The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 628: You Ruobei God Palm

This kind of subtle washing of the body naturally requires patience and a strong soul to do it.

It's like mending clothes, embroidering and threading needles, without patience, without years of experience and effort, fusion can be done, down to the smallest detail.

Ye Yun's spirit and will were highly concentrated, and Wuji Bahuang Sun Moon God Thunder was extremely powerful, domineering and mighty, and if he was careless and caused an accident, it would leave fatal damage to Xin Wanling that was difficult to recover.

In addition, Ye Yun's cultivation is the real fairyland, and he has surpassed his limit to transform the body of the great immortal. I am afraid that in the fairy world, there is no second person who can do the miracle of transforming the body of the great immortal in the real fairy. Ye Yun can't be sloppy. This is the first time that a high-level immortal has been transformed into a physical body.

Without any experience, only relying on strong strength.

At this time, Ye Yun could see Xin Wanling's whole body through his mind, his meridians and blood clearly appeared in front of him, and the sky thunder wrapped the divine marrow pill. Part of the power of Sui Dan was continuously input into Xin Wanling's transformed body.

The process is a huge test for both Ye Yun and Xin Wanling. Ye Yun needs to hit the mental strength extra, not sloppy, careless, or slack, while Xin Wanling has to bear the boundless pain of being stimulated by the sky thunder. Pain, but also feel the powerful medicinal power brought by the Shensui Pill, like spring water pouring into the heart.

After several years, this transformation is not over yet, Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes and asked, "Wanling, can you still take it?"

"No problem, you can jump over the dragon's gate if you survive!"

Xin Wanling said boldly, like a man, he endured the pain without humming, his sweat never stopped, and from time to time he could hear the sound of bones rubbing against each other from his fists.

Ye Yun said quietly: "Next, I will choose a god-level qigong for you. After the transformation, your body has reached the level of an immortal king, suitable for practicing god-level qigong!"

"God-level qigong!"

At this moment, Xin Wanling's heart was incomparably shocked again. God-level qigong is the treasure that everyone dreams of and craves for. Back then, Xin Shaohua practiced Ye Yun and taught him the Fanjia god-level qigong. As a great immortal, Xin Wanling naturally understands god-level qigong. represents what.

If she really becomes a god cultivator, Xin Wanling will definitely make Leiyinshan famous in the fairy world in the future, and she herself will be famous in all directions in the fairy world just like Xumi Dongtian Great Emperor.

"The next time you go to Aotian Immortal Realm, if you destroy the Brahma family, you will be able to get the other exercises of Jingshi Fan****. Although it is not as good as the qigong of the hundred thousand gods, it is not bad to pass it on to the members of the Holy Dragon Party in the future! "

If the fat and water don’t flow to outsiders, Ye Yun will naturally not take out the precious god-level qigong for outsiders to practice. Even if it is the Holy Dragon Party, unless the Holy Dragon Party becomes a super party in the fairy world in the future, Ye Yun will continue to teach god-level qigong, otherwise he will teach it casually Go on, once it spreads in the fairy world, he will never have peace.

"People's hearts are not enough for snakes to swallow elephants. Some people want to cultivate god-level qigong, but they don't know the harm brought by god-level qigong. How many people in the fairy world, how many emperors of the fairy world, and how many god cultivators think they are superior and superior to the immortals. , but god-level qigong does not belong to the fairy world in the first place, and there are many disadvantages after forced cultivation!"

Ye Yun began to search slowly among the [-] god-level qigong. Each qigong is unpredictable and has countless divine scripts.

"It's a pity that the emperor of Xingdu can't be killed, and he also possesses a strange god-level qigong, so he must study it carefully in the future!"

I continued to search, looking for god-level qigong in this way, and a hundred years passed without knowing it. Of course, in the Jiulong space, a hundred years is nothing.

"You Ruobei Divine Palm!"

found it!

Ye Yun immediately withdrew his thoughts and broke away from the sea of ​​divine texts. It really felt like a lifetime had passed, and a hundred years had passed, and a divine light was sealed in the palm of his hand: "The god-level qigong, You Ruobei's palm, is originally a god-level ordinary god-level qigong. It’s nothing in the God Realm, but it’s suitable for mortal cultivation in the Immortal Realm, this technique is not overbearing, it’s gradual and suitable for women’s cultivation!”

"You Ruobei Divine Palm?"

Xin Wanling, who was being transformed by Tianlei and Shensui Pill, immediately opened his eyes when he heard Ye Yun muttering to himself, and asked curiously, his head was still full of sweat, as if steam was cooking.

"Well, it's a god-level qigong, which is very suitable for you. After you practice You Ruobei God's Palm and become a god, then you can practice more advanced qigong. In this way, it will be perfect when you condense the gods. It's not like the fairy world. As a cultivator, it is absolutely wrong that the more advanced the god-level qigong is, the more extraordinary it will be!"

With a light flick of Ye Yun's fingers, the divine light seal slowly moved towards Xin Wanling, and was quickly fused from the top of her head. Ye Yun also began to urge Tianlei with all his strength to perform the final marrow washing.

"God-level qigong is too mysterious and vast. It is completely different from fairy-level qigong, huh? The power you injected into me has a slight divinity?"

Xin Wanling browsed through the Palm of the God of Sorrow and was confused, but suddenly felt a power that could be used to palm the God of Swim, lurking in his body.

Ye Yun smiled faintly: "It was I who condensed a divine seed and planted it firmly in the depths of your golden core. In the future, when you practice god-level qigong, no other cultivator will be able to compete with you!"

