"The strength of the Shi family, maybe there are people in the upper echelon of Lingxu Pavilion. If they know that I am going to participate in the competition, they will probably applaud with joy. With my real fairyland, participating in the competition...In the eyes of ordinary people, that is courting death!"

Seeing the real person Guixu leave, Ye Yun felt relieved. Faced with such old antiques, the real giants in the fairy world must be very careful not to offend them. Just like Shijia and Xuedian are fighting openly and secretly, Ye Yun's life is not easy.

"Junior Brother Ye actually wants to sign up for the Nine-Day Winning the Prison Contest, which makes us brothers so envious. Go left and go to the Brothers' Cave to talk about it!"

At this time, many of the core disciples were all high-level immortals, and they began to come to Ye Yun to make friends. Ye Yun was not known to everyone before. In the large sect of Sumeru Cave, there are billions of disciples, and new disciples join every day Well, he is so stunned, outsiders won't even take a look at him.

It's different now, Ye Yun completed the secret-level mission, which made everyone look at him with admiration, and Ye Yun's background gradually spread, a large number of disciples knew that Ye Yun was related to Suwen Xianzu, who was Suwen Xianzu, comparable to the Pavilion Master's Existence, being close to Ye Yun, is actually wanting to be close to Suwen Xianzu.

"Junior Brother Ye!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Ye Yun was about to find an excuse to leave Lingxu Pavilion and rush to the Void Prison Spiritual Realm to see how Immortal King Yaoli made things difficult for Wanhai, but a continuous voice like flowing water came.


Ye Yun was surprised, this voice was too unfamiliar, it was not someone he had contacted with, if he had contacted or seen it, he could sense it instantly.

"All spread out!"

As the woman's voice disappeared, suddenly an extremely domineering male voice sounded, driving away a large number of disciples surrounding Ye Yun, even disciples of spiritual masters.

As soon as Ye Yun turned around, he saw several women and male disciples escorting a well-behaved girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Any disciple who saw the woman would show awe and admiration. This woman is too much. Beautiful, like a lotus emerging from water, all the essence of the world is concentrated on her.


In an instant, Ye Yun opened all the records of the disciples of Xumi Cave in the quadruple immortal world in his mind, and the powerful primordial spirit scanned through the densely packed ants-like texts. Suddenly, a figure similar to the woman in front of him appeared, and there were records, Ye Yun Yun took a closer look, and thought to himself: "Fairy Lingque, one of the twelve fairies, is the avatar of the original deity from the Eightfold Immortal Realm, practicing in the Fourth Realm?"


The powerhouse of the Eightfold Immortal Realm is still a clone, and the clone is also practicing in Xumi Cave.

As for the Twelve Fairies, Ye Yun had never heard of them.

"Ye Yun has seen Senior Sister Ling Que!" Ye Yun immediately withdrew his primordial spirit, and saw Fairy Ling Que was about to come in front of him surrounded by immortal kings, so he immediately saluted. This kind of person is not Ye Yun. currently able to compete.

Fairy Lingque smiled softly, like a spring breeze blowing away: "I just heard that you were able to complete the mission of the original starfall and get back [-] catties of magnetic silver star sand. I don't know if you have any extra magnetic silver on you... Xingsha?"

"Magnetic Silver Star Sand? So she came here for the treasure?"

With a raised brow, Ye Yun was temporarily relieved. The other party came for Ciyin Xingsha, which was just a business, not for anything else, especially not related to Xuedian and Shijia. Ye Yun didn't want to have another powerful enemy now. Wonderland!

"Let's go out and talk!"

Fairy Ling Que is very clever, she sees through Ye Yun's scruples, and is in the Lingxu Pavilion, Fairy Ling Que turns and walks out, Ye Yun immediately follows, and when she comes outside, the group of fairy kings are waiting in the corridor away, Ling Que Fairy Bird brought Ye Yun to a beautiful mountain peak.

Facing thousands of green mountains at this time, I really have a feeling that I will be the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains at a glance.

"There is nothing in this world, and there is no absolute loyalty. I don't think you will dedicate all the Ciyin Xingsha to the sect in vain!"

Fairy Lingque stood upright in the solitary wind, her figure was exquisite and handsome, and her pupils were shining with ice wisdom and intelligence, as if she wanted to see Ye Yun clearly.

"Good cultivation, good means. Do you know that I am just a clone. Although I am a clone, I have a third-level cultivation base of the Immortal King, and it is far stronger than the third-level Immortal King. Even the Suwen Immortal Ancestor behind you is not my opponent." !"

At this moment, Fairy Lingque showed appreciation for Ye Yun.

"Senior sister has a high level of cultivation, and my younger brother admires..." Ye Yun kept his expression on the ground. There must be reasons for such a strong person to leave his avatar in the Lower Chongxian Realm to practice. It's hard to say, it's really hard to say, it's better not to get too close .

Fairy Lingque giggled, feeling that she had become a man-eating tiger: "Don't worry, I'm not representing a sect, I just need magnetic silver star sand, and you also know that in Gaozhong fairyland, magnetic silver star sand is very Precious, this special substance is generally difficult for immortals to obtain!"

Fortunately, Ye Yun has strong concentration and has seen too many beauties, so he is not affected by it, and he still calmly said: "Fairy, don't take offense, I'm just curious, do the internal disciples of the sect also trade goods in private?"

"Of course, our power is free, and you also know that in the Zongmen, female disciples have a high status, and their power is comparable to that of Lingxu Pavilion. You didn't see it just now. Lingxu Pavilion saw me, and they also had to back away Speaking of the theme, you should feel at ease now, right?" Fairy Lingque still patiently explained.

