"It is not easy to refine thousands of golden ants and beast kings into puppets. It takes a long time and energy to complete..."

Standing in the field, looking at the group of golden ants struggling ferociously in the thunder net, Ye Yun thought calmly: "The only way is to imprison and seal it first, and then enter the Nine Dragons space after the competition, and cast the golden armor indestructible!" Puppetry, refined to become a golden ant puppet!"

With a fierce slap, Ye Yun immediately cast a series of seals, like a large net continuously extending from the Shenluo domain, covering thousands of golden ants and beast kings, suppressed by layers of strength, and also contains Taiyi Chaos true Qi power, under the confinement, can continue to absorb the power of the Golden Ant Beast King.

Let them be honest and have no strength to struggle with the seal, otherwise this kind of horror exists, if they really bite through the seal, it will be a trouble to rush out.

The seal continued to descend with Ye Yun's magic seal. Cooperating with the power of the Shenluo domain, it was firmly blessed layer by layer on the seal. The formation could absorb part of the energy of the Golden Ant Beast King by itself, keeping them honest.

It took a full day to complete the seal. When Ye Yun put away the Shenluo Domain, the Master of the Glazed Light Domain, Fairy Bai Wei, Xin Wanling and Pang Xuan had already hidden in the six-eared statue, and then Ye Yun appeared. Immediately cast the seal, and the four of them can finally feel relieved.

"The Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest is really dangerous. This vast land was instantly destroyed by the tide of golden ants and beasts!" Everyone saw that the land full of vitality suddenly became an empty and bare surface, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of insignificance. .

Looking down at the vast void, Ye Yun could no longer see the shadow of a fairy, and said in vain, "Everyone, keep moving forward. I feel that there are a lot of breaths floating in the depths. I think that the final place to win the championship is just ahead!"

The final winning time is coming!

Everyone can't help but hang up all of a sudden, after being tempered by the puppet guardian of the Nine Heavens Gate, they sacrificed a lot of geniuses, just to win the championship and prove themselves!


The five of them flew up immediately, and the energy consumed by the golden ants swarm also had time to recover. They flew all the way, and there was almost no place that was not attacked by the golden ants. It was shocking to see, as if the golden ants The beast tide can eat up the whole world at once.

After flying for no less than six days in a row, the desolation disappeared more and more. Finally, I saw a world full of greenery but leftovers from the battlefield.

"Look, that's the blue soul grass, which is of great help to the cultivation of the primordial spirit, and there are also ancient spirits such as the seven souls, the purple fragrance, the moon and the night red!"

Entering this world, it feels like you have come to the ancient world. With a sweep of divine light, you can see the mountains, and you can see spiritual things everywhere, but you can also see a large number of ancient beasts, shuttling through the depths of the world.

If you want to collect spiritual objects, you have to fight with giant beasts. It is a waste of time, and the gain is not worth the loss. It is better to focus on winning the championship. The more championships you win, in exchange for the key training of the sect, and more benefits.

The five continued to fly to the depths, and gradually they could see some traces of geniuses, hurriedly flying to the place where they won the title, and some people were also trying to snatch the spiritual objects.

"Shua Shua ~"

As soon as Ye Yun and the other five entered a world of stone forests towering as high as bamboo shoots, hundreds of meters of spider webs suddenly spewed out from the shadows of the stone pillars.

It came too suddenly and without a sound, almost wrapping and sticking the five of them, but the five of them are all extraordinary people, at the moment when the spider web suddenly spewed out, they retreated and dodged a big net, but To everyone's dismay, a huge spider with only bones left emerged one by one from the hiding place in the stone forest.

"This is... the white bone demon spider, a monster with a very tenacious vitality of the monster clan. It belongs to the fierce monster. Once it is cultivated, all of them will have magical powers against the sky!"

Fairy Bai Wei immediately revealed the origin of the bone spider.

"Bone Demon Spider? Why are ancient creatures emerging one after another, let's go around, the number is so dense, we can't keep entangled!" Pang Xuan said calmly.

"it is good!"

The others all agreed, they really couldn't focus on dealing with the fierce monster, they all moved in an instant, and disappeared before the spiders intercepted them at the fastest speed.

Then, everyone encountered more ancient strange objects, not fierce monsters, or terrifying plant monsters. In short, if you are not careful, you may die at any time!

The five of Ye Yun possessed supernatural powers and were able to avoid dangers again and again, but some people were unlucky and fell into the belly of monsters and became food.

"Everyone, find a way to save Junior Sister Ziyan!!!"

In the depths of the stone forest, Ye Yun's five people just flew over a dense void in the stone forest, and suddenly they saw two men and a woman, looking at a group of blood-colored silkworm chrysalis, spitting out blood threads, wrapping a woman in black clothes, how the woman in black clothes struggled, They couldn't cut off the blood thread, and the blood thread soon formed a silkworm chrysalis shape.

The three black-clothed immortals outside were arguing fiercely at a loss, especially one of the women, who insisted on two men to rescue the woman who was wrapped in hordes of terrifying blood silkworms, but the two men were too afraid of the blood silkworms, so they slammed The sleeves, regardless of the life and death of the same disciple, walked away.

"Senior Sister, hurry up, don't waste time, these days blood silkworms are too unbelievable, lest you also fall into desperation!" Unexpectedly, the woman in black clothes wrapped in blood was as determined as a man.

