The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 681 The Edge of a Genius

In the Nine Layers Immortal Realm, there are as many sects of various sizes as a cow's hair.

There are only a handful of super-class sects.

Sumeru Cave, Six Paths Sacred Mountain, Tianshengmen, Ziwei Xianzong... Wuji Xianzong is the leader among them, the overlord, and the ultimate fairy gate that pursues the way of Wuji.

"Qiu Xuanji... What? You have never had any contact with me, but you are both the proud son of the heavens who are famous in the fairy world. In the future, you will grow into a great emperor in the ninth heaven of the fairy world. Do you still want to be my enemy?" Sensen, but he didn't dare to take a step forward, he was very afraid of the sudden appearance of young people from Wuji Immortal Sect.

Not only that, even the twenty or so geniuses from all major forces in the magic way couldn't help but calm down.

"Senior Brother Xuanji, kill him and save the two Lianyun Immortal Sect fairies!"

"Devil's lunatics, everyone can get them and punish them. We don't have the ability. I hope that senior brother Xuanji can stand up for us and suppress the arrogance of the Demon's way. How many of our fellow disciples will die in the hands of the Demon's way!"

"I am willing to center on Senior Brother Xuanji in the future..."

The non-poisonous demon king and the demonic figures openly want to deal with Nalan Ziyan and Miaozhu fairy. Originally, they suppressed the righteous immortals and feared the demons, but now it is different. They come from the real sects of the fairy world, peerless righteous geniuses Qiu Xuanji appeared and almost became the backbone. All the immortals distanced themselves and denounced the evil ways.

Of course, most of these immortals are for friendship with Qiu Xuanji!

Everyone knows that a peerless figure like Qiu Xuanji, who is also a super martial artist, will be an elite disciple of the Wuji Immortal Sect and a genius who will grow into a great emperor if he enters the Nine Layers Immortal Realm in the future.

"Thank you Brother Xuanji, my sister will definitely be grateful!"

And Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu, who were in the middle of the evil way and the righteous way, unable to advance or retreat, also placed their hopes on Qiu Xuanji, but they could only call for help, but could not tremble.

Because with a single movement, the non-poisonous demon king or the master of the magic way will shoot instantly!

Qiu Xuanji became a focal point, surrounded by thousands of righteous geniuses, he politely told Nalan Ziyan and Immortal Miaozhu: "You two junior sisters don't worry, everyone is in the same way, I, Qiu Xuanji, never see You are used to the style of the devil way, and you have killed the masters of the devil way many times, you must not act rashly, today's matter, I, Qiu Xuanji, will take care of it!"

"Brother Qiu? Do you really want to be my enemy?" Upon hearing this, the poisonous devil's eyes flashed with murderous intent, his gloomy gaze seemed to be lurking like a poisonous snake.

Qiu Xuanji laughed lightly: "Do you think that demons and immortals can still be friends, but drinking at the same table is not enough? Wudu Mojun, you are a master, and you are here to attack two female junior sisters. This is not what you should have." style?"

"Haha, I am a demon. In my eyes, everyone is human, regardless of men and women. Qiu Xuanji, everyone says that you are a top figure in the righteous way of the four-fold fairy world. I want to fight against you today. Let's see if you are worthless!"

The non-poisonous demon king restored the arrogance of the magic path.

"Non-toxic, this person is very dangerous, let me come!"

Suddenly, a short, red-haired boy walked out from the magic path behind him. His body was thin and his face was covered with dark spots. It looked like he had practiced very evil magic way qigong.

But looking at this red boy, he doesn't have the slightest demonic aura. He looks like a boy who is seriously ill. Even his eyes are dead. His most notable feature, apart from the traces made up of strange black spots on his face, is second. His pupils were without a trace of luster.

"Brother Cangxu, you don't need to take action..." Wudu Mojun suddenly stopped the red-haired boy, said a few words with respect, and the red-haired boy was about to turn around.

"Wait, are you also a member of the devil?"

They are all decisive characters. Qiu Xuanji saw the sickly red-haired boy at a glance, and he couldn't see through it. This kind of character is definitely a person against the sky, but he doesn't know him. Other righteous geniuses are also at a loss. Why did another character suddenly appear in the Mo Dao?

"Qiu Xuanji, I am Cangxu Demon Lord of the Heavenly Demon God Valley, I am looking forward to fighting with you, but you have to underestimate people in the devil's way, you may not be able to defeat the non-poisonous Demon Lord... I know you practice a peerless qigong... "The mysterious red-haired boy seemed to be able to see how extraordinary Qiu Xuanji was, so he just said a few words coldly before returning to the demon camp.

Qiu Xuanji's body shook: "The Heavenly Demon Valley!!!"

"Impossible? Heavenly Demon God Valley doesn't have sects in the Fourth Level Immortal Realm, so why does it appear here?"

"Could it be that the Heavenly Demon God Valley wants to come down directly from the Nine Layers Immortal Realm to establish a sect!"

All righteous geniuses can hardly believe their ears, because the Heavenly Demon God Valley is the most mysterious force in the Demon Dao of the Nine Layer Immortal Realm, and there has never been a branch sect below the Nine Layer Immortal Realm, but the disciples of the Heavenly Demon God Valley appear here, there must be disciples of the Heavenly Demon God Valley Develop in the Nether.

"No wonder... Demon Monarch Cangxu... Heavenly Demon God Valley, alright, I remember brother, a character like you will not stay in the Lower Immortal Realm, you and I will fight each other in the Higher Immortal Realm in the future!" Qiu Xuanji's tone also weakened, Yanshan Demon Sect could not be compared with Heavenly Demon God Valley at all, this kind of power, Qiu Xuanji knew clearly that he couldn't make enemies easily.

