"Xiaoqian, you enter my domain and absorb energy to practice. There is infinite divinity in it, which allows you to practice. I still have to seize the time to win the championship!"

After some unbelievable conversations, Ye Yun and Turing Xiaoqian are like a family, but for Ye Yun, time is too precious, winning is the most important thing, even if you don't, you will get a place in the competition, after all, he still wants to come in once. Go challenge yourself.

"I know that my brother is going to participate in the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest. With my strength, the puppet guardian can't imitate my real strength at all. It's just a forbidden technique performed by the ancient immortals!" Xiaoqian heard Ye Yun mention it. In the nine-day competition to win the bid and kill the prison, a smear of pride was raised on the cute face.

His indifferent expression made Ye Yun shocked and said: "Xiao Qian knows about the competition?"

Xiaoqian suddenly puffed up his chest, and slapped it vigorously: "Hehe, Xiaoqian is also counted as countless time and space on the left. When the old master existed, many powerful people from the ancient heavens wanted to cultivate the gate of the nine heavens into a fairy world together with the old master." The original magic weapon, the old master does not disdain the heavenly court, saying that the people in the heavenly court are too selfish, using the gate of the nine heavens to become the real ruler of the fairy world, suppressing the immortals, and establishing the ancient laws of the heavenly court, the old master said they are whimsical, personal They are all lunatics, so I ignored them at the beginning!"

"What is the ancient heaven?"

When talking with Xiaoqian accidentally, an "Ancient Heavenly Court" suddenly appeared. Ye Yun felt very strange and familiar, because the "Defying Heavenly Court" created by the sword also moved the fairy world under the name of the Heavenly Court.

Could it be that the two are related?Or is there a relationship between the ancient heavenly court and the Tiangong Temple?

Xiaoqiandao: "There are many eras in the fairy world. Just before our era, there were several eras. They were all ancient fairy worlds, named Jiuchong Tianting. With the change of eras, some ancient forces used the gate of the nine heavens to continue. Development, entering this era, these people began to form the ancient heaven, probably like this, the old master did not tell Xiaoqian in detail about what it is exactly!"

"Tiangong Temple...Ancient Heavenly Court...!"

Ye Yun suddenly had a kind of eye-opening, or really merged with the fairy world, becoming a fairy, the fairy world is so vast, the real powerful force is not the super-class sect, but the temple of heaven, the ancient heaven, Ye Yun seems to feel that he Just about to step into the huge oven of the fairy world.

He will know more fairyland secrets!

After thinking for a while, Ye Yun sucked Xiaoqian into the Shenluo domain and let him cultivate himself in the domain. At this moment, Ye Yun felt that space was like a deep sea to him, with endless depths. Many mysterious laws of space, Almost everything can be touched, Ye Yun feels, even the Immortal Emperor now, I am afraid it is impossible to suppress him, one breath can stimulate Xiaoqian's ability, travel through infinite space, and even directly shuttle up and down the immortal world, it is not a problem.

"Once you step into the Nine Layers Immortal Realm and get the Divine Map, then the Daqian Divine Map will be a magic weapon comparable to the Nine Heavens Gate..." Ye Yun can't wait to get the Divine Map, he will be able to go anywhere at that time, coming and going without a trace, With a single thought, one can travel through the fairy world in an instant.

But it must be very difficult to obtain the Daqian Shentu. Ye Yun doesn't have to think about it now, and immediately uses his supernatural powers to fly deep into the Nine Heavens Gate.

After dozens of breaths, Ye Yun appeared in the void where the platform was, and in a flash, Ye Yun was shocked by the large number of ancient stone pillars in the platform.

The platform is simply a floating continent. On it are stone pillars with a diameter of a thousand meters. On top of each stone pillar is an altar with a scroll of sacred titles floating on it. They are not stone, but a kind of energy condensed.

On many stone pillars, Ye Yun saw on the altar, there was a genius master, fighting with the "self" who looked exactly the same, the fight was inextricable, and even saw someone being killed by the same self, instantly Both of them turned into corpses, and there were those who successfully won the championship, either to win the next one, or to resume their cultivation.

"Liu Guang, Bai Wei, Pang Xuan and Wan Ling's breaths are all in it, it seems that there is no danger at all, with their abilities, winning the championship is not a problem..."

Ye Yun released his divine sense and sensed the aura of the Glazed Light Territory Lord, Fairy Baiwei, Xin Wanling, and Pang Xuan, so he no longer worried about the four of them, and immediately flew into the sky.

Find a platform, drop onto it, and head for the floating title.

"Conquer myself... I'm going to challenge myself today!"

Ye Yun walked towards the championship step by step resolutely. Suddenly, he saw that the defenses on all sides of the altar increased suddenly, forming an independent space.


Just three feet away from the championship, an ancient mysterious light suddenly rose around the championship, and it condensed into a human shape, and slowly emerged the blue robe that Ye Yun was wearing, with exactly the same appearance, height, and temperament.

