The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 637: Forbidden World-Level Mission Issued

Immortal King Yaoli seemed to have lost all vitality, lying flat in the green void, although the rotten skin had improved, but the black blood spots left behind were deeply burned on it.

"Manyu poisonous flower? What a lotus poisonous flower, this kind of poison was originally used by a cult, and many righteous people can't hide when they see it. Why did you go looking for this kind of poison?"

The mature woman continuously injects green true energy, and draws out the poisonous energy for Immortal King Yaoli, worrying and complaining at the same time.

"Suwen slut... They are all Suwen sluts, and that Ye Yun, and the female slut named Wanhai, why? I want to be favored by the young master. Not only will I be promoted to the high-level fairy world, but I will also be able to double-cultivate to the high-level fairy king." , the Immortal Emperor is not a dream either!"

why! ?

Immortal King Yaoli was full of resentment when she spoke, every word, resentment made people feel chilly, she didn't believe it, and she didn't understand why she ended up like this today, she shouldn't have this kind of end.

"Plain question? Another plain question?"

As soon as the woman heard this, she became angry, no matter what mood Yaoli Immortal King was in, she immediately reprimanded: "How many times have I told you, since you can't deal with Suwen Xianzu, don't deal with him. You once served Shi Chennian You can be regarded as a son and a woman, as long as the master uses his connections, you can go to the Gaozhong Immortal Realm anytime!"

Immortal King Yaoli suddenly stretched out his hand and tightly grasped the woman's wrist: "No, no, master, I don't want to be an ordinary concubine, I want to be the only woman of the son, I don't want to be stepped on, I want to be a master , control a harem!"

"Give up, you have got this field now, don't think about your son, fortunately, you have good aptitude, relying on your own hard work, there is hope to be promoted to the fourth-level cultivation base of the Immortal King, and you will have a good position in the fifth-level and sixth-level fairy world, Manyu The poison of the poisonous flower is extremely strange, unless there is a master of the immortal emperor, it can be extracted perfectly, so you don't have to think about anything else in this life!" The woman really felt helpless.

Live an ordinary life!

"I'm not reconciled...not reconciled, I want revenge, I want you to be the only woman!" Yaoli Immortal King suddenly closed her eyes, and at that moment, her eyes were almost filled with curses and evil thoughts.

" don't have to worry, the young master has given up on Su Wen as soon as he knows that Xuedian is wooing Su Wen. Su Wen will not end well, and anyone who has anything to do with her will end well!"

The woman shook her head, continued to release her strength, took out another mellow pill, and gave it to Immortal King Yaoli to remove the black blood spots as much as possible.


Lingxu Pavilion, the world of forbidden law.

More than 1000 immortal kings from the first to second ranks, or even third ranks, sat cross-legged in the void of the forbidden law. The master of the pavilion, Guixu Zhenren, sat on the top with a dozen elders who were also third ranks of the immortal kings, and were discussing the nine-day bid to kill the prison. Contest thing.

"This competition is in charge of the old man. Ladies and gentlemen, how many disciples have signed up for the competition?" Daoist Guixu sat cross-legged like a rock, sweeping away everyone, full of supreme majesty.

Back then in Leiyin Mountain, there were very few second-level Immortal Kings, but in Xumi Cave, there were second-level Immortal Kings all over the place, and third-level Immortal Kings could be seen everywhere.

Some old men sitting cross-legged in the center began to count their fingers.

"Brother, a total of [-] disciples signed up to participate in the competition this time!" A middle-aged second-rank fairy king nodded and looked at Guixu after a while.

A skinny old man next to him frowned: "One hundred and six, don't you want to come up with one hundred and five forbidden world-level tasks at once? Some of the forbidden world-level tasks are set up to test disciples, and some are real. It is difficult to complete, and many talented disciples have been sacrificed all the time!"

"Brother Yuan, the sect needs to develop and set up forbidden world-level missions. It is to train disciples and not be afraid of life and death. Only then can they be qualified to receive the key training of the sect. It's nothing if some disciples die!"

"Sacrificing disciples to obtain outstanding talents is indeed the core method of every sect. The [-] disciples who signed up this time are all genius disciples who have emerged in the past ten thousand years. They are all extraordinary. If someone can kill the Great Immortal, someone at the first level of the Immortal King can fight against the high level of the Immortal King!"


These elders expressed their opinions sporadically.

The Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest is not only the best opportunity to train disciples, but also an opportunity for super-class sects to compete with each other, show their strength, and become famous in the fairy world. As spiritual practitioners, they have to be cautious in every decision.

"The competition is imminent. These disciples have enough time for 50 years to complete the task. Everyone, since the minority obeys the majority, I decided to select 53 tasks for the competition and divide them into 53 groups. Every two disciples will perform the same task. All will prosper, all will be damaged, test the trust, cooperation and overall strength of the disciples, immediately let the people below prepare the detailed rules and issue them!"

After half a day, everyone finally had a result, which was announced by Master Guixu.


Some young magicians left the forbidden world one after another.


Kowloon God Ring Space!


A series of infinite sun and moon thunders wrapped around Ye Yun. He was floating on the altar, with the moon in his left hand and the sun in his right hand. The two different forms of sky thunder merged and separated from each other.

Just above the void more than a dozen feet away, Wanhai sat in front of the heart of the sea, with his hands lightly suspended in the sky, from the heart of the sea, the light of the blue ocean poured into Wanhai's body, the immortal Wanhai Wang's eighth-level aura is fully unfolded, a hundred times stronger than Ye Yun's aura below.

