There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

Ye Yun secretly looked at the middle-aged man, and found that this man had been keeping his eyes on Wan Hai, and he only chatted with Wan Hai along the way, he seemed quite polite, generous and well-informed.

Ordinary women would have been coaxed into circles by him long ago. I don't know how many innocent and kind girls have been cheated by this method. How can ordinary women know right from wrong.

Wanhai is different, she comes from the God Realm, her status is noble and holy, and the key point is that she is in the Ocean of Tears, where she has been hunted down by sea monsters, pirates, and emperors of the Star Capital for many years, and she has long seen conspiracy and tricks more clearly than ordinary people. How could she not know what the middle-aged man said and thought.

However, she did not reject the other party on the surface, but slowly listened to the other party's strange talk.

"The Zichuan Dynasty was indeed built on the snowy mountain plateau..."

Ye Yun was not worried about Wanhai, he couldn't separate his mind, he paid attention to every move of the ice field, and suddenly looked forward, a vast plateau came into view, on the plateau, blocks were made of ice sculptures, or were completely made of ice The crystal city shone like a treasure on the earth.

The Zichuan Dynasty used the topography of the ice field to build a city on the plateau. A dynasty, there are countless snow eagles hovering around the plateau city, like guards protecting the fairy pond. The plateau is very huge, dozens of times larger than ordinary fairy ponds. It's not Immortal Lake at all, it's much bigger than Immortal City.

No wonder middle-aged people call themselves immortals, which is somewhat true.

Ye Yun released his mind to scan again, and found that the entire plateau was under heavy restrictions, with countless array blessings, almost all of which surpassed the level of a great immortal, and possessed the level of an immortal king. , not much less.

"The God Wheel of Confusion and Purification..."

He looked around at the people in white robes, but he didn't pay attention to him, so with a thought, he activated the chakra of chaotic world purification in his mind, and then grabbed Zhang Wen's breath from the holy dragon order, and started to work.

"As expected, Zhang Wen is in the Immortal Pond, so it will be easy now. It will be convenient for him to enter the territory of the Zi family. If it really doesn't work, he will have to force it in the end!"

For the sake of future development, Ye Yun does not hesitate to offend a big family like the Zi family, but also rescues Zhang Wen and Gu Boyun, and develops his own power, which is the kingly way.

Any stumbling block will be kicked away by him.

Knowing the approximate location of Zhang Wen, Ye Yun felt much more at ease. Being able to capture Zhang Wen's breath proved that he was still in good health. It was precisely because Ye Yun stepped into the real fairyland that he was able to capture the approximate location so clearly. Now his strength has greatly increased , all kinds of supernatural powers can be used freely, and he has the confidence to step into the middle of the real fairyland, and then the high level, directly approaching the great fairyland.

Stepping into the real fairyland, Ye Yun can be regarded as a figure.

"Oh, Mr. Zihe, your Zi family is so powerful? Do you even dare to imprison the disciples of Chengtian Xianmen? Do you want to kill them one by one?"

Suddenly, Wan Hai emphasized his tone, as if he was deliberately speaking to Ye Yun.

"Wanwan is asking for news about Zhang Wen for me?"

Ye Yun was really surprised, he didn't expect Wanhai to be so alert and intelligent, he knew how to use men's weaknesses to achieve his goal, and it was for Ye Yun, how could Ye Yun not be surprised.

The middle-aged man 'Zi He' had his hands behind his back, his body was imposing, and he looked forward and said: "Chengtian Xianmen is indeed a great sect, but so what? This disciple dares to lead a group of people, ignoring the rules of the Zi family, to come In the depths of the Zichuan Icefield, capture the cold jade elves. The cold jade elves are the supreme treasure of my Zi family. Only the Zichuan Icefield has the entire quadruple fairy world. These people are really bold. They are captured alive by us. So what, my majestic Zi family is powerful in the Supreme Immortal Realm, if an old ancestor comes down, can the Chengtian Immortal Sect deal with it?"

Wan Hai raised his forehead slightly: "Indeed, the Zi family is indeed a powerful family!"

Zihe is even more proud, but he is very smart. He can retract and release freely, and his eyes are shining with wisdom: "Miss Bixin, you don't know. My Zi family has established the Zichuan Chamber of Commerce in the Gaozhong Immortal Realm, and has cooperated with all major forces. There are contacts, although the overall strength is not as good as Chengtian Xianmen, but the network is extensive, who dares to offend, big forces such as the Six Paths Sacred Mountain and Sumeru Immortal Territory cooperate with our chamber of commerce!"

"Zichuan Chamber of Commerce?"

Ye Yun was shocked. This chamber of commerce was indeed a very famous chamber of commerce in the Gaozhong Immortal World. It was introduced in many ancient books in Sumeru Cave. However, he did not expect that this Zichuan was that Zichuan. It seems that the Zichuan Chamber of Commerce does have deep influence. .

"It turns out that Zhang Wen came to capture the cold jade elf, and was caught by the Zi family. With the Zi family as his actions, he will definitely not let it go. Either he will kill Zhang Wen, or he will abolish Zhang Wen and others... Fight against the Zi family. Come on, it’s not the best policy, we can only start from other aspects!”

At this time, Ye Yun's mind was spinning rapidly, and various methods were appearing. He has a delicate mind and keen senses, and he must be able to find the best way to deal with this matter. Then, Ye Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he sent a thought to Wanhai.

After Wanhai gave instructions, he thought for a while and asked, "Young Master Zihe, in this way, your dynasty can also do big business?"

