The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 621 What the hell is that?

Seeing the meteorite eggs floating in the void, Ye Yun was shocked physically and mentally: "Isn't it? There is life in such a hard meteorite?"


But before Ye Yun had time to react, something that shocked Ye Yun even more happened. According to common sense, the meteorite egg should stop and calm down after absorbing the true energy that Ye Yun sent out. After tidying up, it actually began to absorb all the energy inside the storage ring.

Ye Yun saw that no matter it was a spirit stone, an immortal weapon, or a gemstone, all the energy was released by the meteorite egg, a black light like a starry sky, instantly flooding towards the meteorite egg like a flood.


Immediately, Ye Yun's body trembled, and he saw the contents of the entire storage ring, no matter whether it was immortal artifacts, immortal stones, or gems, were all trembling, and were slowly approaching the meteorite egg.

"What kind of monster is this???"

Ye Yun's face was full of shock. Meteorite eggs seemed to be able to absorb any matter and energy, as long as there was energy. Looking at the storage ring space, dense matter was approaching the meteorite eggs. Ye Yun's heart was trembling. These are great wealth.

There is another thing that makes Ye Yun afraid. He is worried that the meteorite egg may drain all the material energy of the storage ring. In the end, even the energy of the storage ring will be absorbed. In the end, the storage ring will lose its energy and will shatter. Meteorite eggs will be devoured indefinitely.

If so, well worth it.

"Taiyi Chaotic Qi, seal it!"

Ye Yun wouldn't just watch the treasures he got in vain turn into waste, and become nutrients for meteorite eggs. Such a large amount of wealth will be turned into waste, I believe Ye Yun will be so distressed that he bleeds.

The meteorite egg must be stopped and sealed. Ye Yun now somewhat understands why the emperors of the star capitals of the original Starfall would not hesitate to use their energy to seal the meteorite egg. Things exist in the Starfall Plain, if you don't seal it, the entire Starfall Plain will be swallowed up by it.

Suddenly! ! !

Ye Yun's whole body moved like a lightning bolt, flashed in front of the meteorite egg that was madly absorbing the entire storage or material energy, and slammed his hands on the top. The meteorite egg seemed to be only the size of an ordinary sweet potato, but under Ye Yun's terrifying palm down, motionless.


In an instant, countless true qi in the body surged with thoughts, and Taiyi's chaotic true qi burst out, dazzing and dazzling, flocking towards the meteorite egg. Give it a complete seal.


Seeing the seals, combined with Taiyi's chaotic true energy, plus countless ancient divine scripts, they formed a primordial torrent, and the golden flood rushed towards the meteorite eggs, forming a dense chain of divine scriptures, buzzing to cover the meteorite The stone egg, unexpectedly, a burst of black starlight suddenly erupted from the inside of the stone egg.


In an instant, like a sudden beating of the heart, Ye Yun saw the stone egg, which seemed to be a bottomless abyss, the light of the stars was like a flood, and the energy absorption speed of Mengruina was ten times faster, and the storage space almost came to a standstill , and the surrounding sealing power was also sucked in by the stone egg, which could not be stopped at all.

"Want to devour my Taiyi Chaos Qi?"

Just when the eruption of the strange meteorite eggs shocked Ye Yun to the suction of the stars, Ye Yun also woke up, shot immediately, and immediately wanted to take back the Taiyi Chaos True Qi. At this very moment, the Taiyi Chaos True Qi that formed the seal chain, It is actively resisting the suction of the meteorite egg, and the divinity contained in the divine text is slowly being swallowed by the meteorite egg. As for the fairy energy transformed by all the materials inside the storage ring, it is swallowed by it like a flood.

Ye Yun wanted to take back Taiyi's chaotic true energy, and wanted to seal the stone egg with Taiyi's divine light or Wuji Eight Desolation Sun and Moon God Thunder. Seeing that Taiyi's chaotic true energy was ejected into the suction of the stars, Ye Yun immediately He frowned, revealing a happy smile.

Taiyi's chaotic true energy comes from the 33 vines. According to Chi Yun, it is an ancient god that penetrates the three realms and grows in the three realms. Its energy can be said to contain the three realms. Taiyi chaotic qi swallows other zhenqi, it is impossible for other zhenqi to swallow Taiyi chaotic zhenqi.

as predicted.

The result is the same as Ye Yun's thought, Taiyi's chaotic true energy is like a layer of mist, floating outside the stone egg, and the rest of the divine power containing divine writing is slowly swallowed by the stone egg.

"The stone egg devours the energy of the fairy world without any fear, just like an ancient fierce beast, but I didn't expect that it can even absorb the divine nature, but the speed is very slow. How could it be like this?"

With the Taiyi chaotic true air pressure array, Ye Yun is not afraid of stone eggs. Looking closely, all the divine powers are like strands of hair being swallowed by meteorite eggs. As for the fairy energy inside the storage ring, it is like a flood being swallowed by stone eggs The egg swallowed, and saw that one by one fairy stones approached the stone eggs, and in just a second, they were absorbed by energy, and the fairy stones lost their luster and turned into ordinary stones.

"Pervert, really f*cking pervert, this stone egg, could it be that there is a creature in it? If there is a creature, it must not be a thing from the fairy world, it must come from the gods, and even the divinity is unscrupulously devoured, it must not be ordinary exist?"