"Senior sister, I still have some magnetic silver star sand..." Ye Yun let go.

Fairy Lingque gave a touching smile: "Hehe, I knew you were a smart person. Don't worry, the senior sister will not use power to overwhelm others. What is the price outside, the senior sister will trade fairly with the price!"

Ye Yun suddenly turned his eyes, and asked curiously: "The price is not a problem, this, Junior Brother wants to know, what is the origin of the Twelve Fairies? In terms of sect status, can they be compared with Xuedian and Shijia?"

"It's not surprising that you haven't heard of the Twelve Fairies. I am the last fairy. Of course, compared with Xuedian and Shijia, our Twelve Fairies are much weaker. However, our power is outside the sect, but We have a large network of connections. Our twelve sisters are not ordinary people. Some things cannot be compared with Xuedian and Shijia. They are just sects founded by the three geniuses of the sect, while some sects have It exists in the thousands of worlds in the fairy world!" Fairy Lingque replied ambiguously.

"Junior brother, I understand..."

Ye Yun has already found the answer from Fairy Lingque's implicit answers. Although there are not many, it is certain that the power of Twelve Fairies is outside the Xumi Cave's Tianzong Sect and has a large network of connections. , it is just an internal party in Xumidongtian, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be able to get out of the sect.

Ye Yun asked again: "Senior sister, how much magnetic silver star sand do you want?

"Of course, the more the better, but based on your current situation, it seems that you are not doing very well in the sect. You must not have too much magnetic silver star sand on your body. How about it, the senior sister needs the same amount, [-] catties of magnetic Silver Star Sand!" Fairy Lingque stretched out a finger.

"Well, that's all I have on me, but I have a request, I hope the price will be halved, and I want to make friends with the senior sister. Of course, if the senior sister is supreme and doesn't like the junior brother, you can say it clearly. After all, a low-level disciple like me , in the huge Sumeru Cave Heaven Sect, nothing!" Ye Yun suddenly flashed a strange light, but still caught a ray of light, and inside was a ball of magnetic silver star sand.

"I found that you are more like a businessman than I am, hehe, okay, then do as you like, here are 100 billion high-grade immortal stones, and my summoning talisman, if you need anything, just come to me!"

Fairy Lingque resolutely collected the magnetic silver star sand, took out a ring from the storage ring, handed it to Ye Yun, and injected a summoning talisman into the ring.

The 100 billion high-grade fairy stones are neither middle-grade nor low-grade, but top-grade. As expected of a high-ranking fairy world powerhouse, there are so many fairy stones without blinking.

Of course, Ye Yun understands that Fairy Lingque took advantage of this time, but in the future, Ye Yun will use the network of Twelve Fairies.

"Junior Brother, you can find Senior Sister anytime!"

Fairy Lingque left satisfied, and before leaving, she did not forget to show Ye Yun a sweet smile.

Ye Yun trembled secretly, this kind of strong person can step into the high-level fairyland, it is an existence that has undergone countless killings, and it is normal to kill people under a smiling face, this kind of person can only do business, not deep friendship.

Adjusting his mood, Ye Yun immediately flew towards the Void Prison Spiritual Realm.

In half an hour, Ye Yun traveled through mysterious light passages, passing through countless mountains and territories, and arrived at the Void Prison Spiritual Realm that he was all too familiar with.

He was here at the beginning, killed the fox demon and the evil, obtained three golden swords, and passed the first test.

"Junior Brother Ye is here!"

On the high platform of the Void Prison Spiritual Realm, thousands of disciples gathered around to watch the excitement, and several spiritual masters hurried to meet Ye Yun when they saw Ye Yun appear.

Ye Yun chatted with many disciples, almost all of these disciples met for the first time, and some of them were also geniuses, but they all lost their aura after Ye Yun completed the original task of Starfall.


Soon, three golden sword halos shot out from the mysterious enchantment of the Void Prison, and thousands of disciples were all shocked, because it took less than half a day for Wan Hai to enter, and he actually completed the task. This is probably because the Void Prison was established , at the fastest speed, the disciple guarding the Void Prison Spiritual Realm immediately opened the barrier, and Wanhai flew out in the form of mysterious light, and three golden swords were suspended in front of her.


Wanhai immediately became the target of all the disciples. With such strength, if he joins Xumi Cave, he will definitely be a genius in the future. After a lot of effort, Qiu Xunyan brought Wanhai, Ye Yun and a group of spiritual masters to fly to Lingxu Court.

Lingxu Pavilion!

In the four directions of the arena in the square at the back, many disciples had already heard the news and came to watch the excitement. A spiritual master sat on the main stage, and there were more than 100 people.

"Today, I'm going to be here, and slap that bitch hard..."

Immortal King Yaoli actually sat in the front row, her face was gloomy, she seemed to recall that year, right here, she was about to teach Ye Yun a lesson with great interest, but instead made Ye Yun the focus of everyone, making her lose face, she was originally Under Shi Chennian's will, she wanted to deal with Ye Yun. If she didn't complete this task, how would she survive in Gaozhong Immortal Realm.

"Nine-day competition to win the bid and kill the prison? Ye Yun, you want to join the competition. With your condition, can you complete the world-forbidden task? I will leave the most difficult task to you!"

Immortal King Yaoli smiled even brighter.

And from a passage of mysterious light, a group of people came flying in black. It was Qiu Xunyan who led Wanhai and hundreds of disciples from the virtual prison to complete the second test.

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