"Puppet guardian!" Obviously, this identical 'Ye Yun', the puppet guardian who made the immortals fear three points, finally appeared in front of Ye Yun.

"The Nine Heavens Prison Killing Contest? Is it just killing yourself? It's so simple to surpass yourself? What's the secret in the championship?" Seeing the appearance of the puppet guardian, Ye Yun was a little disappointed.


The Nine Heavens Winning Prison Contest, famous in the Immortal World, how many sects participated, how many characters, although since the beginning of the contest, they have experienced many extraordinary things, when they come to this altar, they will directly see the puppet guardian and the champion. Right now, Ye Yun was a little disappointed.

Fortunately, after experiencing the confrontation between the two masters of Wudu Demon King and Dou Qi, and getting the third Great Thousand God Map, thousands of golden ants and beast kings, hundreds of virtual yuan fruits, and breaking through the tenth rank of true immortals, these gains , is also enough for Ye Yun to have a good harvest.

Now facing the puppet guardian and winning the championship, for Ye Yun, it is just a piece of cake.

However, things often look ordinary on the outside, but are full of mysteries inside.


All of a sudden, the puppet guardian 'Ye Yun' put his hands together, and a mysterious light of the ancient mysteries suddenly changed, and the foreground of Ye Yun's eyes suddenly changed. It was not an illusion, not an illusion, but a real existence.

The world suddenly became bloody, making Ye Yun feel as if he had returned to the scene when he saw Chi Yun for the first time. The world was blood-red, the killing intent was constantly rising, and there was even the breath of the region. , An impenetrable independent world.

This world, Ye Yun is somewhat familiar with, is hell, but not hell.


Suddenly, a terrifying vampire appeared. Before the vampire could make a move, Ye Yun saw the puppet guardian come out suddenly, grabbed the vampire and ate it. Before he took a bite, a blood-red sword appeared in his hand. Moreover, blood demons gradually emerged around them, resembling human beings but without faces.


Ye Yun never expected that this kind of scene would appear on the seemingly ordinary altar from the outside, it was too sudden, but Ye Yun smiled coldly: "Isn't it just an illusion?"

With Ye Yunxiu's experience and experience, don't you know that this sudden change is just to use supernatural powers to confuse the will. This is the puppet guardian's method to create illusions and attack with strength and will to kill the bidder.


Ye Yun dismissed it, he was strong-willed, he didn't care about this kind of illusion at all, only to see more and more vampires appearing and being torn to pieces by the puppet guardians, it was too shocking, if it wasn't for the immortal who had experienced life and death, seeing this picture In the scene, the will has already collapsed, and a blood worm suddenly crawled out of the vampire's corpse, and rushed towards Ye Yun's arm with its mouth wide open.

What is a small bloodworm, and everything is an illusion of will created by the puppet guardian. As long as the will is strong, all attacks are illusions.


At this moment, the blood worm suddenly speeded up, and bit down on Ye Yun's arm that was not moving at all, biting Ye Yun's skin violently.


Ye Yun let out a muffled roar in pain, unexpectedly the blood worm is not an illusion, but a real terrifying creature, moreover, it bit his hard body, you know, Ye Yun's body is comparable to a high-level fairy king, even a low-level one. Immortal Emperor, how indestructible, but was bitten by a little blood worm!


With a sudden burst of astonishing breath, Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed the blood worm, squeezed it hard, the blood worm exploded, and the golden blood that belonged to Ye Yun poured out, was sucked into the palm of Ye Yun, and even sucked up the blood worm's corpse.

Ye Yun frowned, the wound bitten by the bloodworm healed instantly, and he looked around: "Damn it, what is going on? It's not an illusion, but everything is real? Impossible, just a piece of magic seal, how can Will create such a real world?"

The reality is beyond Ye Yun's imagination!

"Brother, this is the supernatural power of the ancient blood refinement lineage. It may be the blood refiner among the strong men in the ancient heaven. According to legend, it is an evil life form from hell. Through time and space movement, it accidentally came to the fairy world, and the blood demons around, Vampires are all real, and the fairy world will become a blood demon for this kind of life form from hell, that is, a blood refiner!"

When Ye Yun was startled and puzzled, Xiaoqian's voice came from inside his body.

"From hell?" Ye Yun roughly understood, but he was secretly happy, if it was really hell, for all immortals, it would be a real killing prison, but for him, he didn't feel the slightest bit.

For immortals, hell is a nightmare, and any hell matter, life forms are cancerous for immortals, and everyone is terrified.

"you die!"

The puppet guardian ate a lot of vampires, and disgusting blood worms grew out of his blood-red sword and the surroundings. They were densely packed and about one meter long. The head blood demons are all over ten feet tall, and their whole bodies are red.

"The aura of the puppet guardian, there is a fourth-level fairy king approaching the fifth-level, plus the blood demon... Sure enough, what Di Ao said is right, the puppet guardian can indeed simulate the approximate strength... It's really difficult to deal with!" At this moment, Ye Yun It felt like a vicious battle, unavoidable.

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