Quadruple Immortal Realm, Sumeru Immortal Realm.

Before Ye Yun's fourteen geniuses left, only a part of Xumi's disciples returned to Sumeru Immortal Realm, but today when they returned from the Nine Heavens Gate, almost half of the disciples in Sumeru Immortal Region came to Lingxu Pavilion, and Lingshan was everywhere. All the heads are surging, and every disciple is discussing and waiting.

A large number of psychic practitioners in Lingxu Pavilion have all appeared in history. From the first rank of Immortal King to the third and even fourth rank powerhouses, they gradually come from all directions. It is difficult to count the spiritual practitioners alone.

"This year's competition, another Emperor Ao was born...how many days will it take to return alive!"

In the camp of spiritual practitioners, Qiu Xunyan stood alone in the corner. Compared with the second- and third-level spiritual practitioners of the Immortal King, her status seemed a bit insignificant, and she was almost invisible.

"Snow Palace... Haoyi League... Shi Clan...Lingyun League...The alliance forces within these sects have sent people here early to recruit this batch of talented disciples!"

Qiu Xunyan looked lightly at the suppression ahead. Among the spiritual practitioners, they were also divided into several groups. These camps were all internal factions in Xumidongtian. For example, Wu Ji and a dozen male and female members of Xuedian were talking loudly, and many disciples went to Make friends, and other large and small parties are planning to win over geniuses.

Of course, these factions created by Gao Zhongxianjie as the highest disciples are not ordinary disciples, and they can join if they want to. Even if Qiu Xunyan is a psychic practitioner, his cultivation base is too weak, and it is impossible to join the big factions.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

Above the void, a beam of ancient mysterious light suddenly descended from the void, easily breaking through the astonishing barrier of Sumeru Immortal Territory, and all space formations and restrictions were disintegrated under the illumination of this ancient mysterious light.

Billions of disciples looked at the past with various eyes in an instant.

"Welcome to the geniuses who won the championship this year. They are Lin Yan, Yaoxi, Li Yunyun, Pang Xuan, Ye Yun, and the winner of this class is Junior Sister Yaoxi!"

Under the gaze of all the disciples, Guixu Daoist and Lingque Fairy and other high-level officials appeared first, and they immediately lined the road to welcome five geniuses who passed the nine-day bid-killing contest and successfully won the bid.

The five great geniuses, under the envy, envy and hatred of countless people, came out of the high-level of hundreds of spiritual masters. They are Ye Yun, Pang Xu, Lin Yan, Yao Xi, and Li Yunyun. Each of them is a star. Yiyi, it seems that only five people exist in the entire world of Lingxu Pavilion.

"Ye Yun...he actually succeeded?"

In the square of Lingxu Pavilion, there were two people who were both surprised and delighted, that is, Wu Ji from Xuedian, and Qiu Xunyan. There have been intersections, especially Qiu Xunyan, from Ye Yun's entry to the competition, she has witnessed step by step.

She really did not expect that Ye Yun would succeed.

The expressions of Wu Ji and Qiu Xunyan are like seeing a beggar, but suddenly they don't see each other for a few days, and suddenly they become big local tyrants and rich men.

It was all a sudden miracle created by Ye Yun, so they had no choice but to treat Ye Yun in this way.

Of course, apart from people like Ye Yun who knew Ye Yun, most of the other people also looked at Ye Yun with the same eyes. Ye Yun appeared, and some sharp-eyed disciples could tell that Ye Yun seemed to be of an unusual status.

The five returned like this, and were welcomed by all the disciples in a heroic manner. Of course, the internal forces of the sect who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward and began to communicate with the genius. Ordinary disciples were not qualified to approach them at all.

"Senior sister, let's find a secluded place to talk!"

Above the void, people's heads surged, and a large number of disciples rushed up to block the genius, but Ye Yun flashed, came to the corner, sent out a sound transmission, and disappeared.

Another beautiful figure flashed and disappeared, and passed through the passages of mysterious light. Two figures appeared in the void of a beautiful world where rivers intersected. They were Ye Yun and Fairy Lingque.

Fairy Lingque still has a soft and beautiful appearance, her temperament is as holy as a snow lotus, and she is free from court customs. She looked at Ye Yun suspiciously: "I think Xuedian really intends to win you over and train you, junior brother, choose a power to stand, It will be very beneficial to your future development in the sect!"

"Senior Sister said, of course I understand, but Xuedian is a power based on women, I don't care, as for other parties, they are also a bunch of third-rate, don't worry about this matter!"

Ye Yun turned around, grabbed it with a wave, and a seal appeared in front of Fairy Lingque, with a storage ring floating in it: "There are 20 catties of magnetic silver star sand in it, senior sister, if you still need magnetic silver Xingsha, you can come to me anytime, but don't open your mouth like a lion!"

When Fairy Lingque saw the storage ring, she stretched out her hand to grab it in an instant, and said in a graceful voice: "Hey, junior brother, you are really a wealthy landlord. No matter how you pick it up, you won't be able to clean it up..."


Who is Lao Cai, the landlord?Who is the robber?This is not very obvious, Ye Yun complained again and again, helplessly: "Senior sister, I have something to trouble you, I just need to introduce you, I hope my senior sister can help me introduce Junior Sister Wanhai to the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm. Help junior brother!"

