"Miss Bixin, do you really have a Panlong tree trunk? You and I are both businessmen. This kind of treasure cannot be swallowed by ordinary chambers of commerce. Our Zi family is in Gaozhong Immortal Realm, and we have the Zichuan Chamber of Commerce, which can store anything!"

Zi Yanju took Wan Hai to sit down, and asked people to serve tea without hiding anything, straight to the point it was the trunk of the Panlong tree.

"Zichuan Chamber of Commerce, Bi Xin has heard of it, so Bi Xin is not out, let Yan Juzong see the treasure!" Wan Hai's demeanor is very calm and calm, compared to before, the old woman Zi Yanju is a little impatient.

Wanhai's fingers were softer and softer like flowing water, a rectangular sealed mysterious light slowly gushed out from the void, a three-foot-long, sharply cut Coiling Dragon trunk appeared in the mysterious light, and suddenly a strong and special life spirit Qi, released from the trunk of the Panlong.

Glittering in the ice palace.

Zi Yanju's eyebrows were as deep as a sword, and he stared into the mysterious light with a deep light, and he couldn't help sighing: "It really is a Panlong tree. In my lifetime, I can still see..."

"It's a pity that my family and elders only get such a part. Old Yan Juzong, then I will cut straight to the point. The Panlong tree is useless in the low-level fairyland. The Zi family established the Zichuan Chamber of Commerce in the Gaozhong Immortal Realm, and only your Zi Family has this channel and means to bring the Panlong Tree into the Gaozhong Immortal Realm and earn a lot of money!"

Surprised to see Zi Yanju so tempted, Wanhai generously shared some resources behind him.

"Miss Bixin is really straightforward. Indeed, once Panlongshu goes to the Gaozhong Immortal Realm, it will naturally be a rare commodity to live in. Presumably, Miss's family also has a strong background. Since you want to give me such a big benefit to the Zi family, as the elder of the clan, I can agree to it." Under any conditions, as long as the young lady asks, my Zi family will not frown on any treasure!" The seventy-year-old Zi Yanju looks like an old woman, but she has clear thoughts and straight-forward words, and she is an old man.

I don't know how many years I have been in the big rivers and lakes of the Immortal World, and my experience is so rich that it is frightening.

Wanhai knew very well at this moment that she had firmly grasped Zi Yanju, and this kind of treasure was only useful to big forces: "Actually, the family has no choice but to take out this treasure, and at the same time, it is also because they want to make friends with the nobles. , this family is not the main chamber of commerce, but in order to develop in the fairy world in the future, it needs the support of friends like the Zi family. Old Yan Juzong, Bi Xin will naturally not open his mouth like a lion. If we make a good relationship today, I only need one hundred An extremely high-grade marrow pill!"

"One hundred supernatural marrow pills!?"

At this time, dozens of young heroes of the Zi family were stunned.

Shensui Pill, when Ye Yun followed Ying Qu, he had been rewarded by the winner, so he knew the subtleties of Shensui Pill, which was of great help to immortals, especially dredging meridians, constructing dantian, condensing golden elixir, etc. There is no way, and the magic essence pill that Ye Yun got back then was only low-grade, but now Ye Yun wants a hundred top-grade magic essence pills.

In the [-]th and [-]th level of the immortal realm, only middle-grade to top-grade, and [-]th-level to [-]th-level immortal worlds can have the ultimate divine essence pill, because only the immortal emperor can refine the top-grade divine essence pill.

A top-grade marrow pill is a supreme treasure, especially for all immortals in the low-level fairy world, it is a supreme treasure that dreams of, but above the seventh-level fairy world, the top-grade marrow pill is very rare and common, because the seventh-level and eighth-level There are immortal emperor-level giants in the fairy world, and it is very easy to refine the magic essence pill.

Even if an ordinary elixir from the Gaozhong Immortal Realm comes to the Lower Chong Lower Realm, it is still a supreme treasure, so Ye Yun asked the Wanhai Lion to open his mouth. In fact, it is nothing but sesame seeds for the Zi family, a powerful force with a chamber of commerce in the Gaozhong Immortal Realm. green beans.

And once the Zi family gets the Panlong Tree, they will use the Panlong Tree to win over a high-level emperor, or a great sect, or a super emperor, or a super emperor, in Gaozhong Immortal Realm. Sudden pill, of course, is not even a sesame seed.

The Zi family is very good at calculating, and Ye Yun is even more astute, which means that the Zi family is a thousand-year-old fox, while Ye Yun is an old fox who has been enlightened for ten thousand years.

But Ye Yun was not too much, if he went too far, he could get more treasures, but Ye Yun mainly traded the Panlong Tree to save Zhang Wen.


For a long time, Zi Yanju was silent for a long time before she recovered. Her seventy-year-old face was also a few years older. Such an old face like her, a giant like her, proves that her qualifications are mediocre and there is no room for advancement. , only to slowly die of old age in the realm of the fairy king.

Zi Yanju shook his head, and smiled from the heart: "Miss Bixin, the old woman has lost her mind, well, I can't make up my mind on this matter alone, but the old woman can make you feel at ease, this business is 100% It can be settled, but I just need to ask the high-level officials of the Zi family for instructions, which will take about three days, and please wait patiently for a while, miss!"

Wan Hai breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't know much about the fairy world like Ye Yun did, and thought that the other party would not agree. When the other party expressed his intentions, she finally felt relieved, but stood up and saluted: "Old Zong's abacus, let Bi Xin accept it, by the way , in addition to one hundred grains of supernatural marrow pills, Bi Xin has a small request?"