"No, no, I don't want to save you!" The woman outside wanted to come forward to save her, but the blood was entangled all over the sky, and it seemed to be an indestructible substance, which made the woman not know what to do for a while.

Seeing this life and death parting, Ye Yun was moved. He was surprised that a woman, like a man, faced death with such blood and bones, and said: "The place ahead is the place to win the bid. You should rush over to see the situation first. I will save people along the way, and then go to meet with everyone, so there is no need to waste time!"

"That's fine, but junior brother, be careful of the blood-stained silkworm that day. It is rumored that this ancient monster is very scary. Once it touches the blood thread, it will control your true energy. Let's go!"

The Lord of the Glazed Light, Fairy Bai Wei, and Xin Wanling all knew Ye Yun's strength, so they didn't worry about it, and they had thought about saving people, so they flew deep without hesitation.

"Fairy, you'd better step back!"

With a flash, Ye Yun flew across the thousand-meter void in the blink of an eye, and came to the stone forest surrounded by densely packed sky-striped bloodworms. He clasped his fists and said to the anxious woman standing outside.

When the woman heard the voice, she turned around quickly and saw Ye Yun appearing in an instant, she was overjoyed: "It turns out to be Xumi Dongtian, your senior brother, I am so grateful to you, I hope you will rescue my sister Ziyan, we are so grateful to Yunxianzong!" all!"

"It turned out to be Lianyun Xianzong, don't worry, I will do my best to save you!"

Ye Yun has also heard of the Lianyun Immortal Sect, which is a first-class sect that is almost the same as the Chengtian Immortal Sect, but the sect is located in the depths of the Fourfold Immortal Realm, hundreds of years away from the Sumeru Immortal Realm, although the distance is very long However, even the disciples of the Yunxian Sect often travel to the fairy world, and even in Xumi Cave, they also have a certain amount of communication.


Just when Ye Yun was about to make a move, the phantom of the chaotic god wheel suddenly surged in his mind. It was at the moment when he was about to make a move, cut off the blood thread of the silkworm chrysalis, and rescued the black-clothed woman. Ye Yun frowned: "Why did you flash a chance of fate to this woman?"

All of a sudden, Ye Yun couldn't figure it out, and wondered, this was the first time that the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification of the World would produce a sign of fate for outsiders, could it be that the black-clothed woman who was trapped in the sky-striped blood silkworm had something to do with him? silk contact?

"Dark Sun Moon Thunder Control Art!"

In the blink of an eye, he used the supernatural means, the Dark Sun and Moon Thunderbolt Jue, and the trapped woman was about to lose consciousness, and was extremely critical, so Ye Yun used the Dark Sun and Moon Thunderbolt Jue, turning into beams of thunder and light flames, wrapping the Silkworm chrysalis, burning crazily.


Under the power of the Dark Sun and Moon Yulei Jue, the terrifying ancient monster Sky-patterned Bloodworm was burned to explode by lightning flames, or fled and struggled in pain. These days, the Sky-patterned Bloodworm is ten times larger than ordinary silkworms Not only that, the spurted blood does have a strange aura.


The sky-patterned blood silkworm was defeated and lost to the Dark Sun Moon Yu Lei Jue, and the thick silkworm chrysalis suddenly flashed a terrifying sword light, and the woman in black clothes flew out like a sword aura.

Ye Yun also didn't expect that this black-clothed woman could be regarded as a true genius with such profound strength, at least surpassing the third rank of Immortal King, almost between the fourth rank and third rank, Ye Yun immediately put away the Dark Sun Moon Thunder Control Art.


"Junior Sister!"

The two female disciples of Lianyun Xianzong hugged each other and wept in front of Ye Yun in an instant. After all, they are women, and they are not as strong as men in such a life-and-death situation.

"May I ask your brother's name? I am Miao Zhu, and this is my junior sister, Nalan Ziyan!" The woman who was in a hurry before, pulled the woman out of trouble, and came to Ye Yun together, and asked very gratefully.

Ye Yun clasped his fists indifferently and said: "I am a disciple of Sumeru Cave, Ye Yun, you two don't need to be strangers, you have always been friends with Yunxianzong and my Sumeru Immortal Domain, this is a matter of business!"

"Senior Brother Ye, please allow Lan Ziyan to pay respects!!!" The rescued woman 'Nalan Ziyan' was so excited that she immediately knelt down to Ye Yun, thanking her for saving her life.

"You're welcome, huh? Nalan Ziyan? Wait, you said your surname is Nalan?"

Ye Yun wanted to stop Nalan Ziyan, but a breath of fate suddenly flashed in his mind, and then, the memory flickered wildly in his mind, and when he froze in a certain place, he suddenly excitedly grabbed Nalan Ziyan's arms and couldn't wait to ask.

The sudden abnormal behavior stunned Fairy Miaozhu and Nalan Ziyan, especially Nalan Ziyan, who began to struggle with Ye Yun's hands, but found that Ye Yun's hands were very hard, like a beast holding her tightly, Unable to break free, she could only nod her head and hastily said, "Senior Brother Ye, my surname is indeed Nalan, and I am Nalan Ziyan!!!"

"Excuse me!"

Ye Yun suddenly realized that he had just lost his composure, so he immediately let go of his hands and explained.

"It's okay, it's okay, Senior Brother Ye, do you know my Junior Sister Nalan?" The Fairy Miaozhu next to her seemed to have a good impression of Ye Yun, and hurriedly stepped forward to appease Nalan Ziyan, while asking.

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