Another shocking powerhouse appeared, and the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Contest was indeed a gathering of geniuses.

"Brother Xuanji, we have never had a death feud, so why make a difference here?"

At this time, a wave of evil thoughts came from one side of the void. No matter it was the evil way or the righteous way, all the immortals felt that this evil thought wanted to influence their will.

While everyone was palpitating, Qiu Xuanji glanced coldly: "Almighty Sect, Dou Qi, Dou Brother???"

"Hehe, you and I fought against each other a few times back then, but I didn't expect that Brother Xuanji hadn't entered the realm yet. This time he entered the Nine Heavens Gate. Was it to win the ancient qigong contained in the championship?" Sure enough, in the eyes of everyone, that The distorted space suddenly disappeared, and Dou Qi and the fourteen Almighty Masters appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Dou Qi, he is the number one genius of the cult!!!"

In an instant, most people felt that their breathing stopped, and they were all asking what happened. The young masters who were famous in the four-fold fairy world appeared one after another, and they were not allowed to live. They were sandwiched among the geniuses. I really envy and hate ah.

Qiu Xuanji's face darkened: "I shouldn't appear here, and neither should you. It seems that you and I have the same purpose, and we came here for the ancient qigong...Brother Dou, are you so close to the devil way?" ?”

Dou Qi smiled mysteriously and hid his hands in his black robe: "I'm bored. I came to see someone. This trip is not in vain...Brother Xuanji, in fact, most of us don't need to do this. Brother Wudu, just let those two women Just leave!"

"No, the two of them, I will kill them today. I am a member of the demonic way. If I want to kill people, I will kill them. Don't I have to choose a day?" The poisonous demon suddenly became arrogant, unlike him who was quite afraid of masters before.

"You..." Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu felt icy cold when they heard this.

Qiu Xuanji never expected that the Poisonless Demon Lord would suddenly become so powerful, how could he be subdued?As a master, it is about dignity, he took a step forward: "In front of me, can you kill my righteous friend?"


And just when the two peerless geniuses of the Demonic Way and the Righteous Way were about to fight, a force of space suddenly rolled up in the void where Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu were, and it came without any warning. Inhale the two frightened fairies Nalan Ziyan and Miaozhu into the void.


Qiu Xuanji, Wudu Mojun, the red-haired young man behind him, and Dou Qi, the four strong men were all shocked by this sudden space method, and silently, in front of such strong men as them, What kind of supernatural power is it for two living people to use their spatial supernatural powers to take them away?

"Non-poisonous are not small, you hurt my friend!"

In the silent void, seven figures gradually appeared in the void, the leader was Ye Yun, and Nalan Ziyan and Fairy Miaozhu stood behind in shock.

The Poisonless Demon Monarch went crazy in an instant: "It's you!!!"

"Brother Ye, you didn't die under the desert? Haha, haha..." Dou Qi laughed and shouted to the sky.

"Xumi Cave? When did you hear that such a genius disciple appeared in Xumi Cave? I only heard about Fairy Yaoxi, Fairy Li Yunyun, and Lin Yan and others..."

A large number of orthodox sect geniuses, as well as demon masters, all focused their attention on Ye Yun, as well as the master of the glazed light domain, Fairy Baiwei, Xin Wanling and Xin Wanling.

The red-haired young man from Mo Dao came out again and came to the side of Wudu Mojun: "This person... is not simple!"

"Boy, you are really lucky. Even the natural force of the huge desert can't kill you and let you come out alive. Okay, don't think that you can fight with me for a few rounds, and you will be arrogant. How many years have I been a non-poisonous demon king?" , I will kill you in front of everyone today!"

The non-poisonous demon king was reminded by the red-haired boy, and he wanted to eat Ye Yun even more. Suddenly, his aura was shocked, and his pupils showed a strange magic energy talisman. The aura of the talisman was perfectly integrated with the magic energy. It can definitely kill the fifth or even sixth-level powerhouse of the Immortal King.

This is the real method of the Poisonless Demon Lord!

As a top figure in the fairy world, who doesn't have a killer weapon against the sky, Dou Qi has the God of War transformation, and the non-poisonous demon king has such a strange magic light talisman in addition to the magic power and poisonous gas, even if Qiu Xuanji sees it, he is like facing an enemy. Quite shocked.

"It seems that it was very correct not to fight to the death with the non-poisonous devil rashly. This kind of devil genius definitely has the means to defy the sky. If he released this magic light talisman at that time, not only would I not be able to kill him, but I would really kill him." It's a situation where both sides suffer..."

Although Ye Yun was also shocked, he was not like the others. He had already sensed that the non-poisonous demon had hidden shocking methods. A genius like him must have had many adventures. He has the confidence to suppress the Poisonless Demon Lord, but with Ye Yun's current cultivation level, it is obviously almost impossible to kill the Poisonless Demon Lord.

Ye Yun's limit is the strength of the fourth to fifth rank of the Immortal King, but the magic light talisman of the non-poisonous Demon Lord has the power to fight against the fifth, sixth and even more unpredictable power of the Immortal King. The fourth-level strength of the Immortal King requires the use of real supernatural powers, which may attract the covetousness of Dou Qi, Qiu Xuanji, and the red-haired youth from the Tianmo Valley. With their cultivation level, they will definitely sense a special aura.

Then Ye Yun became the target of everyone's attack!

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