"Okay, it's time to end, bear with it!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun stood up, a powerful aura enveloped Xin Wanling, he pressed his hands suddenly, palmed in the air, and then sucked in, countless thunders were pulled out of Xin Wanling's body alive.


Naturally, Xin Wanling couldn't bear such a painful process. As soon as his body leaned over, a stream of blood spurted out. His face was very pale, but his breathing was very thick, and he was a completely different person from before.

Ye Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief. This was really a long job that consumed a lot of mental energy. Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and it ended smoothly: "The marrow washing is complete. Your physical body has reached the level of an immortal king. You can start practicing swimming immediately." If the palm of the God of Sorrow is integrated with the divine seeds of the golden core, within a hundred years, you will be able to step directly from the fifth level of the Great Immortal to the eighth or even ninth level of the Great Immortal, and at the time of the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Competition, it is very possible to break through the Immortal King , depends on how you practice yourself, and whether you can master it with god-level qigong, these hundreds of years are the time when your realm will suddenly increase!"

"Forgot to tell you, when you step into this space, you will be a high-ranking immortal!"

Another mysterious smile, Ye Yun flashed, appeared in the void ten feet away, and sat down cross-legged: "You and I still have a hundred years of kung fu to practice, strive for a breakthrough, this hundred years is not an ordinary hundred years, seize the opportunity!"

Ye Yun started to practice on his own, and didn't worry about Xin Wanling. With the seeds of divinity and her talent, it is not a problem to successfully integrate god-level qigong.

The problem is that Ye Yun now needs to restore his strength, improve his cultivation, and store his true energy as much as possible, not only for the Nine Heavens to win the Prison Killing Competition, but also for the next most unimaginable task of banning the world.

Only completely banned world-level missions are eligible to participate in the Nine-Day Winning Prison Contest.

"Now I lack energy. The power of the altar is as solid as a rock, and it is difficult to integrate. Unless I reach the super emperor, I still have to obtain the energy I need by myself!"

During his continuous practice, Ye Yun burned the immortal stones to cooperate with the power of the altar to replenish his true energy. The energy of the altar is too high-level to chew on, and the energy of the immortal stones is limited. It is not like an energy ball. Killing monsters and gaining the energy of Immortal King-level powerhouses is the source of energy.

"It's fine if I can recover. I can't think too much at the moment. There will definitely be unimaginable difficulties on the way to perform the Forbidden World Mission. This is the best opportunity for me to kill powerful enemies and obtain energy!"

Ye Yun smiled and continued to practice!

About a hundred years of retreat!


An incomparable brilliance exploded from Xin Wanling's body. It turned out that she had broken through the seventh rank of the Great Immortal, and a large amount of flames were burning. When it was extinguished, Ye Yun appeared beside her. No surprise at all.

After discussing about You Ruobei's palm qigong mental method, Ye Yun took Xin Wanling and left the Nine Dragons Dimension.

Appearing in the main hall in an instant, Ye Yun pinched his fingers and said: "The time is almost the same, there are still a few days until the opening ceremony of Leiyin Mountain, you go to practice quickly, the time is not too much for me, wait for the opening ceremony of Leiyin Mountain When it’s over, I’m going back to Sumeru Cave to prepare for the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest!”


Xin Wanling readily agreed, turned around and opened the door. Suddenly, a beautiful silver-eyed woman in blue clothes appeared in her pupils.

It was Wanhai.

At this moment, when the two women met at the door, they both showed doubts, speculations and other complicated expressions on each other. The women's thoughts were elusive. Ye Yun wanted to go up and introduce him, but Wan Hai smiled sweetly and introduced: "My name is Wan Hai, sister, here I am." They are all outsiders, call me Bi Xin!"

"Sister, I'm Xin Wanling, then you talk, I'll go down to practice first!" Xin Wanling also had a breezy smile on his face, nodded to each other, Wan Hai backed down a step, and Xin Wanling left the side hall.

Wan Hai entered the side hall, closed the door, looked at Ye Yun with an inexplicable smile, and said, "Xin Wanling? My good girl, she is what you said before? Sure enough, she is naturally beautiful, like a pure lotus, but also gorgeous!"

"Well, it's my good friend and sister of my apprentice Shaohua, who spent some time washing her body. What have you gained from retreating during this time?"

Ye Yun changed the subject.

Xin Wanling sat down gracefully, breathless, and said in a voice like gossamer: "There is not much progress, the energy of the fairy world is not suitable for my cultivation, and there are many relics that have fallen from the gods in the unbounded land above the fairy world. Earth, absorb the essence of the God Realm, I believe the practice will be very fast, or enter your Nine Dragon God Ring to practice, the speed will also be accelerated!"

"I still can't fully control the Nine Dragons God Ring, otherwise I can let you enter it and practice without restriction. When you return to Sumeru Cave, you and I will enter at the same time, and practice quietly!"

"By the way, I have figured out something about that weird stone egg. If you can use energy to brew the life form in the stone egg, if it is a divine beast, I can recognize it at a glance. The stone egg can be solved secretly!"

"Brewing it?"

Ye Yun suddenly felt shivering, and a chill chilled through his heart: "I think it's a fire in the upper body, let's talk about it when I reach the level of Immortal King or Immortal Emperor, otherwise something terrible will erupt and cannot be suppressed, then You and I have committed a serious crime, okay, let's go for a walk and enjoy the scenery of Leiyin Mountain!"

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