The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 684 Shocking the Immortal

The Emperor of the Star Capital was Ye Yun's first giant who could not even resist when he stepped into the fairy world.

Because, he is the Immortal Emperor.

The immortal emperor of the fairy world can live forever, a drop of blood can be revived, and a single thought, just like the sword of will of the emperor of Xingdu, is enough to kill any fairy king, almost all of them can exert their will from the high-level fairy world. The power to kill the powerful enemy in the lower immortal world.

No matter how many years Wan Hai has lived in the Ocean of Tears, he has been missed by the Emperor of the Star Capital for so many years, chasing and killing him again and again.

Of course, Ye Yun is also thinking about the Star Capital Emperor, an immortal emperor who is naked and trapped, how much Ye Yun wants to break through to the high rank of the Immortal King or the Immortal Emperor, and immediately go to the Ocean of Tears to refine the Star Capital Emperor, become the strongest.

It's a pity how difficult it is to kill an immortal emperor.

"Wanwan, don't worry, the Emperor of the Star City will not be able to jump for a few days. With his cultivation speed, he will be able to step into the Immortal Emperor, and it will take a thousand years to calculate. As long as he is promoted to the Immortal Emperor, he can kill him, and then I will help you. The secret of the shell was finally cracked, and I always felt that the divine shell was extraordinary, and with your appearance, I always felt that with the improvement of my cultivation, once I learned the secret of the divine shell in the future, it would surprise both of you and me!"

Ye Yun turned to look at Wanhai, thinking of Wanhai's countless years of torture in the Ocean of Tears, he couldn't bear it.

Wan Hai was quite embarrassed, and seemed to have noticed Ye Yun's sudden change of mood, and his voice was like a gossamer: "I can't wait to learn the secret of the divine shell, know my true identity, and the reason of the lower realm. Worried about him, if you can do something within the divine shell, you and I can't shake the divine shell, so in this fairy world, is there anyone else who can crack the divine shell?"

"Sooner or later he's going to die!"

Ye Yun and Wanhai were walking in the depths of the forest, with faint sunlight shining on their faces, and suddenly looked at Turing Xiaoqian, who had been holding hands with Wanhai, bouncing all the way: "Xiaoqian, find the nearest coordinates in Sumeru Immortal Domain, Desolate land, I want to cross the catastrophe!"


Xiaoqian saw a piece of starlight spewed out from his eyes, blending into the vast space, his pupils became empty, like the sky, with countless star points flickering, almost three breaths, Xiaoqian returned to normal: "I found it, let's go now ?”

"Right now!" Ye Yun was decisive.

"Although I'm just Turing, not the god figure, I can still travel through space..." Xiaoqian murmured to himself inexplicably, and Ye Yun and Wanhai were shocked by the changes that followed.

What a powerful barrier in Sumeru Immortal Territory, a huge world of formations, various formations and restraints are blessed layer by layer, but Ye Yun and Wanha discovered that any restriction will naturally have a gap, like a space-time corridor, deep Bottomless, without even blinking, a world of endless extinct volcanoes appeared in front of you in an instant.

Why did he suddenly go from Sumeru Immortal Territory to this vast and lifeless barren world?

Ye Yun and Wan Hai looked at each other, except for Jing Tong and Jing Tong, they didn't sense any energy aura, as if it just came out of nowhere.

"Brother, sister Wanhai, what is such a small distance, it's a pity that Xiaoqian is not here, otherwise, you can come and go freely from the fourth level fairy world to the fifth level fairy world, from the ninth level fairy world to the first level fairy world, at most you can take a breather Time! Hehe! Xiaoqian is amazing!" Xiaoqian put his hands on his hips, as if he had made a great achievement, and proudly showed off.

"Excellent, it seems that we must find a way to get the Daqian Shentu from that mysterious time and space..."

In an instant, Ye Yun really looked at Xiao Qian differently. The complete Daqian God Map Turing ability completely surpassed imagination and broke the rules.

Of course he has two pieces of Turing, no matter the speed or power, he is inferior to Xiaoqian. If Ye Yun had the complete Turing in the Almighty Sect Holy Island Dharma Realm, how many priests and baptism powers could be stolen from the Almighty Sect? .

Undoubtedly, the complete Turing is definitely a magic weapon for sneaking in and escaping. For Ye Yun, adding wings to a tiger is just a timely rain.

Wanhai had already unlocked part of the seal at this time, and the high-level power from the Immortal King allowed her to feel every move of the vast territory: "This place is really barren, the volcanic movement is over, it is lifeless, there is no aura, and there are tens of thousands of miles around. The terrain is enough for you to break through the Great Wonderland!"

"I snatched a lot of good things from the Gate of Nine Heavens, hundreds of Void Essence Fruits, a fourth-order peak energy seed of the Immortal King, and a Daluo Jinxian Talisman that can fight against the sixth-order Immortal King... I need a lot of energy for this great immortal calamity , the energy seed that just won the bid can be provided!"

Ye Yun felt the infinite nature, the emptiness of aura, and it really wasn't a place to cross the catastrophe, but he just happened to have energy seeds and energy balls in his body, enough to cross the catastrophe, he looked at Wanhai: "Wanwan, you enter the Nine Dragon Ring, Take Xiaoqian to practice together, divinity is also a rare energy for Xiaoqian, and when I succeed in breaking the calamity, I will go in and find you!"


Wan Hai is not a mother-in-law or mother-in-law, as Ye Yun's true energy stimulated, a golden halo appeared, Wan Hai led Xiaoqian into the divine halo in an instant, and the halo poured into Ye Yun's chest.

"The domain of Shenluo, infinitely extended..."

