but the law power that was unimaginable from the fairy world.

Just imagine, a group of ants can overturn the Yangtze River embankment, but can only one strong ant shake the embankment?

The emperor of Xingdu is this strong ant. Any ant is no match for him, but with his own strength, can he shake the power of the fairy world?

"You know you are afraid now? Emperor Xingdu, today you and I have nothing to do but die. I will not hesitate to use all my strength to deal with you. Now you and I will face the power of the law of catastrophe. No, you are going to face it." !"

Ye Yun didn't hesitate at all, he considered the words of the Emperor of the Star Capital, decisively activated the will of the Emperor of the Star Capital, and began to activate the power of the divine seals one after another, and each of the divine spells was blessed in the will of the Emperor of the Star Capital, slowly Slowly merge into the huge Changhong shot just now.

Thus, the blasphemy from Ye Yun was entwined with the will and power of the emperor of the star capital, and followed the eternal rainbow like a dragon against the sky, constantly swaying in the void, leaping long, roaring towards the infinite calamity cloud.

"Oh my god, boy, you are crazy, completely crazy, but nothing will happen to me, it's just that your strength is exhausted, and your cultivation is too weak to resist the power of the law of catastrophe, knot!"

Emperor Xingdu didn't expect Ye Yun to make a move in an instant, his face became shocked and terrified, the expression that the majestic immortal emperor was forced to in the quadruple fairy world.


Under the horrifying power of the Star Capital Emperor, his silver sand domain suddenly froze, turning into hard silver sand, like a silver sand meteorite from the sky, solid and substantial, tightly wrapping the Star Capital Emperor, The silver sand meteorite outside must be extremely strong.

Otherwise, the emperor of the star capital would not use it to fight against the power of the law of catastrophe!

"As expected of an immortal emperor-level powerhouse, although the power of the fourfold law cannot kill you, it can make your power disappear. That is my purpose..."

Ye Yun smiled coldly, and when he saw Emperor Xingdu wrapped himself into a dumpling, he smiled even brighter. In fact, Ye Yun has always known that no force can kill Emperor Xingdu. If he died, he wanted to completely kill the emperor of the star capital, and seal him when he was exhausted.


Suddenly, in the second heavenly tribulation of the true immortal great calamity cloud, combined with the Changhong cast by Ye Yun, as well as the willpower of himself and the star capital emperor, the originally quiet robbery cloud was just robbery fire and strong wind, Thunder and lightning, heavy rain, and suddenly, the two flame thunder dragons of the second true immortal catastrophe came alive.

A will, let the Buddha wake up in the cloud of calamity!

Chi Chi!

All the power in the robbery cloud poured into the two flame thunder dragons one after another, and the last two flame thunder dragons merged into a huge black robbery cloud, a huge power of heavenly robbery wrapped in flames and lightning. The angry power from the depths of the heavenly vault of the quadruple fairy world, which came from outside the robbery cloud, merged into the power of the heavenly robbery.

All the powers of Fangfo Tiandi are integrated into the Heavenly Tribulation, and the three, four, and ten Heavenly Tribulations of true immortals have all turned into one Heavenly Tribulation.


Ye Yun broke out in a cold sweat, bead-sized beads of sweat began to flow down his cheeks, and when he grabbed it with a wave, a huge energy ball appeared between his hands!

This energy ball is exactly what Ye Yun collected the energy of countless corpses and the power of the Immortal King. It is equal to the second-level power of the Immortal King!

Originally, Ye Yun didn't even use the energy ball to deal with the Emperor of the Star Capital, so he had to save it for the final use against the Emperor of the Star Capital. For any substance, he had to come up with energy balls.

This is his heart and soul!

But now life-saving is the most important thing. Even if it is a low-level fairy world, the first-level fairy king can be regarded as an invincible giant, but the power of the law of the quadruple fairy world is at least above the fairy king, so even if it is a high-level fairy king, facing the quadruple The power of the laws of the fairy world is also painful.

Ye Yun just broke through the tenth level of the virtual fairy, and now he is breaking through the real fairyland, and he doesn't have the power of the fairy king, so he can only use the energy ball to counter part of the power of the law. The main power of the law of the fairy world is naturally concentrated on the emperor of the star capital. Bear the power of one-fifth of the power of the law.

The power of one-fifth of the law is also enough to destroy any matter, kill any existence that violates the laws of the fairy world, and can almost sweep the fairy king!

"Swallow! Bless the real body!"

Finally, Ye Yun used the Immortal King's second-order energy ball, and he swallowed the entire energy ball in one breath. In an instant, the Immortal King's second-order energy ball exploded in Ye Yun's demigod body, filling countless seas of energy, meridians, and dantian crazily. .

Ye Yun suddenly felt that he was a giant, standing on the top of the quadruple fairy world. This feeling is the real feeling of an immortal king-level powerhouse, from meridians to every sea of ​​energy, from cells to a hair, even hair Silk is full of immortal king-level power, a hair can destroy a huge mountain, and a look can't cut off the ocean.

This is the power of the second level of the Immortal King, and Ye Yun himself has the strength to leapfrog and kill powerful enemies, so his current overall strength is almost at the fifth level of the Immortal King.

At the fifth level of Immortal King, it is nothing to cut off the ocean of the four-level fairyland. With one finger, you can turn a stone into gold, or with a will, even the Sumeru Immortal Realm will be destroyed.

An energy ball of the second level of the Immortal King, after it erupts, fuses with Ye Yun, and Ye Yun reaches the second level of Immortal King's power in an instant, and his real strength can reach the fifth level of Immortal King.

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