The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 671 Dou Qi, Non-Poisonous Demon Lord


Ye Yun was stopped by Fairy Miaozhu for a moment, he turned his head, but he was embarrassed to explain: "I once saw a senior with the same surname as Nalan give advice, not because I knew Fairy Ziyan, but because that This senior has a lot of connections with this subordinate, that's why I lost my temper!"

"So that's it, Junior Sister..." Fairy Miaozhu gave Nalan Ziyan a hard look, because she found that Nalan Ziyan seemed to repel Ye Yun a little bit because of his actions just now.

But Nalan Ziyan calmed down when she heard Ye Yun explain the reason, and asked: "Senior brother Ye, my Nalan family has always lived in seclusion in the fairy world, and I rarely come out and walk around. Why did senior brother meet my elders?"

"Well, it's hard to say, but I can tell the name of this senior. His name is Nalan Jie, he is a very powerful senior, and he should be an old antique who has existed in the fairy world for a long time!" The story of Miracle meeting Naranje came out.

It turned out that the reason why Ye Yun was so excited was because at the Nine Heavens Gate in the Immortal World, he unexpectedly met the descendant of the Nalanjie Immortal that he had met in the Nine Dragon Ring, at the entrance of the Miracle. Why wasn't he excited.

Looking back at the beginning, Nalanjie was regarded as one of the biggest nobles in Ye Yun's life. The first was Ye Han, Uncle Han, and the second was the immortal corpse, Nalanjie.

In the Ziyu Continent, the Ye family dynasty was replaced by the Baiyu dynasty. The decline of the Ye family was due to Nalan Jie. 3000 years ago, Ye Han and the ancestors of the Ye family sneaked into the Xuanwu Gate and stole Nalan Jie's body regardless of the danger. For this reason, the Ye Family Dynasty ushered in its downfall and was replaced by the Baiyu Dynasty.

As for Nalanjie's body, Ye Han hid it in an ordinary statue and placed it in Ye's house. Thousands of years later, when Ye Yun was worshiping his ancestors, Ye Yun accidentally touched Ye Han and left a mystery, which was approved by Ye Han. Start to practice hard step by step, break the legend, and finally merge with the miracle and enter the miracle.

At the entrance of the miracle, Ye Yun also witnessed Nalanjie's undestroyed primordial spirit idea with his own eyes. Through the conversation, Ye Yun learned some origins of the Nine Dragon God Ring. Subtle connection, and then Nalanjie Yuanshen completely disappeared.

And he didn't know how Nalanjie got the Nine Dragon Ring and how he fell.

In Ye Yun's heart, Nalanjie has become another great mentor in his life, which is both respect and a pity, because Nalanjie's death was too bleak, his heart was taken out alive, and Ye Yun's cultivation base was too low at the beginning , I don't know what the fairyland is, but now that I have stepped into the fairyland, I can be considered quite knowledgeable. Nalanjie is definitely an existence like a great emperor, or even a super emperor.

Because the top ten ancient relics in the fairyland are actually recorded in the ancient books, but there is no specific introduction to the top ten relics, and the top ten relics are all in the unbounded land above the immortal world. Only immortal emperors and super emperors can enter.

From this point, Ye Yun can easily guess that Nalanjie is definitely an immortal emperor-level giant!

Immortal emperor-level masters were directly captured by others and fell. You must know that even immortal emperor-level powerhouses are difficult to kill. It can be seen from the fact that Chiyun Demon Venerable was suppressed in the mortal world. Then killing Nalanjie, the mysterious What a supreme existence a character is.


After Nalan Ziyan heard about it, she thought about it carefully. It seemed that she was trying to determine whether Ye Yun had ulterior motives on the one hand, and on the other hand, she was really looking for a senior like Nalanjie in the family.

But unfortunately, Nalan Ziyan shook her head: "In my memory, there is really no record of the elder Nalan Jie!"


Ye Yun's brows froze, the more he looked forward to, the more disappointed he was, but he probably understood the reason. Nalanjie didn't know how long it took before he fell. At the beginning, he said 10 years ago, that was about the time before his fall, and his soul was trapped in Kowloon The space does not know how many years, it is not only 10 years, but tens of millions of years, ten trillion years are possible.

It is reasonable to say that such an ancient history is unknown to future generations.


Seeing that Ye Yun was full of disappointment and loss, Nalan Ziyan could tell that what Ye Yun said just now was true, and continued with a smile: "I once heard my grandfather say that our Nalan family, A long time ago, there was quite a long history in the fairy world. Later, for some reason, the family declined and the people were torn apart. There were branches of the Nalan family from the fourth to the ninth level of the immortal world, and this branch of the family was just a by-product Zhimoye, maybe the Senior Nalanjie that Senior Brother met came from the Gaozhong Immortal Realm!"

"Torn apart? Family decline?"

Ye Yun moved physically and mentally, but it was so desolate until the family fell. The descendants of the Nalan family must have a hard time in the fairy world, but a big family is a big family, and they have branches in the Jiuzhong fairy world, which is enough to prove that the Nalan family has a long history Yes, it seems that Nalanjie's identity and secrets will not be clarified for a while.

Nalan Ziyan said: "Our lineage is constantly wandering around like duckweed in the fairy world, but fortunately we can survive and develop in the quadruple fairy world. If the senior brother really wants to find out who the senior is, then go to the family and find him. Ask my grandfather, he must know a thing or two about the descendants of the family!"

