"If the space storm is scary, the puppet guardian is even more terrifying!"

Standing in front of the crowd, and surrounded by psychics, Di Ao is simply the elder of the sect. He is full of stars, and immediately his voice is like thunder: "The biggest enemy? Everyone often thinks about this question, who is the biggest enemy? Few people would think that the biggest enemy is actually themselves!"


In an instant, no matter whether it was the spiritual master or the 14 people, they were all guided by Di Ao's words, and they were all amazed.

Enemy, who is the strongest enemy?

Everyone often has this question.

Under everyone's expectation, Emperor Ao condensed countless divine lights and waved his hand: "The Gate of Nine Heavens is a magic weapon left by the ancient immortals. Its power is unparalleled. The guardian of the puppet stood up to protect the championship. To win the championship, you must first defeat the guardian of the puppet." Or, the reason why you ask who your biggest enemy is is because the puppet guardian has the ability to imitate the strength of any bidder, that is to say, when you want to win the bid, contact the puppet guardian, and the puppet guardian will Sensing your cultivation, it simulates a puppet with exactly the same strength as yours, that is to say, to win the championship, you must first defeat yourself!"

"So amazing!!!"

Everyone couldn't help frowning, shocked and sighed.

If you ask, when you meet a strong enemy that you can't challenge, you can always try your best to kill him. If you meet another self with the same strength and supernatural power, how can you fight?

This is a contradiction, but not a contradiction.

Ye Yun's palms were sweating coldly. He never expected that such perverted supernatural powers still existed in the fairy world. Ye Yun was not confident that he could defeat the same self, so he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "No wonder there are so many disciples in Xumi Cave, and there are Six Paths Sacred Mountains." , Those geniuses of the Sanqing Xianmen sect have only fifteen disciples participating, not because there are not enough places, even if they are given more, there are not many people. If you have the courage to step into the gate of the nine heavens, if you enter the gate of the nine heavens, you will either fall or die. Success, there is no retreat!"

If you choose to participate, you cannot look back.

What a super-class sect needs is not a coward, but a truly strong-willed and courageous strongman. This is the last word for a sect to survive and develop for a long time.

The Nine Heavens Winning Prison Contest is actually an opportunity to challenge yourself and defeat yourself. It is not just killing, competition, or trial. This is the real training, and it is the best resource left by the ancient immortals to the fairy world.

At first, Ye Yun thought that the Nine Days Prison Killing Contest was just a killing field, and the victor would be able to win the championship through unlimited killings, but he didn't expect it to be this way.

Di Ao introduced again: "Junior Brothers, of course, in the Gate of Nine Heavens, apart from the unpredictable space storms and puppet guardians, you can obtain special fruits of virtual essence. It is the fruit brewed after the fall of countless strong people. A fruit is of great help to the cultivation of the primordial spirit. The effect is very miraculous. Zhiguo, after coming out, his strength has greatly increased, and he has stepped into the forest of immortal kings! Well, that’s about it, you have to have strong confidence, believe in yourself, and you will be able to stand out! As many people as you want to enter, as many people will come out!”

"Thank you, brother!" Everyone saluted immediately.

"The mission has been completed, all senior brothers and sisters, we are all acquaintances, there is no need to send them far away, farewell!"

Di Ao gracefully saluted the high-level people of Lingxu Pavilion, before he could see clearly, it turned into a ray of mysterious light, slowly flew towards the sky of forbidden law, flew into the depths and disappeared without a trace.

"Senior brother Di Ao, the dragon sees the head but doesn't see the end!" Every spiritual practitioner wanted to make friends with a high-level genius in the fairy world like Di Ao, but unfortunately, they could only see from a distance, not myopia.

"Brother Pang, do you know some information about Di Ao's family?"

The next step was the higher-ups of Lingxu Pavilion. About half a day later, 14 people left Lingxu Pavilion and walked out of the main hall. Ye Yun and Pang Xuan walked on the side. Ye Yun couldn't wait to ask Pang Xuan about the emperor's family.

"Emperor's family?"

Pang Xuan was stunned for a moment, his previous vision and foresight disappeared, he was startled slowly, and shook his hand: "I don't know about this, I only know that it is very mysterious, but I can ask the elders of the family, our Pang family has a long history , For any family, there are records and contacts, such as the Shi family, as for the Dou family, there are very detailed records!"

"The Di family is so mysterious?" Ye Yun's heart throbbed suddenly. Fortunately, in the mortal world, Di Tian was his enemy. With Di Tian's fall, there was no hostile relationship between Ye Yun and Di Ao.

Di Ao is Di Ao, and Di Tian is Di Tian. Although they belong to the same family, Ye Yun has no one who wants to hate the Di family. Besides, Di Ao is not a simple person, and Ye Yun doesn't want to make enemies everywhere in the fairy world.

You can't offend you alone, it means that his family offends you.

"Then trouble brother Pang, inquire about the Emperor's family for me!"

Although he is not an enemy with Di Ao, Ye Yun also wants to know the origin of Di Ao's family. Ye Yun saw Di Tian's extraordinary back then. The grievances between Di Tian and Di Tian were over, and now seeing Di Ao suddenly, Ye Yun wanted to find out the true background of the Di family.

