The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 612 The power of the fairy world, the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry

At the fifth level of the Immortal King, once Ye Yun activates various supernatural powers at the fifth level of the Immortal King, such as performing God-level qigong such as Good Fortune Fist, Infinity, Eight Desolation, Sun and Moon God Thunder, etc., he can burn and kill giants of the sixth level of the Immortal King.

"This feeling is really amazing. Immortal King at the second level possesses the power of Immortal King at the fifth level. If he fights against the Emperor of the Star City at the fifth level of the Immortal King, he will definitely not be his opponent. The Emperor of the Star Capital is really terrifying..."

With the blessing of Immortal King level power, Ye Yun is not blind and arrogant, he is very clear about his own cultivation, and even more aware of the power of the Emperor of the Star Capital, even if he has the strength of the fifth level of the Immortal King, he cannot be the opponent of the Emperor of the Star Capital. The gap between him and the emperor of Xingdu is like a huge mountain and a stone.

"Boy, it turns out that you still have such heaven-defying strength... No wonder you dare to be an enemy of this seat. I really didn't realize that you are really a character!!!"

In the world of meteor light, the emperor of the star capital surrounded by silver sand meteorites, if he shrinks his head like a tortoise, when he saw Ye Yun's strength soaring with his own eyes, he was shocked physically and mentally.

A person who is arrogant and domineering naturally has support behind him, and he is not a fool. To deal with an enemy stronger than himself, he feels like a rich second generation who despises the king's law and naturally relies on his powerful father behind him.

However, Ye Yun's strength came from himself, the energy ball was condensed by himself, without relying on anyone.


In an instant, above the sky, there was no cloud for thousands of miles, and the darkness was boundless. All the powers of the sky, whether it was the clouds, the fires, or the thunder and lightning storms, were involved in the long dragon of the sky. The power of laws from all directions in the fairy world suddenly disappeared. The long dragon roared, and creaked or crackled towards Ye Yun and Xingdu Dijun.

The Heavenly Tribulation Dragon is surrounded by countless terrifying thunderbolts. These thunderbolts are ten times more powerful than the Heavenly Tribulation, and the same is true for the Heavenly Tribulation Fire. Among them, the rolling dark power of the Heavenly Tribulation is not the power of the real fairyland at all, but the great fairyland, or even the fairyland. The power of King Realm, one of the powers of stalwart law, is comparable to that of Immortal Emperor Realm.

The Long Dragon of Heaven Tribulation kept circling, and the lightning bolts around it danced like whips, whipping in the void with a creak, and as the dragon of Heaven Tribulation descended, the entire ocean of the Ocean of Tears, countless lives, whether it was a sea monster or Human beings, looking at the cataclysmic power formed by the drastic changes in the world, trembled physically and mentally, and had difficulty breathing.

"Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell!"

At the moment when the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon came down, Ye Yun used his fifth-level strength as an immortal king to sacrifice his most life-saving magic weapon, a semi-magical weapon, the Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell.

Sure enough, the ancient Tiantong Hongyin Town Divine Bell transformed from the void and covered Ye Yun.

The real power of a semi-divine weapon needs to be activated at the level of Immortal King or Immortal Emperor. Now that Ye Yun has reached the state of Immortal King, he can finally activate part of the power of the Tiantong Hongyin Township Divine Bell.


At this moment, the long dragon of catastrophe finally descended from the sky. The terrifying power of catastrophe in the center did not hit, but the countless rotating lightning around it, like a long whip of thunder, began to beat the god bell of Tiantong Hongyin town !

Boom boom boom!

Tiantong Hongyin's world god bell was whipped fiercely and vibrated suddenly, and the demi-magic weapon was beaten tremblingly by the power of the law of the fairy world. It was really terrifying to the limit.


The god bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township shook fiercely, making a vibrating sound like the roar of tigers and dragons. This sound wave directly attacked Ye Yun's primordial spirit and body. Chung, his body relieved the pain, and spit out a mouthful of golden blood.

"Terrible, I'm afraid. Originally, the Great Tribulation of the True Immortal Realm, I could easily destroy all ten calamities and step into the True Immortal Realm. But now... with my fifth-level strength of Immortal King, plus the Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell The power of the gods is still injured by the power of the law of catastrophe!"

Ye Yun was palpitating at this time. When he decided to go against the sky and blaspheme the law of the catastrophe, he had already thought of the worst ending, but he still didn't expect that even if he used all his power, he would not be able to compare with the power of the law of the catastrophe. A huge, immemorial, unbreakable existence.

Persistence forever, this is the law!

"You don't have to worry that the meteor power will block the law of catastrophe. I will let all the meteor power get out of the way of the law of catastrophe. I will do my best to deal with the emperor of the star capital. Are you okay?"

When Ye Yun's whole body was in severe pain and his true energy was collapsing, a familiar voice came into Linghai.

Ye Yun raised his brows and smiled pleasantly: "Wanwan, you don't have to worry about me, but unfortunately I can't clone and control the power of meteors, I can only rely on you. The Star Capital Emperor is too terrifying, his strength has surpassed my prediction!"

"Your plan has been successful, but I didn't expect you to desecrate the laws of the fairy world, which will bring you great pain. I believe you will fight against the power of the sky. The power of the divine shell sucks him into the divine shell, so that he will be trapped in it forever, be extremely careful..."

Wanhai's voice, as thin as a gossamer, disappeared rustling away.

