The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 626 Goodbye Xin Wanling

What kind of strength and cultivation level can it be so easy to defeat a first-order Immortal King in less than a face-to-face, so completely defeated?

Even though the dozen or so immortal kings present didn't know Ye Yun, they all knew very well that Ye Yun was a mysterious figure, absolutely powerful.

Luoxianmen is a giant sect in all directions of the Tianmang Plateau. In the six layers of immortality, there are sects. Only Chengtian Xianmen present can suppress Luoxianmen. Leiyinshan is a lot shorter , who dares to deal with Luoxianmen like this, at least no one except Zhang Wen and Gu Boyun.

"Fellow daoists, Luoxianmen's actions are ruthless. If my brother Ye didn't have a high level of cultivation, he might die at the hands of Luoxianmen today!"

Gu Boyun broke the silence, stood up, and nodded to the stunned Gu Shifeng, he released a loud voice and said: "Brother Ye, you are a brother of my Holy Dragon Party. If Brother Ye did not make a move today, I would also He will make a move, well, don’t worry about Luoxianmen, if he comes back later to find trouble, Brother Ye, Brother Zhang and I will naturally let them go and never return!"

Sure enough, he is a character who has made his way in the quadruple fairy world. Gu Boyun is now using this opportunity to create momentum for the Holy Dragon Party.

"I'm afraid he won't come!"

Zhang Wen is also a fine old man, so he naturally understands Gu Boyun's meaning.

Therefore, Gu Shifeng was just right, and ordered the disciples of Leiyin Mountain to serve immortal wine and various delicacies, and set up a mobile cave in the back garden. Everyone entered the cave and began to eat, drink and chat.

"Brother, this shot is good!"

Having fun with everyone and getting to know each other, Ye Yun and Zhang Wen left the cave and let Gu Boyun continue to accompany everyone. As soon as they came out of the cave and came to the corridor, Zhang Wen happily patted Ye Yun on the shoulder and said in succession: "No! To tell you the truth, brother, I just learned that Luoxianmen came to participate in the opening ceremony of Leiyin Mountain this time, in fact, they wanted to find a way to suppress Leiyinshan. Leiyinshan established a sect in the quadruple fairy world. The forces of Xianmen are against each other, they think that Lei Yinshan is still fledgling, and they will come to suppress it, brother this time has helped Lei Yinshan a lot, and also made a name for the party."

Ye Yun took a deep breath and looked at the Feixuan Pavilion: "The Holy Dragon Party is still too weak. It is your responsibility to develop the Holy Dragon Party. In the future, I will try my best to make the Holy Dragon Party famous in the fairy world. By the way, these decades , How many people have joined the Holy Dragon Party?"

Zhang Wen frowned: "There are probably less than ten immortal kings. Brother Mo, Brother Yuan Hao and I and I sometimes communicate with each other. Our Holy Dragon Party must be good or not, and only those who are masters of immortal kings are eligible to join. Moreover, ordinary immortal kings are not enough, we must select some outstanding people, such as Brother Gu who is quite well connected!"

"Then our Holy Dragon Party has less than seventy brothers?"

After a while, Ye Yun said something like this, feeling like he was resting a stone in his heart: "At this speed, our Holy Dragon Party is going to develop, it's too slow, too slow, and the world of five immortals is the world of immortal kings. It is best to go to Gaozhong Immortal Realm to develop. In less than a hundred years, there will be the Nine Heavens Winning Prison Competition in the Immortal Realm. I am going to fight for a place, enter the Nine Heavens Gate, and win the ranking. Once Sumeru Cave becomes famous and becomes a core disciple, no matter in Whether it is the fifth level or the eighth level, it will attract countless people to join the Holy Dragon Party!"

"Nine days winning the competition to kill the prison!?"

Unintentionally, when Zhang Wen heard these words, a rather helpless expression appeared on his face. He was extremely yearning and helpless: "The big stage is really a big stage. At that time, there will be designated places for all sects in the fairy world. Tianxianmen will have ten places every year, but my aptitude is mediocre, and I don’t have the strength to win the places. Small sects like Leiyinshan only have five places, while your Sumeru Cave has more than a dozen places. I believe Brother, with your brother's strength, you must win the championship in the quadruple fairy world!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Wen looked at Ye Yun, and found that Ye Yun was a king at this time, unfathomable. This aura made Zhang Wen feel that the Holy Dragon Party became the number one party in the fairy world, and it was not a delusion at all.

Ye Yun is well aware of the cruelty of the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest. Immortal kings like Zhang Wen are not qualified. It can be seen that: "There are many talents in the fairy world, and there are countless masters hidden. Even in Xumi Cave, there are countless masters. In the entire Quadruple Immortal Realm Competition, it is even more difficult to win the ranking and become famous in the immortal world, but I have a lot of confidence, even if I don’t have confidence, I still have to create confidence!”

"Let's go for a walk to get some air. An immortal king from Luoxianmen was seriously injured. Luoxianmen will definitely not let it go. This time they have a lot of immortal king masters. We have to be prevent poisonous snakes from attacking us! "

While talking, the two disappeared into the corridor!

At this moment, in the central palace of the Eight Diagrams Palace Building in Leiyin Mountain, in the time and space of the mysterious forbidden law.

"The energy of the quadruple fairy really extraordinary. In the lower realm, the fifth-level cultivation of the Great Immortal is considered advanced. I didn't expect the energy of the fourth-level fairy world to be so terrifying. It seems that the fifth level of the Great Immortal is nothing in the fourth-level fairy world. The fairy king is Giants, five realms apart..."

Amidst the layers of prohibition, an old man of the second rank of the Immortal King put his hands on a channel of summoning charms, and the channel actually opened the barrier between the quadruple fairy world and the triple fairy world. It is also unfathomable.

