The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 685 Shocking the Immortal


Following Ye Yun's two-handed seal, there was a vast amount of zhenqi in his body, and a large amount of sealed qi sea was released one by one. The zhenqi was like a tiger coming out of the cage and began to howl.

The aura formed by the powerful momentum wrapped around Ye Yun, and the aura turned into flames, burning blazingly, and the huge Shenluo domain also began to tremble with a boom.

As the real power of the eruption erupted, over the desolate world, black evil spirits gradually gushed out and condensed in the void. Ye Yun saw that the catastrophe was slowly forming. He was not in a hurry, and continued to control the Shenluo domain, absorbing it crazily The energy of heaven and earth is ready to cross the catastrophe.

The formation of Heavenly Tribulation, following Ye Yun's burst of strength, did not come violently, but it seemed like countless trickles gathered in the ocean, slowly condensing into the world of Heavenly Tribulation.

In fact, the evil spirit is heavily suppressing the heavens and the earth, suppressing the Shenluo domain. Gradually, in the void of the evil spirit in the sky, a dark red calamity cloud finally emerges, churning and coming, overwhelming people, as if in the dark red calamity cloud. The head is about to be born, making people restless and breathless.

Soon the dark red calamity cloud formed an aura that covered the sky and the sun, and countless gale winds and calamity fires also descended, as if the end of the world was coming.

Time and time again, the wind swept away the remnants of the clouds, and the violent storm of the strong wind was comparable to the terrifying space storm at the Gate of Nine Heavens. Flying across the sky, it seems to be looking for a target, carrying out high-altitude kills.

"The Great Immortal Tribulation was originally a great catastrophe for an immortal, and my Great Immortal Tribulation is so fierce, but to me, it must be broken. The Heavenly Tribulation is powerful, and it is not as perverted as a puppet guardian. It can simulate strength and change the sky. Jie, Daxian Jie, I, Ye Yun, are here!"

Ye Yun immediately stood up and floated in the domain world. The energy seeds and energy balls in his body were all ready. In addition, there were also hidden powers such as Taiyi God Furnace and Golden Elixir. Even if the great immortal calamity needed vast energy, it was enough .

In order to break through the Great Immortal Tribulation, Ye Yun had already prepared massive amounts of energy!


Immediately, I saw that the Heavenly Tribulation Sky, which was rolling and spinning like a stage tornado, appeared a series of tribulation thunders, followed by densely packed, thunderous sounds.


The first catastrophe appeared, and with the turbulence of the catastrophe, the first catastrophe was stripped from the sky of the sky, directly following the movement of the catastrophe, including the fire, the wind, etc., accompanied by the dark red catastrophe Under the guidance of Jie Lei, Yun, like an angry beast, swept down towards Ye Yun.

"It's powerful, it's comparable to the power of ordinary true immortals, tenth-order immortals, and six or seven heavenly tribulations...Sacred Light Spear, stab them all to pieces!"

In an instant, Ye Yun mobilized the true energy in his body, condensed a holy spear of light with a length of [-] meters, and stabbed it with a flick of his hand.

Bang, Chi Chi!

The holy spear of light pierced into the first heavenly catastrophe, and a dazzling explosion erupted immediately. All kinds of fire, thunder, and clouds vibrated with each other, and with the power of the holy gun of light, they finally disintegrated with the explosion.

The first catastrophe passed so easily. Of course, the condensed true energy of the Holy Spear of Light was ten times that of Ye Yun's usual condensation. Otherwise, it would not have been so powerful to shatter the first catastrophe.


As the first catastrophe shattered, Ye Yun saw drops of fist-heavy rain falling from the catastrophe cloud. This is not a joke, Ye Yun rarely encounters catastrophe rain when crossing catastrophe.


Seeing that the calamity rain became more and more dense, and finally formed a storm. With the strong wind pouring down, Ye Yun immediately displayed a defensive aura, like a bubble protecting Ye Yun's real body. At this time, the calamity rain fell all over the sky up.


One after another, the catastrophe rain fell on the defensive aura, and Ye Yun felt that in the catastrophe rain, there was an evil spirit that could freeze any real energy, and there was also an aura that could cut any real energy, falling on the defense, Ye Yun The physical body shook violently, and the calamity rain gathered one by one to form evil ice, which was about to freeze the defensive layer, and when the breath was cut, it began to tear the frozen evil ice.

That is to say, if Jie Yu really freezes Ye Yun, it will also be cut by force, turning into pieces of ice, which will eventually fall apart.


At this time, the second catastrophe was also formed, unlike the previous catastrophe, which was formed by the condensation of countless catastrophe qi, but like the first catastrophe, it was cut from the rolling cloud of catastrophe, forming two terrifying The burning dark red power of Heavenly Tribulation was about to bombard Ye Yun.

"One drop of calamity rain is terrifying, but the combination of so many calamity just wants to exhaust my true energy..."

Ye Yun felt that his aura was getting weaker and weaker, and his energy was constantly being consumed by Jie Yu's evil ice. As a last resort, he could only use more powerful zhenqi to strengthen his defense, otherwise Ye Yun would be the unlucky one if Jie Yu went on.

"The Sun Sword of the Promise God!"

The defense got more energy blessings, and finally formed a stalemate with Jie Yu, and Ye Yun grabbed it with his hand, condensed a handle of the Wuji God Sun Sword, stared at the two heavenly disasters, and fell with a bang. Yun immediately mobilized more zhenqi, his eyes fixed on the two catastrophes coming down.