Finally ready to cross the catastrophe, Ye Yun sat cross-legged in the void and activated the Shenluo Domain. Immediately, the domain spread like a flood, rushing towards extinct volcanoes.

The entire land is black and gray, and volcanic ash is piled up on the surface. If someone walks on it, they may be trapped in the ash layer. The cold wind is blowing, like a storm is coming.

"Let it burn!"

The Taiyi God Furnace appeared, and Ye Yun started to activate the Taiyi God Furnace. With a snort, the Taiyi God Furnace burst into flames, absorbing all the energy in the field in an instant, and the Taiyi God Furnace absorbed natural energy. Ye Yun knew that the Great Immortal Calamity requires tremendous energy. After crossing the calamity, energy is needed to fill the body even more, so he took out a large amount of fairy stones and put them into the sacred furnace to burn.

For immortals, immortal stones are the basic energy provider and the first choice for cultivation, and Ye Yun is no exception.

Looking at it now, the Taiyi God Furnace is burning, as if it is the only surviving volcano in the volcano group, burning fiercely and creating energy.

Ye Yun was not in a hurry to release the sea of ​​energy immediately, to cross the catastrophe, he had to store energy, and only when he reached a certain level did he start breaking the catastrophe, breaking the catastrophe in one fell swoop.

"The meaning of this Nine Heavens Winning Prison Contest is self-evident to me... When I am free, I will go to Lianyun Immortal Sect to find Nalan Ziyan. The Nalan family and I have been destined to be involved since we got the Nine Dragon Ring! I I also want to know what kind of person Senior Nalanjie was, and whether he has left more information about the Nine Dragon Ring!"

While absorbing the energy, Ye Yun was thinking about the next steps. Of course, the first step is to enter the Sixth Level Immortal Realm, and then go to Leiyin Mountain to find Xin Wanling, and go down to the Realm together. After returning to the Immortal Realm, develop the Holy Dragon Party, etc. After finishing, Ye Yun can go to Nalan Ziyan.

With the continuous improvement of his cultivation, Ye Yun found that the pressure and burden would be picked up at once. In the future, he would not only fight openly and secretly with various forces in Xumi Cave, but also go out to establish the Holy Dragon Party. Fortunately, he Stepping into the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm at once, at least you can start directly from a high-level fairyland like the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm to establish the Holy Dragon Party.

The current highest cultivator of the Holy Dragon Party is Shu Yuanhao from the Fifth Level Immortal Realm. His development in the Fifth Level Immortal Realm is not very good, and everything will eventually fall on Ye Yun's shoulders.


Suddenly, Ye Yun's big Luo Jie moved slightly, there was no doubt that someone from Xumi Cave was looking for him.

"Brother Ye, are you not in the dojo?"

When Ye Yun took out the token, a thought flashed on it, and it was Pang Xuan's anxious and doubtful voice coming from the Sumeru Immortal Realm.

Ye Yun used the special formation in the token, and said calmly: "Brother Pang, I will only return to the dojo in about ten years, can you ask me for something? Is it because the high-level sect has decided on the time limit for our five disciples to enter the sixth level of immortality?

After a few breaths, it seemed that after some teleportation, Pang Xuan's voice sounded from the token: "Brother, you can guess right away, the high-level of Lingxu Pavilion has passed a resolution, and we will work in the near future, that is, decades. We are about to go to the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm, and the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm is under construction, once we are promoted, we will receive key training from the sect, and Junior Sister Yaoxi is lucky enough to directly step into the Nine Layer Immortal Realm and become a direct disciple!"

Ye Yun was stunned: "Fairy Yaoxi actually became the emperor's direct disciple? Doesn't it mean that only the No.1 in the competition is eligible to enter the Nine Layer Immortal Realm and become the emperor's direct disciple?"

For Fairy Yaoxi, Ye Yun felt that this girl was an ice beauty, she seemed to have similar cultivation level as Pang Xuan, but she also contained mysterious means, otherwise she would not surpass other geniuses in Sumeru Cave, but Ye Yun never thought about it, Fairy Yaoxi will become the emperor's direct disciple.

Pang Xuan's voice came quickly, and he was quite puzzled: "No one knows what's going on... However, it was reported by the senior officials of Lingxu Pavilion that Junior Sister Yaoxi seemed to have obtained an extraordinary ancient treasure in the Nine Heavens Gate this time. , was favored by the Supreme Emperor, and he was immediately accepted as a direct disciple, and I heard that the treasure is a treasure left in the lower realm by a mysterious force in the fairy world!"

"It seems that my Da Luo Jin Immortal Physique is not as good as the treasure obtained by Yaoxi... Sure enough, the Gate of Nine Heavens is really a place where miracles are created. Yaoxi was originally a genius who can surpass billions of disciples. Think about it Sumeru Cave's billions of disciples are all dragons and phoenixes among men!"

Ye Yun thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Brother Pang, I didn't expect that in our class, there would be such a big shot as Yao Xi, who passed on his own disciple. It seems that Yao Xi's current status is not even comparable to Senior Sister Ling Que's!"

"I haven't had much socialization with Junior Sister Ling Que, but Lin Yan and the others have quite a relationship...Brother, come back earlier, and now many party envoys want to see you. I heard that the Shi family is very interested in you!"

After a while, Pang Xuan's voice completely disappeared.

"The Shi family? Shi Chennian, he still misses me? When Su Wen stepped into the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm and entered the Snow Palace, he would definitely be made things difficult by the Shi Family. After stepping into the Sixth Layer Immortal Realm, the competition with all forces will become more intense. !"

Ye Yun pondered for a while, then his eyes froze, and he began to prepare to release the sea of ​​energy and prepare to cross the catastrophe.

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