"Wanhai, she is a sweet bun now. If she goes to the Gaozhong Immortal Realm, you must be mentally prepared. The Gaozhong Immortal Realm will fight openly and secretly, and there will be crises everywhere, especially like peerless men and peerless women. You are attracted by those genius disciples, do you like Junior Sister Wanhai?" After Fairy Lingque finished speaking, her eyes moved suddenly.

"Like it? If Senior Sister understands this way, then yes!"

Ye Yun smiled without saying a word, and did not continue to explain too much. He was quite wary of Fairy Lingque. This kind of person came from the high-level fairy world, had a huge party, and was an immortal emperor. Isn't he seeking skin from a tiger?

"Then senior sister will understand...!"

As expected of an immortal emperor, although Fairy Lingque is only an avatar, she still has a sharp gaze unmatched by ordinary people, and immediately responded with a smile: "Young brother has helped senior sister a lot, so don't worry about this small matter, it's just a matter of one sentence." , if Junior Sister Wanhai is very talented, I can introduce her to other parties and let her live temporarily, Senior Sister can see that you are not an ordinary person, and I hope you can step into the high-level fairyland step by step!"

"Senior sister...you are really smart, how about this, the younger brother will take out another [-] catties of magnetic silver star sand, and hope that the senior sister will be able to clear up the relationship in the Gaozhong Immortal Realm in the future. You don't need to be an umbrella, you just need to be able to talk in certain places, hello king It's hard to deal with little ghosts..."

Ye Yun grabbed the void again, and a storage ring flew towards Fairy Lingque.

"Are you... bribing me?" Fairy Lingque grasped the storage ring, her eyes suddenly brightened.

"Hehe, if Senior Sister thinks so, then consider me a bribe. It's my wish to bribe someone like Senior Sister, isn't it, Senior Sister?" Ye Yun smiled lightly.

"You, you, well, in the future, if you have anything to do, you can use the talisman to find the senior sister. I know that the five of you will enter the sixth-level fairyland soon, and I will arrange for Wanhai junior sister to enter the sixth-level fairyland with you!"


Fairy Ling Que is indeed an old spirit, making Ye Yun feel that her appearance and real means are completely different, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, watching Fairy Ling Que leave, Ye Yun suddenly felt uneasy. At least, once you go to Gaozhong Immortal Realm, things will be easy in many aspects.

Ye Yun immediately entered the Xuanguang Passage, and flew towards the dojo. He passed through a piece of land, and found that many dojos were empty. It seems that most of the disciples went to Lingxu Pavilion to watch the excitement.

After a few tens of breaths, Ye Yun flew out of the mysterious light passage, came to his dojo, made a magic seal, and entered the barrier.

"came back?"

A faint voice sounded in Ye Yun's ears, and Ye Yun immediately flew to the pavilion on the mountain, like a breeze entering the pavilion.

Wan Hai was walking down from the pavilion, and saw Ye Yun, with a touching smile on his indifferent face: "Breakthrough to the tenth rank of true immortal so soon? It seems that you are about to step into the great fairyland?"

"Well, I came back just to seize the time. Before you and I set foot in the high-level fairy world, we will increase our strength to the peak, and then you and I will go down to the world together. It will take almost a hundred years to visit my hometown!" Ye Yun They came to the stairs naturally, and when Wanhai came down, they left the pavilion together and went for a walk in the beautiful mountain stream.

The two naturally walked on the mountain road, and the fallen leaves swayed and fell by their shoulders. The mountain breeze exuded the fragrance of the soil, giving people an unprecedented comfort in body and mind. Wan Hai's eyes suddenly focused on Ye Yun's body: "I'm very curious, you In the breath, there is a misty space law breath, could it be... this time you went to participate in the Nine Heavens Winning the Prison Competition, what treasure did you get?"

"I really can't hide anything from you!"

With Wanhai Immortal King's ninth-level cultivation base, plus the strange supernatural power of being a body of the gods, he could see a huge change in Ye Yun's body at once. Ye Yun waved lightly: "Xiao Qian, come out and meet Sister Wanhai!"


As soon as Ye Yun spoke, a figure seemed to fly out impatiently. It was the bald, cute and chubby Xiaoqian. As soon as he came out, he rushed up and hugged Wanhai's thigh, like a baby nursing, coquettishly: " Sister Wanhai, you are so beautiful, like stars in the ocean, Xiaoqian likes you so much!"


Unexpectedly, before Wanhai opened his mouth, Ye Yun gave Xiaoqian a slap in the face, and his eyes were fierce: "Don't learn from the good ones, learn from the bad ones!"

"How do you beat the child? Xiaoqian, sister, look, does it hurt?"

As a result, Wanhai squatted down and began to care for Xiaoqian, just like the big sister next door, and gave Ye Yun a cold look, as if blaming Ye Yun for why he suddenly wanted to beat such a cute child as Xiaoqian.

"Xiaoqian knows... my brother is jealous!" Xiaoqian suddenly became ghostly, disappeared suddenly, and suddenly appeared behind Wanhai, pouted at Ye Yun.

"You're a little naughty bastard!"

Ye Yun really didn't expect that Turing Xiaoqian looks cute, but he is actually a ghost. After thinking about it, let the adults care about what the child said, so he changed the subject: "I want to find a place to break through the Great Fairyland , provide strength!"

Wan Hai asked: "I'm curious, can you break through the Great Immortal Realm and kill the Emperor of the Star Capital?"

"Kill him? Impossible!" The terrifying power of the Emperor of the Star Capital, until now, still makes Ye Yun's heart tremble. The Immortal Emperor is simply untouchable.

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