"Don't talk about a small request, the old woman can agree to any request, no matter whether the business is successful or not, the old woman also represents the Zi family and becomes a business partner with Miss Bixin!" Zi Yanju agreed decisively.

"Before coming here, Bixin undoubtedly heard that Mr. Zihe mentioned that the Zijia imprisoned the disciples of the Chengtian Immortal Sect. Tianxianmen has made friends before, and still owes a favor, so Bixin wants to invite..."

Wan Hai didn't finish talking.


When Zi Yanju heard it, he suddenly realized something, nodded and said: "Miss, the old woman understands, the lady wants to rescue the disciples of Chengtian Xianmen, then return to the family, hand it over to the elders, and then return Chengtian Xianmen as a favor, By the way, can we also deepen our relationship with Chengtian Xianmen?"

"Hehe, Elder Zong is really powerful. Elder Bixin can see what Bixin is thinking at a glance. Of course, Bixin will not keep Elder Zong busy. There are dozens of kilograms of magnetic silver star sand here, which is what Bixin came from the barbaric tribe. If you buy it from China, even if you give it to Zong Lao, as Zong Lao said, it will last for a long time!"

After the words came out, Wan Hai resolutely turned his hand to grab it, and spread out his palm. In a mysterious light seal, there was a little dim light of silver sand shining. He couldn't help but think about it, and handed it to Zi Yanju.

"Miss is really considerate, so the old lady will accept it without hesitation. Don't worry, miss, if the business fails, the old lady will bring people over for you. The old lady will also be a favor and hand over all the people to the lady. , Miss just wait for three days, the old woman will definitely come back on time!"

"You people, you should treat the lady as a distinguished guest and treat her well. If the lady wants to go anywhere, you have to protect her, and she can go anywhere!"

After Zi Yanju explained, he took Zi He and his group away after exhorting them.

At this moment, only Ye Yun and Wan Hai are left in the Ice Palace!

"Things went smoothly, but some treasures were wasted. The property is just a thing outside the body. It will come again when it is gone. It will be gone if the person is gone. This business is not a loss, and one hundred pieces of the top-grade magic essence pill are enough to make people lose money. I am a brother from the lower realm, transforming the physical body, creating a fairy body, and improving the realm!"

In Ye Yun's eyes, there was an incomparably refined luster.

It turns out that one hundred grains of supernatural essence pills are so useful. In the Taiyi plane of the lower realm, how many relatives, friends, and brothers are like family members. Sooner or later, these people will ascend to the fairy world, and Ye Yun will dig for them. A flat road, become a master in the fairy world, and strengthen the Holy Dragon Party.

The Xuedian, the Shijia, and the Zijia didn't all rely on their deep financial resources and connections to become powerful forces in the fairy world. If the Holy Dragon Party wants to develop, it must learn from others to develop, operate,

With one hundred grains of top-grade divine essence pills, coupled with Ye Yun's current cultivation and various methods, at least people in the lower realms can be promoted to the realm of true immortals or even great immortals. This is a very profitable business. Yan Ju thought he had taken advantage of it, but it was Ye Yun who took advantage.

"Shensui Pill is really a treasure!" It took Wan Hai a long time to understand.

Ye Yun suddenly stood up: "I have just broken through to the real fairyland, and the true energy in my body has not yet reached its peak, Wanwan, you are here in this hall, and I entered the Nine Dragons Ring to practice for three days, three days, almost ten years, ten years It is enough for me to step into the first-order peak of the real fairyland, and then I can break through the second and third ranks in a row!"

"Okay, with me here, no one can spy on your existence, don't worry, I just want to cultivate the power of the heart of the ocean!" Wan Hai said lightly, with her eighth-level cultivation of the fairy king, it is enough to sweep the four, five, and Six layers of fairyland.


In an instant, mysterious light flashed, Ye Yun disappeared out of thin air, and a bit of divine light attached to Wanhai's aura, and Wanhai also cast a magic seal, and began to cultivate a faint crystal blue luster.

Kowloon space!

"Taiyi Divine Furnace... Shinra Domain, burn them all!"

After entering the Nine Dragons space, Ye Yun displayed the Shenluo Domain, and then sat cross-legged in the center, Ye Yun saw countless familiar scenes, thick life marks, and countless imaginary immortals, true immortals, great immortals, and even immortal kings. The law, and of course the sword slave.

The breath of the sword slave merged with the Shenluo domain, and entering the Nine Dragons Ring, the sword slave could not absorb the energy in the artifact at all. If the power of the Shenluo domain had not started to change, the sword slave could hardly move an inch inside.

"Comfortable, burn the Taiyi Divine Furnace!"

A large number of fairy stones, precious stones and some spiritual things were thrown into the Taiyi God Furnace, and they burned violently, and there was an explosion. Ye Yun activated the Taiyi God Furnace while absorbing the divinity of the altar, even if he reached the real fairyland , Absorbing the power of the altar is as slow as a snail. Today's practice is still mainly based on the energy of the fairy world. If you don't reach the realm of the fairy emperor, you can't suppress the divine power.

And on the altar, that mysterious heart of the ocean, like a blue star, is embedded in the void!

"In just a few hundred days, the true energy in my body has reached an unimaginable height. It seems that in less than ten years, it is enough for me to reach the first-order peak of the real fairyland!"

In just the blink of an eye, a large amount of energy came from the Taiyi Divine Furnace, which was continuously transported into Ye Yun's body, and the true energy began to roar like an ocean.

At this speed, in just three days, that is, in less than ten years, Ye Yun will be able to return to his peak state, reaching the level of strength to kill the Immortal King.

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