"What is Luoxianmen?"

Dozens of immortals on the side of Luoxianmen, who were already very arrogant, seemed to deliberately make things difficult for each other, but now they heard someone disdain Luoxianmen, led by Master Yun Zhong, and looked towards the source of the sound.

"Brother Ye..."

Gu Shifeng reacted very quickly, and he knew who it was when he heard the voice. One quick step, like lightning blocking Ye Yun, a solemn look rose between his brows: "The Luoxianmen have always been at odds with me, Leiyinshan, this time they are Come to make trouble, watch jokes, Brother Ye, bear with it if you can!"

"Brother Shifeng, this matter has nothing to do with Lei Yinshan, you just keep your heart in your stomach, I never like to make trouble, I always hate this kind of people!"

Ye Yun calmly patted Gu Shifeng on the shoulder with a calm demeanor, raised the corner of his mouth with a strange arc, and passed Gu Shifeng directly, facing the immortals of Luoxianmen, with his hands behind his back, his voice was like acupuncture: "I said that!" , Luoxianmen is a well-known sect in the fourth layer of immortality, so we loose cultivators are going to be bullied by you?"

"Boy, where did you come out?"

Whoosh whoosh~!

Thirty or so masters of Luoxianmen great immortals, all of them are high-ranking immortals, far stronger than Qingtong Patriarch, like a tornado storm surrounding Ye Yun in an instant.

"If you don't respect each other, how can the other party respect you?" Facing the murderous spirits of the Luoxianmen, Ye Yun looked small and weak like a wooden chicken, but from his frail body, he was released. A wave of positive energy, like the eternal law of nature.


At this time, the real Yunzhong couldn't see what Ye Yun was doing. He was an immortal king, and he was a famous figure in the quadruple immortal world. In the field, Ye Yun, who is not an immortal king, ran out to scold Luoxianmen.

Master Yun Zhong was naturally upset.

"If you are a disciple of the sect, or a master of the fairy king, at worst, you are a son of a family, and this real person will respect you a little, hmph, you don't even look at your status, of course...!"

Immortal Yun Zhong came to the front of Ye Yun, he didn't intend to make a move, but was more interested in sweeping Xiangyu's group behind him, and then swept past Gu Shifeng and other disciples of Lei Yinshan, his eyes were cold and proud, as if he was alone The people above and below all disdainfully said: "Luoxianmen has always acted brightly and never bullied the weak. Boy, I am not a devil. I kill people without blinking an eye. I think you are an ignorant junior. Give me a gift and say hello!" I'm sorry, the matter of colliding with our sect just now has been turned into a minor matter!"

"What a real Yunzhong... He's different from ordinary people. He has tricks. He is so open that he doesn't want to fight, but in secret, he smiles slyly and hurts people secretly. He will be turned around and bitten at any time!"

In an instant, Ye Yun knew what the other party meant. If a person like this really apologized to him, the matter would not be finished, and he would use other means to make things difficult for him. In the end, if it really didn't work, he would attack him face to face.

"Reverend Yun Zhong, this is a small conflict between you and my Xiang family. Regardless of the matter between Lei Yinshan and this little brother, if you are an elder of the Immortal King, don't make things difficult for him. Although my Xiang family is not a first-class sect, But you are not a person who is afraid of things, you Luoxianmen are domineering, I can see it!"

At this time, just as Master Yun Zhong and several disciples of the Luoxian Sect were about to use Ye Yun as a puppet and tease him, to make an example of others, the group of strong and strong immortals who looked like tribal monks left behind. Come up, the leader is a young fairy king in his early 20s, and all of them are long clothes made of beast fur.

The potential of a physical body cannot be seen by ordinary people!

Unexpectedly, Master Yun Zhong laughed arrogantly: "Xiang Yu, don't think that your Xiang family is just a small tribe in the grassland. You have cultivated into a fairy king at a young age, and you are still arrogant?"

There are a large number of deserts, grasslands, plains, mountains, and rivers in the fairy world, and there are a large number of families and tribes in these places, such as the Haixin Immortal Pool in the Ocean of Tears, or the Zijia in the Zichuan Plain, all of which are rivers and valleys. This elephant family is just a tribe among the infinite grassland tribes.

"The Xiang family is indeed nothing. There are many tribes in the grassland, even the big tribes are not counted, but my Xiang family will never be trampled upon!"

Xiangyu, a young man, faced the majestic Luoxianmen, and he was confident and confident. The true energy in his body was already erupting, and he seemed to be ready to strike at any time.

But Ye Yun took the initiative to provoke and said: "I said Yun Zhong, Yun Zhong is a real person, come to me if you have something to do, first deal with the matter between you and me, and then deal with other things, no matter public or private, I want to see Look, what ability do you have in the Luoxianmen, you want to make troubles at the opening moment of Leiyin Mountain!"

"Okay, okay, Xiangyu, you leave me alone, you and I will settle things slowly in the future, the abacus is endless, this real person will take care of this kid first!"

Reverend Yun Chong was so angry that he was actually an old fox. Both Xiangjia and Leiyinshan had immortal king masters. No matter how domineering he was, he would not dare to mess around with others. Then find a soft trample, Ye Yun is undoubtedly the best target.

"You want to bully my brother? Luoxianmen is a ball?"

"Yes, yes!"

When the war is on the verge of breaking out.All the great immortals of Luoxianmen were gearing up and sharpening their knives, when suddenly from the right side came two overbearing and sneering voices.

