The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 620 The Strange Extraterrestrial Meteorite

Chi Chi!

As time went by, the sound of true qi rushing rapidly came from Ye Yun's body, as if there was an ocean of true qi in Ye Yun's body, and the endless true qi was rushing.

Several years have passed, and the Taiyi Divine Furnace is constantly burning immortal stones and various spiritual objects. At the same time, it is also absorbing the divinity of the altar. Immortal energy is easy to swallow, but divinity is not easy. On the other hand, the Shenluo domain is While absorbing divinity and condensing various laws, when Ye Yun is cultivating, he naturally also needs to bless the domain to make it more indestructible.

All kinds of supernatural powers are naturally practicing.

Especially the fourth form of the Divine Fist of Good Fortune, invincible. This divine fist is not only domineering, but also has the profound meaning of boxing that accommodates the world and produces the king of the world. It is equivalent to punching out, which is equal to the king's anger. All things, this is the boxing law of the fourth style of "Invincible" in the Good Fortune Fist.

As he stepped into the fairyland, promoted to the real fairyland, and challenged all kinds of masters, Ye Yun became more and more proficient in controlling qigong and natural mysteries. Combining qigong with natural elements, law esoterics, etc., will produce an understanding of heaven and realm. , A clear understanding of self, this is the real practice of the strong.

Simply cultivating strength, and the physical body, is just a life in the big world, breaking the limit by oneself. If you want to reach the pinnacle of the big world and go outside the big world, you must practice the energy of the big world, the laws of the big world, Energy contains thousands of elements, such as wind, rain, thunder, lightning, metal, water, wood, fire, etc. The laws are based on energy, and they are the laws of the fairy world created by the ancient immortals.

The sky is the sky, the earth is the earth, the sun is tribal, and the planets are in motion. This is the law, an irreversible existence.

Before Ye Yun had to deal with the Emperor of the Star Capital, the opponent was an Immortal Emperor, who possessed power that could almost break the laws of the Immortal World, and Ye Yun, with his own insignificant energy, was no match for the Emperor of the Star Capital, even if he had an artifact. The law, using the blasphemy of the sky, to draw the law to deal with the emperor of the star capital.

Sure enough, the emperor of Xingdu is very arrogant, but he can't match the laws of the fairy world. If he doesn't compromise with the laws of the fairy world, he will always be attacked and tortured by the laws of the fairy world. The body of the fairy emperor is immortal, but it is not immortal. Emperor, and the law of the fairy world can.

Therefore, the emperor of Xingdu chose to submit to the laws of the fairy world at the beginning.

A truly strong person, such as the super emperor, can reverse the laws of the fairy world, because he cultivated the energy of the fairy world, stole the laws of the fairy world, acted against the law, and broke the laws. Why the super emperor is invincible and the overlord of the nine heavens of the fairy world is because they can understand the laws of the fairy world.

Using the power of the law of the fairy world, no one is their opponent, and any material will be destroyed.

Therefore, to cultivate, one must cultivate the way of heaven. The way of heaven is not a simple power, but encompasses everything. Only by understanding this truth can one see the world that the overlord of the fairy world can see.

This is the reason for the ultimate righteousness of Good Fortune Shenquan. Taiyi Shenguangdao, Wuji Eight Desolation Sun and Moon God Thunder, Golden Armor Indestructible Puppet Art, and Hundred Thousand God-level Qigong are all for the purpose of practicing the law, subverting the law, and creating The law is the ultimate goal. Only by breaking the law can the law be created, and the law created, that is, a new world can be created.

A new world, new rules, that's something only gods can do.

"It's a pity that the energy ball that was so hard-fought was shattered by the law of the catastrophe. In the future, another energy ball will be condensed. In the future, if you encounter an enemy that you can't fight against, if you can't win, you can always escape!"

A few years later, Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes. In his pupils, there were divine lights and stars floating, his aura was empty, and he regained the mysterious aura that he couldn't see through before. He counted: "There are still a few months left Time, energy reaches the peak of the first-order true immortal, breaking through the second-order is not a problem, now let's take a look at the specific treasures of the star capital emperor ring!"


Driven by the mind, a storage ring of star light and color appeared in the palm of the palm, and a soul immediately entered the storage ring.

"Buying Tiangong, Emperor of the Star Capital, if you took my things, I will naturally ask you to double them in exchange. No one can take away my things, except of course, except for those women who want to change!"

As soon as he entered the storage ring space, Ye Yun felt the aura of the Burial Sky Bow. He fused the Burial Sky Bow, so he could sense it naturally. With a wave of his hand, the Burial Sky Bow flew towards him, and immediately entered the Yuanshen.

"Several tens of billions of tons of magnetic silver star sand are enough to make me a small landlord in the fairyland. In the future, I will develop the Holy Dragon Party and win over the forces of the Quartet. It will play a vital role. This time, what happened to the Zi family is a reminder!"

With a flash of Yuanshen, he came to a world full of gray silver sand floating in the void. These gray silver sands are a very rare treasure in the fairy world. Even a secret-level mission, the ultimate goal.

Tens of billions of tons, what kind of concept is this? The average person can refine a fairy artifact if they can obtain a few kilograms. It takes hundreds of kilograms to refine special artifacts, create special caves, and magic weapons, which is equivalent to tens of billions of tons. It is enough for Ye Yun to win over countless powerful forces.

