The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 679 Rewards From Ancient Times

The puppet guardian is the source of all the laws in the bloody space. With Ye Yun's obliteration, the laws disappear, and all the energy in the bloody space will disappear.

"The guardian of the puppet is really powerful. If I didn't absorb a lot of blood and improve my strength, I would have to fight at least a thousand times to defeat it..."

Finally, the sharp sword hanging in his heart disappeared. Seeing the vampires, blood demons, and blood babies trembling and trembling, the blood-colored space also began to distort, turning into wisps of clouds, winding and receding.

"Not only obliterating the guardian of the puppet, but also absorbing a large amount of blood energy, so that the energy in his body has already reached the peak of the tenth-order true immortal, and he can break through the Great Immortal Realm at any time... Once he leaves the gate of the nine heavens, he will find a place to break through. With my current cultivation, The destructive power brought by the Great Fairyland should be amazing!"

Take a deep breath, the body is hard, because it has stored a large amount of energy, it has reached a full state, and it has become more and more aware of the depth and boundlessness of the fairyland, as if it is to enter another new world, this is to break through the great fairyland sign.

With the sound of wind erosion, the blood-colored space finally disappeared, and the ancient altar appeared, surrounded by a powerful barrier, and the championship was shining with dazzling light, attracting Ye Yun to step forward.

Three years, just three years, experienced many crises, challenged a level of life and death, for the championship in front of him, Ye Yun shook his head helplessly, most of the hundreds of thousands of disciples died because of this, just to win the championship, the name Move the fairy world, return to their respective sects, receive key training, become elite disciples, and reach the sky in one step.

Dreams can be done during the day, but this kind of delusion is exchanged by sacrificing life.

"Just this mere championship..."

Before Ye Yun came to play the floating championship, he looked at the three-foot championship. There was a trace of golden text in the holy white. Just because of this championship, how many people died because of it. Ye Yun stretched out his hand to grab the championship.


Suddenly, as soon as Ye Yun touched the title, the title suddenly unfolded and suddenly turned into a picture scroll as high as the sky with a set of ancient qigong recorded on it.

"Great Luo Jin Immortal Physique..."

Ye Yun's brows suddenly frowned, and after scanning the ancient qigong, Ye Yun was stunned, Da Luo Jinxian, this is an ancient strongman that existed in the fairy world civilization many epochs ago, Da Luo Jinxian, there are also a few records in ancient books Ye Yun naturally knew about these ancient knowledge.

Legend has it that in the age of the fairy world in the ancient era, the most powerful person in the ancient fairy world was the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor ruled all things in the fairy world, controlled the laws, and created the civilization of the fairy world. It was a bizarre world, and Da Luo Jinxian was the most powerful under the Jade Emperor Ruler of the fairy world.

It can be said that under one person, above ten thousand people, in the fairy world is an emperor, sitting on countless territories.

"I didn't expect that the ancient legends are all true... This set of Da Luo Jin Immortal Physique is very extraordinary. Although it is only comparable to the eighth-level qigong, after cultivation, the explosive power is not lower than the ninth-level or even tenth-level fairy-level qigong. Luo Jinxianti seems to only have most of it, and the last part has not been recorded, why?"

Ye Yun was radiant, and kept recording the Da Luo Jin Xian Physique revealed on the championship: "Could it be that the back part of this set of Da Luo Jin Immortal Physique has been lost since ancient times?"

"No matter what, such qigong, even if I don't practice it, I can still keep it in my collection. This is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient immortals, and this Daluojin immortal body is suitable for the cultivation of immortals who have just become immortals. It is an extraordinary qigong that can be left for the future to ascend from the lower realm My relatives and brothers practice!"

Ye Yun was taken aback by the sudden change of the championship, and there was an ancient unique art, he would never have imagined that after winning the championship, there would be such an unattainable reward. It turns out that it is not only the fruit of Xuyuan, but the championship is also a supreme adventure.

Ye Yun immediately recorded the Da Luo Jin Immortal Physique. This qigong is really extraordinary. After some recordings, the championship seems to have spirituality. It sensed something. Suddenly, the ancient mysterious light like the sky above began to condense and flicker. Under increasingly astonished eyes, it was slowly condensing into an energy seed.

"No way!!! A set of ancient qigong, plus an energy seed? The reward for winning the championship is too unbelievable. This is no less than a master's direct initiation!"

The sudden change made Ye Yun's breathing almost stop with excitement, and he began to think that the championship is a kind of substance, a symbol, a symbol of success, but what Ye Yun never expected was that there would first be a set of qigong that had disappeared long ago, Then, another energy seed will emerge?

No wonder why the Gate of Nine Heavens attracts so many geniuses to participate. Such people are so eager to get fame and fortune.

It is worthy of enjoying the wealth left by the ancient immortals according to what the bull-headed giant said!

"I don't know how far this energy seed will reach? This is the Quadruple Immortal Realm Competition. It seems that this energy seed is only at the first level of the Immortal King..."

Staring at the energy seeds that are gradually absorbing the power of the entire championship and about to form, Ye Yun was expectant and quiet, but when he saw the formation of the energy seeds and suddenly sucked most of the mysterious light of the championship into it, Ye Yun couldn't help it anymore , opened his mouth wide and looked at the energy seed in front of him, whose breath was getting stronger and stronger.