"Two big brothers, you came at the right time!"

When Gu Shifeng heard the voice, he was overjoyed, turned around and saw Zhang Wen and Gu Boyun leading a dozen or so Immortal King figures approaching, Zhang Wen and Gu Boyun were furious, and rushed straight to the fairy gate Come, Gu Shifeng immediately greeted him.

Immortal Yun Zhong's face was startled. The dozens of immortal kings, this is not a joke, even the Luoxianmen would not dare to offend them. Many of them are core disciples of the first-class sect. It was Zhang Wen, a disciple of Chengtian Immortal Sect, Master Yun Zhong changed his expression: "Zhang Wen, Brother Zhang?"

"Don't get close to me, little Luoxianmen, I still don't like it..."

Unexpectedly, Master Yun Zhong gave a warm gift, but he put a hot face on his cold ass, was humiliated by Zhang Wen in public, and couldn't get off the stage. Zhang Wen came to Ye Yun's side and asked with concern: "Brother, is there any problem?"

"It's just a small group of mad dogs, it's not in the way, it's not in the way!" Ye Yun still stood with his hands behind his back, facing Zhang Wen and Gu Boyun, he just nodded his head, and didn't respectfully salute like other people when they saw the fairy king .

The fairy kings in the back couldn't understand why Ye Yun, who was not a fairy king, was so calm when he saw the fairy king. Could it be that he and Zhang Wen are family members?Or which Immortal King disciple?Everyone was puzzled.

Daoist Yun Zhong, who was humiliated in public, was ridiculed by Ye Yun again, with a dark expression on his face: "Boy, don't think you know the Chengtian Immortal Sect. If you dare to speak rudely again, I don't care who you are, I just want you to look good." !"

"Reverend Yun Zhong, if you dare to be presumptuous again, I will take a real shot!" Before Ye Yun could express his opinion, Zhang Wen took a step forward to help Ye Yun.

This is the importance of connections.

Faced with Zhang Wen, Daoist Yun Zhong took three steps back, fearing very much. No matter from the perspective of the sect or his own strength, he was no match for Zhang Wen, so he could only grit his teeth: "You...you are so good at the Chengtian sect. , this matter is not over!"

"Want to leave? No, you want to leave like this?"

Originally Master Yun Zhong was just an old fox, but now everyone is turning to Ye Yun, to Leiyin Mountain, knowing that he can't get any benefits, so he wants to take advantage of the situation to leave, but Ye Yun always remembers the truth of taking advantage of people's illness to kill people, With a decisive yell, he stopped all the immortals of Luoxianmen who were about to leave.

"Luoxianmen, it doesn't matter if you offend me. Offending me, the Holy Dragon Party, is a big mistake for you. It's easy. How can I let you leave safely?"

Ye Yun smiled at Master Yun Zhong in public: "Hehe, what's the matter, I want to give you a memory, don't bite people everywhere in the future, mad dog!"


The moment he finished speaking, Daoist Yun Zhong and all the immortals of Luoxian Sect were so angry that they wanted to recklessly attack Ye Yun. Unexpectedly, under the suspicious eyes of countless people, Ye Yun flipped his hand lightly, Eighteen golden figures rushed out swishingly, driving a momentum that went deep into the sea, and the eighteen golden armored puppets rushed into Luoxianmen.

Immortal Yun Zhong was startled, unexpectedly, Ye Yun made the first move, and immediately released his defensive aura, staring at the eighteen gold-armored puppets in amazement: "What kind of monster is this?"


The eighteen golden-armored puppets entered the Luoxianmen with just a breath, and each of the disciples of the great immortals couldn't react at all. Seeing the golden armor flashing by, each of the great immortals was covered in blood, lying on the ground like a slaughtered pig. Call.


Several disciples of the Luoxian Sect were seriously injured and defeated by the mighty power of eighteen golden-armored puppets, and then rushed towards Immortal Yun Zhong, waving their sharp claws. Immortal Yun Zhong is an immortal king who can instantly kill dozens of immortals Strong, he was angry.

Really angry, he condensed the strongest strength of the first rank of the Immortal King, turned it into a huge command flag force, and swept towards the eighteen golden armored puppets fiercely.


Eighteen golden-armored puppets slapped palms at the same time. The eighteen golden-armored puppets condensed their power for a moment. The ferocious Hell Commander's flag collided face-to-face. The real person was naturally shocked and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Like a cripple, he raised his hands, as if his hands had been picked.


Ye Yun looked as usual, with a domineering light in his smile, and with a wave of his hand, the eighteen golden-armored puppet entered his body. Immediately, everyone, no matter if they were immortal kings, great immortals or ordinary true immortals, were suddenly overwhelmed by Ye Yun. The strength made the blood surge in his heart.

"It's just a bunch of waste. Dogs are dogs. A bunch of dogs in the water. I don't even bother to beat you. What kind of real person is Yun Zhong? Sorry, your dantian was shattered by me, but you still keep your golden core, which can make you live for tens of thousands of years." Old age will die old age, this is the end of your arrogance, remember, I am Ye Yun from the Holy Dragon Party!"

Ye Yun shook his hands violently, and with an aura that is not weak, he rolled towards Master Yun Zhong and a group of disciples of Luoxianmen who were screaming. Dozens of immortals were swept away in the back garden, and they didn't know where they went.

Domineering, strong, and powerful, the image of Ye Yun defeating the Immortal King effortlessly appeared in the minds of everyone at the scene, and everyone's bodies were numb.

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