"Pang Xuan's powerful methods are emerging one after another, and the Pang family is indeed a big family!" Ye Yun followed behind, and was stunned by Pang Xuan's methods for a long time.

However, how could the Almighty Sect's Heavenly Sect master be played around by him, and he would see and ignore him.

"Great Lord, come your punishment!"

Seeing nearly seventy masters wanted to catch Pang Xuan, but Pang Xuan slipped away again. The omnipotent master suddenly sacrificed a seal. Immediately, dark clouds billowed in the void, and a boundless force of will suddenly turned into a The big hand, condensing all the laws of the Tianchuan Realm, pointed towards the void.


The void immediately exploded, and dozens of Immortal King powerhouses from the Almighty Teaching appeared in the explosion space at the speed of lightning, enclosing the space tightly.

"Cough cough!"

In the exploding space, the destructive power could simply slaughter a third-tier Immortal King powerhouse, and Pang Xuan's distressed voice came from it.

"This kid... is quite a character, but he was attacked by the verdict and did not fall..." The Heavenly Sect powerhouse of the Almighty Sect retreated the top of his robe, revealing a young man with a face of less than 25 years old, extremely handsome.

The young man from Tianjiao glanced at Pang Xuan and saw that Pang Xuan was surrounded by a mysterious light, so he smiled unexpectedly: "Oh? That is... so there is an expert who planted an energy seed in his body... It is an energy seed that saved him. My life!"


Pang Xuan, who was wrapped in Xuanguang, suddenly heaved his body and spewed out a stream of hot blood. His face was pale, as if his energy was about to be exhausted, because the power that attacked him just now was from the power of the Almighty Sect's judgment. It was too terrifying. The blow of the judgment, It is inconceivable that Pang Xuan was only injured.

"Don't be one-on-one, this Sumeru Cave disciple is stronger than the disciples who came before, use the power of the sacrifice, and use the formation to kill him!"

The Tianjiao youth deserved to be the true master of the Almighty Cult. A Tianjiao, the master of the Tianjiao, did not make a move, nor did he let his subordinates make a move. Instead, he asked them to join forces to form a formation and attack Pang Xuan.

That way, you don't have to lose a single person.

"Great Lord, bestow upon me..."

Dozens of immortal kings joined forces to launch an attack, only to see that all the energy in the void of the Tianchuan Realm rushed towards them, and formed a huge cage to enclose Pang Xuan. If these people attacked and released, Pang Xuan I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist, because the opponent's joint strength is already no lower than the third rank of Immortal King.

In addition, Pang Xuan was seriously injured, it can be said that misfortunes never come singly.

Seeing that the cage formed by the energy of heaven and earth is about to trap Pang Xuan, if he is trapped, Pang Xuan will be really imprisoned and beheaded by all the immortals. This is the power of Almighty Cult!

"Boom...Brother Pang, separate and escape!"

Just when Pang Xuan looked distressed, a big hand suddenly grabbed the heaven and earth cage that was about to be wrapped, and the cage shattered. Ye Yun flashed, releasing a wave of true energy to wrap around Pang Xuan.

"Brother Ye, it's you!?" Pang Xuan was so shocked that he couldn't believe Ye Yun's sudden appearance.

"You and I escape separately. These people join forces, it's unimaginable. Let's talk about you and I escape separately. Let's go!"

Ye Yun didn't waste time, with a flick of his sleeves, his true energy wrapped around Pang Xuan, like a beast, dragging Pang Xuan into the void and disappearing, he didn't know where he was thrown by Ye Yun.

The youth of the Heavenly Sect suddenly shouted: "Another Xumidongtian disciple comes, kill him first, that kid is seriously injured, as long as we don't delay too long, we can catch him!"

"The Burial Bow!"

At this time, Ye Yun didn't want to explode his strength, but grabbed the Burial Bow, condensed the Holy Spear of Light, and then fled in the direction where Pang Xuan disappeared in a flash.

"Everyone, be careful, this kid has a ninth-grade magical artifact in his hand. In addition, this person's strength is also extraordinary. When he activates the immortal artifact, he can kill the first-rank immortal king. Be careful and protect all brothers!" He fled, and immediately waved his hand, and everyone chased him down.

A group of immortal king masters pierced through the void, chasing and killing Ye Yun who was tens of miles away. Ye Yun was very fast, but not really fast. He wanted to entangle this group of people and try to make Pang Xuan escape as far away as possible. In this way, he can kill this group of people and gain energy while exposing his strength.

"Pang Xuan's escape method is really clever, and the time is about the same. This territory is not the center controlled by the Almighty Cult. Killing these people is the best place!"

In an instant, Ye Yun laughed, a sinister smile, even more evil than a cult, and his speed gradually slowed down, making the Almighty Teacher get closer and closer.

With almost one breath, dozens of immortal kings came chasing after him, and in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen second-level masters of immortal kings blocked Ye Yun's path, and others surrounded him one after another.

"Kill him!" The young Tianjiao master had no intention of making a move at all, not even a trace of anger, as if he was not worried that Ye Yun and Pang Xuan would escape from the Tianchuan Realm at all.

"Haha, if you want to kill me, how can I let you go? Cult, whether you kill me or not, whether you have any grievances or not, I will kill you all!"

Ye Yun suddenly laughed again, the masters of the Almighty Teacher thought he was a lunatic, and he could still laugh at this moment, could he still escape, or fight against so many masters of the Almighty Teacher?

"Kill!" Dozens of Immortal Kings join forces to absorb the energy of the world and transform it into an attack. Joining forces is not a joke.