"I have tried my best to seal the emperor of the star capital, and I can only hand it over to Wanhai. Next, I have to go through the catastrophe. Stepping into the real fairyland is the right way. If there is something wrong with the catastrophe, I will not be able to break through the real fairyland, and I will not be able to condense the true world." Immortal law!"

Ye Yun now also resolutely gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the emperor of the star capital, he has surpassed his own limit, and the true immortal catastrophe is the most important thing to him.

clap clap clap!

Ye Yun couldn't see what was going on outside at all, how spectacular and destructive the power of the Law of Heavenly Tribulation was, sitting cross-legged in the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township, he urged his true energy with all his strength to control the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township Bearing the whipping from the sky thunder again and again from the law of heavenly tribulation, every time you whip, there is a muffled sound of thunder.

This sound made Ye Yun's seven orifices almost bleed, his heart almost shattered, and Yuanshen Haiyang seemed to disappear. It even felt that under the power of the Law of Heavenly Tribulation, the semi-divine weapon of Tiantong Hongyin Zhenjie Divine Bell could not be destroyed. To be broken.

Being attacked again and again by the power of the Law of Heavenly Tribulation, Ye Yun felt that the power of the Immortal King in his body was decaying too quickly. Ye Yun felt that this energy ball that had been hard to condense was draining so quickly in vain, his heart was bleeding!

If you use the energy ball to activate the sword slave, you can kill any high-ranking immortal king!


The power of the Law of Heavenly Tribulation attacked Ye Yun who was hiding in the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town, but all the power was blocked by the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town, while the God Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town itself suffered huge destructive power , Constantly passed to Ye Yun, Ye Yun felt that the world was spinning, and the mountains were falling apart.

Ye Yun couldn't see the outside world at all.

The huge heavenly tribulation power was not hindered by the meteor power from the gods, and it was like a huge torrent involved in the space where the emperor of the star capital was. Suddenly, the ferocious power of the law of the fairy world not only hit the silver sand meteorite that protected the emperor of the star capital, Meteorites are delaminating and shattering.

The emperor of Xingdu is like an old man, embarrassingly exerting the power of the immortal emperor, constantly condensing broken silver sand meteorites, fighting against the catastrophe, the emperor of Xingdu is really powerful, almost all the power of the catastrophe is launched against him alone, but he still has Excess force defense.

The power of the law of catastrophe is almost destroying the inner space of the meteor, but these are all illusions, but they are controlled by Wanhai in the divine shell.

As for the void where Ye Yun is, part of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation Law is like a storm, carrying countless long whips of thunder and light, whipping the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township again and again, and more flames, ice and snow are also covered. A will of Heavenly Tribulation, condensed into fists, attacked the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Township again and again.

Under the attack of the two forces of Heavenly Tribulation and Law, the Divine Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town vibrated violently from left to right and up and down. Power can't resist the punishment from the laws of the fairy world.


The Emperor of the Star Capital, who was mainly attacked by the two forces of Heavenly Tribulation and Law, has really been taken advantage of. He really did not expect that Ye Yun would have such a way to deal with him that he had never thought of, even if it was an immortal emperor. But being imprisoned by the Starfall Plain, he is also a toothless tiger.

The power of the law is completely above the power of the heavenly tribulation. With repeated attacks, the silver sand meteorite controlled by the emperor of the star capital was broken with a click. The emperor of the star capital became more and more embarrassed, and his power seemed to be exhausted. Powerful, began to be attacked by the power of law.

The emperor of Xingdu screamed in pain, not like the aura that an immortal emperor should have.

"Persevere, I want to persevere!!!"

Inside the Divine Clock of Tiantong Hongyin Town, Ye Yun felt that the Yuanshen Ocean was about to disappear, and the immortal king-level true energy in his body was exhausted. If it wasn't for the original power of the Divine Bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town, he would have Already exhausted and dead, next, he can only rely on endless will to persevere.

It's a pity that he can't control the infinite power of the altar inside the Nine Dragon Ring, and the power of the altar can only be absorbed and cultivated. If he can directly swallow the power of the altar, what is the mere law of the fairy world?

Now in Ye Yun's body, except for the golden core, all other powers are retreating crazily. The energy in the Shenluo domain is almost exhausted. If it is exhausted, Ye Yun is at the point where the lamp is exhausted.

Ever since Ye Yun practiced cultivation, he has never been in such a bad situation, such a mess.

There is no way, who told him to deal with not ordinary powerful enemies, but the will of the law of the fairy world, which is equivalent to fighting against the power of heaven and earth with his own body.

At this moment, Ye Yun is almost left with only an empty shell, and the true energy in his body has been exhausted, while the power of the external catastrophe and law is still constantly attacking the divine clock of Tiantong Hongyin Township. If this continues, Ye Yun is sure. I can't stand it.

However, Ye Yun still gritted his teeth and persisted, even though the corners of his eyes were bleeding, he persisted!

"Damn God, hateful ancient immortals, one day I will never die with you, turn the world around, trample on the law, find your bones, and crush your bones to ashes!"

When Ye Yun couldn't persist, Emperor Xingdu couldn't persist even more, he chose to surrender first.

As a result, Ye Yun felt that the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town had been attacked much less. He immediately used his pitiful true energy and activated his Dharma Eye to see that the silver sand meteorites around Emperor Xingdu all collapsed, and Emperor Xingdu Spread your arms and accept a fierce attack from the law of the fairy world.


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