Because, this energy seed actually absorbed the title Xuanguang directly from the Immortal King's first rank, and it flickered with the Immortal King's third rank aura, followed by the Immortal King's fourth rank aura.

"Lucky offspring, you successfully passed the test, enjoy this moment, remember, this is the supreme reward for you from the Nine Heavens!"

At the moment when the energy seeds took shape, a void voice that was familiar to Ye Yun came from the championship that had been restored to its original state. It was the bull-headed giant.

"Nine Heavens!?"

Hearing the sudden sound, Ye Yun was still secretly guarding, but fortunately when the sound disappeared, the energy seed flew towards Ye Yun automatically, but Ye Yun frowned and thought to himself: "Xiao Qian once said that the gate of the nine heavens It is controlled by the ancient heavenly court, and he once wanted to win over the old man Tianji, could it be that the nine heavenly court is the ancient force behind the gate of the nine heavens?"

"And... this voice, and the breath of energy seeds, all contain a kind of deep and empty will. If I didn't practice god-level qigong, there would be infinite gratitude to the Nine Heavens in my will. It is worthy of being able to control the gate of the Nine Heavens The presence……"

After thinking about it for a while, it seems that I want to grasp some mystery, but I can't think it through thoroughly. Forget it, with my current cultivation base, I haven't reached the point where I can meet the real strong in the fairy world. When I step into the fairy emperor realm, at that time, the fairy world The true face will be revealed at a glance, such as the Nine Heavens, the Temple of Heaven and so on.

Ever since he came into contact with the Gate of Nine Heavens, Ye Yun felt that he was walking towards an unpredictable destiny time and space, and the future of the fairy world was calling him!

"This energy seed contains all the ancient aura. It is integrated into the body. Generally, the immortals will have the ancient aura in their bodies. It is indeed a good treasure. It seems that the champion sensed the puppet guardian imitating my strength, and condensed it. Energy Ball!"

Holding the energy seed, Ye Yun felt that the power of the seed was boundless, comparable to his full-strength explosion, and much stronger than the energy ball in his body. The peak of the fourth-order Immortal King, almost fifth-order, Ye Yun never expected that participating in the Nine-Day Winning Competition There will be such a great adventure, a fourth-order energy seed of the Immortal King.

It is enough for Ye Yun to fuse and burst out a power beyond the fifth level of the Immortal King, especially once he breaks through the Great Immortal Realm, once Ye Yun absorbs this seed, his realm will suddenly rise again, reaching an astonishing level. This energy seed will undoubtedly make Ye Yun less A hundred years of practice.


When Ye Yun thought the matter was over, the title that had returned to calm suddenly melted into a talisman, shining densely with ancient scriptures, one could almost feel the ancient will brewing in it, and the aura of absolute power flickered and flowed in it, ready to erupt at any time Same.

"Nine Heavens' Da Luo Jinxian Talisman!"

Ye Yun waved his hand and grasped the ancient talisman transformed by the championship in his palm, and felt that it had the aura that could destroy the fifth-level immortal king. , seeing that Ye Yun was trembling physically and mentally.

"The Gate of the Nine Heavens? The ancient Nine Heavens Court... This Nine Heavens Court is really generous. Even a super-class sect like Xumi Dongtian can't reward its disciples with three peerless treasures... What a Nine Heavens Court, this is the real king of the fairy world, the giant , A shot is something shocking!"

I was too stunned. In Ye Yun's mind, the mysterious Nine Heavens Court was simply a giant. The Sumeru Cave and the Six Paths Sacred Mountain were nothing more than ants. The fourth level of the Immortal King is comparable to the fifth level of energy seeds, and the last is a magic weapon talisman.

Nine Heavens Court is really rich and powerful, which made Ye Yun see what is the bearing and means of a giant in the fairy world.

Eyes widened, eyes widened, Ye Yun suddenly felt that before, he was really a frog in the bottom of the well, but now that he saw the methods of Nine Heavens Court, he realized that the fairy world is not only the Temple of Heaven, but also the mysterious Nine Heavens Court that controls the Gate of Nine Heavens.

"This Daluo Jinxian Talisman can be used as my life-saving grass. Once it breaks out, plus my strength, it can counteract the high-level move of the fairy king... plus Xiaoqian, now it is the ninth heaven of the fairyland. I can go there, and even the fairy emperor can't." But what about me, when I get the Great Thousand Gods Map, I will still be afraid of the Tiangong Temple?"

Holding the talisman tightly, this is another means for him to save his life. The Daluo Jinxian talisman is an offensive talisman condensed by the masters against the heavens.


Just when the title turned into a Daluo Jinxian talisman, then completely disappeared and turned into a ball of mysterious light that shot into the void, and the enchantment around the altar began to disappear, Ye Yun gradually sensed the presence of immortals in all directions, especially the Lord of the Glazed Light and Fairy Baiwei , Xin Wanling, Pang Xuan, and even the auras of Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu, he could instantly sense them.

This is the powerful sense of will brought by breaking through the tenth rank of true immortality.

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