"Okay, since the fairy has kindly invited me, I will go to Guizong after the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest is over. This matter is very important to me!" In order to find out the truth of the matter, Ye Yun was not polite.

"Hehe, now that the truth has come to light, we still move forward, there is not much time left!" At this time, Fairy Miaozhu came to the center of the two and said.

Ye Yun nodded again and again, then regained his composure, and looked at the two beauties and fairies: "Yes, I forgot that I was at the Gate of Nine Heavens. If the two fairies don't mind, for the time being, I will act as an envoy to protect the flowers along the way?"

"With you as a master and a handsome guy, I wish for it!"

Fairy Miaozhu was more impolite, she said some mischievous words to Ye Yun, and then dragged Nalan Ziyan to fly out together, and Ye Yun immediately followed.

"I really didn't expect that I would win the Prison Killing Contest in Nine Heavens and meet the descendants of Senior Nalanjie... It seems that everything is predestined!"

Originally, Ye Yun planned to enter the high-level fairyland and search for the Nalan family. Now that he has not stepped into the high-level fairyland, it is so unpredictable to meet Nalan Ziyan, and his fate is so unpredictable.

In this way, Ye Yun became the flower protector, and escorted the two fairies through many dangerous areas all the way. It took a full three days before they flew out of the world of Stone Forest. Oncoming was a vast void. Above the void, unexpectedly There is a floating platform, the platform is too big to see the end.

Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu stared at the platform and sighed in shock: "A lot of true energy is shining... It seems that the place to win the championship is right above here!"

After many crises and trials, he finally stood here alive.

"Haha, boy, I found you with great difficulty..."

Just as Ye Yun was about to escort the two girls away, suddenly, a gloomy voice came from the ancient void of the ruins, and a vast willpower immediately covered it.

"Cult breath, such a powerful idea, master!!!" Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu were stunned at the same time, and under this sudden burst of ideas, they were like lambs.

"Dou Qi!!! You really are waiting for me!"

Ye Yun immediately came to the front of the two women, looked into the depths, and said a word without expression.

"Ye Yun... You kid is so arrogant, Brother Dou Qi, this kid is very arrogant, you have to teach him a good lesson today!" Another voice with a devilish vibe came out.

"Non-poisonous Demon Lord?" Ye Yun was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the Demon Lord of the Demon City would appear here, but after thinking about it again, he had socialized with Dou Qi before, and the two of them appeared here. Not surprising.


Immediately, from the void, a dense force of demonic energy flew over. I saw the non-poisonous demon monarch release the demonic energy, and the fighting relatives in snow-white long clothes came calmly following the demonic energy. Behind them, there were still There are more than a dozen masters of cults and demons, all of whom have extraordinary cultivation bases.

"It turned out to be the genius of the Almighty Sect, Dou Qi, and the genius of Yanshan Demon Sect, the non-poisonous demon king??"

At this moment, Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu felt cold when they saw the two masters in the demonic energy. It seemed that they had heard about the two masters of demons before, and saw the strength of their aura. , Completely surpassed hundreds of thousands of talented masters.

Although one is a demon and the other is a cult master, the aura and power released by the two are unmatched, and the glory brought by their power makes them not demons, but real powerhouses.

"I'm curious, Dou Qi. The Nine Heavens Gate is so vast, and there are all kinds of ancient auras, it's hard to lock a position. How did you find me? Don't tell me, you were sitting here drinking tea, and you happened to meet me. Me!" Ye Yun showed an infinite heroism between his brows, as if he was touched by the aura of the two masters.

"It's not easy to find you, but I worked hard and managed to find a few Xumi Cave disciples, so I killed them, you see..."

Dou Qi and the non-poisonous demon suddenly stopped in the void a thousand meters away from Ye Yun. Dou Qi waved his hand suddenly, and suddenly five figures flashed out of it. They were actually Xu Yichen, Xu Yichen, Zhang Tianyu, Yu Bei, and Mei Tingting from Xumi Cave Five genius disciples.

Xu Yichen, Xu Yichen, Zhang Tianyu, Yu Bei, and Mei Tingting were coldly corroded by the evil poisonous gas, wrapped up, and died for an unknown amount of time. Their skin was almost blood-black, like zombies, with no scars visible on their bodies, letting Buddha live and die It came too suddenly, in the blink of an eye.

Of the fourteen participating disciples in Sumeru Cave, five of them died at the hands of Qi Dou. Not long ago, these five people had a lively conversation with Ye Yun.


The sound of bone rubbing broke out from Ye Yun's body, and his anger continued to explode: "Good kill, good kill, although they and I are from the same sect, they are all enemies, and I still want to thank you for cutting off the tail, but... I am good or bad with them It's from the same sect, the death of the same sect, this enmity is also for you to get back!"

"Haha, Brother Dou, this kid is about to die, and he still speaks hard, you have to teach him a lesson!" Wudu Mojun was on the sidelines, having nothing to do with himself, looking like he was watching the show.

"You two fairies, go up!"

Ye Yun turned to look at Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu, there was a hint of retreat in the pupils of the two of them, as if signaling Ye Yun to avoid the sharp edge for now, how could Ye Yun not see it, but still watched the two girls fly up to the platform , and at this time, apart from the movement on the platform, the vast ruins were completely silent.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the mountain and rain as the wind is full of the building.

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