In an instant, Ye Yun's heart surged with juanjuan heat, and his whole body at the table, this feeling has not been seen for a long time, the fairy world is full of intrigues and killings, where is the emotion?

In the fairy world, if you talk about emotions, you are all fools. Even husband and wife, lovers, friends, and relatives will break up because of interests, and meet each other in life and death.

"I won't talk about mine, it's just that sometimes, when I'm practicing or sitting in meditation, Shaohua's stupefied look appears, and I can't get rid of it!"

Ye Yun frowned slightly while walking along the pool, the two reunited, it wasn't the joy of meeting each other for a long time, but it made more memories of the past surface invisibly.

"I often think about him too..."

Compared to Ye Yun who was silent, Xin Wanling was even more silent. The two of them stayed like this for a while. When they came to the cliff of Leiyin Mountain, facing the sea of ​​clouds and the sky, Xin Wanling said, "I have been waiting for you for more than 30 years. A few days ago, my father intercepted a group of robbers from the Ao family, among them were three immortals who had just ascended from the lower realm, and they were called Tianzun Martial Saint, Kunhuan Sanren, and Jiyuan Daoist!"

Ye Yun's body shuddered: "That is the person from my Taiyi plane!"

At this moment, Ye Yun was in a state of mind. As he expected, he left a lot of resources in the Taiyi plane. Among them, several high-level powerhouses who broke the fairyland would be the first to ascend to the fairyland. It turned out that it was Tianzun Martial Saint, Kunhuan Sanren and Jiyuan Daoist, especially Tianzun Martial Sage, were at the ninth rank of Poxian at that time, only one step away from the imaginary fairyland, and they were destined to ascend.

Seeing Ye Yun's surprised and anxious look, Xin Wanling hurriedly said: "Find out the identities of the three people, they are the ones you are looking for, so my father brought the three people into Xin's house, and not long after, three more people flew up. Those three people ascended to the Immortal Realm first to find out the reality, and the next three people are Huangyan Dharma King, Princess Shengtian and Ximen Potian!"

"Huangyan Dharma King himself is the tenth level of the broken fairyland. If I hadn't suppressed him, he would have already ascended. Ximen Potian was originally the seventh level of the broken fairyland. It is not surprising that he ascended to the fairyland within a few hundred years. As for Princess Shengtian ..."

Hearing the familiar names, a figure appeared in Ye Yun's mind. Princess Shengtian flew out at last. With her talent, it was reasonable to ascend.

"These six people are all first-class masters in the Taiyi plane. It seems that Huangfu Fei, Zhang Kun, Fang Hong, Fang Sheng, Jing Wuming, Yue Li, Ye Man, Ye Yu, Uncle Han, Daddy and others , and will ascend to the Immortal Realm in the near future!"

In an instant, I thought of more people. The six members of Feisheng were all at the high level of the Immortal Realm, while the rest of these people were all between the Heavenly Realm and the low level of the Immortal Realm. Immortal Realm, promoted to Virtual Immortal Realm to become a fairy, but Ye Yun figured it out, with the resources he left behind, within a hundred years, these people would all ascend one after another.

In the plane of Taiyi, Ye Yun left an underground palace. There are countless magic weapons, spirit stones, and formations in the underground palace. In particular, there is a cauldron of Taiyi God Furnace that burns day and night, providing inexhaustible power. It takes almost ten thousand years to gather the wealth of the entire plane and cultivate from the flesh fairyland to the broken fairyland.

Not to mention characters who have reached the heaven-reaching realm and breaking the fairyland.

As the vast resources created by Ye Yun are selflessly delivered to every cultivator, more and more people will break through and ascend in the future, unlike the era of the master, there are very few ascended to immortality.

Xin Wanling said again: "Father is placing the six people in the Xin family. Because of my relationship, they have been promoted to the triple fairy world. The Xin family has developed rapidly, and the Ao family is one of the two big families in the Ao Tian fairy world. There are often conflicts, and you also know that the Ao Family has the support of the Supreme Immortal Sect, and the overall strength of our Leiyin Mountain is not as good as the Supreme Immortal Sect. I am afraid that the Xin Family and the Ao Family will completely break out in a battle for power in the near future , and those families of the Fan family will definitely get in on the wrong side!"

"Taishang Xianzong is indeed stronger than Leiyinshan in terms of overall strength, but in front of me, Taishang Xianzong is just a weakling. Can he be compared with Xumi Cave Heaven?"

Taishang Xianzong, to be honest, Ye Yun has never been regarded as an opponent, it is just a sect established in the Lower Immortal Realm, not the first-class sects such as the Six Paths Sacred Mountain and the Sanqing Immortal Sect. "You don't have to worry about this. After the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest is over, I will go to the lower realm with you to completely solve the Ao family and the Fan family, as well as the affairs of the mortal world. Bring people into the fairy world, step by step into the quadruple fairy world, and all become the core of the Holy Dragon Party. In the future, I will make the Holy Dragon Party the number one sect in the fairy world!"

"Since when have you been so ambitious, the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest? This is a grand event in the fairy world, how many heavenly prides have been born!" Xin Wanling's face showed a hint of envy, unattainable.

Only sects from the Immortal Realm can participate in the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest. Casual cultivators are not allowed, just like Gu Boyun, who will never be eligible to participate. For some small sects, there are only five quotas, ten first-class sects, and fifteen super-first-class sects. That's it, how many sects there are in the quadruple fairy world, such as the crucian carp that crosses the river, can represent the contestants of the small sects, they are all geniuses, even Xin Wanling is not eligible to participate.

For most immortals, the Gate of Nine Heavens is a sacred dreamland.

