
The blood worms around the puppet guardian were so disgusting that everyone felt numb all over, and they whined at Ye Yun like a child begging for milk when they were hungry.


The puppet guardian is just like the evil Ye Yun. Suddenly, his momentum erupts, and infinite blood condenses from all directions. He is like the incarnation of a blood demon. He grabs the blood-red sword, leads a dozen blood demons, and stabs Ye Yun directly.

Although this sword is not extravagant, it does not contain all kinds of supernatural powers, but it contains the power of the fourth rank of an immortal king. With this stab, it feels like the power of heaven and earth is oppressing it!

This is the strength and aura that Ye Yun should have now. He is already a kind of fairy king master. The puppet guardian is made by simulating Ye Yun's overall strength, and the power he exerts naturally is also at Ye Yun's strongest state.

Therefore, if this sword is used in the quadruple fairy world, it can look down on the sky and look down on Wushuang. Even Daoist Guixu and old man Hongye can only die.

"The Sun Sword of the Promise God!"

Since it was a sword, Ye Yun naturally wanted the sword too. With a wave of his hand, he grabbed the Wujishen Sun Sword with his right hand, and instantly confronted the puppet guardian who came to kill him in the void!


The two swords, whose radiance covered the sky, intersected in the void like lightning. When the blades collided, it was not earth-shattering.


The two faced swords in the void, as expected, there was not much difference in strength. Ye Yun did not have the advantage, and the puppet guardian was not defeated. Ye Yun faced his last self. This feeling is really indescribable. To defeat yourself, say It's simple, but the inner fear still exists.

The puppet guardian's swordsmanship is not heavy, it is simple and direct, it looks like a sword, but it is full of the essence of swordsmanship, the human sword is one, and the sword is used to kill. Dao sword stabbed straight at Ye Yun's vitals.

"Fortunately, the puppet guardian can only simulate strength, not various magical powers..."

Kendo and swordsmanship are so simple yet infinitely powerful, Ye Yun is both apprehensive and secretly glad that when fighting against the same masters, the opponent cannot defeat him, and he cannot easily defeat the opponent.

Ye Yun could dodge or fight against the sudden swordsmanship, but the most terrifying thing was those blood demons, which gave Ye Yun a headache.


Although Ye Yun's swordsmanship is not as good as that of a sword cultivator like Ximen Potian, his swordsmanship is also extraordinary. He has fought against the puppet guardian countless times, and it took about a month to dodge the blood demon. Suddenly, Ye Yun grabbed With an opportunity, he jumped up and down, and pierced the blood demon's heart with a sword.

Evil blood spurted out from the heart of the Gorefiend in an instant. It seemed to be corrosive, and it plunged into the void, corroding a layer of seal to create a big hole.

"I didn't expect this kind of blood refiner from hell to have such an unexpected and weird power... The world is so big, there are so many wonders!!!"

Seeing the strangeness of the blood, Ye Yun couldn't help but shudder, if the blood splashed on him, and the blood worms could bite through his body, wouldn't the blood cause great harm to people.

Then there was a shocking scene for Ye Yun, he pulled out the Wuji God Sun Sword, thinking that the blood demon would fall because of this, but he didn't expect that the wound in his heart healed immediately, and he became ferocious again!

"It seems that these blood demons will disappear only after defeating the puppet guardians... The puppet guardians plus the blood demons are really terrifying. No wonder so many talented immortals fall in every competition!"

After many fights, Ye Yun felt a huge crisis.

"However, using the blood demon to deal with me, haha, hit my good intentions. To me, blood is infinite nourishment. It seems that the nine-day competition to win the bid and kill the prison is indeed a great opportunity for everyone!"

Seeing that the blood demon was so vicious, Ye Yun laughed. For ordinary immortals, it must be very difficult to deal with the blood demon, even using magic weapons, but Ye Yun is different. He has cultivated the invincible blood body from the beginning. , is the largest supply in the world.

"I want to devour a lot of blood demon power. I can't kill the puppet guardian. Once he disappears, I'm afraid I will pass the level!"

Ye Yun's pupils moved, with a flash of inspiration, and immediately shot out a wave of true energy with both hands, and saw the divine bell of the Tiantong Hongyin Township popping up in an instant, and suppressed the puppet guardian in it with lightning speed, but he couldn't kill it, he couldn't kill it You can't win the bid if you kill.

Of course, what Ye Yun wants is not to kill the puppet enforcer, but to suppress it, because in this way, he can absorb the entire blood-colored space without his backbone!

"Come on, all of them, the chakra of chaotic world purification..."

Ye Yun actually used the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification to cover his real body, and then he stopped fighting against the blood demons. He saw more than a dozen blood demons attacking Ye Yun with their teeth and claws. Those who can corrode hard The blood energy of matter also surged fiercely towards Ye Yun.


One by one, the blood demons came to the front of the chaotic chakra, and began to attack the chakra. As a result, the chakra was indestructible, but it was vibrating violently. The God Wheel of Purifying the World began to spin, and all the energy of blood began to be absorbed into the God Wheel of Purifying the World.