With this wealth, Ye Yun is not only a small landlord, but also allows the Holy Dragon Party to have countless powerful figures as backers. The Zi family is able to gain a foothold in the fairy world because of their extensive connections.

"The magnetic silver star sand must be used well..."

Ye Yun flashed again, and came to dozens of rows of book pavilions made of rocks. There were books on refining pills, refining tools, formations, medicinal herbs, spiritual objects, divine objects, the great world, and the nine levels of the fairy world. The topography of all sides of the sky, the unknown world, and the nine heavens of the fairy world have all the schools of all sizes, which are dazzling.

If he read all the books, Ye Yun would have the vision of a star capital emperor and an immortal emperor, and he would naturally see a wider range.

These books are naturally a great wealth, allowing the immortals from the lower world to expand their horizons and provide insights, not to mention there are countless qigong, formations, pills, and refining techniques, all of which are priceless treasures. All-round development requires all kinds of talents.

"There are low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, extreme-grade, holy-grade, king-grade, and emperor-grade immortal stones. It's a pity that king-grade and emperor-grade immortal stones are pitifully few. With so many immortal stones, they are comparable to some third-rate sects. There are also a large number of gemstones, and other spiritual objects, all kinds of things are not a small fortune!"

Soon, Ye Yun appeared in front of the Lingshi Mountains. It was really spectacular. There were also infinite gems and spiritual objects. Lingshi is the most common currency in the fairy world, and it is also one of the main sources of energy for cultivation. There are no too many. Finally, Ye Yun came to the void of floating fairy artifacts.

There are a lot of fairy artifacts, hundreds of thousands of them, from first-rank to tenth-rank fairy artifacts, most of them are below seventh-rank fairy artifacts, there are very few high-grade immortal artifacts, and high-level immortal artifacts are very weak, not magic, It is the magic weapon of the demon way, otherwise it is the magic weapon of the evil way, and some ninth-rank and tenth-rank immortal weapons are not incomplete.

"A lot of high-level immortal artifacts are suitable for fusion...huh?"

Suddenly, Ye Yun felt an unusual breath of magic weapon, no, it was a kind of material breath existing between magic weapon and spiritual things, it was very special, the breath was no stranger to Ye Yun, it was exactly the same as the star capital emperor. An energy body that exists in essence.

"Come here~"

The wonderful energy body is actually sealed in the void of the magic weapon, an independent space. This method of establishing an independent space inside the storage ring is naturally the method of the immortal emperor, and even the immortal king cannot do such a heaven-defying method.


A dark starlight seal with a diameter of one zhang flew from the depths of the storage ring space with Ye Yun's big hand, and it was densely packed with divine script chains, sealing the starlight space honestly.

"Haha, Emperor Xingdu, you are really smart. I was confused for a while. Such a powerful seal of the gods must have been painstakingly worked out by the emperor of Xingdu, and there is more than one idea. It seems that the emperors of the star capitals of the past generations of the Star Falling Plain have been sealed continuously. Cheng, it seems that the things inside should be related to the most fundamental secret of Starfall Plains!"

"Crack it!"

In the fairy world, the seal of the gods is the outer world that the gods cannot understand. Even the super emperor can't break the seal, but Ye Yun is a strange thing. He has received the inheritance of the two gods. He can understand part of the divine text, and he can also understand some god-level seals.

"Compared to the seal of the altar, this kind of seal is like a child's play, and even the divine seal of such a god as the shell is less than one-thousandth of it!"

Ye Yun can even decipher part of the divine script seal on the divine shell and artifact, not to mention the divine script seal made by the immortal emperor. With a sweep of his mind, he understood the divine script and saw the key to the seal, so he struck out with both hands. Dao seal, then pressed fiercely, and with a splash, the divine script seal was cracked like running water.

And the power of the divine script seal was swallowed up by Ye Yun as a rich and nutritious meal.

"This is……"

As the divine script seal was cracked, in an instant, an ordinary but strange black substance appeared in front of Ye Yun. It turned out to be a black stone-like stone egg, simply a stone egg.

"No way, the thing that has been sealed by the emperors of the star capital for generations is this ordinary black stone. It looks like a material breath, but it is basically a meteorite, and the breath in it is only one ten thousandth similar to the breath of the emperor of the star capital. , it seems that it is not the source of energy cultivated by the emperors of the star capital, but why, why did the emperors of the star capital who are as powerful as the immortal emperors of the past go to great lengths to seal this stone egg with divine script in the realm of immortals?"

Ye Yun was full of doubts. Looking closely at the stone eggs, they were very smooth and strange. They looked like sweet potatoes, not oval eggs.

"In my opinion, it's not a stone egg at all, it's just an ordinary meteorite!"

After groping for a long time, he couldn't find any clues, so Ye Yun decided to inject zhenqi to see what's special about this meteorite egg. Generally, if it is really a special spiritual object, it will react to the energy of zhenqi.


A burst of true energy shot out along with Ye Yun's fingertips, and collided with the meteorite egg.


I saw the zhenqi colliding with the meteorite egg, and there was no reaction at first, but soon, the meteorite egg vibrated hummingly, and then Ye Yun's entire face was distorted, because part of the zhenqi he shot out After the shock dissipated, as well as the remaining true energy, it was instantly absorbed by the meteorite egg.

It was completely sucked, and, from the meteorite egg, there seemed to be a strange cry of life.

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