Ye Yun's aura froze, and his true energy kept gushing out. When the two cataclysms fell into the air, he immediately swung the Wuji God Sun Sword in his hand, and released the thunder and light sword energy one after another, to cut off all things. Swing towards the two catastrophes.


chi chi ~!

Every time the thunder and light sword qi strikes two heavenly catastrophes, part of the power of the heavenly catastrophe is released. Ye Yun swung dozens of swords continuously, forming a storm of thunder and light sword energy. .


The storm of thunder and light sword energy is simply a beast. The scene of a beast against a beast is shocking enough. The two catastrophes and the storm of thunder and light sword energy begin to entangle, erupt, oscillate, and finally disperse everywhere.

"The second catastrophe consumes a lot of power... The third catastrophe is forming so quickly!"

Even if Ye Yun's body is in the Nine Heavens Gate, absorbing a large amount of blood energy from the blood-colored space, he can deal with two catastrophes, and he has to deal with the catastrophe rain, and almost a third of them are consumed. It is unbelievable that the Great Immortal Tribulation is not only ferocious, but also consumes too much power .

Heavenly Tribulation is so naked, without strength, it will take advantage of your illness to kill you, Heavenly Tribulation is not fancy, it is formed by the agglomeration of various forces, it will not show mercy to immortals.


Sure enough, the third heavenly tribulation came one after another. The power of the three heavenly tribulations was stripped from the sky and quickly formed. Compared with the first two heavenly tribulations, the volume was much larger, and the power increased to a dreadful level.


It was amazing true energy again, pouring into the Wuji Shensun Sword, in the state of destroying the second heavenly calamity, it is impossible to deal with the third heavenly calamity, the power of the heavenly calamity is changing, and Ye Yun must also inject more energy.


After the Wuji God Sun Sword gathered a large amount of power, the Lightning Sword Qi was erupting, and Ye Yun directly slashed out one after another sword art to the void, and a storm ball of Lightning Sword Qi formed, heading towards the third level and three heavenly catastrophes. Fighting in the opposite direction, the aura released by the sword qi storm ball is enough to kill the immortal king.

When others cross the Great Immortal Tribulation, the Heavenly Tribulation is at most at the level of a Great Immortal, but Ye Yun's crossing the Great Immortal Tribulation is so heaven-defying!

"Boom boom boom..."

The storm of thunder and light sword energy rushed up, intercepting the three heavenly tribulations that had just fallen in the void, and suddenly, the void thunder and light sword energy crisscrossed, like a cutting machine began to attack the third heavenly tribulation.


At this moment, Ye Yun didn't pay attention to the large amount of burning fire coming from the power of heaven and earth, but when he fell into the defense, he found that he and Jie Yushabing attacked each other, forming a terrifying black power. It directly corroded the defense layer of Ye Yun's body.

"There is such a strange power???"

Ye Yun's eyes were wide open, his face was incredible, he couldn't believe that the new Heavenly Tribulation power combined with Jiehuo and Jieyu was even more powerful and weird, like magic or poisonous gas, directly corroding the defense layer.

This made Ye Yun complain endlessly, which was equivalent to doubling his defensive power. For him, the pressure was increasing crazily again, and the energy in his body was almost consumed.

Fortunately, in the void, the power of the sword qi storm completely crushed the third level and the three heavenly tribulations, cut them into pieces and went away with the strong wind.

And in the depths of the Heavenly Tribulation, the fourth Heavenly Tribulation began to be stripped out, and the larger and more powerful Four Heavenly Tribulations appeared so suddenly.

Fortunately, Ye Yun has experienced catastrophes time and time again, and he has been ambitious for a long time, and he stimulated a large amount of true energy in his body to penetrate into the Wuji God Sun Sword. The sword energy exploded again, Ye Yun used the sword art, and the Wuji God Sun Sword was released It came out, constantly churning and whirling in the void, and soon a huge storm of sword energy appeared.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fourth heavenly catastrophe came rolling down, with the wind and storm, like four big tornadoes, more than five times more powerful than the third heavenly catastrophe, descending directly along the void, but in Before the void could be too presumptuous, it was hit head-on by the storm of sword energy shot by Ye Yun.

Shhh, shhhh~!

All of a sudden, the sound of sword energy cutting all over the sky was heard.

In the void, the Thunder Light Sword Qi began to erupt, and countless Thunder Light Sword Qi and the four Heavenly Tribulations began to fight each other, biting each other, and no one backed down a step. As a result, the void space was almost shattered. It was really the power of Ye Yun and the power of Heavenly Tribulation They have all reached the point of surpassing the Immortal King.

At the same time, Ye Yun released a large amount of zhenqi, continued to strengthen the body protection defense, and dealt with the terrifying power of the fusion of calamity rain and calamity fire. This kind of catastrophe power seemed not as direct and fierce as the power of catastrophe, but it was the one that really consumed energy. With the power of catastrophe, Ye Yun didn't want to be directly corrupted by the power of catastrophe.

The aura of the body protection has strengthened and gained more blessings of true energy, but Ye Yun is in great pain. Almost half of the strength of the four heavenly tribulations has been consumed. There will be a new cataclysmic force coming suddenly, for Ye Yun, if he is not prepared before.

Now it's about to end up in a mess.

The fourth heavenly tribulation was quickly disintegrated under Ye Yun's powerful sword energy, but what made Ye Yun frown was that the fifth heavenly tribulation was peeling off again.

He really didn't let Ye Yun have a second to rest.

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