Zi He didn't even think about it, nodded and answered, with infinite honor: "That's natural, the Quadruple Immortal Realm is the birthplace of my Zi family, and there is already a large chamber of commerce in the Gaozhong Immortal Realm, so my Zi family has no previous experience in the Quadruple Immortal Realm." The identity of the Chamber of Commerce is in the world, but it is collecting all kinds of rare resources for Gaozhong Immortal World, which is why our Zi family wants to let a large number of immortals enter the territory. A long time ago, our Zi family strictly prohibited anyone from stepping into the territory!"

"Actually, I'm also here to do business..." Wanhai suddenly released a deep aura, completely overriding everyone, revealing the aura of an immortal king.

"Miss Bi, Miss Bixin, you, are you a strong Immortal King?" Zihe was startled suddenly, sweating profusely, unexpectedly, Bi Xin, who seemed weak and hidden, turned out to be an Immortal King.

Others also became polite.

Wan Hai smiled lightly: "My family is also quite powerful, of course it is not as good as the Zi family. This time I came out to find some precious treasures, so naturally I have to exchange some treasures!"

"I wonder if Miss Bixin has any treasures to exchange?"

Zihe gradually regained his composure. There are countless immortal king-level masters in a big family, not to mention that Zhang Wen was imprisoned as an immortal king. Zihe is only polite to immortal king masters, but has no fear.

At this time, Wanhai let go of his aura and transformed himself into a master of the fairy king. He said quite majesticly: "I heard that there are many great powers in the fairy world. They are all at high levels and let various chambers of commerce look for the Panlong tree. It just so happens that my family's master is traveling abroad. , I happened to get a copy of the trunk of the Panlong tree. This kind of treasure is very tasteless, and most people can't use it, but some big people have no use for it. I came all the way, and many chambers of commerce can't eat this kind of treasure. Do you want the Zi family?"

"The Coiling Dragon Tree is indeed a supreme treasure... In this way, I will not be in charge of the business. I will take the young lady to the royal city and find the clansmen who are in charge of the business. Just ask!"

Immediately hearing Panlongshu, Zihe's attitude changed 180 degrees, obviously not for people, but for the rare treasure of Panlongshu.

"It seems that the plan is relatively smooth, the next step is to find a way, how to rescue Zhang Wen and others..."

Ye Yun laughed when he heard Zihe pat his chest to reassure him. This kind of business method is the most suitable way to contact the Zi family. Moreover, he does have a lot of parts of the Panlong tree in his hand. , Ye Yun beheaded a large number of demon trees transformed by the Panlong ancestor, and obtained a lot of Panlong trunks.

At the beginning, part of it was allocated to the 55 members of the Holy Dragon Party, and the rest were kept in the storage ring. I didn't expect it to be useful this time.

Zihe and his party seemed to have cast a spell, notifying Gao Yuan Xianchi, and making Xue Ying speed up.

Ye Yun and Wanhai's identities naturally rose. The two of them stood in the center and immediately saw the Immortal Lake on the plateau. The Zichuan Dynasty empire is indeed too beautiful to behold. Any building in the dynasty is like ice, and the scale of the building is noble, neat and sacred. A large number of immortals walked around the city, and countless immortals of the Zi family in white robes patrolled in all directions.

Snow Eagle quickly circled a few times, then flew towards the center of the dynasty, landed towards the imperial city, and landed in a square outside the imperial city. Zihe arranged for Wanhai and Ye Yun to enter a palace to rest, and he trotted away immediately.

All the decorations in the palace are crystal clear ice, some are colorful ice, and they are some rare treasures. The key is that there is no cold air in the palace, but the temperature is about the same as that of the outside world, which is very pleasant.

There are several beautiful maidservants in the palace. Ye Yun and Wan Hai are standing in the palace, admiring the wonderful interior decorations, while Ye Yun is quietly sending a voice transmission to Wan Hai: "I have already sensed where Zhang Wen is, the Zi family must want Panlong Shu, later we will trade some rare pills, and then we will propose Zhang Wen and others by the way. As for the reason, it is said that we have some relationship with Chengtian Xianmen, so we owe Chengtian Xianmen a favor, so we will borrow this time. Already!"

Wan Hai said coldly: "The Coiling Dragon Tree is a mutated spiritual creature of the gods. It is rumored that the Coiling Dragon Tree is in the God Realm, and it is considered a treasure. You are willing to use this kind of treasure to exchange favors!"

"Any treasure is something outside of the body, and people are the most important thing. Besides, Zhang Wen and Gu Boyun are members of my Holy Dragon Party, and they are both immortal king figures. In order to develop the Holy Dragon Party in the future, it needs a wide network of people. Zhang Wen is a Chengtian Immortal Disciples of the Immortal King must be of high seniority, we cannot lose this kind of connection!"

Ye Yun analyzed calmly.

"The Zi family is also bullying and afraid of the strong. If you trade a group of people with the Panlong tree, they will naturally be willing, and they don't dare to easily offend the Chengtian Xianmen, and they are also an immortal king!" Wan Hai also analyzed clearly.

"People are coming!"

Ye Yun's eyes changed, and he followed behind Wan Hai like a servant, looking towards the door, and sure enough, the sound of rustling footsteps became louder, very hurried.

"Where are the guests? Don't neglect!"

Before the person arrived, the voice came first.

I saw an old woman walking like the wind, with the aura of the Immortal King still undisguised, followed by Zihe and a group of great immortals from the Zi family.

Entering the hall, Zihe introduced: "Old Zong, this is Miss Bixin, she has a Panlong tree trunk in her hand!"

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Bixin, you and I are both masters of immortal kings, but I am your elder, but there is no distinction between young and old in cultivating Taoism. Let the old woman call you fellow Taoist. The old woman is a member of the Zi family." Old, named Ziyanju!" Of course the old woman refused to let her say, although she had a seventy-year-old face, she was not weaker than the young man, full of energy.

Wan Hai immediately said politely: "I met Senior Yan Ju!

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