For ordinary sects, the Nine-days Winning and Killing Prison Contest is a great opportunity, but since ancient times, few contestants from small sects have succeeded in winning the bid, and almost all of them have been captured by super-class sects, such as Lei Yinshan and Taishang Xianzong. , Winning the bid, that is impossible.

When Xin Wanling was feeling down, Ye Yun suddenly looked at her, very mysteriously: "This time, through the senior management of Leiyin Mountain, the main reason for letting you come to the upper world is to let you represent Leiyin Mountain, and participate in the Nine Heavens Winning Prison Contest! "


Xin Wanling was startled, wondering if he had heard it wrong, opened his eyes wide and bright, his pupils glowing with luster: "Don't be kidding, only the tenth rank of the Great Immortal and the Immortal King are eligible, and I am now the fifth rank of the Great Immortal, even if I have It is impossible for me to fight the Immortal King with the gravity ring obtained from the ruins of Linglong Valley!"

Ye Yun's smile was even more mysterious. Back then, he was an insignificant mortal in front of Xin Wanling, but now Xin Wanling was like an insignificant existence in front of him. Of course, Ye Yun never thought about it this way, so he comforted her and said, "Of course I have a way to let you live in a hundred years." In the future, it is possible to reach the tenth rank of the Great Immortal, or even the Immortal King. There are many, many contestants in the Nine Heavens Gate of the Quadruple Immortal Realm. There will be many first-class sects participating, and I am confident that I will become the winner. I plan to let you, and me Several friends have won the competition, and the winner of the Nine Heavens Gate of the Quadruple Immortal Realm is ours!"

"It's so sudden..." Xin Wanling really didn't believe it was true. She suddenly came to the fourth level of immortality for no reason, and then heard about such a big event as the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Competition. Naturally, she couldn't digest so much at once.

"There are still some days before the opening ceremony of Leiyin Mountain, about a few years, so I can use this short time to transform your physical body, let's go!"

After a while, when Xin Wanling regained his composure, Ye Yun took her to the side hall for rest and arranged the forbidden law. No one except Wanhai could enter the forbidden law. Seeing Ye Yun's superb technique, Xin Wanling Without blinking her eyes, Daxian couldn't see through even the fifth level of cultivation. She didn't believe how incredible Ye Yun's change was until now.

"Kowloon Space!"

Ye Yun flipped his hand, and a thought penetrated into the Nine Dragons God Ring, creating an independent space away from the altar. Ye Yun didn't want to reveal the secret of the altar to Xin Wanling. Xin Wanling knew about this kind of god. No good either.


Immediately, a mysterious light erupted from Ye Yun's chest, entangled the two of them and disappeared out of thin air where Ye Yun was.

"Where is this?"

With a flick of a finger, Xin Wanling found herself in a golden space full of infinite mysterious high-level energy. In this space, she was so oppressed by the space that she couldn't even breathe, and she couldn't take a step. Shock appeared on Xin Wanling's face.

In the empty golden space, only Ye Yun and Xin Wanling, Ye Yun turned to face her, "Among the ancient magic weapons I have, I will use the sky thunder I cultivated to transform your body, the power of the sky thunder, you I also know that it is very painful, you have to hold back, and you don't have to think too much about the rest!"

"That's really weird!" Xin Wanling naturally understood that what Ye Yun was talking about was the Thunder of the God of the Sun and Moon. It was used by Ye Yun when he killed Lord Fengqi in Wanfeng Cave. Later, he also used it to cleanse Xin Shaohua's body. However, Lei, the god of the infinite sun and moon, is no stranger to Xin Wanling.

"Take this top-grade marrow elixir first, and its medicinal power cannot be fully digested even at the third and fourth ranks of Immortal Kings. I will fully control it and help you absorb the power of the marrow elixir completely!"

As soon as he grabbed it with his hand, a magic essence pill appeared in his palm. It was the top grade magic essence pill traded from the Zi family, and it just happened to have a great effect at this time.

"Spiritual Essence Pill? Or the best Divine Essence Pill?"

Xin Wanling is no stranger to Shensui Pill. She has seen it before in the Leiyinshan sect of the triple fairy world. The pill that was swallowed, because the body of the Great Immortal is too weak, once swallowed, it will explode and die.

But Xin Wanling believed in Ye Yun's strength, and knew better that the top-grade marrow pill was a treasure that even immortal kings dreamed of, so he didn't hesitate, because the opportunity was so rare, he didn't give Ye Yun any excuses, and just swallowed it in one gulp.


As soon as he swallowed it, Xin Wanling's meridians were shattered with terrifying power from the Shensui Pill, like an ocean, and Xin Wanling spurted out a mouthful of blood, and it seemed that he could not bear the power of the medicine.

"Dark Sun Moon Thunder Control Art!"

At a dangerous moment, if no one makes a move, Xin Wanling will die. Naturally, how could Ye Yun not make a move? With just a thought, a wave of hissing thunder appeared in Xin Wanling's wrinkles, and with a click, it injected into Xin Wanling's body, and Xin Wanling was in pain. Had to bite his lip hard.

Her lips were bleeding from biting, which showed how horrible and painful she was enduring under the two huge forces of Tianlei and Shensui Pill.


Ye Yun mobilized his thoughts, and cast the Dark Sun and Moon Yulei Jue, controlling the sky thunder to immediately envelop Xin Wanling's meridians, the power of the top-grade magic pill, the entire power of the magic pill, was completely trapped by the sky thunder, and then the sky thunder Under Ye Yun's subtle thoughts, it was like a silver needle penetrating Xin Wanling's body inch by inch.

Cells, bones, blood essence, meridians, and even skin are not spared.

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