In the vast fairy world, any unexpected things will happen. For example, the puppet guardian of the Gate of Nine Heavens has the supernatural power to simulate anyone's strength. Although Di Tian was killed by Ye Yun, the cause and effect with the Di family is not over. This accident When meeting Emperor Ao, Ye Yun felt that there was still something to do with the Emperor's family.

Of course, he also hopes that this idea is just an illusion, nothing more than unfounded worry!

"Hehe, this trivial matter is not worth mentioning. Brother Ye, if you and I complete the mission, then you and I will be in the same camp in the future, and we must help each other. In the fairy world, factional disputes, major disciples scramble for power, and killings continue!"

Pang Xuan suddenly opened his mind to Ye Yun, no longer superior, but sincere eyes.

He is not a fool. Ye Yun can complete the task and escape from the pursuit of the Almighty Master who seriously injured him. It seems to be a weak chicken, but it is actually a real master who hides his secrets.

Pang Xuan's subtle change, how come Ye Yun can't see it from the subtleties.

Ye Yun showed a natural smile, this is what he wanted. After all, the Pang family is a big family, and Pang Xuan is a genius. , but for the sake of profit, many people can't stick to the principle, they will always be swayed by the interests, and eventually get lost. Since brother Pang thinks highly of the younger brother, then the younger brother will naturally stand in the same camp as the older brother, and fight against any enemy!"

"Okay!" Pang Xuan smiled brightly.

"Brother Pang, why are you laughing so heartily? We all agreed that we should get together, so we'll go to Sister Li's dojo. What do you and Junior Brother Ye think?"

At this time, a heroic young man suddenly walked towards Pang Xuan with two masters. They glanced at Ye Yun with disdain, and all fell on Pang Xuan.


Pang Xuan was stunned for a moment, then looked up and saw that other disciples seemed to be waiting for his answer. Pang Xuan nodded: "Junior Sister Li? Of course!"

"Let's go then!"

The young man looked back gracefully and nodded towards those people. Pang Xuan and Ye Yun followed behind them and flew away from Lingxu Pavilion. Eight male disciples followed behind six female disciples, very politely.

After walking through the Xuanguang Passage for a while, he walked out of the passage, facing a floating holy mountain, with golden light shining on it, and several golden palaces, which were extraordinarily dazzling, even more resplendent than the imperial palace.

"Congratulations, master!"

From the holy mountain, more than [-] male pets and maidservants flew all at once.

Ye Yun glanced secretly. Among the six women, the most beautiful woman in the world looked like she was spoiled and spoiled: "Li Yunyun's life is really luxurious and unrestrained. In the quadruple fairy world, disciples who support male pets and maidservants, It's really rare, what's the background of this Li Yunyun?"

This is the first time that Ye Yun actually saw a female disciple raise slaves when he entered Xumi Cave!

"Brother Ye, be careful. Li Yunyun's background is very complicated. A strong man in her family is a giant in the sect of the Jiuzhong Immortal Realm. Who dares to offend her. Although she is in the Quadruple Immortal Realm, sooner or later I want to step into the Nine Layers of Immortal Realm!" Pang Xuan just reminded Ye Yun, from his gaze, it can be seen that even he is somewhat afraid of Li Yunyun.

Ye Yun fell silent, and as the crowd flew into the Holy Mountain Palace, he saw more than 100 slaves who even knelt down to welcome Li Yunyun. Waiting, the eyes of these people were full of trembling towards Li Yunyun.

In Sumeru Cave, Ye Yun had countless people talk about these lowly slaves, their lives are miserable, they are not as good as pigs and dogs, and if they don't pay attention, they will be beheaded by their masters.

Seeing these male pets kneeling down, they are not actually male pets, but male slaves. Male pets are objects of dual cultivation of women, and their status is not slaves, but fellow practitioners.

These male slaves are even more miserable, life and death are endless, and their heads will fall at any time.

"Welcome brothers and sisters, please sit down, don't see outsiders, be polite!"

In a palace decorated with gold and green and blue, with some silver sand curtains, Li Yunyun sat in the center, inviting everyone to sit in turn.

"Li Yunyun is also considered to be outstandingly beautiful...but this kind of heart is not flattering!"

Ye Yun was sitting on one side with Pang Xuan, and happened to meet Li Yunyun in front of her. This was the first time Ye Yun saw her in front of her. She was really a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, Sumeru Cave was lacking in everything except beautiful women. , looking up casually, it is no exaggeration to say that the beauties are like swarms of butterflies flying by.

People like Qiu Xunyan, Fairy Jinling, and Fairy Lingque are all beautiful, but compared to Li Yunyun, they are obviously weaker in terms of momentum.

"Be good with each other, if you are even half rude, I will take your lives!"

A group of male and female slaves bowed their heads and came to the palace. The male slaves came to the female disciples, and the female servants came to serve the male disciples, pouring wine and laughing with them. Li Yunyun sat in the center, just like a man, dominating the power.

Soon there will be a lot of rare delicacies. Although the immortals don't need to eat for a long time, but this kind of banquet is a kind of enjoyment. Even Ye Yun, who has been in the fairy world for hundreds of years, has never seen such delicacies. Li Yunyun is really Living the life of a master, in this Sumeru Immortal Territory, there is no other way!

It was an eye-opener for Ye Yun, the small four-level fairyland is so extravagant, if those emperor-level female disciples of the nine-fold fairyland, they don't know how many slaves they keep.

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