The more I look at it, the more I don’t understand that divinity is the highest level of power in the universe, even surpassing the dark power of hell. Only gods can absorb divinity and practice, and the meteorite egg in front of me is actively absorbing divinity, not only that , it seems that it can absorb any material energy.

Ye Yun decided to try his idea.

"Immortal Artifacts, Gems, Different Fruits!"

He waved his hand and grabbed it with one hand, a first-grade fairy artifact, a palm-sized gemstone, and a milky white exotic fruit in his hand, then frowned, and grabbed the three treasures towards the meteorite egg.

Chu Chu Chu!

The three treasures were adsorbed on the surface by the meteorite eggs with lightning speed. In less than a second, the milky white fruit was devoured and turned into dust, followed by a fire ruby, which was crushed in just one second. After draining the energy, it became an ordinary stone and fell into the void.

In the end, there is only a first-grade fairy weapon left, which is a glove, and the meteorite egg is like a magnet. After the gemstones and different fruits have been drained of energy, this glove lasts for about five seconds, and you will see a bang. It exploded at once, turning into dull fragments, in which the formation energy and material energy were all absorbed by the meteorite.

When the glove loses all its energy, the formation will naturally self-destruct, and the fairy weapon itself will also shatter.

"A first-grade fairy weapon, it only takes five seconds to suck it dry..."

Ye Yun was so shocked that he couldn't speak, it was too terrifying, it was more than ten times faster than his speed of absorbing corpses, even if he wanted to absorb the energy of a first-grade fairy weapon, it would take an hour, and the meteorite egg unexpectedly It only takes a few seconds, which is unbelievable.

"It seems that the divinity can't easily seal it. To waste the divinity, it is better to seal it completely with Taiyi Chaos Qi. If it keeps sucking it in, all the substances in the storage ring will not be destroyed, and even the storage ring will be destroyed. broken!"

After spending some effort, he finally found some clues. Ye Yun looked at the entire storage ring, which was floating in the air. He was really worried that the meteorite eggs would drain the energy, so he sacrificed the majestic Taiyi chaotic true energy, which had no connotation. Any divinity, the divinity has been stripped away, and the pure Taiyi chaotic true energy remains, forming a chain of seals.

"Honestly come down!!!"

Wave your hands again, press hard, and the seal chain entangles the meteorite egg, like a rice dumpling, tightly wrapped, the stone egg buzzes a few times, the light of the stars disappears, and the stone egg also quiets down. Like an ordinary stone, it is quietly sealed.

"This thing must have descended from the sky along with the god-level qigong in the meteorite of Starfall Plains. I don't know if it is the same as Wanwan's shell. It all came from the God Realm, but the God Realm is so vast. , How many god kingdoms exist, this thing is definitely not the Sea God Clan, I am afraid that the Emperor of the Star Capital does not know its origin, go ask Wanwan!"

Holding the meteorite egg in his hand, it feels like a piece of hot potato, which is difficult to handle. If it weren't for him, most immortal emperors might not be able to seal it.

Once the stone egg loses its seal, at its devouring speed, even the Sumeru Immortal Territory will be swallowed up by it, and unimaginable creatures from the god world may be born from the stone egg.


Withdrawing the thoughts, the primordial spirit came out from the storage ring, Ye Yun himself held the stone egg, and activated the Nine Dragon God Ring, his whole body disappeared like a drop of starlight.

"Huh? You came out? What happened?"

In the Ice Palace, Wan Hai was standing and admiring a landscape mural, when she suddenly moved her momentum, she saw Ye Yun appearing from the void on her right side, Ye Yun was sweating profusely, his face was pale, as if he had experienced A thrilling battle.

Ye Yun didn't know where to start, he spread out his palm, revealing the meteorite egg: "Look at this thing!"

Wanhai shot out a soul-stirring divine light, and the original divinity landed on the stone egg, and the stone egg remained silent. After a while, Wanhai was startled and said: "There is a little special divinity in it, there is no fairy world at all. Energy is definitely not a thing of the fairy world, but it has a bit of divinity, and it doesn't seem to be a thing of the gods. It feels like there is a living body brewing in it..."

"I'm sure that this is definitely not a thing from the fairy world, nor is it a thing from the mortal world, let alone a thing from hell. The only thing that can be explained is that it is also a thing from the god world!"

After thinking about it for a while, Wan Hai was still not confused.

Ye Yun was even more depressed now, even Wanhai didn't know, and it was even more impossible for him to know, Wanhai was born from the origin of the gods and was a real demigod. She should have an innate sense for the things of the gods, but she didn't I'm sure, Ye Yun shook his head: "The God Realm doesn't have much divinity, which is strange, this thing was sealed by the emperor of Xingdu with divine words, it must be a strange substance in the outer meteorite, you don't know, this thing It’s terrifying that the guy devours the energy of the fairy world, I think it’s the Ocean of Tears, a sea of ​​energy, will be absorbed by it, and it can also devour divinity!”

"Can it swallow divinity? I think its substance is very mysterious, and it only contains a trace of divinity. With this trace of divinity, it is unbelievable to swallow divinity and the power of the gods. There are countless universes in the gods. Many No one has ever been to the ancient chaotic world, this stone egg may be the existence of ancient matter, even the gods can hardly see its origin!" Wan Hai couldn't help it.

What the hell is it!

Ye Yun and Wan Hai, two extraordinary characters, were confused for a while, and they were stumped!

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