Then, it was directly sucked into Ye Yun's body. Originally, an immortal had to deal with blood energy, that is, to deal with the power of hell.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The power of blood energy poured into Ye Yun's body like a tide, and the blood energy is equal to the power of direct empowerment, which is continuously blessed into Ye Yun's body. If it is absorbed like this, Ye Yun will break through the real fairyland and be promoted to the great fairyland without any difficulty. The Great Wonderland is very powerful among the stairs.

"With the God Wheel of Chaos Purification, the blood demon can't destroy it at all, and the God Wheel of Chaos Purification can purify the evil will in the blood, and wipe them out one by one!"

Ye Yun smiled and said nothing, the blood energy itself contains the evil will of the blood refiner Gorefiend, pouring into the body of the immortal, and will control the immortal by controlling the blood, but all these wills, in front of the God Wheel of Chaos and Pure World , will be destroyed.

Ye Yun enjoyed this process comfortably, the energy in his body had reached fullness, and began to release into the Shenluo domain, even the energy balls were also crazily absorbed.

If this goes on like this, Ye Yun will definitely become a big fat man.

But good things will not always be with Ye Yun.


The next scene is something that Ye Yun will never forget. Suddenly, from the bloody space, blood ghosts and blood babies burst out one after another. Either they are newborn babies, or children a few years old, or they are vicious vampires, vampires Armed with various weapons, hundreds in number, they came to kill Ye Yun ferociously.

At this moment, Ye Yun saw the scene of blood demons and blood babies killing him, as if he was in the blood prison, locked by chains one by one, and these blood ghosts and blood babies were about to pounce on them. Shengsheng tore himself apart.

"It was almost affected by the will of this blood-colored space, causing hallucinations, being controlled by the will... At that time, it was really a dead end!"

Fortunately, Yuanshen Haiyang surged and released Wei An's meditative halo, which made Ye Yun wake up from the illusion. He immediately felt that the God Wheel of Chaos and Pure World was about to be broken. Vampires, blood babies, and blood demons held various A variety of weapons such as knives, guns, swords and sticks, fiercely attacked the chaotic God of Purification of the World.

But Ye Yun remained motionless, sitting in the center, freely absorbing blood energy.

"Not on behalf of the Supreme Blood Saint, I will kill you!"

Perhaps it was because Ye Yun absorbed too much blood energy and overcame the space. A wave of will unexpectedly came from the depths. Then, it turned into a huge blood demon will, and slapped Ye Yun fiercely from the depths. Come.

Will attack!

"Hmph, where does the will come from? You think this kind of will can suppress me? The blade of will!"

Ye Yun is not the same Wuxia Amon back then, who was weak-willed and almost beheaded by the will of the Star Capital Emperor. Immediately mobilized the power of the Yuanshen Ocean, mobilized the will, and suddenly condensed a blade of will, flashing a domineering storm, swish With a slam, he slashed at the sudden appearance of the blood demon will.


The two wills collided in the center of the blood-colored world, and suddenly turned upside down, shaking and restless, Ye Yun suddenly frowned: "I didn't expect to touch such a powerful will, if I continue to absorb it, wouldn't it shock the real strong?" will?"

Ye Yun immediately stood up, grabbed it with his big hand, and the God Wheel of Hunxu Jingshi disappeared, and the vampires, blood demons, and blood babies immediately rushed towards Ye Yun.


With a flash of Ye Yun, he appeared next to the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town, and when he activated his thoughts, the divine bell of Tiantong Hongyin Town suddenly turned into mysterious light and poured into Ye Yun's body. Then, he saw Seeing the puppet guardian fiercely stabbing the blood red sword towards Ye Yun, it was too fast.

"My strength is increasing exponentially all the time, but you, the puppet, don't have this potential, get down!" Ye Yun stretched out five fingers to grab the blood-red sword.


With this ruthless grasp, the blood-red sword with the fourth-level power of the Immortal King was directly crushed, like a lump of lime, scattered everywhere.


Ye Yun flashed and directly crossed the void.A punch hit the puppet guardian's chest, and his entire body was blown away, his aura constantly weakening.

Jie Jie~~!

At this time, blood demons, blood babies, and blood ghosts came chasing and killing Ye Yun again. , Ye Yun moved again, and appeared above the puppet guardian who was still flying.


"Disappear, you are not your real self! You are just a puppet!"

As soon as his left hand was stretched out, the Bahuang Yinlei Palm flashed with thunder light, Ye Yun's eyes froze suddenly, the majesty of the king was revealed, he resolutely gathered all his strength, and slapped the puppet guardian's chest.


Almost reaching the fifth level of Immortal King's strength, he slapped heavily on the puppet guardian, and suddenly there was a fierce explosion, and the fragments shattered and scattered in all directions, floating everywhere.

Finally, Ye Yun used all his strength to kill the puppet guardian without any risk.

"This method is brilliant. It's okay to deal with ordinary immortals, but it's like giving me energy for nothing when used against me!" Ye Yun put his hands behind his back, looked at the puppet guardian fragments everywhere, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. And those vicious blood demons, vampires, and blood babies in the rear all slowed down and started to tremble.

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