The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 636 People are not easy to bully

"Suwen Immortal Ancestor really has unique wisdom. He has joined the sect for tens of thousands of years and has never recommended a disciple. The last time he recommended Ye Yun, he actually completed the secret mission this time, made great contributions to the sect, and has to participate in the Nine Heavens Winning Prison Contest , and now another female disciple, in such a short amount of time, she managed to snatch three golden swords and complete the first test!"

Many psychic practitioners had their gazes on Wanhai and couldn't look away. Not only was Wanhai's extraordinary strength, but also his beauty.

"I'm afraid some people won't be able to sit still!"

"Hehe, this woman named Wanhai is stunningly beautiful and the most famous in the world. Once she enters the sect, she will become a thorn in the eyes of many people and a thorn in her flesh!"

The psychics talked about it.

"We must prevent her from entering the sect, she is a disaster..." Hearing what everyone said, Immortal King Yaoli suddenly felt boundless jealousy and selfish desires.

There are countless beautiful and strange women in Xumi Cave, as many as a cow's hair, and Yaoli Immortal King is just one of them. Female disciples fight openly and covertly, form cliques, recruit male disciples, and intrigue have the highest status. These are all very common things .

Instead of making her an enemy and then suppressing her, it is better to wait until she is fledgling and cut the weeds and roots.

Immortal King Yaoli seemed to have planted a deep imprint deep in her heart, that Wanhai would definitely become the dream lover of all the male disciples in Xumi Dongtian in the future, surpassing her.

Struggles are everywhere and raging at every moment.

Qiu Xunyan and the psychic flew into the high platform, while Wanhai fell into the center of the square alone, cold and proud like ice sculptures, Qiu Xunyan looked at the people in Lingxu Pavilion: "Everyone, Wanhai has passed the first test and won the three The golden sword has been checked and is correct, now we can start the second test!"

Everyone looked at each other: "Who is going to test?"

"The rules are strict, I'll go!"

Immortal King Yaoli did his part to stand up, and when everyone saw her leaving, no one objected any more. This kind of thing was already a troublesome matter. Since Immortal King Yaoli was going to be assessed, he would offend Immortal Ancestor Suwen, because Wanhai It was introduced by Suwen Xianzu, if she didn't pass it, he would naturally offend Xianzu.

Spiritual practitioners are all old men, so they would not do these thankless things, and they all wished for a leisurely and happy time.

"Wait a minute, Junior Sister Yaoli!"

Seeing that Immortal King Yaoli was about to fly into the square in high spirits, a few beautiful figures walked out from the Lingxu Pavilion. The leader was a blue group woman about 20 years old. Her voice was clear and clear, attracting everyone to look at it.

The girls in the blue group are like beautiful flowers blooming, and with their graceful figures, everyone can't even blink their eyes. Immortal King Yaoli's eyes froze: "Senior Sister Yan Lin, what advice do you have?"

"It's not about giving advice, but I just heard that some people have abused their power and bullied disciples recently. I follow the instructions of the cabinet, and I only hope that my junior sister will not do anything deviant, so that the cabinet will not find me for questioning!" Yan Lin said with a smile. Underneath, the corners of his mouth were raised.

"Yan Lin..."

Immortal King Yaoli was so angry that he was about to get angry, but his gloomy eyes flashed past, and he turned around with a smile on his face. Snake: "Snow Palace... It's Xue Palace again. I heard that they are going to drag that bitch Su Wen into the Snow Palace. It seems that Yan Lin's appearance is to help that bitch. I must embarrass her!"

"This Senior Brother, that Senior Sister Yan Linyan, is she from which party? It seems that she has a disagreement with Senior Sister Yaoli!"

On one side of the square, Ye Yun was inconspicuous among thousands of disciples, but no one dared to ignore him. Ye Yun had a panoramic view of what happened just now, and asked a fat disciple next to him.

This fat disciple is not a core disciple, but only a high-level disciple. He has an eighth-level cultivation of a great immortal, and he is also considered a figure. But in front of Ye Yun, who is in the limelight and has Suwen Xianzu as his backer, what is he? The Fat Immortal seemed very surprised and excited when he took the initiative to ask questions.

"Your brother has only been a student for a hundred years. Naturally, you don't know that there are a large number of brothers and sisters of immortal kings in the sect. This senior sister Yan Lin is a member of the largest party in our sect, Xuedian..."

The Fat Immortal was originally a chatterbox. Once the chatterbox was opened, it couldn't be closed at all. Ye Yun said everything, and he didn't care if you liked it or not.

Men talk too much, everyone hates it, and it is more troublesome than women.

"Snow Palace, it's Snow Palace again. As expected of the super sect of the sect, the members of Snow Palace are blooming everywhere. It turns out that dogs eat dogs, good, good!"

Ye Yun thought to himself, in Xumi Cave, almost all women are scheming, good at power, and don't have the taste that women should have. Ye Yun thought again: "Xuedian has good ears and eyes. If you want to win over Xianzu, you must immediately They rushed to protect Wanwan, but they underestimated Wanwan too much!"

"Wanhai is the first-level cultivation of the Immortal King. It seems to be in the early stage, and Junior Sister Yaoli is in the late stage. Even if Junior Sister Yaoli makes it difficult for Wanhai, it will not be easy. I am worrying too much. It is nothing to win Suwen into the party! "Yan Lin came to the high platform with a few women and sat down. Among all the magicians, they are all superior.

"Wanhai, if you want to join Sumeru Cave, it's not about how advanced your cultivation is, but about the law and the rules. I know you were introduced by Senior Sister Suwen, but as a spiritual person, I must distinguish between public and private, and accept Three tricks, you will pass!"