Ye Yun, how could you give them time to complete the attack!

"Dark Sun Moon Thunder Control Art!"

The huge sea of ​​primordial spirit surged up, Ye Yun's thoughts moved, like the power of thunder, suddenly, in the void, in the void where the Almighty Sect master was, strands of burning sky thunder flames rushed down like a big net, coming suddenly.

"No, this kid is a real master!" Tianjiao, a youth of Almighty Cult, and others who thought he was a third-level master of the Immortal King, were confident and calm, but when they saw the burning thunder flames, they immediately cast their defenses.


The first-order powerhouses of the Immortal Kings did not respond so promptly. The burning thunder light suddenly appeared, enveloping their bodies, and the flames enveloped them. They screamed like killing pigs, and they were in pain. And with three breaths, each Immortal King Soon to be beheaded.

"Shinra Domain!"

Ye Yun didn't want these immortal kings to fall, so with a thought, the Shenluo domain opened up, and nearly seventy immortal kings were imprisoned in the domain.

"No, let's kill it quickly, this kid is a freak, his strength is too strong!" The other fairy kings were all entangled by the thunder and flames, desperate to live, entangled between death and life.

The young Tianjiao and another old man of the third rank of the Immortal King released their aura and intercepted the thunder and light flames, but they did not expect to fall into the domain. They have already seen that Ye Yun is not an ordinary disciple, nor is it an ordinary strong man, he can fight against the third rank of the Immortal King the supreme figure.

"You want to leave? It's too late. I've been promoted to the eighth rank of True Immortal, and I haven't yet fought against the third-rank giant of the Immortal King. I hope you don't let me down!"

Ye Yun appeared in front of the two masters out of nothingness, this is his domain, he is a god, omnipotent, with his left hand he casts Eight Desolation Yin Thunder Palm, and his right hand Wuji God Sun Sword.

"This qigong..."

Two third-tier immortal kings, like Suwen Immortal Ancestor and Guixu Daoist, have lived for an unknown number of years. The super giant of the fourth-layer fairy world, the venerable Almighty Sect, saw Ye Yun's left and right hands. , suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, this kind of momentum completely surpassed the third rank of Immortal King.

"Okay, since the boat capsized in the gutter today, we will hold you back even if we die..."

The two masters resolutely chose to confront each other. The third-level power of the Immortal King in their bodies erupted like a natural disaster, shaking the Shenluo domain.


Ye Yun moved out his left and right hands at the same time.

"We have been famous for many years. As a junior, you want to kill us so easily?" The two masters of the Heavenly Sect released their powerful power, especially took out a bronze mirror, blessed with countless energies, making them like King Kong Same, invincible, slashing towards Ye Yun.


Ye Yun was startled, it was the bronze mirror again, it really was used to transmit power.

Pom Pom!

The Bahuang Yinlei Palm in the left hand and the Wuji God Sun Sword in the right collided fiercely with two strong men respectively. The three domineering auras of the Immortal King exploded in the void, and the flames billowed. It's cheap, but it's obvious that Ye Yun is one-on-two, and Ye Yun still has the advantage.

"Where did you come from as a genius? How did Xumi Dongtian produce such a freak like you in these years?"

Although the two masters were not defeated, but when they confronted Ye Yun head-on, it felt that Ye Yun's strength was bottomless, especially his physical body, which penetrated into the vast ocean, which is definitely not something ordinary people can possess.

Ye Yun smiled domineeringly, and finally he was evenly matched with the master of the Immortal King. They fought head-to-head for a day: "I respect you for being a generation of masters, but it is a pity that you have become a cult, so I will tell you that I am the core disciple of Xumi Cave, Ye Yun, and I want to take you today." Human head!"

"Ye Yun, we remember you, if you die today, you will become the perfect souvenir in our hands, my Lord bless you!"

The two masters actually crushed the bronze mirror, and the dense fragments entered their skins, and their aura suddenly doubled, that is to say, they were twice as powerful as before, surpassing the third rank of Immortal King.

"No wonder you can behead the strong in Xumi Dongtian's cabinet... Your master is the evil master, and he will die in my hands in the future. I will use the strongest punch to send you off the road. Change to the magic fist early, the fifth style, breaking the sky!"

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows, and in an instant, he knew that the opponent's strength had reached the level that he had to fight with all his strength, so he unleashed the Divine Fortune Fist that he had just comprehended, with countless fist meanings, countless divinity, pouring into his true energy.


The two masters, using the power of blessing, condensed each in the palm of their hand. This palm can pierce any substance, even a fourth-grade fairy weapon, it will be shattered.

"Good fortune, breaking the sky!"

With Ye Yun's left and right hands, he unleashed the Good Fortune Fist at the same time, and a large amount of true energy and divinity in his body were absorbed into the profound meaning of the boxing technique. It seemed calm, and collided with the power of the palms of the two masters.


The Shenluo domain could barely hold on, as if it was about to collapse. Ye Yun's body was like a big bow, and his fists hit the palms of the two masters. The two masters were like wooden figures. They opened their mouths wide and looked at Ye Yun in disbelief. Their eyes, The sacred brilliance began to appear, and then from the inside of the body, infinite holy light rose.

"What kind of boxing technique is this..."

At the last moment, the two masters didn't understand why the power of punching can directly shatter their ultimate power and enter the physical body with an ordinary punch. Moreover, they don't feel pain, but a kind of relief. The power of punching, Like the sun rising in them.

For a moment, let them see what others can't see.

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