In the triple and quadruple barrier passages opened with formations and various forces, a woman came up into the sky muttering to herself. She was dressed in plain long clothes and tied her long hair with a green belt. Like Qinglian, the woman's eyes are very blank, and her body bursts out with a strong momentum, but they are all suppressed by the majestic energy of the quadruple fairy world.

"The core disciple of the lower realm sect, Xin Wanling, don't act rashly, the old man will cleanse your true energy and let you get used to the law of the four-layer fairy world as soon as possible!"

The supreme old man of the second rank of Immortal King is unfathomable. With his eyes closed and his hands slightly transformed into seals, the laws of the Immortal World poured into the woman's body.

The woman was Xin Wanling who came from the Triple Immortal Realm.

Xin Wanling's curious expression slowly disappeared, and she began to accept the old man's infusion of the four-layer fairy law, breaking all the three-layer fairy law in her body, and she bathed in the mysterious light of the seven-color law power.

About a day's work!

"Disciple Xin Wanling has met the Great Elder!"

After the power of the seven-color law disappeared, Xin Wanling, who was as light as a swallow, flew out of the passage, first looked at the void world of the forbidden law, and then saluted the old man respectfully.

With a big hand raised by the old man, the passage between the two worlds disappeared, and the void returned to calm. He said with a gloomy voice: "Wanling, this time I am recruiting you to the fourth level of immortality. On the one hand, it is because of your outstanding talent; It was entrusted by a fellow Taoist from Sumeru Cave, and Xumi Dongtian is a real giant in the fairy world, and our Luoxian Sect is not worth mentioning in front of them, I never thought that you could have a relationship with Xumi Cave!"

"Sumi Cave!?"

Xin Wanling's mature face was suddenly shocked infinitely, his pupils trembled for a while, and then calmed down, he saluted and said, "Elder, could it be that the person you mentioned is named Ye?"

"That's right, it seems that you do have something to do with Xumi Dongtian. Very good, I think you also know that the sect's establishment in the fourth level of immortality is related to the sect's grand plan. The sect of Xumi Dongtian is something that I, Lei Yinshan, have never Those who have been in contact with Zongmen, I hope you will make good use of this relationship to bring Zongmen and Xumi Dongtian closer. In the future, you can count on someone to rely on in the Gaozhong Immortal Realm. This is necessary for the long-term development of Zongmen factor!"

The old man said slightly, although his tone was calm, but the seriousness of this matter was clearly expressed between the lines.

"Please don't worry about the sect. This disciple has a certain relationship with fellow Daoist Ye. I will work hard!" Xin Wanling saluted again, of course smiling in her heart. She didn't have to think about Ye Yun's relationship with her.

"Then go and meet Daoist Ye first. This fellow Daoist Ye is really not easy. Just now a disciple came in with news that an immortal king of Luoxianmen was seriously injured, and the person who shot him was Ye Yun, Daoist Ye. You are truly talented. He is a disciple of Sumeru Cave, hiding his secrets, let's go!"

With a bergamot, the old man rolled Xin Wanling out of the forbidden law world.

"Seriously injured the Immortal King?"

When Xin Wanling appeared in the main hall with Xuanguang, a disciple of Leiyinshan came to inquire and lead her away, and Xin Wanling was shaken physically and mentally along the way, and she murmured to herself: "He really succeeded and joined Xumi Cave... ..."

In Xin Wanling's mind, there are those days when Shengqi and Ye Yun were in the First Layer of Immortal Realm.

"When he came to the fairy world, he was just a mortal. With a mortal body, he killed the Temple of Heaven, and later he was promoted to Xu Xian... It's only been a hundred years, and he has the strength of a fairy king!!!"

Xin Wanling was shocked and happy beyond words. She and Ye Yun were separated in the Second Level Immortal Realm back then. She hadn't heard from Ye Yun for so many years.

"Junior Sister Wanling, this is Senior Brother Shifeng!"

After some shuttles, through several palaces and corridors, several disciples led Xin Wanling, and saw Gu Shifeng who was eagerly waiting in the back garden.

"Junior Sister Wanling, I have met Senior Brother!"

Xin Wanling saluted in an instant, she deeply felt the aura of Immortal King Feng of the ancient world, and she couldn't desecrate it at all.

Gu Shifeng swept up and down, showing a satisfied and surprised smile, and nodded again and again: "You are Junior Sister Wanling? Okay, okay, you are here anyway, otherwise I wouldn't know why, and I will give you a job for Brother Ye. Wait, Brother Ye On the way here!"


While the two were talking, a storm of deep will swept over, unstoppable, and immediately Ye Yun appeared from nowhere, as if out of thin air, just like that, inexplicably, Qingfeng smiled in front of Xin Wanling.


Xin Wanling gritted her teeth fiercely, she was so charming, she didn't know how to yell out for a while.

"Brother Shifeng, you guys go down first, I don't want anyone to disturb you!" Ye Yun saw Xin Wanling's scruples, and of course her scruples were also his worries, so he nodded towards Gu Shifeng.

Of course, Gu Shifeng understood that Ye Yun and Xin Wanling cared a lot, and he became an obstacle, so he consciously left with a few Leiyinshan disciples.

"These years...haven't been good, have you?"

In the garden, a hundred flowers were blooming, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, the spring water was gurgling, and the breeze was blowing. Xin Wanling swept the surroundings and there was no one around, so he finally asked.

As Ye Yun's first friend and relative in the fairy world, Xin Wanling didn't feel any strangeness at all, just like a family member, she asked softly and naturally, how are you doing, neither happy nor sad, just right.

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