"It's time to break through the first rank of true immortal and advance to the second rank!"

Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes, Shenyue in his left hand and Sunrihula in his right hand disappeared, one after another flames with the aura of catastrophe were released from Ye Yun's body, and radiated continuously through the skin and fine hair, the fires of robbery began to combine and burned more and more The more vigorous it is, the furnace of destruction gradually begins to form from the bottom.

The power of the fire is like a worker laying the foundation. The stove is formed in an orderly manner, wrapping Ye Yun, forming a ten-foot-high flame that is as strong as a bell, and it is full of dense divinity and breath of destruction. Ye Yun himself has reached The body of a demigod comes from the fire in the body, and it has infinite divinity.

This cannot be suppressed. To cross the catastrophe and break through the realm, you need to release your whole body. The divinity will emerge from the golden core, bone marrow, and blood essence, and merge into the furnace of destruction. In this way, the furnace of destruction will be indestructible .

"Breakthrough into the real fairyland, the divinity becomes more pure and cannot be suppressed. It is nothing in the real fairyland and the great fairyland. Once promoted to the fairy king, fairy emperor, especially the fairy emperor, it may be difficult to break through!"

Ye Yun saw the difficulty of improving the realm in the future. At the end of cultivation, as the strength becomes stronger, it will usher in a wider and boundless power. Then it will be more difficult to break through, especially to reach the ultimate realm of the immortal emperor. Every step is different. strength.

Don't look at Ye Yun who can leapfrog any great immortal, even the first rank of Immortal King, in the True Immortal Realm now, but in the Immortal Emperor Realm, he can go from the first rank of Immortal Emperor to the tenth rank of Immortal Emperor, which is considered unprecedented.

After all, the real fairyland and the great fairyland are small existences in the fairyland, and the fairy king is the king, and the first level of the fairy king reaches the tenth level, and the gap in strength is also very large. Ye Yun's advantage will decline in the future, but he can cross the ladder in the fairy emperor , beheading a high-level powerhouse is also No. 1 in the creation of the world.

"True Immortal Level [-], broken!"

The breaking furnace was finally formed and stabilized. Ye Yun also felt his body was released to the end and fully unfolded. Now is his real state. His left hand is holding the Shenyue, and his right hand is holding the Shenyue. There are two different forms of thunder. Ye Yun's two fists, left and right respectively, hit the solid furnace wall of the broken furnace.


Ye Yun's brain was buzzing, the Pojie Stove was really solid, but his energy was unceasing, and when his momentum changed, he exploded with anger, and with a bang, he smashed the Pojie Stove to pieces, scattered pieces one by one, And Ye Yun was shocked by the aura of breaking robbery.

"Shuang, it's so cool. Although the physical body has not changed much, the meridians have expanded again. I feel as light as a swallow, and like an ancient mountain!"

After breaking the Broken Furnace, Ye Yun completely relaxed his body, felt the disappearance of the broken robbery breath, and transformed his physical body. Although the meridians, bones, cells, and golden cores have not changed drastically, it is obvious that the whole body has undergone a huge change, especially the meridians. , expanded again.

The real fairyland is still an ant in the fairyland. It is not difficult for a fairy to break through. Some geniuses can enter the great fairyland from the first level of the real fairy in less than ten thousand years. For Ye Yun, it is relatively easy, and he is not affected by the imagination. shackles.

"The Taiyi God Furnace has absorbed a lot of energy for hundreds of years. This forbidden world-level mission is not a big problem for me, as long as it is no longer a tasteless forbidden place like the Starfall Plain..."

Immediately, Ye Yun thought of the Forbidden World-level mission, which might be coming soon. The Forbidden-World-level mission is several times more difficult than the Secret-level mission, and many disciples died in the mission.

But Ye Yun's strength is unpredictable. As long as it is not a peerless figure like the emperor of Xingdu, and a forbidden place like the Starfall Plain, Ye Yun is confident to complete it. It's hard to say if there really is such a terrifying forbidden area.

"Originally, I wanted to use the meteorite egg to go to the Ocean of Tears, absorb all the energy of the star capital emperor, and then kill him. Seeing that he is still arrogant, but who knows what will happen when the stone egg absorbs too much energy? If I can't stop it, I'm still unlucky, and if the power of a majestic Immortal Emperor is absorbed by the stone egg, wouldn't it be a waste!"

Thinking of the land of falling stars, the emperor of the star capital appeared, and a series of problems came out, especially the meteorite egg. Ye Yun really felt that there was a bomb in his body.

"Someone touched the restriction? It should be a spiritual practitioner!"

Ye Yun stood up suddenly, and a thought was transmitted to Wanhai, Wanhai also flew down from the void, sealed the eighth-level cultivation of the Immortal King, and left the Nine Dragons space with Ye Yun.

"I didn't expect such a profound restriction to exist in Ye Yun's dojo..."

In a passage of mysterious light outside the dojo, Qiu Xunyan and dozens of spiritual masters came solemnly holding a decree, but if they wanted to enter the dojo, the passage of Xuanguang touched the void restriction, and the whole space became distorted. Those who have to stop.

"It's really enviable to be surrounded by an ancestor-level figure and have unlimited resources!"

Individual spiritual practitioners, looking at such a vast number of forbidden methods, thought that it was not done by Ye Yun, but by Suwen Xianzu. These people's psychology is extremely unbalanced.

Envy, jealousy and hatred are in the hearts of these disciples, and they scratch it.


Qiu Xunyan turned around and drank, sweeping out his domineering aura, and immediately quieted everyone down.

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