On the square, Immortal King Yaoli sneered step by step as he landed, walking towards Wanhai.

Wanhai looks so plain and simple, with a sea blue long dress, without any special accessories, compared to Immortal King Yaoli, Wanhai is like a country girl entering the city, all the attire is actually superfluous to Wanhai , because of her natural beauty and fresh beauty, as long as you take a closer look, you will never forget it.

"Immortal King Yaoli?"

Wanhai didn't say much all the time, didn't make unnecessary movements, and stood quietly, but as Immortal King Yaoli approached step by step, Wanhai's Rui Guang, who had experienced countless slaughters in the Ocean of Tears, slowly burst out.

Everyone thought that Wanhai seemed weak, but they were all wrong. In Sumeru Cave, I am afraid that there are not many women who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Wanhai in life and death.

"I want to leave scars on your face that will never fade away!"

Suddenly, as soon as Immortal King Yaoli flipped his hand, there was a black flower in his hand. This magic weapon was very wonderful. I saw Immortal King Yaoli urged the black flower with all his strength, compressed a black storm, and slammed at Wanhai. palm strike.

"That's Manyu Poisonous Flower..." Immortal King Yan Lin on the high platform suddenly stood up, and the other disciples also stood up when they heard the word Manyu Poisonous Flower, and were about to rush to stop Immortal King Yaoli.

It seems that the black flower is an evil magic weapon that everyone fears.

"Manyu poisonous flower? This highly poisonous thing is feared by everyone in the fairy world. Immortal King Yaoli is really insidious. He used such methods to deal with Wanwan..." Ye Yun flashed murderous intent.

"You thought you won?

Under the terrifying black storm that was about to press down, Wanhai remained calm and composed. A little blue brilliance condensed on the tip of her right finger, and she looked at Immortal King Yaoli arrogantly: "You can't live by yourself, you use this method to deal with others, you don't know the harm!" How many people died, let you taste the consequences today!"


Just flicking his fingers slightly, under the cold and proud eyes, that point of blue brilliance pierced into the space like the edge of a sword, and flew into the black storm with lightning speed in the void at a speed five times faster than that of Immortal King Yaoli, stirring up the storm. It was torn apart, and Immortal King Yaoli's face changed suddenly, and he wanted to run away.

"Impossible, her strength is at the early stage of Tier [-], and I am at the late stage, how could she have power comparable to Tier [-]?" Immortal King Yaoli was defeated, ignoring the black flower.


If you want to escape in front of Wanhai, unless you are an eighth-rank giant of the Immortal King, just as Immortal King Yaoli flashed through the shattered black storm, the blue brilliance exploded at once, and a burst of blue crystal brilliance wiped out all the power of the black storm, and The black flowers poured down on Yaoli Immortal King like a torrential rain.


The black storm and the many jade poisonous flowers drenched the unresisting Yaoli Immortal King like water, and it came too fast. It's not that Yaoli Immortal King couldn't dodge, but she couldn't dodge, as if the space was frozen.


Suddenly, a heart-piercing scream came from the square, making countless disciples tremble.

"My skin, my face... no, no, no!" Immortal King Yaoli fell to the ground, and the back of her hands, palms, face, and skin all over her body began to fester. After the stench, Immortal King Yaoli changed from a fairy with peerless beauty to a disgusting ugly woman.

"I said, you can't live without doing your own crimes!" Wan Hai turned expressionlessly, turned around and flew towards Ye Yun silently.

"No, no..." Immortal King Yaoli screamed on the ground like crazy, the black flower released bursts of venom, pouring into her body continuously.

Immortal King Yaoli is finished!

Immortal King Yan Lin seemed extremely worried about Immortal King Yaoli, and eagerly waved to the stunned spirit practitioners around him, "Hurry up and save people, and detoxify my junior sister!"

"Senior Sister Qiu, according to the sect's rules and everyone's testimony, Junior Sister Wan has passed the test, I hope Lingxu Pavilion will deal with this matter immediately!" Under the jealous eyes of everyone, the two flew into the void and disappeared into the mysterious light passage.

The remaining disciples called out abnormal in their hearts.

"This is my dojo, and it's nothing in Sumeru Cave. Fortunately, with the seal, no one's thoughts can penetrate it!"

In a short while, Ye Yun and Wan Hai walked out of the Xuanguang Passage, and appeared in a mountain peak. This is where Ye Yun should become a core disciple.

There was another movement, and the next moment, the two of them appeared in front of a pavilion, as if the release of the Buddha Yaoli Immortal King had never happened, Ye Yun arranged a series of seals indifferently, and then entered the Jiulong space with Wanhai.

The reason why he is so anxious is because Ye Yun wants to speed up his practice, store up his strength, and prepare for the next World Forbidden Mission. Ye Yun is very clear that the Forbidden World Mission must be no small matter.

Participating in the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest is the best stage for his fame in the fairy world.


Sumeru Immortal Territory, in a unique cave with beautiful green water and exquisite layout, in the depths of a palace, amidst layers of forbidden methods, Immortal King Yaoli is surrounded by green qi all over his body, And next to her was a plump woman with frosty cheeks.

The woman is about 26 years old, imposing, not angry and majestic, with the aura of an immortal king, I don't know how many times stronger than the first level of the immortal king, she is controlling the green qi with both hands, pulling out a large amount of poison from the body of the Yaoli fairy king, and the Yaoli fairy The king's rotting skin began to slowly heal.

However, her face was left with black blood spots that were difficult to recover.

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